Tomboy Island

Day 4 – Oddities Mounting – Part 7

Alex went into motion by pure instinct. His musclebound form moved with sheer unstoppable force. He leapt over plants too large to tear through and trampled down the rest, then ripped open that plant curtain with enough might to permanently open a gash in that bit of foliage.

The reason for Selana’s shout became immediately apparent. The ground right past that bit of foliage was slippery with either water or that natural oil, Alex did not know. Fact was that she was gliding down a slope.

It was unlikely to end anywhere dangerous, but he wasn’t taking any chances. The moment he had taken stock of the situation, he was back in motion. Leaping left to right and back again, he travelled down the slope without ever touching the slippery mud. Outpacing the pull of gravity on his friend, he caught Selana by the arm. She shouted in surprise, when he effortlessly tossed her over his shoulder and climbed back the way they came.

Thoughts only returned to Alex when he put her down back in the safe part of the forest. His lungs were expanding and contracting in repeated bursts, moving enough air to power a furnace. Rapid heartbeats slowed to a sustainable pace. “You never look around, do you?” he joked when he found his voice again.

“I sort of have something in my face right now.” Selana answered, causing Alex to realize that he had dropped her in front of him and practically had his cock shoved in her face. A cock that was, as per usual in the aftermath of these saving exercises, rapidly growing erect. “Fuck, were you always this huge?”

“Were you always this naked?” Alex returned and offered his hand, dragging Selana to her feet.

Selana and Alex had been friends for over two years at this point. Seeing each other naked was not actually a first. One couldn’t be friends with Selana and not get dragged along on one of her mountain tours, which typically ended up with drenched clothes that needed to hang from a tree for a few hours.

Just because he had seen it before did not mean he wasn’t marveling at her though.

Selana was a tall and toned woman. Matter of fact, at 1,88 metres, she stood as tall as Valeria and, as was a topic of endless teasing, technically 1 centimetre taller than him. She had the figure of a supermodel, the tanned, taut skin of a fit Ecuadorian woman stretching over large breasts, notably wide hips and meaty thighs. She wore her messy brown hair at chin length. The strands naturally covered one of her brown eyes.

“Washed ashore like this, funny story - One that all of you can repeat I guess?” Selana looked at him, then Tess and Charlotte. “Waddup?”

“The unusual,” Tess answered sarcastically. “Did you seriously not see us?”

“Scratch us, did you seriously not see Tess? She glows like a candle.”

Alex found himself agreeing with that statement. The slowly setting sun weaved through the trees and that light reflected on Tess’ pale skin like an orange blaze. It looked almost holy.

“I was focused on other stuff.” Selana looked the way she had fallen. “I keep seeing this strange light between the ferns but I never find it and it's pissing me off.”

Alex also looked that way. He did not see that light himself, but he heard it mentioned before. Really, this island was all kinds of odd. “We don’t have the time to keep chasing lights. It’s getting dark.”

“What, do you have some sort of camp?”

“Yes,” Charlotte said and grinned widely. “Master built it for us.”

“Oh… neat, lead the way the- Hol’ up - Master?”

Charlotte’s smirk widened, that vixen always knew what she did when she got him in trouble.


“Yes, see, we found the owner of this island,” Alex said and turned to Selana, his face the very embodiment of seriousness. “He’s an old man. He’s really wise. Typically carries a stick with him. He provides for us, so we call him Master.”

“Really?” Selana raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, we can walk and talk, I’ll tell you all about him.” Alex led the way, deliberately facing forward so Selana wouldn’t see it if he lost control over his facial features at any point. “He lives on a much smaller island a little bit off the coast. His house barely fits on it.”

“I did a round on day 1, I didn’t see any small island.”

“Maybe you weren’t worthy then. Have you asked the turtle if it will give you a ride.”

“...That Master isn’t called Roshi, is he?” Selana asked drily.

Alex did not respond.

“You absolute fucker!” That was all he heard before a laughing tomboy assaulted him with a surprised chokehold. Alex did not find it in him to be that mad about having his hair ruffled aggressively by a woman, not when he got half his face rubbed against the ample mass of her side boob in the process.

Selana kept on laughing, then released him with a scandalized cry when he smacked her on her fat ass. She looked at her toned derriere, then smirked at him. She tilted her head, her smile staying, but the curiosity unsatisfied.

