Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 10: Reception

*Clank* *clank* *clank*

The clattering of metal boots rang across a vast hallway as a young man in full armour ran under the light of the full moon. With his breathing ragged, and his forehead sweating profusely, the man traversed through a vast hallway, towards the most extravagant door in the castle.

His name was Doyle, a new castle guard that passed the exam just a month prior, he was working directly under Lennox, the head guard of Sundgard. The reason for his panicked expression at the moment was because of the sudden arrival of Lady Juliette and her convoy.

Arriving at his destination, Doyle fixed up his disheveled bearings and gear while he placed his hands on his waist, breathing in and out slowly, trying to control his breathing.

Having somewhat recovered from his short of breath, he moved closer to the door in order to knock and notify his master of his presence, but just as he was about to,

"Mhnn,.. ahh!.. yes!.. ngg!.."

"Ahh! Yeess! Mhmm!"

The sweet moans of a woman drowning in pleasure caught his ears, stopping him in his tracks.

[..This is bad. Master hates it when he's disturbed..] He thought to himself as he contemplated on whether to knock or just leave the matter for tomorrow.

[No, this matter cannot be withheld from master]

Resolving himself to face the master's anger, the weary man knocked on the large door.

"Apologies for disturbing you, Jorgé-sama. But it seems that your sister, lady Juliette, has just arrived." He reported in a meekly manner.

Because of the situation with the misty forest, Jorgé had specifically ordered Lady Juliette's convoy to avoid travelling at night at all cost, they were to rest for the night and continue travelling in the morning, that was supposed to be the plan, and yet, here they are arriving at midnight, causing a commotion.

"They said that they were attacked on their way here by a Barghest pack, and that some of their men require immediate attention." Continued the man as he looked down on the ground, awaiting Jorgé's response.

Almost a full minute passed before the man's worries were dissipated.


An extremely exasperated sigh answered the query of the man, followed by the sound of rustling sheets and clothes.

A few minutes passed before the door finally opened. The figure of a half naked, good-looking, silver blonde haired man, with sapphire-blue and gray eyes finally emerged from the room, followed by a dark skinned woman dressed in a night gown, with distinctively long, pointed ears and sharp eyes. The Dark Elf woman, known as Danari, looked at Doyle as you would a small insect, typical of eleves, greatly frightening him.

[S-scary!] He quietly thought to himself.

"That idiot sister of mine" Jorgé grumbled as he scratched his head while looking at the dejected man. "I gave her specific instructions, and yet she couldn't follow them."

"Perhaps there were circumstances that led to her not following your orders, Master." Danari interjected as she wrapped her arms around Jorgé.

"Mmm.." Jorgé thought for a second, before shaking his head. "No, knowing my sister, it's probably her own selfishness and stubbornness that influenced her decision."

Seeing Jorgé's face and realizing that he wasn't in a bad mood, the man straightened his back and asked.

"Your orders, Jorgé-sama?"

"Mmm, no use thinking over it now, they're already here." Jorgé said as he walked back towards the room followed by the Elf. "Go call for Grun, tell him to arrange everything, I'm going to get dressed."

Hearing his master's orders, the man clenched his fist and placed it on his chest.

"By your will, Jorgé-sama" He added as he turned around and left.


Almost an hour had passed since Juliette and her company arrived at the Carmine estate in the fortress city. They were met by the head guard Lennox and were led to their present location, while a young apprentice guard made haste towards Jorgé's quarters.

"What's taking Jorgé-nii so long, Lennox?" Said Juliette in a displeased manner as she flipped her hair and looked at the head guard.

"Apologies, my lady. But we had expected you to arrive tomorrow, your sudden appearance near the border caught us unawares and therefore unprepared."

Answered a large, bearded man with black hair that were line with streaks of white. His face was decorated with numerous scars, while his shoulder and back looked sturdy and hard.

"Jorgé-sama is probably still getting ready to receive you."

This man was Lennox, the head guard of Jorgé Von Serra Carmine.

Originally a mercenary from the Kingdom of Ferahim, Lennox was hired by a horse lord from Alleisa almost 10 years ago. He had a chance encounter with Jorgé when they met on the opposing ends of the battlefield. Lennox witnessed first hand the martial prowess of the young lord both as a strategist and a duelist. After being played and out-maneuvered, he lost to Jorgé. He had all but prepared himself to die at the hands of this great warrior, but instead of taking his life, Jorgé spared him and offered him a place within his ranks. He's been fiercely loyal to the young lord ever since then.

"Mhmm, I guess the fault is with me, then." Juliette answered as she placed her chin on her palm and looked to the side. "But Jorgé-nii is taking an awful lot of time preparing."

"Rest assured, my lady. The master is well on his way here right now."

"Haah" sighed Juliette

"I guess it can't be helped."

At this moment, Larc was standing beside Milin at the side of the sofa, awaiting Juliette's orders. The healers that attended to their wounded comrades had also wanted to take a look at him, but Juliette strongly opposed it. She linked arms with Larc and said that he had no injuries and that the blood that was on him was from the Barghest. It should be said as well that the healer that was supposed to examine Larc was a vivacious and well endowed woman.

Larc looked towards Lennox with discerning eyes

[He's stronger than I remember.] He thought to himself as he appraised the man.

Larc had already met Lennox a couple of times in the past, but he could confidently say that the Lennox here today is far stronger than the Lennox of the past.

[Compared to him, I'm nothing. I have to get stronger.]

The fact that he was helpless about an hour and a half ago against the Barghest pack was still bothering him, but after talking with Juliette, his desire to serve and protect her overcame his anxiety.

