Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 173

Chapter 172: Gu Master Princess 6

Living in a gregarious society, reputation is a very important thing, although it is invisible and intangible.

Just like Yinglan, when the common people used to say that she was a witch who would bring disaster to the country, although many ministers and grandsons slandered her for her pharmaceutical skills, they did not dare to have a deep friendship with her, asking for medicine secretly .

Now she has become a true national teacher who has made great contributions to the country and is admired by all the people. The worship stickers sent by Baotong Hall are piled up every day and need to be arranged by a special person.

This made the old emperor alert. Although he still thinks that a woman can’t do anything by herself, if she has too many connections under her command and is used by someone with a heart, it is likely to affect him. power in hand.

Fortunately, Yinglan didn’t intend to go to the meeting, so she politely declined one by one, and all the expensive gifts sent were returned.

It’s just that, the status is already in the sky, how much ambition can you have?

And then Yinglan’s behavior seemed to confirm his opinion, either staying in the Baotong Hall to confuse medicine, or being with those who claim to be hermits, but actually have no ability to enter the court in high school as an official White as a team.

Seeing that the old emperor could no longer be vigilant, most of the people who were originally sent to monitor her also withdrew, and replaced it with stricter protection. No one can replace her. Before the holy medicine came out, he didn’t want anyone to kill her.

Shu I don’t know what Yinglan wants is for him to relax his vigilance. The heaven in this small world has secret protection for the royal family. She can’t directly control their spirits, so she has to resort to these roundabout means.

No one gets in her way at all times, and she can go about her own plans with confidence.

As long as the young children of the Anmin ethnic group are not too blunt, they are all sent to study by the hermits she has recently made friends with. She also sponsored many poor students secretly. In dense corners, we silently weave a large network of personal connections.

The 45th year of Jiaping was destined to be an unsettled year. A cold current hit this land a year ago. Except for the extreme southern region, most of the land in Dafeng was submerged by ice and snow. Countless people and livestock froze to death under the sudden and unpredictable cooling.

The tribe killed only a few who were lucky enough to hide and were not found.

The grief of the snow disaster has not yet passed. When the spring flowers bloom, the snow melts, and almost half of the land experiences spring floods again. Many river banks that have been in disrepair for a long time have been washed away, and thousands of miles of fertile fields have been submerged.

A life-saving medicine can only be avoided from a menacing catastrophe.

He was dying, and he was about to die.

At this time, some people began to spread rumors that the disaster of Dafeng was caused by the national master stealing the fine seeds of Asgard five years ago. people.

God’s wrath.

“Are you intimidating me?” The old emperor was shocked and angry, only to realize that the situation had been out of his control.

On the surface, these people want him to punish the national teacher, but who does not know that only Li Yinglan can make holy medicine in this dynasty? As soon as she died, wouldn’t the emperor who relied solely on the holy medicine to survive would also die soon?

If the people turn back when they are anxious, then my Dafeng country is in danger—”

“What stealing immortal seeds?” The old emperor sneered, “It’s just those foolish people who say what they say.”

“But the emperor,” the fifth prince Zhuang Yiming retorted, “I have never heard of a good seed that can suddenly increase the output of grain by more than two times, if the national teacher hadn’t stolen from the fairyland , where did she get it from?”

The old emperor was at a loss for words. Before he went to patronize happily, how could he think of asking about it? Besides, the good seeds can make the country rich and the people strong, how could it be expected that such a disaster could be caused?

“I also ask the royal father not to return to protect the national teacher blindly,” Zhuang Yiming’s face showed a proud look, “otherwise, the sky will be angry and bring down even greater disasters, and you will become The sinner of Dafeng Kingdom.”

“My son is guilty,” Zhuang Yiming hurriedly knelt down, but there was not much fear on his face, “But even if the father and the emperor abolish the son now, the son still wants to say, ask the father to take the country The teacher sacrifices to the sky, and the wrath of the sky is equalized.”

