Traveler In the World

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Under The Unfolding Darkness

“Sure enough…” Looking at the history of the development of the country of Amestris at hand, Yi Daoren’s face became very ugly: “This country was established for a certain purpose!”

From the founding of the country of Amestris to the determination of the current territory, Yi Dao people compared the map and found that almost all the wars in the history of Amestris were fought for the current circular territory!

“However, there are a few incidents that are not right. The incidents that obviously do not need to develop into bloodshed have developed into large-scale bloodshed due to dead people or other reasons…” Yi Daoren, who carefully looked at the history of the development of the country of Amestris Without noticing, behind him, Alex Louis Armstrong was looking at him with a frown.

“Obviously it can be resolved peacefully, but in the end, the army intervened and it became more and more intense. Could it be…”

“Prayer Yi, this is the library, just make a note of what you find, don’t make a sound, it will disturb other people.” When Yi Dao people found something again, Alex Louis Armstrong’s voice Suddenly remembered, Yi Daoren shuddered, and almost wanted to pull out the gun hidden in his arms.

The series of things discovered in the past two days caused Yi Daoren’s spirit to become more and more tense, and his reaction naturally became more and more extreme.

“It’s Major Armstrong…” Knowing that he was a little more excited, Yi Daoren immediately relaxed his facial muscles so that his expression wouldn’t look too stiff, then turned around and smiled: “What? You’ve found everything you’re looking for. ?”

After watching Yi Daoren quietly for a moment, Alex Louis Armstrong suddenly made a fit pose and smiled and said, “Of course! The efficiency passed down from generation to generation by the Armstrong family is unquestionable!”

“Really? It just so happened that I’ve already found what I’m looking for.” While speaking, Yi Daoren pointed to a few books on the side. Those were all alchemy research books published by some alchemy schools.

However, although those alchemy schools have published these alchemy research books, if they are not national alchemists or military personnel, it is impossible for ordinary people to see these alchemy research books. Yi Daoren also entrusted his identity as a researcher of the Third Research Institute and the rank of captain to borrow it.

“Then let’s go through the borrowing procedures together.” With a smile, Alex Louis Armstrong pointed to a small cart behind him, which was piled with a pile of organized books, ranging from geography and military to humanities. There are all kinds of content.

“You’ve covered a lot…”

“Looking for information only for the purpose, people will find the problem… Haha! Just kidding!” After laughing for a while, Alex Louis Armstrong said: “Let’s go, it’s getting dark, and people have to get off work. , it’s not good to delay people’s get off work.”

“Hehe… That’s it. Wait a moment for me, I’ll put this book back first.” With a reluctant smile, Yi Daoren glanced at the history of the development of the country of Amestris and put it back on the bookshelf Afterwards, I went through the borrowing procedure with Alex Louis Armstrong, holding a few alchemy research books.

“Why suddenly look at the history of the development of the country of Amestris?”

At the entrance of the first branch of the National Central Library, when he was about to say goodbye to Alex Louis Armstrong and go home, Yi Daoren suddenly heard a serious question from Alex Louis Armstrong.

Blinking his eyes, Yi Daoren smiled and said, “Looking at history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. Knowing history and learning lessons from history, isn’t this the best way to improve yourself?”

After being stunned for a moment, Alex Louis Armstrong nodded in approval and said with a smile: “You are right, to understand history is to not repeat the mistakes of the past! It seems that my old man called me for this purpose. Read more history books.”

“Ling Zun really has a vision.”

“Ahaha, thank you for your praise on behalf of the old man! Then, goodbye!”


After watching Alex Louis Armstrong walk away, the Yi Daoist pursed his lips, then glanced at the towering Central Command not far away, and turned to go home.

After returning home, without any hesitation, Yi Daoren checked whether his home was being watched, took a booklet and made notes in the guest room, recording all his thoughts and guesses today!

“The formation of the country…the purpose of the founding of Amestris…the bloodshed caused by the army…Huh!?” When recording the bloodshed caused by the army, Yi Daoren suddenly remembered the annihilation of Ishbal, which he also participated in. : “I didn’t expect that I was already in the game!”

