This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 34



Gaudium Hall.

The consultation room in the so-called multipurpose hall.

Pia, who was waiting outside, witnessed a familiar face.

A girl, fidgeting at the end of the corridor.

“Evergreen Solintail, over here.”

“Oh, yes! Assistant Professor, you’re here too…?”

“It’s a day off from research, so don’t worry, I won’t be going in with you.”

“…It would be nice if you did.”


“Oh, no, nothing!”

Pia looked at the blushing Evergreen.

Among the students who were like monsters in Extreme, she was the only one who showed a rare novice-like appearance.

She was the first in line for this counseling session.

“Just go in through this door.”

“Ah, yes!”

Nervously, Evergreen clenched her hands, looking at the door Pia pointed to.

A small sign hung there.

[Consultation Room]

Beyond the tightly closed door, there was no sound or any indication of movement.

Evergreen swallowed hard.

A counselling session with the professor.


Since the day the date was announced, her heart had been pounding so much that she couldn’t sleep.

‘Why do I have to be the first…?’

Fear, discomfort, excitement?

A mix of emotions that she couldn’t quite define, squirming in her stomach.

The only thing certain was that a few months ago, this was something she couldn’t even imagine.

“…What could someone like me have to talk to the professor about?”

Evergreen, unable to easily take a step, absentmindedly fidgeted with the carefully chosen shirt sleeves.

“Ms. Solintail? If you’re not emotionally prepared yet, you can ask the professor to postpone the counseling a bit…”

“I-I’ll go in now! You don’t have to postpone it!”

She couldn’t cause such trouble.

Evergreen pulled the door handle hastily and stepped inside.

But soon, she could only stop in her tracks.


Her mouth slightly agape, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

Evergreen looked around the counseling room.

Tears began to well up in her emerald eyes that were trembling.

“Why, why?!”

* * *

A little back in time.

A few days ago.

Yussi stared unevenly at the Hero sitting across from her.

Without a call, he unexpectedly came at a late hour…

Moreover, it was a truly pathetic thing to not be able to hate a man who made such unexpected demands.

“So… You want to use ‘Dreamscape’ for counselling the kids?”

The Hero nodded leisurely, sipping his tea.

“Is it not possible?”

“No, of course, it’s possible… Truly an innovative idea.”

“It seems more efficient for counselling. I will bear all the necessary costs.”

With those words, he pulled out a thick wallet and placed it on the table.

Yussi sighed deeply, pushing the wallet back to the Hero.

“…Enough. What does that even mean to someone whose only possession is money?”

‘He really cares about the kids.’

To use the ‘Enigma of Rosenstark’ just for counselling kids, there was no such thing as excessive investment.

But she knew well that once he made up his mind, there was no way to stop him.

If there were such a way, the Demon King would have wanted to know it first.

“The usage is simple, so I won’t explain separately. I will just hand it over to Joyce by tomorrow.”

“Sure, I appreciate it. Then…”

“Are you leaving already?”

“I’ll drop by again soon.”

Watching the satisfied Hero stand up, Yussi suddenly recalled memories from the past.

‘Help me, please? Just say something.’

It seemed like that rough touch from back then was also reaching out to the kids now.

Despite the passage of time and numerous events, this man’s nature remained unchanged.

The fact was both pleasing and bitter, and she couldn’t help making a sarcastic remark.

“You always say you’ll drop by, but you only come when there’s a favor to ask!”

“That’s… I apologize.”

As the cost of operating the ‘Dreamscape,’ which could amount to hundreds of gold, left a trace of awkwardness lingering on his lips.

* * *

It happens sometimes.

For some reason, she didn’t know why she was sad, but tears burst forth unexpectedly.

It was a strange case where tears popped out first.

‘Even though it’s difficult now…!’

Unfortunately, Evergreen was having this awkward experience in front of the most difficult person in the world.

“…H-huh, sorry. Why do tears keep, sniff, flowing? Was I, sniff, missing this place more than I thought? Look.”