How could the old emperor not know that all this was planned by his good son? It was really a wicked strategy. It not only got rid of the national teacher who had had a holiday with him, but also cut off his vitality in an open and honest way, so that people couldn’t find it wrong.

The courtiers are all on the side of King Kang, and soon his body will slowly decline. At that time, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he can only pass the throne to him.

What a perfect strategy to kill three birds with one stone!

The old emperor hated blood in his heart, but now even the confidants have fallen to King Kang, and he can only follow their wishes with gnashing teeth: “Pass my will, and invite the national teacher in three days. sacrifice to heaven.”

Arriving at Baotong Hall with the imperial edict, there was also a strong janitorial army. After the **** read out the edict, they surrounded the entire hall, even a fly. Can’t fly out.

And the people in the hall were also forced to go out with a face full of fear, leaving only a little palace maid to wait for her to eat and drink, after all, it will take three days to worship the heaven.

“How can these people do this?” The palace maid Xiaocui said angrily, “If the adults hadn’t sent people to cure the plague, I don’t know how many people would have died? Now they have pushed everything away On your head, do they still have a conscience?”

“It’s just being fooled.” Ying Lan said lightly.

This time, she was careless. She forgot that her background in this world was too low. was caught by the opponent.

A large part of today’s people still believe in ghosts and gods. The successive natural and man-made disasters have made their psychology extremely fragile.

“Why are you not in a hurry, sir?” Xiao Cui panicked, “In three days, those people will take you to sacrifice to heaven!”

She spat and said, “Bah! It sounds like offering sacrifices to the heavens, but isn’t it actually killing people?”

After she said that, she started to walk back and forth quickly in the room for a few times, and then rushed out: “No, I want to go out and tell those people how much you have done for them, slave I can’t just watch you suffer this kind of injustice!”

What an impatient! Ying Lan laughed in her heart, and pulled her back: “Okay, no one will believe you even if you say it, and you may not be able to get out now.”

“What should I do then?” Xiaocui lowered her face, then her eyes lit up, “Sir, why don’t you run away! The servants will find a way to lead the people outside, so you can take the opportunity to leave .”

As for the national teacher who escaped, what should she do with herself who was left behind? She never thought about it. If she hadn’t happened to meet the national teacher three years ago, she would have been smashed alive. Killed, now it’s time for her to repay her kindness.

Ying Lan chuckled lightly and said: “They were ordered to guard me, how could they be easily led away by you? Besides, even if I leave this Baotong Hall, a huge palace, how can I go out? ?”

“This…” Xiao Cui was at a loss for words, but quickly reacted, “Slave can’t think of it, but Sir, you are so smart, there must be a way.”

What she said was not flattery, only those who served closely knew how intelligent the national teacher was.

Anything novel came to her, she could quickly figure out the principle, and even make an identical one.

When they encounter problems, the national teacher can always resolve them in a few words.

“Okay,” Yinglan stopped teasing her, “I have my own way for the sacrifice to the sky, you just stay obediently!”

“Sir…” Xiao Cui hesitated, afraid that she was just comforting herself.

“Don’t you still trust me?” Ying Lan smiled.

“Of course the slaves believe in adults!” Xiao Cui quickly said, “The adults are the most powerful people in this world!”

“Isn’t that alright?” Ying Lan rubbed her head and said, “What should I do, put my heart in my stomach, and watch my own teacher sacrifice to the sky in three days? .”

Since the imperial city posted a notice that the national teacher will sacrifice to the sky in three days, the excitement of the people was quickly calmed down, and they happily ran to tell each other, looking forward to the end of the sacrifice After the sky, God can take back the punishment, and the heavens will rain heavily, saving people who are about to die of thirst and the crops in the fields.

And that day is coming soon.

Yinglan also held a ceremony to worship the heaven five years ago, but at that time she was a national teacher who brought good seeds to everyone and was admired by thousands of people. .

