Tower of God. Faal Rahgol Zhaoga

Chapter 147: One of the strongest beings.

Itri Gaze at the Arena "Where is our Opponent." Itri the administrator shudder "the Rival team they aah ran away when they heard that MR. Viole was on your team."

Goseng shouting "THEN WHAT ABOUT OUR EXAM!" The Administrator replies, "oh don't worry about that I prepared another interesting one."

Itri expression Dead pan as Hwa and Yihwa put sunscreen on his ghoulish white skin. "So where the Test arena." the administrator gaze back at Itri. "you can't see anything, now but soon."

Hwa and yihwa gazing towards it, knowing already what going to appear, the sea of concentrated shinsu Rumbles quaking the boat as the Administrator just stare without any care.

Wangnan mouth Agape with Miseng's "Huh?" he press the railing "that's a Shinhueh Do we take the exam there." The Admin responds, "yes that Creature is Called a Zigena. It's like a mystical creature to the people on the 21st floor.

Yihwa scowls this the very thing that made her stop listening to her Family that and Itri. she stands as does Hwa, stretching a bit as they both get read to Move.

"All you have to do is go inside the body of the Zigena And find the Flower of Zigena" Itri standing last having been enjoying the view of his dears. "Wait! Go inside its body?"

Itri cut off the admin "the flower OF Zigena is responsible for a minimal quantity of the Yeon Family GDP about 1.2% to their other industries."

They gaze at him. "So yes, we have to go inside its body, not through its mouth though." it has blowholes on its body replicating another creature I know of that we can enter."

"The only rule is we have to get the flower, no?" the Admin nods in response. "Very well." The Small life raft approaching the Creature.

"ladder." Hwa hands it to him as it shots upwards, he stretch "Alright Wangnan, Yeo Goseng prince Miseng and Akaraptor. You go to the top section with. Kang, the rest of you will follow me."

"To the other one." he draws the ship back from the Zigena. The handle stuck, "Of course they give us faulty equipment." He slams the ground as the ship erupts, the water throwing them backwards.

the Zigena the flips slashing into the water as it Moo's Itri gazing up "then let's go." he erupts bursting into the air Hwa holding onto him As Yihwa surge into the air phoenix Wing Erupting off her back, tearing upwards the four land on the Top of the Zigena.

Hwa summoning a few lighthouses of Wangnan dizzy as he threw onto the Zigena. "Well, that something Hey dummy." Poking him. "Aaangh!" he shot upwards. "Huh what?"

The lighthouse looking at him as several scouts also float about "how many lighthouses." he respond "she can control up to 56 of them with scouts without scouts about 120."

Itri having spent some time adjusting the Cardric matrix into what he calls a core matrix attached to Hwa wrist. letting her simultaneously control lighthouses and scouts directly connected back to lighthouses.

He gets up. "Why Am I with you guys?" he respond "So I can teach you how to use Krugra." or that medallion I gave you." he gaze at him "huh?"

Smacking him. "come on, we have an exam to complete. You should feel stronger in the Darker area of the Zigena. they drag him in as he suddenly feels a slight amount more strength increase.

"What the!" he Gaze at him "not bad Yihwa sensing it "is he a Hwayeomsa user?" Itri replies "kind of if his shinsu leans towards it he'll be a Fire user specializing in hellfire.

Karaka has a similar thing, being the fact he's a shinsu black wielder he uses dark shinsu, to form his attack by, conversely, tearing the light from them.

He stops Hwa from spreading out her scouts and lighthouses. "I have something to handle," Yihwa nods. Following him herself they tear off.

"What am I supposed to learn?!" he grab his hair. Hwa smirks "Krugra should tell you himself." Wangnan's eye widens, passing out as he enters what can amount to a Mind space of pure darkness. Hwa picks him up in the lighthouse nearest to her.

"but now it your Choice." Wangnan staring forwards as purple ignites four piercing eyes Sear the air as the black steel skeleton are gleamed by the internal Purple fire encompassing the colossal Serpentine.

Wangnan small, not even a speck to the Kaju of flame. "Are you the compatible one?" his veins turning black in reality. As he Wangnan tries to back up to try to grasp even a quarter of its gigantic size, the flame igniting behind him, the creature entirely surrounding his being, the space small compared to the Void fishbowl but acceptable.

"What are you?" His eyes firm as his will Impress Krugra "Shocking, really. Most would lose their minds to merely my eyes."

it untangles Sprawling out as Krugra gaze "that a curiosity is welcome you may call me Krugra other call me the Dark one but you shall address me by Krugra my Host."

Itri and yihwa sprinting towards the area Mazino is with Kang and prince having split from the others, trusting their might as they stand still. Mazino, not allowing them to move in the slightest,

"who are you?" he sigh. "No comment. It would be problematic if people found out that I'm here."

"let just say I'm one of the strongest beings in this tower." he gazes at his hand. "By the way, how stubborn are you losing so many ranker yet you send more."

Kang gazes "we're not rankers." the man stunned "what regulars?" the air suddenly turns still as even Mazino stops "what the?"

Itri arrives as does Yihwa And scouts from Hwa "What this?" Itri responds "the biggest nuisance to our Exam no?" calling Urek of all people a nuisance.

Mazino stands "what was that." he gets up as Itri cracks his neck "I can't even Summon Volkrin." he lifts his hand "Thorgrig." the crackling vines form into a thing as it appears.

green April Forming within his hand "Ntsuab Ignite." a terror of a presence erupting as blitz form in his other hand the skull blade meshing with the poisonous acid of Ntsuab.

Sudden bubbles form in the air. "Oh, is that how this will work." His aura erupts similarly, covering the area "Well, we do need that Flower to get this exam done."

Urek looking across speaking "To bad."

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