Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 167

Chapter 166: Stepmother Kicked Out Of The House 7

Xiao Yinglan was the second eldest in her mother’s house, with an older brother and a younger sister.

Since I went to the countryside, I have had very little contact with my family. From the first two or three months of one letter to the frequency of two letters a year after marriage, it can be said that the relationship is very thin.

The husband didn’t tell the family when she died, so they always thought she was doing well. This time, Yinglan took her daughter home with a broken leg, which really surprised them.

I haven’t seen each other for 14 years, but a good girl has become like this. Mother Xiao hugged their mother and daughter and cried for a while, but then she got into trouble.

The house of their family is small, with only three rooms in total. It used to be one for the eldest, and one for the second and third. Since the two girls went to the countryside one after another, the eldest also got married and had children. The two grandsons, one big and one small, lived in the aunt’s former room.

Xiao’s mother thought about it, and had to discuss with her daughter-in-law, asking the two little ones to live with them first, and freeing up the room for the two daughters.

But Mrs. Xiao was not happy when she heard it: “How can this work? Mom, the second child is only seven years old, but the eldest is twelve years old, and a half-year-old boy squeezes with his parents. What does it look like in one piece?”

“Be quiet!” Mother Xiao said quickly.

Gu, it’s not like she doesn’t have a home in the country, why did she come to the city to squeeze with us?”

“Everything in this city requires money, and she has a broken leg and it’s hard to find a job. If you want me to say that life is better than living in the country!”

“Okay, I know what you mean, stop talking!” Xiao Tihu ended the conversation with her with a face, and quietly wiped her tears as soon as she went out.

Father Xiao was outside, smoking a suffocating cigarette.

“Dad, how do you think this is done?” Mother Xiao asked while wiping her tears, “We can’t ignore the second girl, right? She has a broken leg and a daughter. How can you live in the countryside?”

Father Xiao thought for a while and said, “You can go outside and ask, which one is renting a house, let’s rent a room, and I’ll give you the money.”

“Alas—” Mother Xiao broke into a smile.

“Dad, Mom, don’t bother.” Ying Lan opened the door and smiled, “I just brought Xiao Tao to see you, and I’ll leave in a while.”

“How can that be?” Mother Xiao said anxiously, “Don’t listen to your sister-in-law, how are you doing in this situation? Don’t worry, as long as your parents are there, you will be there. The girls ate in one bite.”

Yinglan’s heart is slightly warm, that is the emotion that the soul has not dissipated, and she was ignored by her parents before. Unwilling to disappear.

“I’m not going back to the countryside.” Ying Lan and her parents went back to their room, and talked in detail about how she got paid for submitting articles to the newspaper, and her plans for the future.

“You wrote an article for the newspaper and was hired?”

“Didn’t you just read junior high school? Can you still make money by writing?”

Yinglan was prepared for her parents’ doubts. She took out the newspaper that published her article in the past two years and the remittance slip she received. Although the two were shocked, they had to believe it in the face of the facts. .

Knowing that her daughter is not in a difficult life as she thought, but has a greater future, the sorrow between the two old eyebrows instantly dissipated.

The daughter-in-law also regards her daughter as a poor relative who comes to beg for food, which is not a slap in the face immediately, and the two are very much looking forward to her expression after knowing it!

Ying Lan offered to let them go to Ajing together, but the couple refused after thinking.

They have jobs in the county town, and although there is friction with the eldest daughter-in-law from time to time, it seems to them that it is normal for a family to be noisy, and they can’t let go of their son and two grandchildren.


It was the first time that Xiao Shitao felt the care from the older generation, as well as the closeness between brothers and sisters, she was a little reluctant when she left, and she would bring her to her grandparents when her mother promised Home, that’s what makes me happy.

Because of the new policy, many people still dare not take a step to leave their hometown. Soon I met the person who came to pick up the car.

“Are you Comrade Nanyan?” Zou Liang, editor of the newspaper, was a little surprised.

Nan Yan has been contributing to their newspaper for more than two years. Her writing style is more realistic, but there is a lot of life wisdom hidden between the lines.

He always thought she was a wise woman in her fifties who had experienced countless years of precipitation, but what appeared in front of him was a young woman who seemed to be in her twenties , and she is disabled.

“It’s me,” Ying Lan saw the surprise in his eyes, but didn’t care too much, and said generously, “Thank you, Mr. Zou, for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick us up.”

Only then did Zou Liang realize his rudeness. After apologizing, he invited the two into the car and took them to the guest house next to the newspaper office.

Have a reception meal together. Seeing that the mother and daughter are tired, he is considerate and not disturbed too much. After making an appointment to see the house the next day, he left.

The two simply took a shower and then fell back to sleep. They slept for nearly twelve hours before making up for it, and went out of the door full of energy.

Zou Liang is a very reliable person. Before Ying Lan asked him to look for a house, he selected seven or eight sets according to the requirements, just need to read them one by one and choose the favorite.

He is a bit careful, all the houses are not far from the newspaper office, which is convenient for future visits.

