Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 165

Chapter 164: Stepmother Kicked Out Of The House 5

In the blink of an eye, Yinglan has been in this small world for more than four months.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. There is no entertainment at this time. Yinglan started to prepare materials for the New Year as early as the others.

After three months of writing, she has saved a lot of money in her hand. Although she can’t spend it, she doesn’t need to make any purchases. She always calculates what can be bought and what can only be bought. Reluctantly gave up.

Walking hop and hop on crutches saves a lot of trouble.

Out of respect for the literate people, and the chickens in the chicken coop are thriving, the people in the team have no longer excluded and neglected her, but have become respectful and Subtle awe.

Wang Shitao has also become the most popular child on the team, not only the friends like to play with her, even the adults will greet her kindly when they meet her on the road.

She is no longer timid and cowardly. She often plays with her friends in her spare time. She also responds generously to adults. Anyone who sees her will praise her “good girl”.

“Huh!” Uncle Wang, who was driving the car, was startled by the appearance of the mother and daughter, “You guys have bought a lot of things!”

“It’s New Year’s Day, always be generous.” Ying Lan replied with a smile, “By the way, Mr. Wang, remember to come to my house later to pick up the couplet!”

I said before that I would help you write couplets, so she purchased a thick stack of red paper, brushes and ink on this trip, ready to fulfill her promise.

“It’s okay, I’ll write quickly!” Ying Lan replied with a smile, and then said, “Uncle Wang, I’ve been kicked out, don’t call me Tie Zhu’s daughter-in-law in the future. Now, call me by my name, I’m not used to it.”

Uncle Wang glanced at her expression, and replied readily: “Okay! Sit tight, girl Ha Xiao, let’s go!”

The speed of the ox cart is not much faster than that of human walking, but the victory lies in being safe and labor-saving. Uncle Wang directly sent the mother and daughter to the door.

Ying Lan thanked him and wanted to give him meat buns as a thank you gift, but he avoided it like he was hiding poison, then jumped on the ox cart and left quickly.

Afterwards, she and her daughter worked together, Wang Shitao cut the paper, and she picked up a pen to write a pair of beautiful couplets.

Because the door was wide open, everyone who passed by her house could see what they were doing, and she couldn’t help but ask two more questions out of curiosity, and Ying Lan called out loudly They take it back.

In this way, there is no need to go door-to-door to notify, and they will come to get the news after it gets out, which saves her a lot of trouble.

Ying Lan didn’t count which company took it. For her, it was just a matter of time and effort.

However, most of the people at this time were simple and honest. Basically, each household only took what was needed, and everyone was grateful to her, as if she had done a great deed.

Ying Lan just smiled and sent a Happy New Year.

But she is not so polite to the Wang family. Mrs. Wang should be embarrassed to come, so she sent her eldest daughter-in-law to get it. She directly said no, and ignored her.

Sister Wang stood shyly for a while, and finally blushed in the eyes of everyone and hid her face.

Ying Lan thought this matter was over, but she never thought she underestimated the thick skin of the Wang family, and after a while, the old lady Wang came running in anger.

“Xiao Yinglan, why don’t you give us couplets?” The old lady Wang pointed at her and shouted as soon as she entered the door.

Ying Lan put down the pen slowly, dried the ink on the paper and put it aside, then looked at her and said: “My own things, I will give them to whomever I love, but I will not give them. What’s up with your house?”

“Okay, you little bastard!” Mrs. Wang pointed at her finger and trembled like a stroke, “How long has Tie Zhu been gone? ”

“Wang Tiezhu has been dead for five years. I have been a cow and a horse to raise his two children, but I was disabled not long ago, and they will drive me out of the house.” Ying Lan is cold. Looking at her, “You said it yourself. From now on, your Wang family has nothing to do with me. I’m not old and confused. I remember it clearly!”

“You dare to call me stupid!” Mrs. Wang’s face was contorted with anger, “You little bitch, it’s wrong for you!”

As she spoke, she picked up the broom at the door and attacked her.

“Don’t hit my mother!” Seeing this, Wang Shitao picked up the stool and rushed forward, but was quickly grabbed by Ying Lan.

She was not afraid, just stood there and watched coldly.

Now she is not the poor little girl who was kicked out of the house and no one said a fair word. The people on the team got her benefits and naturally won’t watch her be Bully.

Sure enough, before the old lady Wang rushed over, she was stopped by other villagers next to her. Several women hugged her, and the broom was snatched away.

“Auntie, what are you doing? It’s a big New Year’s Eve so you can’t let people live in peace?”

“That’s right, you know how your Wang family treats Yinglan girl, what if people don’t write couplets for you?”

“I’m not happy if it’s my change! Why don’t people have a little temper?”

“If you make trouble again, I will sue the captain!”

Being held by a few people and unable to break free, plus everyone’s words and my words, and even scared, Mrs. Wang quickly stopped.

“You…” She trembled with anger, “Don’t you just get a few couplets from her for protecting this little hoof? You bought you for a few cents?”

Several female comrades were unhappy when they heard her words, as if they liked petty gain.

, why do you scold and beat people if you don’t?”

