Tianting Garbage Recycling King

Chapter 15 Aiming at Vegetables

Chapter 15 Aiming at Vegetables

After being disturbed by Huang Mao and his gang, Fan Denglong didn't want to buy any clothes, and drove home on his newly acquired motorcycle.

After leaving Taohong Town, he went straight all the way and arrived home in less than ten minutes.

"It's still a cool new car. It's fast."

When he got home, his parents were busy in the field and hadn’t come home yet. He parked the car under the old locust tree, and then checked his finances. There is still about 5 yuan left. With this money, it is a bit whimsical to repair the cement road leading to the outside, and it needs the help of the villagers.

"There is still one week left. These oranges and grapes can no longer be sold. It would be great if we can find some other ways to make money." Fan Denglong scratched his hair a little depressed. It's money, but it's just a drop in the bucket for his current stall.

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know what to do, so he ran to the mountain to plant fruit trees, and planted more than 30 orange trees with the diluted spirit liquid.Feeling a little hungry, I ran to eat a flat peach, and immediately felt no hunger, and was instantly full of energy.

Looking at the green watermelons one by one, although he has never tasted what it tastes like, but with the example of grapes and flat peaches in front of him, Fan Denglong believes that it will definitely not be ordinary.

After counting, there are more than 100 watermelons, each weighing about six or seven catties.

"If this watermelon is also sold for 100 yuan a catty, then at least [-] yuan will be paid to the account. Basically, the money for road repairs and leveling of this orchard will be paid." Thinking of this, Fan Denglong's eyes popped up again. green light.

But soon he turned off the idea again, not because he doubted the digestion ability of Buyurong Supermarket, but because he thought of Huangmao and his group.I just sold more than 100 catties of grapes to attract their attention, and I want to get a share in the busy market.If these watermelons were sold again, Huangmao and the wild wolf and fox behind him might come to kill him immediately.

Now my own strength is too weak, and I simply don't have the ability to protect such a large sum of money.

After An resisted his restless heart, Fan Denglong's brain became active again in an instant. Since selling fruits is not good, then I can sell vegetables, right?
The diluted spiritual liquid can quickly promote the growth of fruit trees, but what effect does the diluted spiritual liquid have on vegetables?

"I just hope it doesn't grow too monstrous." Fan Denglong shuddered at the thought of what would happen if the vegetable grew as big as a tree.

But even so, he didn't stop Fan Denglong from making a fortune. He immediately went to his vegetable garden to pick two tomatoes and another cucumber vine. His test path.

This time, I directly poured a basin of clear water, then put in a drop of spirit liquid, and poured it on top together.

Put your hands together, and a heavenly god and Buddha came to bless you.

"Fifty acres of mountain forest, to transform into a fruit garden, this project is quite huge."

Seeing that the sun hadn't set yet, he simply ran to the watermelon vine and picked two watermelons and went back.

When I went down the mountain, my mother had already returned, and she was cursing people there, who the hell, stealing is fine, is it necessary to steal the vine together?

Fan Denglong was speechless for a while, and hurried over to explain: "Mom, I took the tomato and cucumber vines for experiments."

"If you didn't say it earlier, I thought it was stolen by someone else. I just scolded it all the way on the road." Wang Guizhen also said with some embarrassment.

"Mom, my classmate sent me a watermelon. They just bred it in their laboratory. You can taste it. If possible, I will grow it in the back mountain."

Fan Denglong put one watermelon on the table, and put the other one in a wooden bucket and sunk it in the well dug by himself to keep it frozen.

"You wash it yourself. I'll wash the dishes. They will eat later after work." Mom's voice came from the kitchen. The man is cutting down trees on the mountain.

No wonder when I went up to plant trees, I could still hear the sound of axes splitting trees.

"Okay," Fan Denglong washed the watermelon, without using any knife, he just chopped the watermelon with his palm, and the watermelon immediately fell apart.

"Hehe, the strength is not bad. My brother will be able to split a watermelon with his palm in the future." Fan Denglong smirked. In the past, there was a classmate in the class who could split a watermelon weighing three or four catties with one palm and showed off everywhere. Had a good time.

"You child, you don't need a knife, why are you good at chopping? Can a good watermelon still be eaten?" My mother came out of the kitchen and saw watermelons everywhere on the table, and immediately knew what was going on.

"Mom, come and taste it. This watermelon is the latest variety, and it's not even sold in the market."

Fan Denglong picked up a piece of watermelon and handed it to his mother.

"Okay, I'll try it." Wang Guizhen took the watermelon, took a bite, and immediately said, "Sweet and delicious."

Fan Denglong also picked up a piece and ate it. It was a terrible thing to eat, and he finished eating it in threes and fives. He almost ate the watermelon rind.

"You eat so much, you won't have to eat later." My mother went into the kitchen with the watermelon and went to work again.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry."

He didn't care so much, he ate a watermelon, whether it was broken or a whole piece.

But he kept the watermelon seeds so that he wouldn't have to buy watermelon seeds in the future.

After eating seven or eight catties of watermelon, Fan Denglong's stomach became round, he burped, and he went back to the room to surf the Internet after saying hello to his mother.

As soon as I hung up the penguin, a lot of news popped up.

Most of them were sent by a few roommates in the school, and the content of the message was similar, just asking him where this kid was, how he did well, and then resigned.

Looking at the greetings from his good friend, Fan Denglong felt warm in his heart.

"Old man, why are you doing this? Is a woman like Qin Yaping worth it? Now it's hard to find a job that costs 4000 yuan a month."

This message was sent by the boss of the dormitory, Yu Banghan, who had a good time with Fan Denglong, and was probably the first person to know the inside story of Fan Denglong's resignation.

"No, it's just that I recently found an opportunity to make money, so I resigned."

Of course, Fan Denglong would not admit that he couldn't bear this kind of blow, it was too low.

"Yo, this relationship has made a fortune?" Yu Banghan's message came back very quickly.

"Where, where, that is, a thousand yuan a day." Fan Denglong was a little humble.

 I bought new equipment on the street, and now the code word speed can take off! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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