Yinglan didn’t care, the location of the newspaper office is very good, there are primary schools and middle schools nearby, and life is very convenient. It took two days to read the house and finally listened to Xiao Shitao’s opinion A small house with a yard.

With the help of Zou Liang, she moved her hukou and sent her daughter to a new school. She also spread out the pen and paper and continued to start the road of creation.

This is an era where everything is waiting to be done. The Chinese people are still in a period of confusion. There are new policies, but many people still don’t know how to do it.

In a realistic form, Ying Lan depicts different people leaving their hometowns to go to unfamiliar places and start a new life.

In her writings, there are young men and women who are unwilling to be ordinary, and couples who need to earn more money to support their parents and children. Some of them go out together, and some leave home alone.

Along the way, they will encounter difficulties and setbacks, and finally they overcome all of them, settle down in other cities, and realize their original dreams.

Her writing is simple and unpretentious, as if she is telling her personal experience, she describes the various situations that may be encountered when going out and how to solve them one by one.

Her article is like a beacon that guides the way, giving directions to countless confused people. Or study hard and get admitted to a higher institution.

They soon found out that they would actually encounter difficulties as Yinglan wrote, and the methods in the newspapers could really solve their problems, so they believed that those must be real people Some people even wrote to the newspaper to thank Comrade Nan Yan.

Ying Lan only smiled when she saw the letters. They were all conjectured by her based on the current situation. Although it was not a real story, it was indeed very likely to be encountered in life. of.

Seeing as expected, led many people to take a hesitant pace. She gradually stopped such articles and began to write novels about future fantasy.

Compared with realistic stories, it is clear that fantasy is more popular. Nowadays, the most advanced technological products in people’s lives are color TVs, but what Yinglan shows them is a mobile phone and a Computers, a world with networks.

To the people of this era, the life of modern people is like a world like a fantasy utopia.

But Ying Lan’s descriptions are too real, just like telling them to them after seeing them with their own eyes (in fact, they guessed right), the cultural structure and social form are vivid in her writing, There is no self-contradictory place, and even the development of many things can be deduced from the present law.

This simple and rude book titled “Future” made Yinglan famous. For ordinary people, she is a world full of imagination, but for some people But it opened up new ideas.

In a research institute, a middle-aged man suddenly shouted after reading the newspaper: “Come here, Mr. Zhang, what is the LCD monitor, the thickness is less than two centimeters, these people who write novels are still Dare to think!”

Lao Zhang’s recent research project is the monitor. He listened to his words and took the newspaper curiously. As a result, his eyes were straight. He also wrote a little conjecture about imaging technology. Simple, but based on his professional knowledge, it is not all fantasy!

“I’ll try it!” Lao Zhang left a sentence and hurried into the research room.

“Hey!” The middle-aged man didn’t expect him to be like this, and said anxiously, “You don’t take something that a novelist thinks up, do you?”

Similar things happened in many places, Ying Lan’s novels slowly began to attract attention, and when someone actually made the things in her novels, she was invited to have tea.

She has no plans to engage in scientific research in this life. With the current level of technology, if she participates in it, she will just copy the things in her mind, which is a bit boring to her.

But she also wants to make the country strong without taking so many detours, so she will give some hints in the novel, those who understand will naturally understand, and secretly promote development, this seems to be quite interesting.

She can imagine the stunned look of those people when all the things in her book are made twenty or thirty years later and mirrored one by one with her novels.

So when she was asked, she just said it was her own imagination. As for some professional knowledge in the book, she came from the data. Anyway, what she said was all the truth. Materials can also be found in the library.

With her mentality and spirit, she could not detect anything even with a polygraph, so after asking for nothing, she was politely sent back home.

After that, no one came to embarrass her again. After all, she just enriched her imagination a little, and she didn’t hinder anyone or anything, and it also inspired many people because of this.

In the blink of an eye, six years have passed, and Wang Shitao was recruited by the Big A at the age of sixteen and became a college student.

She fell in love with scientific research under the influence of her mother in the past few years. At a young age, she published a world-renowned paper in an internationally renowned newspaper.

After entering school, she was protected by special personnel, and Yinglan also lived in the heavily guarded special zone for family members. Quite novel.

Not long after they moved into the family area, Captain Wang, who had had little contact with him, suddenly sent her a letter, Wang Dajun and Wang Xiaohua, who framed Xiao Yinglan and kicked her out of the house. People died together.

The two brothers and sisters had a very bad life these years. The Wang family was not welcome in the team. After the national policy changed, Wang Dajun left his hometown to work in a factory.

Although he got compensation from the manufacturer according to the method mentioned in the Yinglan newspaper, but because he did it improperly, the amount of compensation was not large, and there was nothing left after the treatment what.

The girlfriend that he finally got over was completely blown away because he was disabled. He couldn’t find a job in another place, so he had to go back to Daqu Village.

