
126 l The Sea Rises

Azlyn hopped off the caravan last as the Domans took in the sights of Revenant’s Toll. The outpost had been fairly empty, but with the new additions from their Doman visitors, the area seemed to burst to life. 

Standing at the door of the Rising Stones happened to be Kida, Ozwin, N’thuzu Tia, and Roll. They seemed lost in thought even when she rejoined them. 

“How are we going to deal with this massive shitstorm... oh! Azlyn. Welcome back my dudette.” Kida saluted to her. 

Ozwin didn’t even give the Au Ra a chance to ask what they were previously talking about, as he asked her a bizarre question. “Azlyn—being the Bloody Princess of the Sea—I’m sure you’re fairly good with water?” 

“Uh.... I guess?” Azlyn decided to ignore the nickname, and just answered his question. “I can swim if that’s what you meant.” 

N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms over his chest, looking to the doors that led into the new headquarters of the Scions. “We might have a Primal to slay once more.” 

“Oh?” The Au Ra blinked. “Is it Titan or Ifrit again?” She didn’t think Ifrit would be around a sea of water though.

Her cousin sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “No—this time we’re disposing of Leviathan if they’re successful.” 

“Leviathan?!” She gasped aloud when several adventurers passing by stopped to give them a look. Ozwin waved over to them, before lightly flicking her in the forehead. 

“Jeez, scare the rest of the realm—why don’t you?” 

“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that one.” Azlyn hummed unsteadily. “Have we contacted the others yet?” 

“Richiro will wait for us in Limsa Lominsa... actually he’s the one who reported it over to Minfillia.” N’thuzu Tia explained to Azlyn, catching her up. “Roll had been the first one to find out, as she introduced Lady Yugiri to her, Richiro called in with his bad news.” 

“We contacted Koko and Mjnty already!” Kida exuberantly explained. “Koko said she’d be teleporting over in a little—while Mjnty said she’d meet us in Limsa Lominsa after her training.” 

“Is Minfillia with Lady Yugiri inside?” 

Roll nodded, “I let them discuss in private about the ongoing events for the Doman refugees. They didn’t need me there to speculate. I figured we would do better getting the group back together to deal with Leviathan.” 

“I see.” Azlyn sighed. “Do we know what else happened between now and then?” 

“Why don’t you just head inside?” Kida perked, “I’m sure Minfillia would tell you her thoughts.” 

Ozwin nodded, “Since we’re on standby for a bit—I need to check something at the house.” He stopped long enough to gaze at Azlyn. “When was the last time you sent a letter home?” 

That was a peculiar question, but she could tell by Kida’s swift elbow into his side that it was something that he shouldn’t have asked. She narrowed her eyes. “I sent a letter about a week ago. Why?” 

The Hyur rubbed his side. “I hadn’t seen you writing as of late—I was going to see if you wanted me to mail something for you—geez, that hurt Kida.” He glared back to the Au Ra Xaela with blue hair. 

She rose up and down on the balls of her feet, innocently whistling.

Azlyn reached into her satchel, pulling out the prepared letter for tomorrow. “I have this. Can you mail it?” 

“Yeah.” He sighed, pocketing the letter into his own bag. “I’ll meet you all in Limsa Lominsa.” He gave them a two finger salute before teleporting away. Azlyn quirked her head to the side. 

“What was that all about?” 

Roll reached over to Kida, hooking her arm into her own. “We have some errands to run for Rowena while we’re here. Azlyn, you should head inside.” 

Soon she was left by herself in front of the Seventh Heaven bar. “That was strange.” Before she went inside and pushed past the adventurers drinking at the counter to the back doors. She went into the Rising Stones, walking down the carpeted hall to Minfillia’s Solar in the back room. 

She knocked, her knuckles echoed as a soft mumble of welcome gave her permission to enter. 