At this moment, she has become a sinner who stole the immortal seed, and what greeted her was the hated and disgusted eyes of everyone, as well as the rotten eggs and stones thrown at her.

Fortunately, everyone regarded her as a weak woman with no power, and this trip was for the purpose of worshipping the heavens. Before leaving, she took a bath and changed clothes, so she did not bring her Shackles and the like.

She changed her position neatly, then dodged the first wave of attacks, the rotten egg hit the frame, giving off a disgusting smell, the stone passed her, but the opposite People were slaughtered.


These words made everyone listen. Some people took back the things in their hands unwillingly, spat bitterly, and scolded: “What national teacher? It’s just a stealing witch!”


“Stolen, shameless!”

You can’t smash and smash, so everyone uses their mouths to vent their anger, and countless foul words hit Yinglan standing on the frame.

The janitor gave her a deep look and said, “I’m sorry, my lord, I can’t help you.”

Yinglan has a good memory, and at a glance he recognized that this person was the little leader who followed her to Yifeng Mountain to pick up the clan.

And it’s been several years, and his official position has only been promoted one level, and he is really bad enough.

“Thank you,” she said with a slight smile, “After today’s affairs are over, take time to find me in private.”

The janitor was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that this was a dead end in his opinion, I am afraid that she had already made up her mind, and couldn’t help but feel a passion in her heart: “Okay, The humiliation must come.”

The two did not talk after that, and the janitor also returned to his team, while Ying Lan turned a deaf ear to those insults and looked straight ahead calmly.

Soon, the altar arrives.

In front of the high altar is a huge shelf, and the giant axe on the shelf is still shining with cold light under the scorching sun, making people shudder.

The old emperor glanced at her helplessly, turned and walked up the steps.

He is basically empty now, knowing that the life and death of the national teacher is related to his own life, but he can’t do anything.

And Zhuang Yiming, who was surrounded by people in the audience, looked at her proudly, his eyes were full of schadenfreude, as if to say: You also have today.

Ying Lan ignored him and looked up at the sky.

At this time, the old emperor finally reached the top of the altar. He recited the pre-prepared sacrificial words without emotion. The written words were not understood by the common people. They all He looked at the woman in white under the steps with hatred, as if she had done something heinous.

Finally, when the emperor’s voice fell, the people raised their hands and shouted: “Kill her! Kill her! Sacrifice to the sky! Sacrifice to the sky!”

Two armored guards were about to step forward to **** Ying Lan, but the woman who did not defend herself from beginning to end suddenly said loudly: “Wait a minute! Dare to ask me What happened?”

The people were angry, thinking that she was dying and wanted to justify herself, and they yelled, all of them were shouting for a while, and some even wanted to break through the line of defense of the Guards rip her.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, Zhuang Yiming gestured to the Rites Officer, he hurriedly rang the big bell, the loud noise drowned out the voices of the people, and it also made them recover a little sanity.

“Silence—” The official said sternly, and when everyone was quiet, he pointed at Yinglan and scolded: “Bold demon girl, you steal the immortal seed, which makes God angry and brings disaster. , how many innocent people have been implicated? To this day, he has not confessed his guilt!”

“Ah! She can fly!”

“Can fly, shouldn’t it be a fairy?”

The people immediately looked at each other in dismay. They had little knowledge and did not know that there was martial arts in this world. In their conception, only immortals could fly, but how could the national teacher be an immortal?

Didn’t she say that she is a demon girl, because she stole the fairy seed to attract the wrath of God?

Just when everyone hesitated, Zhuang Yiming had already reacted and scolded: “Demon girl, do you think you can escape with a magic trick?”

The people suddenly recalled, that’s right, since she is a demon girl, she must be able to do magic tricks. They also scolded the demon girl for being shameless, and asked her to come down and sacrifice herself to quell the anger of God.

