Trap Online

Hang Over

The morning came with a groan and my head pounding with a fury that I hated. I heard another groan of pain from someone else in the room, and I groaned, turning to look. It seemed that for the first time, since we started sleeping together, Victoria was on the other side of the bed groaning as her arm covered her eyes. "How much did we drink last night?" She grumbled to no one in particular. The sound in my ears was almost an assault.

I groaned out in response, "Too much," I complained. "Way too damn much."

I got a quick groan of agreement from Victoria, and she turned to her nightstand and pulled something out. I heard the rattle of pills, and I turned to see a bottle of pills that I needed a lot at this time as my head throbbed in pain. A second later, she pulled out a bottle of water from the nightstand, followed by another. Victoria's fingers, after a couple of moments, struggled to open the bottle of pills and handed a couple over to me before taking a couple into her hand for herself. She passed me a water bottle, and a moment later, I opened my bottle while lying back. I quickly took the pills into my mouth and carefully started to drink the water, downing the pills.

Instead of stopping drinking, I quickly finished the water bottle and sighed a little. We were probably dehydrated from drinking last night without water, which was our fault. "Damn, my head hurts," I complained and got up. I looked down at myself and realized I had fallen asleep in the dress I had worn last night.

I got out of bed, stripped, and headed toward Victoria's bathroom. "I'll be there in a minute," Victoria grumbled as I opened the bathroom door. I walked over to the sink, refilled the water bottle, and drank the tap water before going for thirds. My parched throat thanked me, and I moved slowly to turn on the shower.

Drinking more water with the bottle and feeling the heat start to rise from the steam in the shower made me sigh. I placed my hand against my head and sighed before filling the water bottle again and downing the contents. The door creaked open a moment later, with Victoria stepping in, holding her head in one hand and an empty bottle in the other. She moved over to the sink herself, filled it up, and looked at me before looking at the shower.

"Join you in a moment," Victoria said, and I took my water bottle and got it ready by the facet.

"Can you fill mine up again and bring it in when you join me?" I asked as I got ready for the shower.

"Sure, Don't talk so loud, though," Victoria complained.

I hadn't talked loudly, but I knew she took hangovers worse than me, so I got into the shower without complaint. I signed in pleasure and placed my arms against the tile before putting my head against my arm and just letting the water fall onto me. The heat slowly cooked me, and I lost track of time for a moment before Victoria joined me. She did much the same after handing me a full water bottle.

I started to sip it, and silence reigned as neither of us wanted to talk, with our heads hurting so much. We both drank water and took in the heat till our stomachs grumbled, and we both turned to each other, seeing the other's naked body. There was no lust at this moment, only pain as our heads throbbed, and we both nodded in agreement. We both washed a little more before stepping out of the shower.

I got dressed in clothing Victoria had set aside: a tube top and tight jeans. I wasn't very happy with them, but things were as they were, and the loss still stood. My head throbbed with that thought, and I groaned. "What did I tell Gabby to do last night?" I asked.

"You wouldn't tell us," Victoria grumbled as she got dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans matching my color.

"Oh," I said, and my head ached, "I will probably remember later," I replied with another groan, following it up a moment later.

Victoria and I finished getting ourselves together barely, then headed out of her room towards the kitchen. Stepping into the kitchen several minutes later, I noticed a bunch of bags from a catering place nearby and Li setting the table. "Didn't want to cook with a hangover," Li said as she watched us entering. "But we all need food, so I toughed it out and ordered food for us all. Take some pills and get a little better before getting in the pod." She finished, and I noticed she was keeping her voice down.

Victoria and I grunted in response before I added in, "Thanks," without much thought, "I really am hungry, and it looks good," I continued with my voice being lower than usual. All of us looked miserable, and we sat down.

A moment later, Gabby came in and looked just as miserable, although she looked like she had washed her face. We all ate in silence and looked like death. Gabby blushed a couple of times, looking at Li but overall was looking more put together than the rest of us. She turned to me and smiled wryly, "Don't worry Rick," Gabby said softly, "I remember what you told me to do. I will let you know," She said finally, and I looked at her in surprise.

Damn, I had come up with a punishment, and I no longer remembered properly at this moment. I wouldn't tell her that, though, as I had already put in the punishment. "Looking forward to it," I said with a smile, and I saw Victoria chuckling as I had already asked her about it. So only Li and Gabby didn't know that I had forgotten what it was that I told her to do. This was a blunder, but it wasn't the first time this had happened in the past. Found it was just best to keep your mouth shut until the person tells you what you told them to do. I found it hilarious the last couple of times I found out don't see why it would be any different.

Still, Our heads all hurt, and breakfast helped, but there wasn't much conversation. We all were bumming and eating in silence, making breakfast longer than normal. Everyone was thoroughly miserable from hangovers, and I chuckled when I finished.

I got up and looked at Gabby, "Although I am miserable now, Gabby," I began, "Thank you for planning a night out. I am going to go chill a little more before I get in the pod. I am not going to miss a day just because of a hangover. I also wonder if it continues inside the pod?" I asked myself as I left the room.

I didn't hear a response, but I went into the office. I didn't turn on the computer; all I did was turn on an alarm, close my eyes on my couch, and doze a little. I heard nothing but when I awoke I had a blanket and my alarm was going off. I got up and headed to my room and wondered where everyone else went without wanting to look. I headed to my pod and laid back in it, and closed my eyes.

I wondered what I should do today as I logged into the world.

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