“Azlyn! I see you have made it at last.” Minfillia smiled over to her, used to her way of entry after the many times of her knocking upon the doors. “Lady Yugiri and I were discussing the last minute details for the refugees that will be staying in Mor Dhona.” 

Yugiri bowed to her, and Azlyn met her bow with a similar, and formal one back. When she finally straightened, she looked to Minfillia. “I heard about the trouble in Limsa Lominsa. Or the potential of one.” 

Minfillia crossed an arm over her chest, rubbing her chin as if contemplating. “Plainly, should the worst come to pass, and Leviathan is summoned, our only recourse will be to face him in battle. Given past experience, you may very well think that eventuality inevitable.”

“It’s nothing we haven’t done before—slaying primals, I mean.” Azlyn warmly replied, a light smile gracing her lips. “I suppose that’s the reason why Ozwin asked if I like water—given Leviathan’s affinity for the sea.” 

The Antecedent nodded. “Yet I hope we are able to prevent the summoning. So long as there is even a chance that the primal’s return might be prevented, we must needs bend all our efforts toward achieving that goal. We shall go ahead to Limsa Lominsa, and speak with the Admiral. She will not have been idle in the intervening time. We shall speak with you there anon.” 

Azlyn watched as both Minfillia and Lady Yugiri left the Solar. After a few moments she too left the Solar to meet with the rest of her friends outside by the giant Aetheryte. A black mage caster had joined them—her tall black pointed hat stood out in the bright Mor Dhona community. 

“Koroko, it’s good to see you again. How was your training?” 

She turned, smiling up to her. “It went very well. Master Thuzu has just caught me up to date with all the details.” 

“Then all we need to do is wait for Roll and Kida.” 

The trio decided to head up toward the markets, seeing several pop-up tents with crafters and merchants. There were some where several women by the entrance point, calling to adventurers for trading. 

“If you have tomes, bring them to us! We have augmented equipment and weapons up for trade!” 

Azlyn paused, looking over to the tent. “Tomes?” 

Koroko Koko and N’thuzu Tia gazed between each other. The mage decided to explain to her. “Ah, I suppose a bit of explanation is in order. They’re looking for old Allagan tomestones, sometimes one can find them while adventuring and fighting beasts.” 

N’thuzu Tia brought out a black rectangular object, no bigger than the palm of his hand. There were long lines that ran straight down them, colored in red and white. “This is an old Allagan tomestone. Roll has been collecting them for our augmented equipment.” 

“Oh.” Azlyn hadn’t paid attention to the loot they had gathered this entire time. The loot for the most part had been something that Kida and Roll took care of. She, on the other hand, still had a hard time differentiating between the old gold pieces compared to the new ones. Or she wouldn’t pay attention when paying for thing. “I remember seeing them in textbooks, but I thought they were rare to find.” 

“Some are.” Koroko Koko explained with a mischievous grin. “But we were told that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them and gold. Thus we kept your share with Roll’s to keep them safe.” 

She had to admit, they weren’t wrong. “Well I’ll have to thank my cousin for her consideration. She’s always taking care of me.” Azlyn scratched her cheek embarrassed. 

“There you guys are! Ah—Roll, Koko is with us!” A vibrant voice rejoined their group as a lively Xaela Au Ra jumped up onto Azlyn’s back from behind. The girl reacted, catching her from behind to carry her in a piggy back-like motion. 

“Kida—you’re a bit heavy.” Azlyn tried to reposition her, only for the girl to drop in dead weight. 

“Dead weight~~” She teased beside her head as she continued to slump. 

Roll slowly walked over, seeing the booth they were standing by. “Ah, did you want something from the girls?” Her question had been directed to Azlyn who awkwardly walked with her friend upon her back. 

“Do they have books?” 

Roll shook her head. “They have jewelry and accessories.” 

“I guess a new pair of rings or earrings would be fine.” 

Her cousin went to speak with one of the girls, and after an exchange had been made she was given a box of accessories. The girl pocketed the tomestones before waving goodbye to them. 

