Titans - March of Progress

Chapter 31 Part 2

Niall pushed into the command center, not evening waiting for the guards to announce him. He stopped just inside the entrance, his eyes flicking around the room, which was buzzing with activity. He could see relief on many faces, and yet just as many showed signs of stress or nervousness.

His eyes settled on a large overbearing man, who stood straight right next to Phidel, holding her hand even as the duo peered over the command table, the man occasionally pointing out something on the map and murmuring.

Feeling a nudge on his left arm, Niall turned sharply and saw to his surprise his friend Keran standing next to him, the same mischievous look as ever plastered on his face. The man’s look was overshadowed by a hint of tiredness though, and Niall surmised he had only just returned.

"Niall. Good to see you up and about. Thought you would be fooling around with one of Her Excellencies staff officers by now" the man stated with evident glee, nudging Niall once more. Niall just scowled at his friend’s manners. Niall technically far outranked Keran now, but at times it did not feel that way. Most likely because the man was a high noble. The man did not even give Niall a chance to retort before continuing.

"Guess you are here to see what's going on. The big man is Prince Harald. Don't think you have ever met him. He is Phidel's younger brother. And I reckon he is a loud and boisterous fool. Complete opposite of his sister" Keran stated, his tone rather aloof as usual.

"Careful Keran. If they hear you, you could get punished" Niall stated and locked his gaze on Keran's face, a hint of anger in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something more but was cut off as he heard his name called by Phidel. He turned his attention to her, noting her beckoning gesture as she bade him to join her at the command table.

"Sir Belford. This is my younger brother Prince Harald. He is the twin of Prince John. He arrived not long ago with his own fleet, accompanied by Commodore Barlow" she stated, gesturing for Harald to greet Niall as well. Niall looked the man up and down. By all accounts Niall was large, being a tall young man, and yet Harald was slightly taller, and a hell of a lot more solid. Niall placed a smile on his face and bowed low to the Prince, remembering the man was the fourth child of the emperor, and along with his twin brother John, had the same mother as Phidel and as such shared the same coloring of hair and eyes as his sister.

Straightening up Niall looked Harald in the face, noting a dark look upon the Princes face. Niall surmised the Prince was a stickler for ceremony and like many nobles in the homeland, most likely shared the same disdain for giving lowborns like Niall the title he now held.

"Sir Belford. My sister has told me much of you. Practically sings your praises. Perhaps we shall talk later. For now, we must plan" the Prince stated and let go of his sister’s hand, instead sweeping it over the table in a grand gesture.

"I had originally been on my way to an island in the south sea, currently being used as a supply base for the Federation's southern theatre of war. Capturing it would have hindered their naval efforts considerably. But alas, news of this north fleet found its way to me and I decided to join my sister here in Pagua. My Sky fleet consists of my flagship, a fifth rate Frigate, two sixth rate frigates, and five gun brigs" Harald stated, his voice loud and near deafening to the point he drowned out all other noise in the command center. Niall looked around quickly and noted many uncomfortable looks on many faces. Even Phidel seemed a little irritated with a tight lipped, and somewhat forced smile blanketing her features.

"Since Commodore Barlow told me what was happening en-route, I have decided to place myself and my entire fleet under full command of my sister, Princess Phidel for the duration of the upcoming battle" Harald announced, his back ramrod straight, his large shaggy head slowly turning to look around the room, full golden beard almost jiggling. At the declaration many of the staffer’s eyes widened and a polite round of applause started, only to quieten rather quickly. Niall watched Harald, noting the man's evident pleasure. Niall wondered just what was going through the large man’s head.

"My brother, I thank you. This strengthens my battle power considerably. I will put your forces to good use I assure you" Phidel spoke up and then turned back to the table, gesturing for Niall to flank her right side so that both men stood either side of her. At this action, a gentle thrum picked up again as the other staffers went back to work.