Instead of an answer, a handkerchief approached.

…Oh, pitiful Evergreen.

She never imagined that tears would burst out without any resistance like this.

Wiping away tears, Evergreen raised her head slightly.


The wind blew at that moment.

The grass on the meadow was long and soft.

White clouds floated in the dazzling sunlight, and below them, sheep roamed in flocks.

The refreshing wind carried the scent of herbs.

Shifting her gaze, a deep lake with clear ripples came into view.

The serene yet incredibly beautiful view of the meadow…

‘I missed it.’

It was something Evergreen had always seen since she was young.

‘…I used to think it was boring.’

The vast buildings and bustling atmosphere.


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In the busy days of Rosenstark, where the air was always filled with a sense of urgency, the longing that she occasionally lifted her head to was this.

Evergreen took a deep breath and looked to the side.


The Hero was sitting against a tree, flipping through a book casually.

Not in his usual sophisticated suit, but in a simple tunic.

The imposing impression that usually made everyone tense dispersed, leaving only a calm and gentle atmosphere.


Evergreen stared blankly at the figure that matched the meadow background so well.

If the Hero hadn’t been swept away by all sorts of hardships and had grown up like her, what kind of appearance would he have had?

It felt like catching a glimpse of that.

‘So, born in Solintail… Hmm, is this too presumptuous of an imagination?!’


With a pleasant sound, the book the Hero was holding closed.

“Indeed, it’s a place that would make you miss it if you were away for a long time.”

“I-I-Is this some kind of magical thing?”

After speaking, Evergreen wanted to smack her head.

‘…Of course, it must be magic. What a silly thing to say.’

But instead of mocking, the Hero calmly explained to her about this ‘enchantment.’

Summoning information about Rosenstark’s enchantment, ‘Dreamscape.’

– An artifact created based on the motif of the ability of a Dreamer, covering a certain space with the desired fantasy.

– When the fantasy is created based on real memories, it can produce an extremely realistic experience.

– However, it requires a considerable amount of magical power to operate, and the created fantasy is based on the desires of the Dreamer.

– Except for living beings existing in that space, other living beings cannot appear in the fantasy.

It was said that ‘Dreamscape’ was created to provide a comforting end to patients for whom there was no hope left.

The reason this relatively simple illusion magic artifact was referred to as ‘enchantment’ was simple.

‘The highest quality without an upper limit.’

In reality, Evergreen was truly enjoying the feeling of being back in her hometown.

Without realizing it, she started shedding tears of longing instead of tears of sorrow.

Looking at her, the Hero spoke.

“I’ve visited the vicinity of Solintail a few times before.”

“Wha, really!? Why would the professor come to such a remote place? There wouldn’t have been anything specific to do here.”

Evergreen, eyes wide in surprise, cautiously asked.

“H-how was it?”

“Good. Asking the obvious, aren’t you.”

In an instant, the wind ruffled the ashen hair of the closed-eyed Hero.

In the calm expression, Evergreen felt a strange sensation in her stomach.

‘He liked it. That’s a relief.’

Looking at the panoramic view of the homeland with the Hero, in this experience where the extraordinary and the ordinary were strangely intertwined, Evergreen paradoxically felt a sense of comfort.

She realized that the tension that had gripped her chest just an hour ago had washed away.

“Shall we start the counseling then?”

After that, everything went smoothly.

“There’s nothing particularly difficult. The classes are a bit challenging, but still very enjoyable! We, well, extreme ones are the most fun! I’m not just saying that, it’s true!”

“How are your relationships with your peers!? Um, I think I’m just okay… Has anyone talked about me… Oh, right, I’m the first. Haha, anyway, everyone’s great! Some I haven’t gotten close to yet, but…”

“If you don’t have any concerns you want to discuss in counseling, how about talking about your future aspirations…?”

The response to the smoothly flowing questions was blocked for the first time.

After hesitating for a moment, Evergreen spoke with a firm expression.

“I’ll learn from you, Professor, and become as strong as possible! Then, I’ll go back and reduce the casualties in the territories!”