“I’m the Master,” he confessed plainly and gestured for Charlotte and Tess to come up to him. The two did, practically displaying themselves as his arm candy. He even groped their tits to remove any doubt that this was a bit. Tess took a step further by stroking his cock affectionately.

Selana seemed neither disapproving nor moved in any other way. Sometimes, Alex theorized that the thrill seeker had fried all nerves capable of surprise ten years ago and now she just went with the flow. He sort of loved that about her. “Right, so now I am back to square one of confused.”

“Yeah, we’re still working out how exactly that happened too,” Alex continued, “but it absolutely did.”

He gave her the basic rundown of everything that had led up to Tess ‘enslaving’ herself and how that ball had kept on rolling. He also told her everything else that was important, of course. The entire time, they walked. All Selana did in response to the tale was laugh and ask questions. At the end she added, “Congratulations, dude.”

“Thanks.” Alex hesitated for one moment, then he came straight out with it. “Want to join?” That she did not say no immediately told him he had a definitive in. Selana never hesitated on something she was sure about. “I always found you hot as hell.”

“Yes, you have eyes, I am aware,” Selana joked.

“My point is that I always wanted a harem and I always wanted you - I would love to combine the two.” He scanned her with open lust. She reacted with a little shiver. “As I told you, I’m not forcing anyone. Just putting it on the table: I do want you. I always wanted you. We are friends first though.”

“It’s not like I never thought about you that way,” she told him freely. “I’m a virgin though, not sure if I want to give that up so easily.”

Alex felt the proverbial record scratch in his head. “Really, you’re a virgin?” Of all the things he knew about her, that wasn’t one of them. It also wasn’t something he had expected. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense though. Selana had always been too intense for a relationship.

“Yeah, just didn’t bother. I was busy and I don’t want to half-ass it by giving it to the first guy who compliments me the right way… which you definitely aren’t.” She scratched the back of her head. “I’ll decide it spontaneously, that work for you?”

“Did not expect anything else,” Alex stated, just as the camp appeared ahead of them.


They stepped out into the camp. “Welcome back, Master,” Evelyn was first to greet him, hopping onto her feet to plant a quick kiss on his lips. Spurred on by the example of the haughty woman, the others quickly did the same. Valeria, Sofia, Ashley, and then Tess and Charlotte, as if they hadn’t been with him the past two hours.

“You really weren’t kidding,” Selana noted.

Alex turned to her and just smiled. “You should know better than to doubt me.”

“Hey, can’t blame a girl for being a little skeptical.”

“No, but I can blame you for staring at me since I picked you up earlier.”

Selana stopped, as if she herself hadn’t noticed. She tilted her head, but even then her eyes remained on him. A sudden step up to her had her back up against a tree. Suddenly, she was smaller than him. Her buckling knees left her in the shadow he cast with the low sun behind him. “Yo, w-what’s this about suddenly?”

“I have to apologize.” Alex brushed the hair covering her right eye back. “I didn’t realize how much I wanted you until I realized what else I wanted in life. Had I known, I would have acted on it way earlier.”

“You don’t need to invite me twi-”

“Yes, I do,” he interrupted her. “Because I need you to understand that this is more than me finding you hot. I’m not in it for attractive trophies. I want you. Nothing less.”

His tone made Selana shiver and he left her like that. He wanted to leave her like that, but when he sat down among his haremettes by the water, she was right by his side. She stared at him with a blank expression, as if he was an enigma wrapped in seven seals.

There was a bristle in the air. Alex stared back for a moment, then one of the haremettes stepped up to him.

The sun drifted over the horizon, gradually making the campfire the only source of light. For some reason, none of them were tired. They sat, huddled up in a tight package. Even Blair and Yahui kept close, seeking the warmth of the other haremettes. Laughter was heard in the dead of night, as the naked group exchanged stories of what they had done today.

Time ticked by and the stars shone brighter. Silver they hung above, surrounding a brilliant moon. Alex stared up at them, together with all those around him. “I’m not sure if I should be,” he said, “but I am glad this happened. Even if I forgot everything besides this moment, I would never call my time on this island a waste.”

“Alex,” he heard the voice of Selana in his ear. She sounded soft and feminine. He had never heard her like that. He turned back to face her, finding her still with that blank stare. She hugged his arm, guided his hand between her legs. He found her dripping wet. She stretched up to his lips. “Yes.”

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