"So, Sir Belford, your friend Commodore Barlow unfortunately could not maintain a scouting force against the fleet under Admiral Raus. Clovis' fleet appeared and his light sky sloops chased the Commodore away. There was little he could do to maintain the mission. On returning to Pagua, he met Prince Harald en-route" she stated and leant forward, tapping a hand on the map near the north coast.

"I had been in the area anyway, having intending to resupply here as it was" Harald interjected, apparently having an opinion on everything. Typical royalty. Niall cringed a little. It would take a while to get used to the man he thought.

"That does not matter anymore brother. Also, you mentioned John was joining the war as well with his own forces. Was he coming here as well?" Phidel asked, turning her gaze to her brother briefly.

"No. He will not be joining us here. He has gone to fight in the east. In the Kratsch territories" Harald stated and then fell silent, appearing to look at the table as well, his fingers gripping into the tables edge somewhat. Niall just frowned in annoyance. He could clearly see the actions made by the twins were simply moves to become renowned as commanders, with the sole purpose of strengthening their own claim to the throne should they ever choose to exercise it. As they had never participated in the Empire’s wars until now, reputation had to be their only motivation. Especially seeing as they had other siblings whose names were known worldwide.

The more reputation they had, then the stronger their claim would be for when Emperor Alden were to die. Even if the Emperor did name an heir soon, it was likely the declaration would be ignored by his many children, and it would then be entirely possible that the empire would deteriorate into another civil war, sibling fighting sibling.

The Last civil war had been fought and won over thirty years ago by Emperor Alden himself, and at the age of fifteen, he had personally killed his two elder brothers to secure his right to rule.

Niall was sure that a civil war would be disastrous in the current age, as instead of being torn between three brothers, the empire would be shredded by the seven children of Alden. And if the empire was still at war with any of the other world powers, the empire could very well be destroyed.

"I see. Well, no matter" Phidel stated, seeming just a little downcast. Niall surmised that she enjoyed the company of the twins, even if others didn't. She looked hard at the command map and then scowled.

"Well, now that you are here brother, things will be far easier. Get some rest, both of you. There may not be much sleep to go around over the next few days, so enjoy it while you can. I know I will" she stated and pushed away from the table.

"I'll be in my quarters resting if there are any updates. I want to know everything, no matter how small" she declared to all her staff, a few of her more senior officers and advisors nodding, showing they understood. Phidel then turned on her heels and exited the command center, two Laegor guards appearing seemingly out of nowhere and falling in behind her.

Niall looked to the clock on the wall and blinked, realizing it was now late in the evening and he scowled, having not thought it was so late. He turned to say farewell to Harald, only to find the man now gone, nowhere in sight in the room. For a big man, he sure knew how to disappear. Niall scowled once more and just exited the room, making a beeline for his own quarters.

It did not take long before he arrived at his quarters and pushed inside, seeing the sparse military style set up. A few trunks lay around the walls and a cot lay in the center of the room. The room had been a storeroom within the education complex but seeing as all the other areas had been commandeered in the early days by the high rankers, it was all he had. It did the job though.

Stripping his clothes and folding them into a pile on a chair, Niall just collapsed on to his cot and closed his eyes as he contemplated what the next few days would be like. With the addition of Harald's air fleet, they now outnumbered Clovis' airships significantly, but they would not be able to engage the forces over the ocean for fear of the vast naval force the enemy commander was accompanying. There was rarely an indication of what ships possessed air crystals and were capable of flight after all.

Staring at the ceiling, all thoughts of the coming battle vanished from Niall's mind as a light knock sounded at his door. He rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed as he bid the person to enter. The door opened revealing one of Phidel's staff officers whom Niall had seen earlier in the day. The one that had blushed profusely as he had passed. Niall just smirked slightly and beckoned for the woman to come inside. She did so quietly and closed the door before crossing the floor towards Niall. Niall smiled to himself once more as he gestured her closer still. Being a royal knight certainly had its perks and benefits that was for sure.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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