When those words came out of the cheerful girl’s mouth, the Hero paused for a moment.

The territories in the northeast, adjacent to the great mountain range, were subject to annual invasions by the demons.

A cursed era.

The fact that it was rare for a child to grow up without shadows of war was a lamentable reality.

Deepening Understanding of Evergreen Solintail.

Understanding Level: 7/100 -> 12/100

* * *

Some time later, a strange rumor began circulating among the students.

“Professor Redymer is sincere in student counseling?”

“…Counseling? Wasn’t that just for show?”

“No, it wasn’t. According to what I heard from fellow students, it’s genuine.”

The amazement of students who had experienced counseling with other professors before was even greater.

Those who had talked one-on-one in the tightly sealed counseling room weren’t alone in pushing away nonexistent melancholy.

Testimonies about counselling on the Connector…

Or rather ‘affirmations’ added more credibility.

– It was like a dream…

└ Is it some kind of medicine?

└ What is it, tell me!

└ You have to try it yourself to understand, hehe.

└ Thank you, I was curious, but now I’m upset.

└ Will you give me something tasty too?

└Ahh!! I want counselling too!

Of course, it couldn’t be confirmed whether the writings were from students who had actually received counselling.

However, as the posts increased one by one over time, students couldn’t help but harbor more expectations.

“Wait, the Hero is so sincere about students’ concerns? I can’t imagine that.”

“…I’m curious about what kind of counselling it is.”

“Then why don’t you go and see? Jake won’t even look at me when it comes to counselling topics….”

“Do you want to die?”

…Such conversations leaked through the open window of the counselling room.

The Hero organized the results of the previous counselling sessions and filled the marble with ‘Illusion.’

It seemed like he had finished counselling with Deindart, the sole returning student on the edge, and Karen, who hailed from the southern Great Forest.

[PR/N: Deindart is the only ‘current’ student, while others were new applicants, as in, the one who left his current unir course and applied for Hero’s unir course ‘Extreme’]

‘About half of it is done now.’

Observing the faces of the students leaving the counselling room, most seemed satisfied with the counselling.

Initially hesitant, the kids easily opened up once they shared the illusionary fantasies.

Topics ranged from love, career, academics to various interests.

The primary subjects of the previous counselling sessions.

Deindart worried about abandoning his existing Unir credits, fearing that graduation might be delayed.

Karen, on the other hand, was concerned about her seemingly messy skin, finding it too noticeable.

There was even a request for advice from Gerald, who wanted to engage in A.C. (Academy Couple) before the end of the semester but didn’t know how to approach a girl.

Most of the concerns were trivial and didn’t necessarily require clear solutions.

Listening alone seemed to be helpful.

Fortunately, there were no students burdened with overwhelming worries.

The illusions presented by the Hero were mostly ordinary.

‘Of course, they won’t reveal their deepest concerns in the first counselling, so I shouldn’t let my guard down yet…’

Regardless, the positive reactions were quite encouraging.

As evidence, the Iris of Laplace were also responding.

Deepen Understanding of Deindart!

Deepen Understanding of Karen!

Deepen Understanding of Gerald…

The children seemed to gain much comfort just knowing that an incredible figure like the ‘Hero’ genuinely listened to their stories and empathized.

Remembering the smiling faces of the kids who grinned after feeling relief, the Hero couldn’t help but display a faint smile.


He quickly handed over the documents.

The next sessions required a more cautious approach.

Ban, Leciel, Cuculli, and Luke—four candidates for the next Hero.

Their counselling sessions remained.

Luke’s guardian had urgent matters that required Luke’s presence, so he had been sent out.

He was expected to return sometime next week.

That left three.

Information about them had been researched, and the Hero had roughly thought about what topics to discuss during the counselling sessions.

If he continued building rapport with them as planned…


That’s when it happened.

A distant voice echoed in the corridor, a grumbling voice filled with curses.

“…This bastard!”

Surprisingly, it was Ban’s voice.


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