Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 23. A lot Thought in Short Time Frame.




Because of my reveal, I and Azazel were forced to explain the rundown version of the supernatural world, furthermore explain our assumption about her contract.

"So Serafall-san is a devil.. My parent said she was a doctor, though she introduces herself as a magical girl." Kaori said to me.

Serafall is still the same as her canon counterpart I guess. That confirms it.

"To be honest I also want to be a magical girl like her! She said to become a magical girl I need to be a cheerful and positive person, yet I also need to be secretive about it. But you said that she is a devil.. so you need to be a devil to become a magical girl?" Kaori muttered with a confused look on her.



So this is what makes Kaori different from her original, instead become a violin musician now she aspired to become a magical girl.

God damn it Serafall.


"...Err.. Good luck on that. You can do it"

"Thank you Satoru-san!" Kaori replied with her usual bright smile.

Too bright!!

I can't destroy her hope, I can't tell the magical girl is not real.


["I honestly thought you just jinx it user, don't regret it yourself."] The system said to me.

Nah.. So far, I can't find any magical girl in this world so it should be not real. 


Not that I'm against magical girls anyway, actually I would like to see the real one.

"Anyway Satoru-san, If angel, devil, and others are real. Are you also a supernatural being?" Kaori asked me with curiosity.

"Me? I'm a normal human but Azazel here is the leader of the fallen angel faction. So yeah, I'm also part of his faction. He adopted me and my sister anyway" I answer her.

Kaori becomes quiet, probably still proceeds with new information.


"...I see. Then why did you reveal this to me? Though I'm glad you reveal your secret to me. Thank you!" Kaori asked me again as she nodded to herself.

She is a really positive person.

I said to her with a smile I can muster on her "No problem. The reason is because I want to talk with you about my plan-"



Then Azazel cut me before I completed as he waves his hand.. with a sour face?

Did I upset him?

"Satoru.. let's talk privately for a while before you talk to her about that. Kaori-chan, I'm sorry but can you wait here for a while?" Azazel said.

"Unn.." Kaori nodded to Azazel's word.

I stop myself this time because it means I might mess up again.. and seems Azazel wants to talk something to me.

Should be something important.


{3rd POV}


Satoru followed Azazel to another room where nothing in it, then Azazel also lock the room.


"Lock?" Satoru asked.

"For privacy... Anyway. *sigh* I want to talk seriously with you." Azazel said as he looked at Satoru.


Satoru looks confused as he had no idea what Azazel will be talking about.

"Satoru.. I will say this to you now. You should give up your plans to take that nun." Azazel said to Satoru as he looks straight into his eyes.



"What?" Satoru was dumbfounded hearing what Azazel just said.

Satoru didn't expect that Azazel to tell him to give up.



"How do you think you could safely take the girl from her orphanage with your plans? Not to mention the risk of conflict known with the church and heaven faction.

Also.. I have been observed you lately, and it seems you are not growing up as you said.. well it won't happen in a short time of course." Azazel continued.


Satoru is still really shocked by this development and can't say anything.

Satoru knows Azazel is right.


"Continue with the topic, not everything should be concluded with a fight. I want peace, Satoru. And you know that as well. I won't let you risk the peace with your dumb plans." Azazel still talking.


"But then Kaori.." Satoru muttered.

"The reason I allowed you to go this far is to see how far you will come up with a plan.. and also this is the first time you decide something for yourself so I have high expectations with what you will come up with.

But all plan you proposed to me so far is .. very risk so I wouldn't allow it. 

If you find a plan that works without risking conflict with the church, now you can tell me." Azazel replied with a sneer.




Satoru can't think anything. Satoru just realizes all of his plans have a certain risk of having conflict with the church.

"You need to realize Satoru, you are NOTHING. Stop trying to be a hero! Save a nun and risk another great war? Hah!" Azazel continued his talk.

"But you promised me.. *Hick*.." Satoru muttered.. looking gloomy.. and some tears have fallen from him.

Satoru is frustrated about the current development of his plan.

"Risk the whole faction for one little nun with a sad story? You are still a naive fool, Satoru. Before your dad, I'm a leader of the fallen angel faction. I don't really care about one human being compared to a whole race of mine.

To be leader mean you need to put aside your feeling and always think about how to benefit your member. I can't let my feeling control my decision.

I wonder if you are really an adult in your previous life, I have a theory you are actually a real kid that gives knowledge about a lot of stuff instead of an adult. Please son, try to think about others before you do something."

Azazel debunked Satoru hard.


Azazel comes close and puts his hand on Satoru's head.

"Stop being naive and wake up, son. Your naivety will cost you a lot someday to someone you love. I thought you have changed after that Phenex event, but it seems in the end you are still a fool.

You are not ducking the main character, Satoru. NOPE. Did you realize all things go so far not really in your expectation? You lost your parent, you almost get raped, you almost get burned by chicken and now you are about to want to get my whole faction getting conflict with the church since you are my son. Seriously son. Give me a break! You should damn realize, your life isn't a freakin story!" Azazel said with a frustrated look on his face.