“Yeah, where did you get such a big face? People buy paper and pens out of their own pockets, so people are not allowed to be happy or not?”

“I used to say that Wang Dajun and Wang Xiaohua did such unconscionable things and dragged down the reputation of your old Wang family. Now it seems that you are a family like this! From the root It sucks.”

“I was deceived by you before, and I continued to speak ill of Yinglan sister. In the future, if your Wang family wants to bully her again, pass me first!”

Ying Lan thanked them politely, and also helped them write a few posts on the red paper under the chicken coop and the stove, and then sent them away one by one.

“Mom, why did my aunt and the others say we were wrong before, and now they want to help us?” After the people dispersed, Wang Shitao asked inexplicably.

She always remembers the day when she and her mother were driven out of the house by her brother, sister and grandma alone and helpless. No one around helped them, and accused her mother of bullying her brother and sister. It was her who was bullied!

In the past, my mother was so good to my brothers and sisters, but everyone said she was wrong. Now my mother ignores my grandmother and them. Instead, everyone protects my mother and blames my grandma.

The world of adults is so complicated, she can’t understand it at all.

“What happened to my mother in the past has nothing to do with them. It is enough to point out a few words from the perspective of a bystander.” Ying Lan led her into the house and slowly talked to her He said, “But now that I have brought benefits to them, it turns out that it wasn’t me who did the wrong thing, and they will naturally protect me.”

“So as long as it brings benefits to others, can people stand on our side?” Wang Shitao asked vaguely.

“Not all of them are like this,” Ying Lan said patiently, “There are a lot of grass in this world, but there are some people who can stick to their own heart and do what they think is right. not affected by the outside world.”

“Oh—” Wang Shitao nodded ignorantly.

I’ll figure it out soon.”

“Okay, Mom.” Wang Shitao nodded, then blinked and said, “I don’t want to be a wallflower.”

Although she didn’t quite understand the meaning of the grass on the wall, it sounded like a bad thing.

Ying Lan smiled: “Then you insist on doing what you think is right, and don’t be influenced by other people’s words.”

“I will definitely!” Wang Shitao nodded vigorously.

The conversation between mother and daughter came to an end, and the two continued to cut paper and write couplets. After two days of hard work, all the people who came were satisfied.

But Xu heard about Mrs. Wang’s return, and Wang Dajun and Zhang Hong’s family didn’t come to ask for a couplet, so there was less of a dispute, because Ying Lan would definitely not give Their.

Come out to repay grievances with virtue.

Post the last couplet I wrote to my family, and it will be New Year’s Eve in a few days.

This New Year was the happiest year in Wang Shitao’s memory. She wore a newly made padded jacket and a lot of delicious food. She didn’t always bully her sister, and she didn’t ignore her. ‘s brother.

Although there are only two people at home, she and her mother, but they prepare the New Year’s Eve dinner together, make dumplings for the New Year’s Eve together, set off fireworks and firecrackers together, keep the year old together, and have their mother’s company, She was happier than ever.

Compared to the warm days of Yinglan’s mother and daughter, the Wang family has been a bit gloomy this year.

Since the old lady Wang made a big fuss at her house that day, rumors about the Wang family spread again in the whole team. The eldest Wang and his wife and their son and daughter-in-law were always accused behind their backs when they went out. Point to.

People who used to have a good relationship began to avoid them, but those with a mediocre relationship would treat their noses instead of noses and eyes instead of eyes. When the Wang family poured dirty water on others, they didn’t feel it, wait until they Being excluded and left out, this is how I feel uncomfortable.

Old Wang has been strong all her life, and when she gets old, she is so big and shameless, even her old friends ignore her, and her son who has always been filial is also quite reticent. I made myself sick.

Fortunately, Mr. Wang is really filial. He rushed his wife to the hospital. After checking and getting medicine, all the money originally used for the New Year was spent, but she did not feel relieved, instead Getting sicker.

It is not easy to make some money these days, and the rural people can’t save a little money by shaving the soil all year round. Something reluctant to add.

After a trip to the hospital, it was all gone!

Mr. Wang couldn’t complain about her filial son, so she blamed Yinglan, but she didn’t dare to trouble her now, so she could only put her anger on her daughter-in-law.

Sister-in-law Wang is an angry bun, she endured all the hardships by her mother-in-law, but her grandson-in-law did not have such a good temper, and went back to her parents’ house in a fit of anger.

The eldest grandson of the Wang family, who was a big New Year’s Eve, ran to his mother-in-law’s mother’s house, Fu low, and was a child, but was unable to coax people, and returned home alone, dejectedly hating the grandma who was a demon !

for a while.

Wang Dajun: “…”

It took him a while to get blood mold!

Since that nightmare in the cafeteria, every night as long as I close my eyes, the nightmare will come to him on time.

The dream is similar, every time he had various accidents, and then he was alone for a lifetime, and finally died miserably.

The most important thing is that these dreams are very real. Every time he wakes up, he seems to have died once. That kind of dying despair and helplessness lingers in his body.

Because of this, he couldn’t eat well, sleep well, and it didn’t take long for him to lose a lot of weight.

