Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Abolished After 1

“Nie Yinglan, now you have lost your position as queen, your son has been deposed as a prince, and your parents and clansmen have been thrown into the heavenly prison for three days, and you will be beheaded. The emperor outside Qing’an Palace has never seen you, this time in this palace, we will see how you can turn over!”

Ying Lan heard a string of sharp female voices just after she merged with the soul, and she knew her identity after flipping through the memory of the soul a little – one of the four concubines, the soft concubine, who used to be in As the Queen’s Split Soul, she has always been submissive and humble in front of her. Now that the Queen is down, she is the first to jump out.

I don’t know whether to call her smart or stupid. Before I said stupid, she had no flaws in her behavior in front of the queen. Say smart, what’s the point of taunting a deposed queen at this time? mean?

There was a surge of anger in her heart, which was a soul-splitting emotion, Yinglan’s heart that had not fluctuated for tens of thousands of years couldn’t help but feel a little anger, she suddenly opened her eyes to look at the person who came, and shouted: “Go away. !”

Concubine Rou froze all over her body, her face was pale, her mind was buzzing for a while, her eyes were full of fear, and she couldn’t even dare to breathe when she opened her mouth.

“Let’s go…” It’s just a moment but it feels like a lifetime. Concubine Rou, who is facing the coercion, feels like the cold air is scraping through every bone. .

“Hu-” It was not until she left Fengqi Palace that Concubine Rou let out a long sigh of relief, and then realized that she was soaked all over and her underwear was sticking to her body. In the day of the month, I actually felt cold through my heart.

I just don’t know if she pretended to be out before, or if she had a big change and her whole person changed.

But no matter what, it’s none of her business. Nie Yinglan has fallen into the dust, and it’s not worth her trouble. It’s her fault that she can’t swallow Nie Yinglan for three years before she thinks about it. Come over to mock her, but she didn’t want to be startled for nothing.

Recommend Yu’s previous feelings were too unforgettable, Concubine Rou didn’t dare to face Nie Yinglan at all, she only thought silently in her heart that she would arrange for someone to take care of her after she went back. In the palace, it is too easy to want a deposed queen who has lost power to suffer.

“Master, where do you feel uncomfortable?” Concubine Rou and her party were frightened away, and the maid in blue who had been kneeling before rushed to the bed to ask. She looked twenty-four or five, with a handsome face and a big slap print on her face. Although she tried her best to remain calm, her eyes inevitably showed confusion and fear about the future.

She went out, and she was the only one who stayed here as always.

“I’ll tell her to pay you back for this slap.” Ying Lan closed her eyes and said, “Go down, I’ll sleep for a while.”

“But, Master, you haven’t had a drop of water all day.” Chunying persuaded worriedly, “This servant has cooked porridge, why don’t you drink some and sleep.”

The stomach growled at the right time, Ying Lan lowered her head and glanced at it, she suddenly realized that mortals must eat to maintain their vitality. It turns out that this feeling of craving in the abdomen is hunger. “Then use some.” Ying Lan said.

“Yes, the servants will bring it right away, the porridge is still warm.” Chunying said happily, and hurried out to serve the porridge.

Seeing that she was so happy that she almost bumped into the door frame, Ying Lan blinked, sat up silently, and tried to walk a few steps before she was out of breath. The body of a mortal is unbearably heavy, and it was easier than this when he put on the armor that weighed 88,000 kilograms when fighting against the demons. Ying Lan took a deep breath, and sure enough, there was no spiritual energy in the air.

“Master,” Chunying came back quickly, seeing her standing staggeringly, hurriedly putting down the tray in her hand, and stepped forward to help her sit at the table, “You haven’t eaten for a day. , the slaves only made some clear porridge, so as not to hurt the stomach.”

Ying Lan said “um” and stopped talking, checking her memory while eating. This sub-soul has the same name as hers, but with an additional surname, called Nie Yinglan.

Nie Yinglan was born in the Nie family, a noble family in the south, and occupied a place at the beginning of the troubled times, but his father was only one daughter, Nie Yinglan, who only wanted to protect himself and had no intention of competing for the world.

In the future, the world will be three-thirds. The current emperor Zhao Yewei was the last of the three at that time. Eight years ago, he went to the Nie family to ask for Nie Yinglan’s marriage, and promised that he would become emperor in the future Nie Yinglan will be the queen, and the son of the two will inherit the throne as the crown prince.