Satoru meanwhile just crying now. He still can't believe what Azazel said to him.. so mean and hit his feeling so bad that it hurts.

Deep down Satoru knows Azazel is right.



"Let that sink for a while for you, Satoru. Your way of thinking is certainly naive, and you should think about it more. I have enough of your stupidity when against Phenex, son. Even now I begin to think Vali actually is smarter than you." Azazel said as he passed Satoru.


*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*



Then Azazel leaves the room, leaving crying Satoru alone.


{POV: Azazel}


I might be too harsh to Satoru, but he needs a wake-up call. His intelligence and responsibility lacking to be honest, and his new plan would certainly be dangerous in various ways.

Both brother and sister are ticking time bombs.

Satoru is like a kid with too much knowledge without enough intellect to accommodate it and he is equally a danger to everyone else around him if he keeps being like that. He still thought that his life is a story, despite that he said he never believe his knowledge anymore which was pretty much about the same stupidity as before. This is a more fundamental problem for him.

He just needs to begin thinking more before the act and thinking about others too, and I believe he can do it. The reason why I didn't completely put ceases of his plan is because I want to make him think rationally. I have put some hints that he could follow such as my plan proposal.

If he were able to think this through, my bet will be paid off. He will begin to grow up for real, and my investment in him isn't for naught.

No parent wouldn't be proud of their kids growing up after all.


Meanwhile, his sister is much dangerous than him. I don't know what she plans but she is an unstable little girl with too much power and her intellect certainly won't be underestimated. If somehow Satoru still goes with his plan, her sister certainly planning something to make Satoru suffer even more.. as for some reason, she thought her brother need to understand through experience. This is the conclusion I got from Satou with the Phenex accident.

She is not wrong, it could work but Satoru will completely not him anymore after getting a lot of traumatic experience and his sister probably didn't think about that. She is just that twisted. I know how twisted a person is when I see one, with a long life of mine I have seen some.

I bet she hiding something from me, so I also never believe her.. even though she is my daughter. She probably has her own agenda if Satoru plan happened, I can already predict the whole thing turn into a disaster. She just asks me to follow her brother from behind, and I won't buy it that she didn't plan something from doing it.


Satou didn't care about my faction, even if she causes the war for my faction she might feign ignorance and ran away with his brother. In a way, she is also a kid in this regard.

She doesn't care about everything else except her brother and that's also what makes her much troublesome than his brother.

All plans that potentially conflict with the church need to be removed because Satou might do something about it.




I leave the room after the discussion. Without Azazel's support, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

I just realize that how stupid I am.

I'm not some random protagonist with plot armor and think everything would "worked out" with my OP ability and support.

I'm just a mob.

And I should not treat this world as a mere story.

My sister is real after all.



Still thinking hard about a discussion with Azazel, I didn't realize that I came back to the room where is Kaori waiting.


"Satoru-san? You look so sad now. What happen?" Kaori asked and tilted her head.

"...Nothing. I just want to be alone now." I answer her with a depressed tone.


"But you said you have something to talk about." Kaori looks at me.

"Not anymore.. sigh.. Azazel didn't allow me." I replied.

"Your dad?"



"I don't know what troubling you but I believe you have done enough to me.. no to us." Kaori said to me with a kind smile.


"Whatever troubling you, if you are not giving up then it will be worked somehow at the end. Just like how magical girls always win against evil!" Kaori said to me with her usual bright smile.

Kaori then proceeds to hug me.


It feels so warm.



...I really want to save this girl.

Not just as a person I admire.

But as a friend.


I can't give up.

She is my dear friend that I need to be saved.



["Well said, user. Now you are really on something."] The system said.


Ok, let me think something, with all my knowledge.

First, Azazel said all the plan seems bad to him.. but he proposes one of the plans himself. Even though he said he didn't like it himself.



Negotiate with heaven.. It would be a plan without risk, honestly. But why he also said it as a risk plan?


He will be at disadvantage to negotiate with the Heaven faction and it will put his leadership ability in question.

Heaven probably asked him to do something in return, and I doubt it will benefit him.


Then how about I'm the one who negotiates instead? Without using Fallen angel faction name?

If the archangel Michael is still the same as his counterpart then I think it could work.

I could tell him the Kaori and Asia circumstances and why I need Asia Argento so bad.

He is an archangel, right?

But what I could offer to Heaven faction as a whole? From the leader's perspective as Azazel was said.. Archangel Michael probably needs me to put something equal or even put myself disadvantage for him to make the cooperation work so his people also won't questioning his decision.


["For the first-time user, you actually thinking using your knowledge in the right way. However, let me help you thinking too here. What you are gonna answer if the archangel Michael asked you how you would know that Asia has sacred gear? Especially know what her sacred gear on top of that. And in the first place, what do you do if she turns out to have a different ability? Telling your secret again as you did with Azazel?"]



