Tree of the Magic World

Chapter 312 - Earthen

As the three princes of the orc empire, Bagel had his pride. The existence of the beast further deepened his mentality, making him despise everything. Especially for the elves, he has a kind of contempt from his bones, and thinks how these thin arms and thin legs guys can be opponents of the burly lion.

In this case, he immediately became angry when he heard Ren’s provocative words. The Bimon beast that was in contact with his soul rushed over with him, trying to crush the human race in front of him into a piece of minced meat.

But what surprised Bagel was that before he reached the other party, he felt a terror strike, and the burst of flames raged out, which made him change color in an instant.

Through the flashing fire, Renn saw Bager’s dreadful look. He didn’t change his face, and clenched his fists. With a click, the flames covering down gathered instantly. Indistinctly he heard a cry of despair, but it soon came to an abrupt end. In the remaining flame, he saw a large corpse burned slowly, and at the end, only some hard bones fell to the ground.

Ren stepped forward, feeling the barrenness around him, and he exhaled deeply. Bending down, he reached out and grabbed the white snow-like tooth, with a sharp cold flash on it. He could tell that this was the tooth in the mouth of the Bimon, and it was the sharpest one. In the hands of wizards who are good at refining, this is an excellent material.

He flung it into the space ring, and Ren glanced around, there was no living thing in the field of vision. He felt it carefully, but also failed to find a breath of life.

“The previous living creature must have been killed by the lion.” Rennes thought.

There was an unpretentious smile on the corner of his mouth: “It’s quite hidden.”

Thinking of this, he sat cross-legged on the ground, his majestic thoughts surging out. At the same time, a delicate branch protruded out of his eyebrows, looking strange. But this was just the beginning. One after another, the delicate branches protruded out like a naughty little snake, flew away.

Not long after, Ren had been covered with green branches, and he could not even see his figure. Vibrant green spreads, filling the entire space. Where the paper slips past, there is a continuous growth of vegetation, as if the world has come alive because of it.

I do n’t know how long it took, the entire underground space was flooded with this green color, including the rainbow bridge, all covered with emerald green.

Deep in the underground space, a scarlet little snake’s red eyes suddenly appeared in horror. It was about to dive deeper, and was suddenly bound by a few branches. At this moment, the little snake made a scream, the sound was sharp, and it penetrated through the layers of rock and soil into Rennes’ ear, causing him to frown slightly. The branch that bound the little snake suddenly grew bigger, and suddenly grew from a rough thumb to an arm.

The huge power of sucking came, making the snake helplessly struggling, and the extent of the struggle was getting smaller and smaller. At this moment, the branches that covered the whole space shrank one after another, sinking into Ryan’s eyebrows. Until the end, he brought the little yellow snake in front of Rennes.

Ren opened his eyes, looked at the fierce little snake, and smiled.

He can feel the power of the majestic earth element from this little snake, and this power has exceeded the limits of the rules. Well, it must be a collection of earth spirits, the power of the rules of the earth!

“It seems that it hasn’t been long before it has matured, and it hasn’t learned the tolerance and camouflage of intelligent creatures.” Rain smiled and squeezed the earth snake in his hand.

The Earth Snake struggled violently, and a terrifying force impacted Renne’s soul, making him feel a little pain. He smiled without anger, looked at the little guy carefully, and then suddenly caught him in his hand.

The sound of clanking sound came out, like sword sound, like animal roar, like baby cry. Ren’s face did not change color, absorbing the power of the rule among the earth snakes. He was aware of the greedy thoughts coming from Wushu in the sea, but he was suppressed by Rain. The change of the tree of life caused Ren to be alert to the witch tree rooted in the sea of ​​his consciousness.

Rennes was completely immersed in the enjoyment of absorbing the power of the law of the earth. He did not see the flowers and trees around him gradually changing with the wind, and the yellow sand and dust gradually swept, with a violent storm that made the sky yellow. As time passed, more and more sand and dust flew, making the door of the underground space composed of rune energy slowly corroded. With the first yellow sand overflowing, in a burst of noise, the energy gate finally broke. The yellow sand is like a dragon, gushing out, making the lush trees and flowers gradually buried by the yellow sand.

A half-elf hunter was hunting outside the jungle. In fact, he felt the movement in this forbidden place and moved closer. But as soon as he came over, he saw the sky of yellow sand and immediately uttered a horrified shout, threw his weapon and turned his head and ran away.

This matter spread quickly through the mouth of the hunter, and got the news together with the nearest half-moon city ~ ~ in the city master’s palace, the city master Hikonu with first-order high priest strength heard When the news arrived, he rode in a unicorn chariot and brought a group of elf guards.

This city owner is a high elf, with a beautiful face, but quite proud in his heart. In his view, only the moon elves are the superior race, and the other elves are all inferior. As for the human race and the half elves, it is more like the barbaric existence of the orcs. Therefore, when he arrived at this place covered by a continuous stream of yellow sand, he ordered his men to drive away the others around him and clear out a quiet place with a radius of a hundred miles.

As a result, the tribe in which Mt. Thu and others lived was beaten. Everyone was ordered to leave within ten minutes, leaving behind the personality of the killer-don’t think that the high elves are polite, they are more brutal than the orcs.

Madhusson and others were naturally furious, but they did not dare to talk nonsense, but they all cherished Ren from their hearts. If the Ren was here, I am afraid these people would not dare.

Just as they moved things reluctantly, Amy complained these days that they were so painful that they were tortured. Her voice was not loud, but was heard by an elf bodyguard. The guy had no good intentions. Hearing this, he was pleased in his heart, but his face did not show up at all, and he scolded with a straight face and wanted to imprison her. The other people in the tribe were not stupid. They immediately realized the other party’s intentions, and confrontation happened immediately. When the elf guards thought it was a unilateral slaughter, the rock giant appeared.

Because of the power of Rain to absorb the rules of the earth, the Rock Giant has benefited indirectly, and has now reached the ninth level. Therefore, not only did the elf escorts fail to please, but two guys were seriously injured. Hiknu, who had always been short-sighted, heard the words and came with anger in the sky.

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