Gritting his teeth hard, Yi Daoren looked up at the map of the country of Amestris hanging on the wall of the living room, then tore a piece of paper from the booklet and drew it according to the map of the country of Amestris. A circle, and then marked the location of several large bloodsheds that I knew.

“The Liberal Incident at the founding of the state in 1558…the Cameron civil strife in 1661…the Sobman incident at Fisk in 1799…the Wellesley Incident in 1811…1835, the first incident in what is now the southern city The sub-southern border battle… tsk! If I had this kind of memory when I was studying…” After recording the five locations, Yi Daoren frowned and took a closer look, then drew a circle on the position representing Ishbar.

“Six locations…” After frowning and thinking for a while, Yi Daoren carefully studied the simple picture engraving, and after a smooth gesture, he drew a few lines, then his eyes narrowed, and he drew a few lines again: “This… Sure enough! ”

After Yi Daoren drew a few lines, a formation formed by two pentagons appeared on the simple map!

“Northern Frontier Brickez… Western Frontier Benderton… Southern Frontier Fordset… Eastern Real…” Looking at the position of the nodes that he had drawn into the formation, Yi Daoren’s eyes became deep and deep. : “Just don’t know where it seems to be next… If it’s for the purpose of killing people and having some effect, it shouldn’t be Bendleton, where there are frequent conflicts, and dead people are the norm… Brickez, Fordsett, Reol, do you choose one of three…”

“The painting of the formation must have a fixed route, which represents the process of formation… The positions of Briquez and Reol obviously do not meet the requirements of the formation of the formation…” The finger tapped two irritably on the table. After leaving, Yi Daoren suddenly made a fork at the position of Fordset: “This position is very suitable for the next step in the formation of the formation… After Ishbal, take Fordset to the south, then turn to Reor to the east, and finally connect Brixitz! What an easy way to draw!”

After staring at the Formation Formation for a long time, Daoist Yi suddenly sighed and smiled bitterly: “But what is the purpose of this Formation Formation?”

Knowing how to draw an array doesn’t help much, because that’s just knowing the process. The most important thing in the formation of the formation, that is, the result of the formation, but Yi Daoren still don’t know what it is!

“It took so much effort to set up such a large formation formation for what purpose? An alchemist who can use such a wide range of formations, even if he claims to be a god, is a good thing, why waste such… Wait!” Yi Daoren suddenly thought of his causal speculation about the founding of Amestris: “Conversely, this formation formation was not used by ‘gods’, but to become a ‘god’ in order to use this formation formation ‘…Holy crap, is it because my brain is too big or…but it’s not how ‘God’ can use such a wide-ranging formation?”

Accidentally, Yi Daoren burst out the foul language he used when he was on Earth.

“Da da da da…” The fingers kept tapping on the table, getting harder and faster, and Yi Daoren stripped out all the knowledge about alchemy in his mind, and then got up and flipped through the Alchemy research book borrowed from the National Central Library.

But until the next morning, the loud alarm clock sounded from the bedroom, and when Daoist Yi regained his senses, he still had nothing to gain.

“There is still too little information…” After hammering the table with hatred, Yi Daoren hurriedly cleaned up the alchemy research book on the table, then went back to the bedroom to turn off the alarm clock, opened the curtains, and pushed open the window.

Looking at the bright red Chaoyang entering through the window, he took a deep breath, letting the fresh morning air fill his heart and lungs, eliminating some of the exhaustion of staying up all night working through the night. Spiritual will begins to perceive the dragon veins of nature.

It’s a pity, as always, the twisted and repressed breath always blocks his spiritual will from the earth’s crust, which is a deeper perception of nature.

I didn’t feel the dragon veins of nature, but Yi Daoren, who was disgusted by the twisted and suppressed breath, felt that the irritability that was suppressed by him not long ago rose again, and a familiar voice came.

“Captain Yi!”