The people around him ostracized and neglected him, and the big girl who used to have a good impression of him refused to pay any attention to him. All this was like a confirmation from a dream, which made him tremble. .


At first, when she exposed her vicious thoughts in front of everyone, Wang Dajun really hated her to death. When she wrote articles and got the newspaper’s royalties, she started raising chickens with everyone , there is only regret in his heart.

I knew this stepmother was so capable, how could he not drive people out!

Unfortunately, many things in this world, if you know you regret it, you can erase everything and start over.

The stepmother, who used to be so obedient to him, will never come back, and there is only one Yinglan who is too lazy to look at him.

Wang Dajun was beaten up by his cousins, and he endured the pain and loneliness to get through this tragic New Year. Even if he was already so miserable, the nightmare still did not let him go. When night came on time, he took him to death and life again and again.

Happy times always pass quickly, the New Year has passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Shitao can also go to school!

The new semester is not the time to accept students, but Ying Lan asked the captain to intercede, and the school made an exception to accept her as a transfer student.

Children usually go to school late at this time. Ying Lan inquired about the school’s situation and found textbooks for the first and second grades of primary school to make up for her a few years ago.

So Xiao Shitao went directly to the second grade, and most of her classmates were eight or nine-year-olds the same age as her. With the help of her teammates, she quickly integrated into the collective.

Just two months after her daughter entered school, Yinglan’s career also ushered in a small peak. A novella she wrote was hired by a newspaper and received nearly 100 yuan in royalties.

At about the same time, the adult chickens in the team were released, and more than 90 fat chickens were sold to the slaughterhouse in the name of the collective, which added an extra income to the production team.

Under the reminder of Ying Lan, Captain Wang reported the successful breeding cases on the team, which successfully won the attention of the leaders, and also attracted several experts to come to inspect.

Captain Wang was overjoyed, but he did not take the credit for himself, and truthfully explained that Ying Lan led the big guys to do it.

Shortly after the inspectors left, Yinglan received a commendation from the county, and the institute extended an olive branch to invite her to serve.

However, she refused. It is not necessary for her to improve the breeding technology. I believe that with her starting, the relevant researchers of the institute can do well enough.

The people in the team do not understand this very much, that is the research institute! You can receive 20 to 30 yuan of salary every month, you can live in a good house in the city, you can see a doctor and go to the hospital, and you don’t have to worry about it in the future.

Someone came to persuade her, but she politely stopped her.

There are also those who have grudges against her. For example, Mrs. Wang, who has recovered from her illness, and Zhang Hong, who has been ridiculed by her face to face, all laugh at her for being stupid behind her back. The bones are all light, and the iron rice bowl delivered to the door is not needed. Sooner or later, she will regret it!

Wang Dajun’s mood was the most complicated. After half a year, he finally realized with hindsight how good his stepmother, who he didn’t care about before, was treating him.

Pick it up and help her get back on her feet, all the credit goes to him.

Yinglan doesn’t care about other people’s thoughts, and still does her own thing.

Captain Wang tasted the sweetness and decided to expand the scale of chicken farming, but at this time she withdrew and left all the matters of the chicken coop to Sister An and Sister Yang, who had already learned to teach, and The “claw” stretched out to Piggy.


But Yinglan did not agree. Raising pigs is not like raising chickens. A pig can consume as much food as ten chickens a day. Although she does not need to raise her in person, she is going to do something to help grow The feed is too much to keep her busy.

Captain Wang readily agreed after listening to her thoughts. Since being commended in her light, he has unconditionally supported what she wants to do.

He knows his ability, and he can only go around in this country all his life, but Yinglan is different, the contact during this period of time made him know that this is definitely not something in the pool, maybe in the future Their entire production team can rely on her to take a different path.

With this kind of careful thought, Captain Wang gave what he wanted, and if the team did not have it, he tried his best to get it for her.

There is no need to assign this time, there are countless people who want to be her assistants, Sister An and Sister Yang are now the reds in the team, and they are held wherever they go, not because they follow Did she learn a technique?

Ying Lan picked four people out of them, and she was honest and willing to gossip less. For those who love to talk about others, cheat and cheat, she has no time to train.

The production team already has a place to raise pigs, because the number of pigs raised this time is not large, so there is no other place to find another place, but she still asked people to make some changes to it to make the environment better Conducive to the growth of piglets.

After that, she made pig feed. She didn’t have a ready-made formula in her memory, but she had a large amount of knowledge stored in it, and it didn’t take long to formulate a suitable feed.

It took only eight months for the last batch of pigs to be put into the slaughter, which was four months shorter than before, and the body was large and fat, almost one-third heavier !

Captain Wang reported the results again, and this time it attracted more attention than last time. There will be more researchers coming down to investigate and take away the new feed formula.

After the commendation again, the production team also received special approval to open a feed factory and aquaculture factory. Captain Wang became the director of the factory, and Ying Lan was a special consultant. , get a fixed salary and various benefits.

This made Captain Wang very happy. He didn’t expect that he just listened to Ying Lan’s words habitually and tried to apply for it. !

In addition to a few people on the production team, all the people in the production team became employees of the factory. People earn more.

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