“So Azzie, what did Minfillia say?” 

“Oh!” That reminded her that she and Lady Yugiri were waiting for them in Limsa Lominsa. “She’s heading to Limsa Lominsa to speak with the Admiral.”

“Then we should go!” Kida activated her teleport, and the weight of her friend disappeared as the distinct pop of the aether alerted her of the jump. 

Soon they all were teleporting and welcomed by the smell of salt water and grilled fish. 

Azlyn could see the dusky orange sun, setting in the west. The hues of red, purples, and orange graced the skies and spoke of a night soon to come. They spotted a tall Viera standing away from the crowds—her ears twitched at the different sounds as she waited. A Lalafellin had been right next to her, sitting on the edge of the rail bobbing his head back and forth. 

“Mjnty! Richi!” Kida sprinted through the throngs of adventurers to the pair. “Hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long!” 

Roll raised her hand in greeting, “We finished our errands in Revenant’s Toll.” 

Richiro nervously rake a hand through his hair, the ashy blonde wisps combed through with ease as his hand went through it. “We’re missing someone! How are we going to deal with,” he leaned to their circle, a harsh whisper for them to hear. “Leviathan!?” 

“Ozwin should be joining us soon. He said he had to go to the house first.” Azlyn explained, shaking her head. “And he’s not summoned yet, so don’t jinx us before we start negotiations with the Sahagin.” 

“Jeez, Richiro’s already jinxing us.” Kida sighed loudly, shaking her head. “Woe to us, for the fates are cruel with their jests!” 

Azlyn gazed inside the towering marble of the Bulwark Hall. She could see the lift that Zanthael, a Storm Sergeant dressed in the traditional red garb of the Grand Company, stood guard to prevent people from boarding. The only individuals he allowed through had been those with permission to see the Admiral. 

“It wouldn’t be the first time Richiro’s jinxed us.” Ozwin’s voice perked up beside Roll, as he waved his hand up to them. He appeared from nowhere, as the cast of his shadow spell ended. He grinned at the shocked look he received from the Lalafellin lad who hadn’t expected him to skulk up. 



“Ozzie’s here!” Kida gave him a thumb’s up. “Now we’re back together!” 

“Shall we go see the Admiral?” Azlyn suggested, gesturing to the Bulwark Hull. “Minfillia should be arriving with Lady Yugiri shortly. They probably might already be here, given Minfillia’s access to instant teleportation papers.” 

Mjnt smiled, looking in the direction the Au Ra offered. “I did indeed spy the Antecedent and a white haired Auri walking toward the lift earlier.” 

“Instant teleport papers!” Kida cheered, before tapping her chin. “That means free transportation for them!” 

“Why couldn’t Alphinaud give me some of the Vesper Bay teleports. I’m still salty about that.” Azlyn shook her head thinking of all the times she had to walk over to the Waking Sands. 

Roll pulled out a stack of ten from her satchel. “You mean these?” 

“WHY DO YOU HAVE THEM!” Azlyn’s eyes bulged at the sight. 

She shrugged to her cousin. “Alphinaud passed them to me a while ago when I asked.” 

“I really resent that.” 

“Not like you’re going to have to travel to Vesper Bay.” Ozwin raised both his hands behind his neck. He smirked to them. 

“Yeah, with the Scions moved to Revenant’s Toll we have access to the Aetheryte right in front.” N’thuzu Tia agreed, nodding. 

Roll moved from the group, and Koroko Koko and Mjnt followed behind her. Azlyn wedged herself in the middle of their group while N’thuzu Tia, Ozwin, and Richiro Wichiro held the rear. They went to the lift where Zanthael waved them abroad. 

“You are expected. Pray take the lift to the command room.” 

