Transmigration Gone Wrong

12 – Titans

Hours passed like mere minutes as Blake immersed herself into the books; Gaia History, Yin/Yang Manipulation, Classpendium - A break down on classes and races, Skills and Enhancements.

Why everything was written in English was unknown to her, but she didn't care. Nor did she heed over why Urag had access to such objects.

Her time was brief, after all, as she knew Urag wouldn't be happy to find out about her little endeavor. Plus, he wasn't one to be merciful or forgiveful, if given a chance.

That she understood really well - especially after the whole brother strife affair. 'That sure didn't develop well.' She thought.

Just remembering the cold-blooded smirk on Urag's face was enough to give her the chills.

'But he won't control me anymore. Now I have true power - knowledge!'

In a matter of a single afternoon, she discovered how her class worked and why a level cap existed. After speed-reading through Gaia History and Yin/Yang Manipulation, she was able to formulate a pretty convincing thesis.

'So, if I am understanding this right... at the beginning of everything, Gaia was ruled by titans - literal behemoths of nature. But as grand as their magnificence was, so was their greed for more. Flames of war were lurking right around the corner, and they knew how catastrophic that could go (to both them and the planet).'

She closed the books with a loud snap before putting them back on the shelves.

'So they had a council to discuss how to avoid the imminent war. Regardless of their deep-hatred for each other, most sought out for a solution. And well... they came up with the brilliant idea of having children of their own. Let's not fight against each other - they must have thought - let our children do it in our place instead!'

She facepalmed herself hard. 'That's extraordinarily short-foresighted.'

'Oh well, nothing I can do about it anyway. So, back to what I was saying... the mixture between titans caused a disturbance between the yin and yang energies stored within their children. Back at those times, when titans waged war without holding back, it was normal for them to have equally-balanced energies, having limitless prowess. Hence, that's why their offspring couldn't level up infinitely, suffering from the so infamous level cap. At one point, their mortal bodies couldn't store more power due to their inherent unevenness.'

She exited the room full of thoughts about her Limit Breaker ability and Urag's consequent level cap.

'I've helped that fucker. Even though I had no choice on the matter... I still am the reason for his fortune. I am his golden wife, quite literally, and there is no way I can escape peacefully.'

The guards stared at her back as she made her way to her bedroom. Unconsciously, she started bitting on her nails as the severity of the situation came to her.

'The reason why Urag's level cap was so low... is because of his deep-rooted ancestry. Far back in history, most had their spirits in complete disorder due to the unnatural blend between titans. As time passed, that difference lessened as mortals mated between each other. This means that the level cap is essentially a trade-off for latent power. The more powerful one can get because of their lineage, the more unlikely their talent will truly blossom.'

'...My ass is a generator of powerhouses.' She finally realized.

What she failed to notice though, was the rather strange absence of Urag. Soon the sun would set, casting the world into darkness, but there were no signs of him. Normally, he would come back as soon as possible, as there was nothing better than enjoying his wife's body after a harsh day.

Alas, he didn't come home.

It took a few moments for Blake to realize it, but when she did, an uneasy feeling bathed her body in cold perspiration.

'Did something happen?' She went towards the window, overlooking the whole orc camp.

Her eyes pupils shrank at the presence of a blinding light. Right above the western hill, a small force of humanoid figures descended towards the tents.

And, at their very forefront... Urag wielded his halberd while boring a battled-crazed smile, a twirling tornado of flames eating the flesh of his foes.

"TO SURTUR!" Was the single cry she could hear as more orcs ran towards the frontlines, shedding their lives for their lord without a single thought or hesitation.

"It's my chance." She muttered under her breath.

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