
130 l Triumph

“OZWIN!” Richiro’s voice echoed over the rain. Azlyn barely had time to determine what had actually happened before a blast of force erupted behind her.

A dynamite tied arrow Kida shot exploded against the scaly face of Leviathan. His roar echoed in the space, as the primal tried to shake the smoke from his eyes. The black soot remained, giving them time to reposition. 

Mjnt took Ozwin’s missing place—spearing and jabbing with her lance into the scaly hide of the beast. 

Azlyn stared back to the waters, eyes still wide in horror as she digested what had just happened moments before. 

Ozwin. Ozwin covered them. The idiot covered them and fell in to save them. 

She flared, as her aether peaked she yelled over to her egi to go berserk. In a way they all did, Richiro hung closer to center as he healed them all and sent one broil spell after the other. 

It seemed as if their attacks were working—as they started to gain momentum. It was when Koroko Koko set a spiraling spire of flames at Leviathan that they saw a most spectacular sight. 

As the Primal roared in defiance, he leapt overhead of them. 

“Heads up!” Mjnt directed their attention to the swirling vortex that would try and swallow them whole. Kida started to strum her harpsichord as fast as her fingers would let her, a solid battle melody coursed through each of them. 

“Let’s attack it at once!” Koroko Koko responded with such clarity—her staff charging her most powerful magicks. “If the blessing of Hydaelyn is on our side, we shall use it to take down this sea snake!” 

“Let’s do it for Ozwin!” Richiro’s eyes looked red, as if he’d been crying. 

As Leviathan emerged from the depths, what should have been his strongest attack against them was interrupted as the seven of them sent a blazing beam of aetheric assault energy to the Primal. 

My waters—are stilled—This—this is the blessing of Light!?

As Leviathan writhed in the sea, his body flailed and swayed. His aether started to disperse back into the sky, the rains let up as the skies began to slowly break the dark grey swirling vortexes to show bits of the sun light piercing through—The ocean calmed down as soon as Leviathan’s essence disappeared from their material existence. 

Richiro ran over to the edge, his round cheeks covered in wet patches as his tears continued to run down his face. 

“Ozwin! Ozwin!” 

As the clouds departed, the seven of them went to Richiro’s side.. They could see his small form quivering as he crumbled upon his knees. He used the sleeves of his robes to rub his eyes as he continued to cry over Ozwin. 

Azlyn looked over to Kida. Her face was steeled, as if trying to hold back the rage she felt. Mjnt—Roll—even N’thuzu Tia had these moments of forlorn—looking out to the sea that slowly lapped. 

The Whorleater ship governed by the Maelstrom started to slowly make there way over to them, unaware of the sacrifice that had occurred. 

Azlyn shook her head, angrily shaking. 

“What’s got everyone so upset?” Koroko Koko approached, her shoes squeaking as she walked. 

Roll snapped her head, as did Azlyn—only to see Ozwin walking up alongside their black mage. He wrung his shirt out. 

“I hate the sea, there’s a reason I don’t do this shit anymore.” 

Their Lalafellin healer moved faster than they expected. As he clung to the front legs of the one who they thought was gone. 

“DON’T YOU EVER SCARE US LIKE THAT!” He wailed, and everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. 

Azlyn hadn’t realized that she had been holding her breath, so when she let her lungs relax it softened the tension in her shoulders and throat. 

“Thought you kicked the bucket for a moment.” N’thuzu Tia regained his composure. Kida went over to punch Ozwin’s arm before storming off to the side. She looked angry but relieved at the same time. 

Mjnt smiled calmly. “How’d you survive Ozwin?” 

The man patted the crying Lalafellin on his wet hair before he went to explain how he did it. 

“When I fell in, I noticed the ropes that we had initially been tied to the Whorleater. I swam with the riptide, and wrapped that shit so tight around my arm.” He displayed his left forearm that had been inflamed in red burn marks from the friction of the rope. “Koroko Koko noticed me at the edge, so she kicked off some debris for me to anchor onto with the rope while Leviathan focused on you all at the front.” 

Azlyn nodded, as relief came to her tensed shoulders. She then noticed the few dead corpses of the Sahagin emerging on the surface. Their bodies laid limp and sagged as the waters calmed. “Did we kill that many?” She pointed to them. 

Ozwin laughed. “Oh yeah, they attacked me while I was under. I took out half a dozen before Koroko gave me some stuff to hang onto. The combination attack was good—nice lead Koroko.” 

The black mage deviously chuckled. “It’s all thanks to your efforts Master Ozwin.” 