“Major Xiuzi…” Looking at Maas Xiuzi outside the courtyard wall, the Yi Daoist frowned slightly and said loudly, “Wait a minute, I’ll open the door right away.”

After entering the room, Maas Hughes looked at the books on the guest table that had been sorted out, but still looked messy. After his eyes flashed behind his glasses, he smiled and said, “You are really diligent.”

“I can’t compare to you, but you came to work so early.” After handing a cup of brewed coffee to Maas Huoz, Yi Daoren also took a cup of coffee and sipped slowly, intending to borrow caffeine to refresh himself. : “How is it? Did Lieutenant Colonel Mustan give you any news?”

“He told me to pay close attention to the situation of Fordsett and Reol…” Having said that, Marse Hudsson paused for a moment, glanced at Yi Dao Ren, and found that Yi Dao Ren’s movement of drinking coffee paused, behind the glasses A gleam of light flashed in his eyes again: “It seems that you also know the reason why he wants me to do this!”

“It’s not like it seems, it’s that alchemists who know the country’s refining and the development of the country of Amestris, especially the military, will want to know if there will be problems in those two places!” After continuing to take a sip of coffee and letting the fragrant and bitter taste of the unsweetened coffee fill his mouth, Yi Daoren swallowed it with a grunt, and then stared at Maas Huoz quietly.

“What’s wrong?” Under the silent gaze of Yi Daoren, Maas Xiuzi became more and more uncomfortable, then opened his arms to embrace himself, leaned on the sofa, and said nervously, “Don’t look at me like that! I There’s already Gracia, and I don’t have any special hobbies…”

Feeling that the blue veins on his forehead suddenly jumped, Yi Daoren resisted the urge to pour his coffee on Maas Xiuzi, gritted his teeth and said angrily: “I’m not interested in men! Play this kind of boring with me again. Just kidding, be careful I blast you out!”

“That’s it, then I don’t have to worry about it, hehe…” Maas Hughes laughed dryly.

“Tsk!” The sleepless nights and the inconclusive headache caused Yi Daoren to smack his lips involuntarily when faced with Maas Huez’s performance, and then said angrily, “Tell me, I’ll find you today. What’s wrong with me?”

With a serious expression, Maas Huez sat up straight and looked at Yi Dao Ren seriously: “Can you tell me what happened?”

“Didn’t Lieutenant Colonel Mustan tell you?” After raising his eyebrows in surprise, Yi Daoist had some thoughts in his mind, especially after thinking that Maas Huez often showed off his wife Gracia’s performance: “Xu Xiu Mr. Zi, if you like the current life, don’t get involved too much for the time being… Lieutenant Colonel Mustan probably means the same thing, you just need to help him pay attention to the dynamics of the upper military. It’s not a problem to be known.”

His brows slowly twitched, and after Maas Huoz waited for the Daoist to finish speaking, he said lightly, “Do you think I can get away?”

“Impossible.” Yi Daoren pouted.

“Then why…”

“I just told you not to intervene too much and not to move too much. You should know better than me how to do this.” After raising his hand to interrupt Maas Xiuzi, Yi Daoren said lightly: “You are a good guy, if Lieutenant Colonel Mustang will be sad if he accidentally dies.”

“Will it be life-threatening if you know it?”

“Almost so… Maybe, that’s the arrangement of the ‘God’. What do mortals do to fight the ‘God’?” Somewhat weakly leaning on the sofa, Yi Daoren smiled wryly: “You have a wife and a happy family, no Too much of this has to be mixed in.”

Silence, Maas Hughes didn’t know what to say.

He had only been through the annihilation of Ishbar for half a year, and he liked his current life very much, which was full and warm.

But, Roy Mustang is his friend…

“Don’t think too much… If there are no accidents, you can’t hide this problem even if you want to. Let you not intervene too much, just let you take a temporary vacation.” Of course, the Taoist also guessed the inner thoughts of some sentimental Maas Huez: “As long as there is something wrong with Fordset, even if you want to rest, it is impossible to accompany your beautiful girl.”


“Yes, Fordset… The next most likely problem is that place.”

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