Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 177

Chapter 176: Gu Master Princess 10

When Emperor Hongsheng was restricted to the point of doubting his life, Ying Lan had already left the National Teacher’s Mansion and started to set up a Gu Master Academy.

After so many years of study and research, as well as the new and old emperors and the ministers who volunteered to test for her, she has now integrated Gu and medical skills into one.

It can be used to prolong life, strengthen the body, and control the cost to the average person. It is time to teach it.

Although I haven’t deliberately managed my own reputation these years, but with the old emperor as a living sign, Yinglan’s medical skills are still highly respected, and the newly opened academy soon fills up However, only three days after the school started, half of these students were scared away.

For ordinary people, it is too difficult for them to be in the company of snakes, worms, rats, and ants, not to mention that most of these people are children.

But Ying Lan is not discouraged, she can live in this world for a long time, and one day she can transform it into what she wants.

The most curious thing about later generations when they study history is the Feng Dynasty. From the feudal dynasty where imperial power is supreme, the style of painting suddenly changed to a relatively democratic cabinet system, and even extended used modern.

The most important thing is that there was no bloodshed during the period, and the power was smoothly transferred from the emperor to the cabinet members, as if the emperor voluntarily handed it over.

If you give up such a big right, you will give up. Although Emperor Hongsheng did not do any outstanding deeds, he is still known as one of the greatest kings in history. As for the truth of the facts, Under the burial of time, only those who have experienced it themselves will know.

In addition, during the reign of Emperor Hongsheng, there was a mysterious national teacher who was praised by people. Later generations recorded many of her deeds. For example, she improved grains and lost countless lives.

For example, she was the ancestor who created the medical gu technique, which not only improved the physical quality of the people at that time, but also increased their average lifespan to 80 years old, and researched better for future generations. The body-strengthening drugs laid the foundation.

There are so many legends that people can’t guess her origin, but her contributions to human beings make people hold her on the altar and admired by future generations.

Yinglan lived to be a hundred years old in the last life, and she closed her eyes peacefully when the whole country was heading in the direction she expected.

I came to the new world non-stop, but this world seems to be less friendly than the last one.

Before she entered her new body, she felt countless forces rampage in her body, as if she was going to be torn to pieces, and then burst out to wreak havoc everywhere.

Rao, with the strength of her soul, also felt that kind of bone-piercing pain, and almost didn’t groan.

And the worst thing is that she found that these powers are also full of countless malicious powers, those evil powers tempted her soul and wanted her to sink with them.

The soul of this small world has been too miserable, right? What kind of ruthless person would be so cruel to her?

Ying Lan sympathized with the soul (also herself), and tried her best to restrain her mind and fight against these evil forces.

However, these powers are too strong, and her strength is suppressed to the extreme, she can’t do anything about them for the time being, she can only suppress them temporarily.

I don’t know how long it took before Ying Lan pressed them on her left arm with difficulty.

How to say? She seldom suffered such a big loss. She originally wanted to find fault, and planned to see who dared to bully her like this, and then “repay” it well.

But after seeing those memories, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because this split soul will end up like this, everything can be said to be self-inflicted.

In this world, her name is Shu Yinglan, and her specific origins are no longer available. Ever since she can remember, she has been in Changgan Palace, practicing with her master.

Changgan Palace sounds very decent, but it is a real magic palace. It advocates the supremacy of strength. There is not much affection between the master and the disciples, and between the brothers and sisters.

Her master and Tong Laomo originally had a total of 108 disciples, and there was no fight between the brothers and sisters. They were raised like a gu, and only three survived. Disciple, Shu Yinglan is the youngest among them.

Growing up in this environment, her character can be imagined, she does not have the feelings of ordinary people, she is cruel and bloodthirsty, killing people without blinking an eye, and killing people is a common thing.

Later, she killed the master and two brothers, took over the Changgan Palace by herself, and became the new demon master, known as the ancestor of Yinglan.

After gaining power, Shu Yinglan continued the **** rule of Tong Lao Mo, and if the people under her hands angered her a little, she would be absorbed by her flesh and soul together with the devil energy Lose.

However, she did not accept as many apprentices as the master, but only one.

After she led people to slaughter a mortal village, she did not kill a five-year-old child hidden in a water tank on a whim, but took it back as an apprentice.

Although this boy named Shu Tianrui is the only apprentice of the Demon Lord of Changgan Palace, Shu Yinglan doesn’t care about him at all on weekdays. Very unfriendly, he grew up being bullied.

‘s practice.

From Ying Lan’s point of view, this apprentice must hate his so-called master. After all, she killed his whole family and all the relatives in the entire village.

In addition, he allowed him to be bullied by others, and he was not very dedicated to teaching him cultivation.

But Shu Yinglan didn’t think so, she thought she spared his life, and took him back to the magic palace as an apprentice, and taught him to practice to escape from the mortal body, which gave him greatness The favor, so he should do things for her and obey her commands.

After Shu Tianrui’s cultivation became a small success, she sent him to the secret realm to intercept the cultivator of the righteous path. Unexpectedly, he not only failed to complete the task, but also developed feelings for the daughter of the first sect of the righteous path.

Shu Yinglan was furious, and after punishing him severely, he was ready to kill the woman himself, so that his thoughts were gone.

After returning home, Shu Yinglan vented her anger on her apprentice, beat him to the brim with bruises, and ordered him to be imprisoned in Heifengya.

The potion for cultivation and the magic weapon for enhancing combat power.

With these cultivation bases, Shu Tianrui has grown rapidly, and he can do more and more things. Shu Yinglan is very satisfied and brought him with him during a conspiracy against the righteous path.

, on the contrary, it fermented deeper and deeper.

, had to flee in embarrassment.

Shu Yinglan suffered such a big loss. Of course, she will not let go of the culprit. As soon as she escapes danger, she plans to execute him on the spot. He was injured, and shot down this Shen Xianya.

Shen Xianya claims that even immortals can’t get over it, whether it’s a cultivator in the tribulation period or a demon cultivator in the demon period, they can’t fly after falling here, and Shu Yinglan is no exception.

She sank all the way to the bottom of the cliff. Although she did not die immediately with her tenacious body, all her internal organs were severely injured, her bones were broken, the demon baby was broken, and it was difficult to even move a finger.

Afterwards, the evil force at the bottom of the cliff also tried desperately to drill into her body, tearing at her body and demon soul. At this time, a force from another dimension began to summon her, but she refused to leave , she wants to stay here and become the first person to walk out of Shen Xianya.

Ying Lan after reading the cause and effect: “…”

But she is really embarrassed to start with Shu Tianrui!

This baby is really bad luck, watching all her family and relatives being killed, she was kidnapped and raised by enemies, and used by enemies when she grew up, even if she liked The woman was also nearly killed.

Only this bunch of Yinglan is embarrassed to say that others are white-eyed wolves, and don’t think about what they are doing?

The resentment in her chest began to slam left and right, as if protesting against her thoughts.

Ying Lan held her chest and sneered: “Don’t expect me to avenge you, think about what you have done, it is quite reasonable for someone to kill you.”

The resentment began to beat again unwillingly, but it was quickly suppressed by Yinglan and slowly fell silent.

Shu Yinglan is only one ten thousandth of her soul, she is not afraid of her rebellion, and now she is worried about those evil forces, which are much larger than that resentment.

And they have now been integrated into her soul. If she doesn’t want to solve it, she will go back with her even if she returns to the fairyland.

If she had known this was the case, she would have forced her to summon this soul-splitting soul, but now it has put her in even more trouble, which is really bad!

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