Kida jumped up and down, waving her arms as she yelled up to the oncoming vessels. “HEY!! We murdered Leviathan dead! Can we eat sushi now!?” 

“Heh.” Roll gave her typical laugh while everyone else celebrated their triumph. What they had assumed was a potential passing of a friend turned into nothing more than a close call. With Ozwin waving off their concern, the rest of the time was spent being towed back to Moraby Docks. 

The Maelstrom officers worked diligently and quickly, sailing them back as fast as they could. They were given plenty of dry blankets and hot beverages to tide them over. 

Azlyn remained at the center of their entourage—as the Storm Marshal who came up with and prepared the insane tow ships and platform presented their water drenched selves to the Admiral and Scions who anxiously anticipated their arrival. 

Everyone went silent, as the ongoing storms finally seemed like a dream of fevered wives tales. They were all soaked, bundled in blankets as Minfillia sighed in relief to them all. 

Admiral Merlwyb proudly smiled to them, nodding her head. “We Lominsans are sworn to strive ‘Til Sea Swallows All’—and swallow allot would have, had Leviathan prevailed. That we still strive now—we own in no small part to you all.” She raised a hand over her chest, bowing her head to their group. “Not for the first time, you ave delivered Limsa Lominsa from the wrath of a primal. Never has our nation known a stouter ally.” 

Ozwin perked up, “And we’ll do it again, and again, and again. Til we’re blue in the face.” 

Richiro still clung to one of his side, refusing to give him space as the thought of him dying most recently played in all their minds. Even Azlyn thought back to that moment, and knew that the fights against the primals would get worse and potentially dangerous. 

“I would hope you keep such a humor Master Ozwin.” Y’shtola smirked with her usual tone of personality. Azlyn typically saw this side of her when she was telling Thancred off for his woeful antics towards the ladies. 

He grinned as if they hadn’t face a life threatening event, while the Admiral chuckled. “On behalf of my people, I give you my humblest thanks.” 

Azlyn nodded. “We’re glad that we were up to the task.” She then looked over to the Storm Marshal who stood quietly by his Admiral. Many of the people of Moraby Docks started to filter nearby as they began whispering of the Warriors of Lights’ accomplishments once more. “We owe it all to your quick work as well.”

“Tis met that I give thanks to Old Mistbeard, too, for his solution.” The Admiral crossed her arms over her chest. “Whatever else he may have been, ‘tis clear he was a resourceful soul. Would that I had a man like him in my service.” 

Nonchalantly the Storm Marshal whistled a soft tune, not phased further by the Admiral’s praises. 

It was at this moment when Lady Yugiri approached their group, and spoke resolutely to them. Her eyes, a brilliant blue limbal rings alight with passionate fires within. “Before I set foot in these lands, I had no inkling that the people of Eorzea contended with such mighty foes. Suffice it to say, their existence came as something of a shock—as did the idea that they could be defeated.” 

Kida clapped her hands together in a quick rhythm. “When I first came to Eorzea, the primals were quite the shock too! It’s a good thing we’re just badasses!” 

Their group shook their head, silently laughing to Kida’s response. 

Lady Yugiri nodded to her. “The experiences has served to remind me of the vastness of the world—and the boundless potential of man.” 

“Your eloquent words are like music to the ears Lady Yugiri.” Thancred replied. 

Mjnt chuckled. “Kida’s brusqueway of speaking has it’s quality too.” 

“Fuck off Thanny.”  Kida smiled brightly, as Minfillia shook her head. 

“Though I am but a refugee in this realm.” Lady Yugiri spoke, finding a lull in their group’s antics to speak to the Admiral. “I would fain be of use to you in your fight. Know that I am tutored in one of the foremost combat arts of the Far East. It may seem outlandish to the Eorzean eye, but should any of your people care to learn, I would be pleased to initiate them.” 

Ozwin reached over to Azlyn’s wrist, before bringing it up. “Train her. She needs it.” 

Azlyn merely yanked her wrist back before smacking his shoulder closest to her. 

“If it is something you wish to learn Azlyn, I will be more than pleased to teach you.”

“She’ll do it.” The midlander Hyur answered for her, and stuck his tongue out to her. All Azlyn could do was nod. 

“And I will see to it that they are grateful.” The Admiral replied, looking to each of them. “I have no doubt that your knowledge and skills will serve us well. Besides, your art is not so outlandish as you think. Would you not agree Master Thancred? Master Ozwin?”

Ozwin shrugged. 

Thancred gave a noncommittal smirk. “Naught escapes your searching eye, Admiral.” The Scion turned over to their group and Lady Yugiri. “Few are privy to this information, but Limsa Lominsa is home to a certain secret fraternity.” 