The head of the Nie family, Nie Yongnian, the father of Nie Yinglan, really loves his daughter. Although the latter position is good, he has no intention of using his daughter for power.

Not at all useful.

However, Zhao Yewei was able to go from a small county gatekeeper to the emperor’s position, with extraordinary scheming and tactics. Before asking for marriage, he had secretly contacted Nie Yinglan and won her favor.

Although Nie Yongnian had a lot of concerns, in the end he was reluctant to love his daughter, so he had no choice but to marry. And Zhao Yewei got the help of the Nie family and became the leader of the three forces.

, However, in today’s world, under the circumstances of ability, how many men can really guard a woman’s life? What’s more, this man still holds a lot of power, and he is about to win the world.

By the third year, Zhao Yewei had destroyed one of the three forces, and the remaining party was only lingering on, and it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed.

So in order to appease the generals in the left sentence, and to win the leading figure among the literati in the right sentence, Zhao Yewei had a room after room of concubines, and he didn’t even bother to find an excuse. Directly ask Nie Yinglan to place all kinds of beauties for him.

Nie Yinglan was hurt, cried, and finally smoothed the edges and corners, buried the love she thought she had, and became a standard “virtuous wife” and later “virtuous queen”, The only one in his heart is his parents’ clan, and the other is his son Zhao Yanghua, who was born in the second year of marriage.

It’s a pity that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not enough. Even if she has no intention to compete with others, many people regard her as a roadblock. After the founding of the country, the beauty in the palace is more than one year , all of them are staring at her queen and her son’s crown prince!

After all, it is a country of thousands of miles, and it is so close to the position that it seems that you have to reach out.

The result of being tired of coping is rapid aging, even though he is only twenty-six years old, he looks like he is in his thirties and forties.

In the past, the inclination of the Nie family could control the general trend of the world. Now that eight years have passed, Zhao Yewei realizes that the world has been settled. He has long forgotten all the efforts of the Nie family, and even started slowly He felt that he had been wronged when he went to Nie’s family to ask for a marriage. It was Nie Yongnian who forced him to marry his daughter and make his grandson the crown prince.

The idea of Zhao Yewei slowly came out in front of Nie Yinglan. Nie Yinglan was stunned by his bizarre idea. At this time, she was surprised to find that the man who once had the world in mind and was extraordinary It had already changed beyond recognition, and she never knew that he was so dissatisfied with her, her father, and the Nie family.

Under a strong sense of crisis, Nie Yinglan wanted to contact her father and said everything to make him take precautions, but it was too late. Zhao Yewei has been secretly suppressing the Nie family for the past few years. At that time, he simply listed the top ten crimes of the Nie family in one fell swoop, and imprisoned Nie Yongnian in one fell swoop. The whole family was convicted and sentenced to be executed three days later. At the same time, Nie Yinglan and Zhao Yanghua were abolished.

Nie Yinglan didn’t need to be the queen, she didn’t need her own life, she knelt and begged outside Qing’an Palace for a whole day for the life of her son and family, but Zhao Yewei couldn’t even face Not once, until she fell on her knees and fainted.

When she felt the pull of her soul, Nie Yinglan thought that her time had come. Because of her concern for her family, her resentment towards the emperor and the people behind him, she strongly resisted leaving and finally broke free that strength.

Yinglan was born a goddess, and has risen to the top for tens of thousands of years. There is no progress in power, and almost a demon is generated.

Thousands of years ago, he was instructed by Tianzun to incarnate three thousand incarnations and experience in the world. The thousand years are fleeting. Yinglan received his work and prepared to digest the three thousand incarnations, but unexpectedly found that there were some incarnations outside the body. Nie Yinglan was one of them who refused to return.

Pinch points out that these incarnations are of great importance, Yinglan hurriedly came to this small world without thinking about the consolidation and retreat, and was encountering Nie Yinglan’s saddest and despairing time.

I want to rescue my parents and clansmen, let my son live in peace, and let the treacherous emperor suffer the consequences.

Nie Yinglan understood her origin at that moment. She obediently merged into the main soul, but her inner obsession was never eliminated. Jumping out, disturbing Yinglan’s mood.

Ying Lan can choose to leave without the thought of splitting the soul, and slowly eliminate this emotion that belongs to splitting the soul in the future, but this idea was rejected by her only for a moment.

What’s more, what she lacks now is the experience of the world, how can she know that her arrival here today is not a kind of WTO entry?

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