Noticing his staring, Lennox glanced at him and offered a slight bow before speaking.

"Long time no see, Larc. How've you been?"

"Indeed it has, sir Lennox. I've been fine since our last meeting, thank you for asking. My lady treats me kindly enough"  Larc said as he bowed towards Lennox.

"Wha--- what do you mean 'kindly enough'??" Interjected Juliette as she crossed her arms and pouted. "I treat you with care and compassion! You're mine, afterall. That's just a given!"

"Ah, apologies. It is just as my lady says, sir Lennox. My lady treats me with care and compassion."

Larc smiled as he glance at his mistress.

"Ahaha, Fret not. I have no doubts that Lady Juliette treats her servants with love." Responded Lennox as he laughed and held his stomach.

"You two! Teasing me like that"

The two men shared a laugh as Juliette frowned and pouted. Milin on the other hand just stood there besides the young lady, silently observing.

Just as the lively atmosphere in the room started to calm, the door suddenly opened.

"I'm glad to see that you two are still getting along just fine." A young man with silver blonde hair said as he entered the room.

Everyone inside the room except Juliette suddenly bowed and offered their respect.

"Ah! Jorgé-nii!" Exclaimed Juliette as she stood up and crossed her arms. "What took you so long??"

"Hooh, dear sister. You were the one did not listen to me and pushed with your stubbornness, weren't you?"

Jorgé's face was smiling, but his eyes obvious showed a tinge of anger. He approached Juliette and lightly bumped her head with his fist.

"Ooooow! What was that for, Jorgé-nii?!"

"3 men died, while 3 were seriously injured, you know? I'm extremely displeased right now."


Under her brother's frank but truthful words, Juliette could only groan while rubbing her head.

"How was I supposed to know that those vile creatures would attack us?! That road was relatively safe the last time we were there! And what is up with that unusually dark night sky?? It's only there near the misty forest."

[That is true] Larc thought as he listened to the conversation.

This was the first time they were attacked on the road from Belmont to Carmine. Beasts like the Barghest usually just stayed within the misty forest where they can hunt. It was very strange indeed to encounter a Barghest, and a pack at that, so far from their natural habitat.

Just as Juliette had pointed out, Larc had also been fairly curious about the unusually dark sky they encountered near the forest. There was almost no visibility beside their carriage lights. When they arrived at the fortress city, the sky seemed normal, with the moon even lighting up the road.

[I'm surprised that my lady actually noticed that.]

I'm response to her questions, Jorgé rubbed his forehead with his fingers as he looked up to the ceiling.

"I guess I can't put all the blame on you, I did fail to fill you in with our circumstance."

Seeing her brother's troubled expression, Juliette drew closer and asked.

"Is something the matter, Jorgé-nii?"

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow, it's already this late, and I can feel that you guys are tired." Answered Jorgé as he pat Juliette's shoulder.

"Rest for now and I'll explain everything tomorrow, okay?"

Juliette looked back at Larc and Milin and saw that they indeed showed signs of fatigue and sleepiness. Although she was quite curious at the realm's current predicament, she couldn't bare the thought of Larc getting exhausted because of her.

With difficulty, Juliette nodded and decided to listen to her brother.

"Okay, Jorgé-nii. Let's rest for now, but you'll have to explain everything tomorrow."

"Thanks for understanding, Juliette. I promise I'll explain everything."

Hearing his sister's response, Jorgé breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well then, Grun, why don't you lead my sister and her servants to their respective rooms"

"By your will, my lord." Answered the old man dressed in a butler's clothing.

"Everyone, if you would please follow me"

Larc quietly followed the others behind the old man exiting the room, but not before noticing Jorgé looking at him while faintly smiling.

Confused by Jorgé, Larc could only offer a slight bow which was then answered by Jorgé with a bow of his own.

After exiting the room and walking a good distance, the group finally arrived at the room Juliette will be staying in. It was her old room that she always used whenever they stayed in Carmine. Unfortunately, Larc and Milin couldn't stay inside the main house, and would instead sleep in the worker's lodgings.

"I guess this is good night for now, Larc." Juliette said in a small somewhat dejected voice. "Thanks for protecting me today."

"Though I am still lacking, I shall always give my all to my lady." Larc answered while bowing.

Seeing his response, Juliette somewhat became disappointed. She lightly frowned and spoke softly.

"Mhmm, good night Larc"

Larc, having heard his lady's dejected response, shot a glance towards the back of the walking Grun. Deciding that he was far away by now, Larc drew close to Juliette's face and whispered in her ears.

"Sleep tight, Juliette."


Then walked away as if nothing happened. Not aware of the fact that Juliette was now red from head to toe whils fuming in embarrassment and joy.

"Wha--- Wha---"


The young lady stood there with her mouth opening and closing, not quite sure yet as to what happened. While Milin stood there sighing as she pushed the frozen Juliette towards her room.

"Good nigh, My lady." Said Milin as she set Juliette down her bed.


Unfortunately for her, Juliette was already in the land of dreams.

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here! I sincerely apologize for suddenly disappearing, and for a whole month at that! I'm gonna come clean right now, as most of you may know, I'm a a university student, and my first semester started way back on September 5. I was also working on a joint project (check it out when you get the chance tee hee ?) As such, I have been very busy and swamped with works, so I honestly forgot about my work here, I have no excuse ? and for that, I apologize. Hope you guys can forgive me! Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Let me know what you guys think!

TachimeSan out! 

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