The lift shook as it elevated upward, the creaking of the metal scratching against the sides of the walls as it went echoed in the shaft. By the time they reached the floor of the Stateroom, the slight whoosh of air flow welcomed them onto the next floor. A statesmen of the Maelstrom opened the lift grate, offering them a chance to walk onto the polished floor of the hallway. They walked down the maroon carpet, before two statesmen open the two doors into the Stateroom. A grand window stood at the back of the room, where a standard captain’s desk had been situated.

The Admiral, Merlwyb Blowsefyn, stood with her back to them—and Minfillia and Lady Yugiri waited at the side of the room. On the other side of the room stood Thancred and Y’shtola who waved upon their arrival. 

“This grew into a grand party.” Ozwin smirked, gazing around the room that had been filled up thanks to their arrival. “No hor d'oeuvres?” 

“Master Ozwin, I pray your humor does not falter in the eyes of the fiercest Sahagin.” Admiral Merlwyb turned around, and gestured with her hand to come forward. “Welcome friends. I take it Y’shtola has apprised most of you the situation?” 

Richiro Wichiro and Mjnt nodded, while Azlyn quirked her head.

“Let us waste no time then. According to our best intelligence, the Sahagin had not crystals enough to summon their god. Alas, we did not count on the Serpent Reavers venturing as far as Thanalan to supplement their cache.” The Admiral explained succinctly, and when she mentioned Thanalan, Azlyn had turned her gaze to Thancred. That was probably the reason why he had been working alongside Y’shtola in this dilemma. “For our shortsightedness, we are faced with the grim prospect of Leviathan’s imminent return. Needless to say, I am not inclined to let the fishbacks have their way. Even as we speak, the Maelstrom makes ready to launch a large-scale operation to thwart the summoning, and we would welcome the Scions’ support in this endeavor.” 

Y’shtola crossed her arms over her chest. With a single glance one could tell she was irked by the Admiral’s request given her stance on the Lominsan’s aggressive tendencies to go against the accords of the beastmen. 

“But if, gods forbid, our efforts should come to naught, I will need to trouble you fo more than mere support—much as I did when Titan last walked these lands.” 

Azlyn nodded. “Admiral, I’ll do what I can to assist you.” 

Roll smiled softly to her cousin, and slowly everyone else agreed upon the request. The Admiral heaved a sigh of relief before she turned her attention to Minfillia. 

“Lady Minfillia, I am given to understand that you mean to accompany our soldiers to the front lines. I can only assume that you have sound reasons for doing so?” 

Minfillia postulated expertly. “I do, Admiral. But I would rather not be drawn on their nature. I will say only that there is something I would see with mine own eyes.” 

The Admiral nodded. “Is that so? Well, I am not so stubborn as to deny the wish of one whose aide I require—but precautions must be taken. I shall require that you remain by my side at all times. With that settled, let us speak of the operations.” It was in this moment that Merlwyb turned to their group—staring to each of the eight members. “For the Fated Free Company, the Maelstrom scouts are currently reconnoitering Sahagin movements within the Sapsa Spawning Grounds. Upon completing their mission, they will return to the operation’s staging point at Camp Skull Valley. I want you to make your way there forthwith, that you all might be apprised of the latest intelligence. Commander Falkbryda has charge of the garrison.” 

With their task completed within the Stateroom, Azlyn bowed to the Admiral. “Then we’ll be going on ahead.” 

Ozwin gave the remaining members of the group a two finger salute, and the Lalafellin casters started to leave back to the lift. As the doors to the hall were being pulled open by the guard, Azlyn chanced a look over her shoulder to see Thancred watching them leave. 

She gave a small wave, smiling. They left the room, with the doors closing right behind them. They went back to the lift, entering it and waited for the box to begin plummeting at a controlled rate to the ground floor. 

“Lady Minfillia is going to be working alongside the Admiral, huh?” Richiro Wichiro placed both of his hands upon his waist. “It’s surprising to see the Antecedent be so forward!” 

