Tokyo Ghoul: Fanfiction

Chapter 24

The next morning after my normal routine I told Nanami that I’ll be heading out and gave some money(something which I don’t lack currently thanks to all those dead ghouls and humans, ) to her as I told her that she may go out if she feels bored being cooped up inside the house, just that she should make sure to wear those surgical masks while roaming outside.


Soon, enough I entered the University premises, since there was still time for the lectures to start I decided to go to the cafe that was inside the campus ordered few snacks and sat in my regular place, the one where the original Kaneki used to sit. I was about to call Hide but before I could do that I was welcomed by his voice coming from my back.


“Yo Kaneki.” He said while showing his regular smile.


“Yo Hide,” I smiled back.


He sat with me and then glanced at me from top to down for a few seconds, finally nodded and said.


“So you’ve finally decided to take more care of your body, I can already see your muscles taking shape.”


 I laughed awkwardly(probably because I wasn’t used to praises) and said, “Heh Heh, I’m indeed trying.”


“As it should be, You have finally listened to my advice after so many years, the book nerd Kaneki has finally been enlightened. HOW HAPPY I AM FOR YOU!” Hide said exaggeratedly while acting to wipe tears of happiness from his eyes.


I giggled a bit looking at his expression and said, “Aight, that’s enough Hide, Let’s go or we’ll be late for the classes now.”


During the classes during whenever we got time, we had some casual conversations in order to prevent ourselves from sleeping. Hide was telling me about this new movie of Hannibal Lecter that he just watched


“Kaneki you should really give this movie a try, the way Hannibal conducts himself as a true gentleman who is intelligent and cultured but behind that facade lies a human you should really try it, I bet  yo-!” Hide in his excitement accidentally raise his voice as result..


“Hideyoshi Nagachika and Kaneki Ken it looks like you both have matters to discuss that are more important than our class, Kindly go out and discuss it to your heart’s content.” The professor said in a voice that didn’t permit any defiance.


As a result of this, we both were now wandering around the campus now, as for waiting outside the lecture hall which a student would normally do if their teacher told them the same words, don’t mention it, that only happens in schools, most professors in universities don’t give a fuck about what you do as long as you don’t bring them any trouble.


So while Hide and I were casually roaming around the campus discussing random things, I suddenly thought of something and asked him.


“So Hide, I don’t remember asking you this before, but since it’s time that both of us should seriously increase our efforts in finding a bride so I have to ask, What type of girl do you exactly prefer?”


“Hmmm, well...she should be kind and caring towards others and should also have some goal she wants to accomplish, a goal that’s difficult but yet worth the efforts..that sorts, oh yes, as for the appearance...hmm as long as she isn’t very ugly I don’t mind.” Hide said while contemplating at the same time.


“Well, if you do get one like that make sure to make her your girlfriend before making me meet her, if not then I might end up stealing her from you instead.” I teased him a bit.


“Acting smart huh? Looks like I gotta assert my dominance here.” Hide said and then jumped a bit to trap my neck around his elbow and then knuckled my head as he said, “You were saying something earlier Kaneki? I wasn’t able to hear it clearly, would you like to repeat it?”


“Nothing, I said nothing hahaha”, I said while laughing at his behaviour.


Hide released me from his grasps while saying, “As long as you’re aware.”


We soon returned back to attend the next lecture and after all the classes were over, we bid each other goodbye and went home.

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