“The Dutiful Sisters.” Ozwin answered, crossing his arms. “Led by the notorious Jacke himself.” 

Thancred agreed. “It’s members are trained in a form of combat not unlike your own. By my own judgment, it should not be beyond such individuals to adapt to the techniques I witnessed you employing with such admirable deftness.” 

Lady Yugiri smiled warmly to them. “I am heartened to hear this. I, too, noted a kinship between your style and mine own Master Thancred. Though it seemed to me that you fought differently in the beginning.” 

Azlyn noted that the male Scion seemed nervous at this insinuation. The stutter in his voice announced it clearly. “A-Aye, I suppose I did. What can I say? I am a man of many talents… hehe…he…”

Y’shtola laughed a bit louder than she typically would have. It drew the attention to her. “Though you may labor to believe it, Thancred was once something of a scoundrel, who fraternized with the criminal class in these parts.” 

Roll smirked. “Sounds like a certain someone we know too.” 

Ozwin whistled nonchalantly, looking away with a smug smirk.

Thancred’s eyes went wide at Y’shtola’s words. “Y’shtola please!” 

“Nonsense—I shan’t forget the moment when Azlyn’s mother knocked you down a peg. Seeing Lady Yugiri in action has reminded me of a good memory.” 

“You-you jest, of course! Liliana did no such…” He looked to Azlyn who blinked in rapid succession to him. 

Mjnt commented behind them. “Lies.” 

Minfillia laughed, bringing Thancred’s past a bit more light. “But for a chance encounter with Alphinaud’s grandsire, he might never have left Limsa Lominsa, or received an education in Sharlayan, or taken up his post in Ul’dah—which is where he trained in the blade with Liliana, lest you wonder!” 

Azlyn chuckled when the Scion became flustered at Minfillia’s admission. He lowered his head in shame, a heavy flush appeared on his cheeks as he brought a hand up to disguise it. “Minfillia—please! At least not in front of Azlyn!”

Lady Yugiri laughed softly. “It would seem there is more to all of you—especially Master Thancred.”

Admiral Merlwyb watched their group’s atmosphere with a keen eye, before she addressed Yugiri. “I am told that you and yours came to Eorzea seeking permanent resettlement, and that many Domans have since been engaged as frontier hands at Revenant’s Toll. Mor Dhona is many things, but a place for refuge it is not.” She turned to her Storm Marshal nodding once. “Know that I would like nothing better than to furnish your people with a new home here on Lominsan soil. Alas, racked by instability as we are, our nation is in no fit state to take you in. Yet I’ll not have it said that we turned a blind eye to your suffering. Until such time as we can do more, I pledge to send provisions.” 

Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. “Master Alphinaud will be very pleased by your decision Admiral!” 

“The House of Splendors Rowena runs will be happy to hear that as well.” Roll replied. 

“We are in your debt, Admiral. I realize that it scarce qualifies as repayment, but if it pleases you, I shall set about my martial knowledge with your people at once.” She turned to Azlyn moments later. “And once I am done with their people, I shall tutor you personally Azlyn.” She bowed, and Azlyn met her eastern bow with her own. It had been some time since she last used such a formal bow.

“I am in your debt Lady Yugiri. I look forward to the day you, Ozwin, and I will have our training.” 

Ozwin snapped his head over. “What?” 


“We are excited to learn Lady Yugiri.” Azlyn smiled, knowing full well the implication she offered when she threw Ozwin’s name into the mix. 

Minfillia stepped forward, gesturing to Thancred and the others that it was time to go. “We shall head back to Mor Dhona—I have seen what I needed here. Thancred, Y’shtola, are you ready?” 

Thancred nodded. “I shall lead Lady Yugiri to the Dutiful Sisters in the meantime Minfillia.” 

Y’shtola waved to Minfillia instead. “And I have one last business to finish up in Vylbrand, I shall be back a bit later.” 

The Maelstrom officers were pushing back the growing crowd, only for the Antecedent to teleport away. Koroko Koko waved before she turned to the group. “I believe it’s time we go home and get out of our wet clothes.” 

Mjnt smiled. “It’d be a shame to catch a cold after such a thrilling fight.”

“Pray attend to yourselves. I shall ensure the Admiral gets back to Limsa Lominsa safely.” Y’shtola promised. “Thank you for your hard work today—you’ve endured a lot.” 

As their group started to split, Azlyn could see her friends looking to one another waiting for a destination. 

“To the house.” Roll suggested, “We have plenty of clothes and shower space to clean up.” 