No, I won't tell my secret again.

That's a very helpful thought from you, system. Thanks.


About Asia's ability, I'm pretty convinced that she would still have the same kind of ability. So far, the heroine or protagonist that tied with the plot in some way of stories isn't much different from their counterpart so I will bet on that. At least about ability, none of them is different. Vali is still white dragon emperor, That aunt is still crazy, the only difference is probably my sister.. even that it is because of my existence I guess. She is not yandere though.

Though about how I know Asia will have Twilight sacred gear.. I guess I shouldn't tell Michael that in the first place? But how to convince Michael to let us bring Asia?


I can't think of anything.


["Very good observation from you user. You can really think if you put effort into it. I'm surprised."]

Well.. I guess talk with Azazel really an eye-opener.


["Alright user, I will help you for the exchange for cooperation. You can tell Michael about your ability, or at least your potential as an ally to heaven faction. That's also the reason why Michael try to cooperate with the red dragon emperor in the main story, to get Heaven faction potentially powerful ally."]


That's a good idea. But is it enough? After all this eye-opener event, I can't believe my own judgment anymore.

["You just need to bet on it. At worst case, you probably need to become an exorcist, part of his faction, or something along the line for your request. The question is, are you prepared for that?"] The system replied.


I will. 

Or I could convince him if I show him my power?

I could do that.


["Well said. Now about Asia sacred gear knowledge. I believe you shouldn't tell him in the first place, as no matter what you put it.. you will sound like you need Asia ability instead of she is as a person.. and I doubt it will make Michael have a good impression from you even with Kaori circumstances."]

I nodded toward the system explanation then said "Then what I should do?"

["You need to lie to him, user."]


You need me to lie to the literal leader of Angel?!

["Let me explain first. You can tell Michael that you are a 'reincarnated person' and somehow you know Asia's information from previous life include her sacred gear information. And you want to save her because you feel care for her.

No need to reveal about my existence and your mission. 

If he asked how you know it, you told him that you just know but you can't remember the reason why you remember it due to lack of memory of your previous life. 

This way, you are lying but not lying at the same time to him. User, you didn't remember yourself in your previous life after all. Just emphasize that your lack of memory, your usual childish persona act and I believe Michael will not ask you furthermore question about that since he thinks it would be useless.

You can put it with a contract and lie detector artifact to convince Michael when you negotiate with him on top of that.

The key is your childish persona, well you might be easily put it off.

He might ask if you remember other things and whether your knowledge is really trustable.. you can tell that you also know Kaori's circumstances, Azazel's identities, and others from that.. depend on the question.. Just be careful about it. Might as well, drop the bomb that you know God is dead at that point. 

In summary, you can lie to him this way, and top of that not reveal my existence and your mission. Michael might highly doubt with all just you explain to him but the contract made him nothing but he should believe it since he knew the contract make you unable to lie. Then he will think that nothing makes him at disadvantage within the contract and he will accept the negotiation. To be safe, Ask Azazel to help you convince Michael to work along within the plan."]






Just wow.

This plan is really good.

I never thought you are really smart system. Why did you never give me such useful advice before?

["Because you never asked me, and the old you so annoying to deal with user. And to be honest, I have enough to your stupid plans."] The system replied.


...I'm sorry.

With you here, I promise to discuss everything with you first before I take action.

["That's a good start."] The system said with a pleased tone.




"Satoru-san why do you keep standing still without moving. I keep calling you but you didn't respond. So I need to hit you because it annoyed me. Sorry!!" Kaori said then she bow toward me.

"That's fine, sorry." I answer her with a smile.

I forget I'm not alone.



After sending Kaori back to the group, I meet again with Azazel and propose my new plan to him, like the system just said to me.

"...After all what I just said to you, you didn't give up huh." Azazel asked me.. with an astonished expression.

"Yes. I still can't give up my friends like that. Thus, I think this way should be much better." I replied to him.



Azazel suddenly hugs me.


Now I think about it, this is the first time he hugged me.

This actually feels very nice.

"..Now this is what I want. You finally doing something that won't need me to help you son, so I will hold you on that. You have exceeded my expectation. I'm proud of you, damn."

Azazel looked at me with a very warm smile.

"Alright, your plan of yours this time is almost perfect.. damn son. I will call Michael for you and arrange a meeting with him. Show me what you can do, Son. I will assist you, don't worry."

I look at Azazel as I feel determination filled me. 

"Yes. Thank you, dad."


["That's a lot infodump and the highlight is big brain plan from me of course. One chapter character development? Friendship power really amazing."] The system monologue as he ended the chapter.

With this, I have done enough background setting. At least, with the help of the system, mc wouldn't be so dumb anymore.. and justified reason. The system is also not so useless anymore right?

I feel Azazel's POV is redundant but I feel the need to put it because I want to tell that Azazel has good intentions for mc.

With this, I have paid for my lateness of the 4-day chapter.

Writing is very hard.


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