To Love, Once Again

Chapter 19

"Right away, milord"

Avoiding looking directly at him, per Hilda's instruction, Sera curtseys and picks up the pitcher on the table. She was glad for the rules which required her, as a maid, to treat the King with deference. It created a wall between them, defined the relationship they had now to be just a servant and master. The rules didn't care if she used to be a Queen. She had to keep her distance and do her job.

She can feel some curious glances thrown her way as she steps forward to lift the heavy pitcher off the table.

Purple wine froths and flows in a perfect arc, streaming into the goblet before him.

Now this was a job she could do. She'd spent a summer after her return working part-time as a waitress, so she was used to pouring drinks for people and serving them.

She takes a quick glance at Lucien as she pours, but he's quiet, lost in his thoughts again. Going back to her position, half-hidden in the shadows behind the throne, she awaits her next order.

The doors open once again, and plate after plate of steaming meats, warm soups, and heaps upon heaps of bread are wheeled in on carts by a troop of servants. Men whoop and holler at the sight of the fresh food, and many break off from the rings of fighting and gambling to take a seat at the long tables.

Sera cranes her neck to see if any of the maids she worked with today, like Portia, Vic, and Fawn, were among the group. It doesn't take her long to spot tall Portia walking down the ranks of tables, ladling soup, and Fawn handing out loaves of bread with a bright smile. There were some flirtatious winks and glances between some maids and knights, but Sera was glad to see that although the knights were wild, they never treated the maids rudely. A far cry from some of the customers she served in the past.

With the room's noise level lowered to conversational tones, one nobleman mops the sweat off his brow and remarks to Lucien. 

"Congratulations, sire, for another successful outing."

A chorus of agreements follow his comment as the other nobles do their best to insert themselves into the King's good graces. 

Once one starts, the others begin chiming in with their own perspectives on the King's great battle prowess and his wisdom as a ruler. The few knights seated at the table follow the King's example and ignore the nobles, who continue on, like they have no other care in the world.

Sera zones out as the nobles go on and on while the food is all set out. What was her baby eating right now? She wished she could eat her dinner with him. Finally, Fawn waves at her to catch her attention, and points to the tables, to Sera, then motions a crowning gesture on her head. Ah- yes. It's Sera's job as King's Maid to inform the King that supper is served.

She steps forward, curtseys, and speaks.

"Milord, dinner is served"

He gives a curt nod, and lifts his goblet high in the air.

As soon as he does so, everyone in the Great Hall goes quiet. The knights look up at him from their seats below the dais, and the servants stand at attention by the walls.

It reminds Sera again, that Lucien was a King. He was a bright, shining existence that lived high above everyone else, and she was just a mistake from his past. She'd already given up the opportunity to be at his side, to be his equal. They were on different paths, headed to polar destinations.

All at once, the other men, knights and nobles seated at the table, also lift their goblets, filled to the brim with ale and some wine, responding in kind.

Lucien nods, and downs his wine in one go. The others follow suit.

Supper time had officially begun.

Sera does her job with a fluid ease, stepping forward to refill Lucien's cup and bringing plates of food to him. She never looks him in the eye.

Every time she steps out from behind the side of his throne to do her duty, curious gazes bore into her. Some, from the nobles and knights who were once acquainted with her as Queen. But there's one gaze, mixed in with the questioning looks, that makes goosebumps prickle up her arms. 

At first, it was hard to catch. More like a niggling feeling, like there's something wrong, but you can't put your finger on what it was. Gradually, the gaze gets longer, and bolder. She can feel it scanning her from head to toe, a slimy, disgusting feeling that lingers on the parts of her bared skin.

Sera can only prevent herself from shivering at the incessant looks. Her Ma told her to never look a creep in the eye. She wouldn't give the loser any notion that she noticed. From the feeling he gave off, this guy was a total creep, through and through. She knew that if you gave a creep any attention, no matter negative or positive, they would take the chance to try to talk to you. Better take note of his appearance so she knows what to run from if he shows up somewhere else in the castle.

When the gaze lets up, she takes a chance, and from the corner of her eye, looks at the man. From his position seated on the dais at the table with Lucien, he's either a noble or high-ranking knight. He's modestly handsome, but not breathtakingly so like Lucien. Wearing a richly colored red tunic, with a sword at his side, he runs a hand through his hair as he talks to the noble next to him, plastic smile on his face. Not a knight, then. The knights here looked like they would rather not talk to any noble at all. His hair is surprisingly, a deep brown-red color. Red should be a color that only the royal family had. Perhaps he was a cousin of Lucien's? She'd never seen him before.

She can ask Fawn or one of the other girls who he was later. For now, he was at the top of her caution list. Why this man kept looking at her with such blatant interest was a mystery. But, this was a mystery she wasn't interested in solving.

"You there, new maid! Bring me some meat!" 

The food slowly dwindles, and men begin to stumble out the Hall in groups of twos and threes. Others fall asleep at the table, satiated with good food and strong drinks. The atmosphere winds down to a mellow one as supper begins to draw to a close.

Lucien calls on her less and less, so Sera's startled when she hears a voice summoning her.


Someone that's not Lucien is giving her a command.

Looking to the source of the sound, it's that creep. His face flushed red with alcohol, contorting into an angry grin, and he licks his lips slowly while glaring at her. This time, his gaze is blatant, showing his desire for her in front of everyone.


"And while you're at it, sit yourself over here and accompany me, love"


He rudely gyrates his hips in a nasty manner.


Sera looks at Lucien. He looks just as alert as ever, and he leaps off his throne, like a lion pouncing on its prey, right at the stupid, stupid man. 



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