Kida hummed, her fingers tapping a solid beat on the side rail of the lift’s box. “Minfillia’s probably bored or something.” 

“Heh.” Roll shook her head. “She’s not bored. She’s anxious.” 

“Anxious?” Ozwin’s tone mimicked that of shock. “That woman just oozes stoicism. What could have caused her that much anxiety to try and get involved this way?” 

Mjnt’s louperine ears twitched, and her ruby gaze caught Azlyn’s. “Perhaps it is due to someone’s recent... visit?” 

“Visit?” Thuzu questioned. “Who visited Minfillia?” 

“A white cloaked Ascian.” Azlyn explained, and the lift landed on the first floor of the Bulwark Hall. “But let’s talk more of that when we’re traveling to Camp Skull Valley.” 

“White cloaked?” Kida gaped, only to shake her head. “Alright, shall we teleport over or shall we take a scenic route?” 

“We can teleport to Aleport,” Ozwin recommended, taking point of their group to walk to the open plaza. “Or we can ferry a boat from the fisherman’s guild to Aleport. I don’t care in either route.” 

“OOOHH! Let’s go on the boat ride!” 

Roll searched for her pouch, pulling out the gold required per head in their group. “I have the travel funds.”

“I’m all for the cheapest route myself.” Azlyn smiled, and Koroko Koko chuckled. 

Together they traveled by the aetheryte crystals to the fishermen’s guild where a few fishing boats were docked nearby. Ozwin and Roll went to secure their route and payment to Aleport while the rest of them quietly mumbled to each other. 

“Should we be concerned about this new guy?” Richiro Wichiro asked to Azlyn and Mjnt.

Kida strung up her harpsichord plucking at the strings to play a simple melody. 

“He called himself Elidibus.” Mjnt proffered, crossing her arms over her chest. “And he seemed intrigued by our abilities. If he shows up again, I can only think it will be with no good intention in mind.” 

After the Viera’s added notation the group frowned. 

Azlyn placed one of her hands upon her hip looking over to the pair purchasing their group’s passage. It seemed to her that they were bargaining with the dock men to allow all of them onboard for a cheaper rate. 

“Which was strange, given that he spoke of wanting to be friends.” This statement from Azlyn caused Kida to slip on a string, making a weird brooowng sound. 

“Did he say he wanted that?” N’thuzu Tia perked, widening his eyes a smidge. “What a strange thing to say.” 

Mjnt nodded. 

“Oh dear.” Koroko Koko pondered, while the other Lalafellin scrunched his forehead up in worry. 

Kida resumed her playing, alongside the lapping of the waves beneath the wooden pier. 

“He said he wants to be friends the next we meet, but he hurt Minfillia.” Azlyn shook her head. “I don’t know what it is he wants per say, but any Ascian white clad or not doesn’t sound like a good thing.” 

Ozwin and Roll rejoined them, before the Midlander Hyur rolled his eyes to them. “What’s the point of having this conversation here when you’re going to have to re-explain on the ship over?” 

“Sorry Ozwin.” 

N’thuzu Tia shrugged, and pointed to Richiro. “Technically he started the conversation.” 

“Rich~” Ozwin glowered to the Lalafellin, who hid right behind Koroko Koko who laughed. 

“You didn’t miss much.” 

Roll gestured to the boat. “Well, let’s head to Aleport. The fisherman was kind enough to bring us all on one trip. They wanted to split the party, but I was having none of that.” She sighed. 

“Well, let’s not keep them waiting.” N’thuzu Tia smiled over to the fisher who waved them over to him. “We’ll have to shelf that discussion and think about what we’ll find over in Camp Skull Valley.” 

“Alright, let’s go investigate the Sahagin.” Ozwin punched his hand into his open palm, smirking. “Hopefully we can end this before something monstrous comes out of it.” 

Azlyn looked to the distance beyond the horizon. She wondered with how calm the waters were nothing more than a sign for troubled waters ahead. 

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