“Then let’s get this show on the roll!” Kida shouted, before popping out of Moraby Docks. She was soon followed by the others, leaving Azlyn the last one to say goodbye. 

“We’ll go to Mor Dhona once we’re all cleaned up.” Azlyn explained to the remaining Scions. “Safe journeys to you all.” 

“And you as well.” Admiral Merlwyb smiled to her. “You have done much and more for our realm.”

And with that last note, Azlyn activated her teleport spell to arrive at the house. It was exactly as they left it—in the middle of a hot desert landscape with the blazing sun reaching the end of its transition. Evening would be upon them, as a slight cool air started to blow.

By the time they were all cleaned up, the eight of them sat around the large common area sipping hot beverages. Kida and Koroko had dominated most of the conversation that night, discussing their latest side quests they finished up when Ozwin’s eyes widened in horror. 

He shot up from his usual spot on the couch before dashing down the stairs. 

“Uh…. Ozwin, you okay?” Kida yelled as they heard several curses from below. He seemed to be scrambling for something. 

“SHIT! I forgot I grabbed the mail!” 

Roll took one slow sip from her cup before she realized what his recent epiphany meant. “Ah. Oh. Heh.” 

N’thuzu Tia quirked his head, as did Azlyn and Richiro when the Hyur finally emerged from below. In his hands lain a heavily soaked envelope—the distinct smell of salt water made it evidently clear that there was no saving it. 

“Shit, shit. Azlyn, I’m such an asshole. I picked up your mail since I was here, and then I fell into the ocean like a dumbass.” He handed it over, and she frowned at the closed envelope. She looked up, seeing an unusual look of guilt upon his visage. 

She shook her head, giving him a slight smile. “It’s all good Ozwin—I’d rather you alive than a letter. Though it is unfortunate…” She carefully flipped it over, noting the wax seal had been different from the usual seal used. 

“Is there anyway to still read that?” Richiro asked, leaning over to Azlyn’s other side. His drink long forgotten. 

“Nah, but… Ozwin—did you happen to read who it was from?” 

The male frowned, grabbing his chin in thought. “Yeah—something with Forum?” 

Azlyn worriedly looked back down to the soggy letter before attempting to open the envelope. Even with her gently tugging the paper, it didn’t want to cooperate with her. Eventually it just tore and withered—and did something she hoped wouldn’t happen. 

A magical burst occurred, giving off a soft amber light—before quickly dissipating. That was not a good sign. 

“What was that?!”

“That was magic to alert the sender that I received the message. However…” Azlyn lifted the soggy mess instead. “I couldn’t read it. If it was the Forum as you’ve stated Ozwin…” 

Kida scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Why the hell do those old coots want to know you got the letter in the first place? Noisy bastards.” 

“Are you in trouble?” N’thuzu curiously asked, while Ozwin racked a hand behind his neck. 

“I’m sorry Azlyn—I’ll take responsibility if that’s the case.” 

“It’s alright!” She smiled, before dropping deep into thought. Did something happen? Or… did she do something that the Forum could not abide to? She supposed as one who grew up in Sharlayan, she probably abided by some of their governances—as weird as that would sound. 

Richiro worriedly looked to her, as did N’thuzu Tia. 

“Hey, don’t worry about it—if it was something of dire importance they wouldn’t send just a single letter.” She hoped to assuage the few. “They’ll send another one if my response is really necessary.” 

Mjnt crossed her leg over the other, before leaning down to think. “I wonder… if it’s about that?” 

“About what?” Azlyn curiously looked to her. 

Roll, Kida, and Ozwin snapped their heads over to Mjnt—shaking their heads to her. 

“What are you guys keeping to yourselves?” 

“It’s nothing.” Mjnt finally sighed, shaking her head. “Azlyn, I know we’ve cleaned up for the night, but why don’t you check on the Antecedent—just to make sure she arrived at the Rising Stones.”

“Excellent suggestion my dudette!” Kida snapped her fingers as she hopped up from the cushion. “Azlyn, as our representative, you should go right away!” 

“Oh cuz.” Roll immediately called back to her. “I’d recommend staying in Mor Dhona overnight if possible. Mom called me earlier to caution us that there might be some sort of civil unrest at the protest tomorrow. Just be careful if you do wind up going there.” 

“A protest? Alright, if I come back I’ll be careful.” She awkwardly rose from her spot, leaving her forgotten tea on the table. “You guys be safe too. Call me if something bad happens. I’ll be over in a heart beat.” 

“We know you will.” Koroko Koko smiled to her. “We’ll hold down the fort in the meantime.”

“Good night Az!”


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