Ying Lan turned a deaf ear, walked to the center of the altar, and played with a cylindrical object.

“I didn’t expect you to know martial arts,” the old emperor said with a complicated expression, “How many national teachers are there that I don’t know?”

Ying Lan placed the device and adjusted it, turned back to him with a bright smile, and said, “The sky will be drenched in the sky, has the emperor thought about what to do?”

“What?” The old emperor was startled, and when he was about to ask again, he saw that she had turned her head and walked to the stairs, and the guards below had already caught up.

Looking at the group of people who had already climbed to the middle of the stairs, Ying Lan casually threw the little red snake wrapped around her wrists, her lips made a sound that humans could not hear, and only The little red snake with the thickness of a thumb swelled up in the air, and when it landed, it had turned into a giant python the size of a bathtub.

Not its one-in-one enemy.

When everyone was shocked, Ying Lan flew up and landed on the python’s head, looked around them coldly for a week, and said: “This seat sees you waiting for life. The hardship, specially bestowed a good seed, unexpectedly, you and others actually listened to the rumors of the traitor and accused me of stealing!”

“Don’t believe what this demon girl said,” Zhuang Yiming shouted exhausted, seeing that the situation was not good, “You can control a poisonous snake, and you dare to say that you are not a demon girl?”

“Joke,” Ying Lan glanced down at him, and said coldly, “Snakes are hidden dragons, why can’t this mount be a snake?”

The red python also followed the owner’s line of sight, and the icy vertical pupils as big as a basin stared at him closely, Zhuang Yiming swallowed, and calmly said: “Now there are many disasters in the country. , there are countless casualties among the people, if you didn’t steal the Immortal Seeds, which caused the wrath of the heavens, what could be the reason?”

“Humph!” Ying Lan waved his sleeves at him, knocked him to the ground in an instant, and sneered, “This seat was not angry when I gave Er and other good seeds five years ago, but now times have changed. , you wait to plant the disaster on the head of this seat.”

After that, she seemed disheartened, and she was about to fly away with a giant python.

Old Emperor Fuzhi knelt down suddenly and prayed: “Shangxian stayed, it was my ignorance who misunderstood Shangxian, please also see the suffering of all beings, save me and wait for a rescue!”

Yinglan was hesitant when he heard the words, the people all knelt down when they saw the emperor, and in the faint sound of Zhuang Yiming’s obstruction, they also knelt down one after another, and said in their mouths: “I beg the immortal to save me. Wait.”

Ying Lan sighed and said, “Forget it, what does this seat care about with you?”

After she finished speaking, she waved her sleeves and saw a white light rising from the top of the altar. After a while, there was thunder in the air, and everyone looked up in surprise, and after a while Xiaohui, there are really small droplets of liquid falling on their faces.

Slowly more and more water, gradually connected into one piece, forming a rain curtain full of hope.

“It’s raining! It’s really raining!”

“Thank you, God!”

“Please forgive us for our sins.”

After the initial joy, everyone fell to their knees, thanking and apologizing from the bottom of their hearts.

The old emperor was shocked to the point of numbness, but he came here from the wind and waves, and quickly adjusted his emotions, saying: “I mistakenly believed in the traitor before, please go to the immortals to see On top of past affection, don’t abandon me and wait.”

Now he can’t understand the origin of this woman, and why a person from the mountains has these unpredictable methods, but he knows very well that he must not let her go at this time.

It was impossible for Ying Lan to leave, but after his repeated pleas, he agreed to stay.

Flying down from the python’s head, making it smaller and wrapping around her wrist. At this time, she no longer has the sense of high deterrence, but no one dares to look down. took her.

The old emperor and the two walked down the long stairs side by side. The princes who colluded with several other princes all slumped to the ground.

“It is this person who is the key to this seat.” Ying Lan pointed at him with a slender finger, and had already sentenced him to death.

Zhuang Yiming couldn’t take it any longer, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

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