People in the village still don’t like him, Wang Dajun can only rely on the meager income produced in the fields to make a living, watching the feed factory in the village slowly develop into a well-known national brand, and the breeding factory also It has become the largest meat supply base in the vicinity.

Everyone had a good life, only he became a poor household, and his heart was very uneasy, and at this time Wang Xiaohua was driven back by her husband’s family.


Wang Xiaohua is a very sinister person. She was asked to drop out of school back then. She already hated her stepmother, but she kept it hidden. Exhale.

When she got married, she coaxed Xiao Yinglan to give her a generous repayment.

The little girl was a little hostile to her at first, but Wang Xiaohua behaved very well and slowly conquered her heart. As a result, after she gained her trust, she lied to people to go to the hillside to pick fruit, and then One pushed the person down.

The little girl was lucky enough to save her life, but her face was slashed by a stone, and her face was completely broken.

She blamed her sister-in-law for pushing her, but Wang Xiaohua performed very well during this time, and after listening to her words, she cried heartbroken, arguing that her family could not tolerate her, she was going to hang herself .

Everyone finally persuaded them to come down. They didn’t believe the words of a teenage girl, but accused her of being ignorant.

After that, the little girl was wronged several times by her, she became more and more silent, and her courage became less and less, and she no longer dared to offend her.

Wang Xiaohua subdued her sister-in-law, and soon became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

However, with the development of Daqu Village, in recent years, people from nearby villages have come to the factories here to find jobs, and those things of the past have been passed on slowly.

The husband’s family knew about this vicious thing she did, and the little girl also took the opportunity to bring it up again. Although the family did not fully believe it, they also buried doubts in their hearts.

Where can Wang Xiaohua allow the little sister-in-law who is in her hand to resist? It didn’t take long before Ji wanted to harm her again, but the little girl was no longer the child she used to be. Instead, Ji wanted to expose her true face.

The husband’s family was already ostracized in the factory because of her, and he wanted to drive her back after giving her a lesson, but Wang Xiaohua was crying and taking the child. Speaking of things, finally reluctantly stayed.

If she can settle down like this, maybe she can live like this, but she hated the little sister-in-law and took the opportunity to attack her. Unfortunately, she was discovered this time.

Her husband’s family could no longer tolerate her, her husband immediately divorced her, and she had nowhere to go, so she remembered that she had another brother.

For this younger sister, Wang Dajun’s original brother-sister relationship has long since been wiped out, and it was clearly her idea to entice him to drive away his stepmother, so as not to become a drag on him.

He went to her and didn’t let him in.

Now that I am in trouble, I think of him. Wang Dajun is not kind, how can he be willing?

The two brothers and sisters fought each other as soon as they disagreed. Although Wang Dajun was a stronger man, he lost an arm and could only be on par with his sister.

She looked at the blood on her hands stupidly, and ran out like crazy, but the two brothers and sisters were making a lot of noise, and the tragic howls of Wang Dajun before he died also caught the attention of the villagers. She was caught as soon as she ran out.

Murder is a felony. Although Wang Xiaohua repeatedly cried that she did not do it on purpose, her trick was useless, and she was soon sentenced to death and executed by shooting.

These two brothers and sisters are really, if you don’t care about them, you can kill yourself!

Ying Lan sneered after reading the letter and then put it aside. This time, what she valued was her ruined reputation and her lonely daughter, the people who led the team. After getting rich and getting their respect, and taking good care of Xiao Shitao, her resentment has long since disappeared.

In fact, she can leave this small world now, but Wang Shitao is still young after all, she plans to stay for a while to take care of her.

Under her secret promotion, the technology level of the Z country is far ahead of the world, and Wang Shitao’s favorite thing to do is to complete her mother’s whimsy.

Many things in “Future” are shown in her hands one by one, and this elementary school has become an immortal classic in the history of the literary world, because it accurately predicts the future, and even promotes the future.

Whenever her thinking is deadlocked, Yinglan will always give her a hint, her achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and she has become a world-renowned A remarkable research scientist.

Ying Lan is still writing novels for so many years, but within a few years she no longer publishes them in newspapers, but serializes them on the online platform her daughter specially built for her.

Within a few years, it has become the largest Chinese website in the world.

Ying Lan not only writes, she also likes to read, sometimes when she reads novels such as time travel and rebirth, she finds it funny. Internet articles, now it seems to be relatively backward.

a light group.

She is not yet fifty years old and has always been in good health, so there is only one aunt who cooks on time, and there is no nanny. It was not until Wang Shitao came home early in the afternoon that she found her mother actually died.

The separation came too suddenly, Wang Shitao has devoted herself to research all these years, and rarely has time to accompany her mother. She always thought that the days were still long, but she did not expect that some things would come as soon as she said it. Be prepared.

This blow was too big for her, Wang Shitao didn’t come out for a long time, all the projects in her hands stopped until she met another important person in her life , and he formed a small family, and then slowly regained his strength.

And this time, she never neglected her family because of work. She always remembered to leave some time for them. It was not until she got old that she ended her life surrounded by her lover and descendants.

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