This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 – The Strongest Cute Sound (Two

Chapter 28 The strongest cute voice (two chapters in one, 4,000 words, thank you for your recommendation tickets)

“Uncle Bai~”


On the second floor of the store, Bai Zhijun was painting the walls when suddenly two voices came out one after the other.

“Hey, it’s Xiao Qiu’er and Xiao Dong’er, why are you here, where is your brother?”

“Brother is talking to his uncles on the first floor, hehe…”

Xiao Qiuer stared at the paintbrush in Bai Zhijun’s hands with sparkling eyes, and said excitedly:

“Uncle Bai, I’ll help you clean up”


Bai Zhijun smiled and said, “Can you brush, haha…”

“Humph! I will!”

Xiao Qiu’er is arrogant, and Xiao Dong’er also imitates her cute and adorable little head.

“Yes… yes”

“Haha, okay, then you can swipe, I’ll go down and talk to your brother”


The little man happily became a little painter, while Bai Zhijun happily walked to the first floor.

“Qingzi, here we come”

“Brother Bai, you have worked hard these few days”

“Hammer Oh”

Bai Zhijun pretended to kick Yang Qing and said, “The first floor has been renovated, how about it?”


Yang Qing gave a thumbs up, looked at the five men who were sitting smoking in front of the store, and praised:

“Brother Bai is looking for a reliable person. I just looked around and the decoration is very detailed, especially in terms of water and electricity, which is even more perfect.”

“Haha, that’s it!” Bai Zhijun proudly said, “These old brothers all came out of our village to work. They have been doing renovations for many years, and they are absolutely reliable!”


Yang Qing nodded, but then he was puzzled and said: “They used to do decoration, so why are they going to the construction site now?”


Bai Zhijun sighed after hearing the words: “I have suffered from being uneducated. You also know that before the renovation, they ask you to produce a design drawing first. They are the only ones who can write their names correctly. They also design…, No, there’s no way to go to the construction site.”

“That’s it…” Yang Qing nodded thoughtfully and said, “Then they help us with the work these few days, so it won’t affect their work on the construction site, right?”

Bai Zhijun was stunned: “I don’t know, they came as soon as I called, and I didn’t ask carefully.”

Yang Qing: “…Then hurry up and ask”

“it is good”

Bai Zhijun nodded, then shouted at the top of his voice, “Old Bai!”


All of a sudden, the five men sitting in front of the shop all turned their heads.

“Turtle son, what is your name, Guo Laobai!” One of the oldest men scolded with staring eyes.

Yang Qing: …

Bai Zhijun: “…It’s you! Bai Ergou!”

“Hammer! Scattering!”

The man immediately got up and came over and cursed: “Call me by my nickname again, I will beat you to death, my name is Bai Dazhu!”

Bai Zhijun: “… Don’t be angry, I ask you, you are doing renovations for me, so the work on the construction site will not be delayed.”

“Delay a hammer!”

Bai Dazhu scolded angrily: “The developer of Gou Ri broke the law and was caught, the foreman ran away, and the work was suspended!”

Bai Zhijun was surprised: “Then you…”

“Hey, after finishing your work, find another construction site. Hammer, it’s been half a year since I came out, and I haven’t made any money. The mother-in-law is still waiting for the money to give the baby to go to school next year!”


Bai Zhijun patted Bai Dazhu’s shoulder with a sigh, and said, “Don’t worry.”


Bai Dazhu cursed in a low voice, but there was nothing he could do. They had skills and strength, but they had no culture.

This society is like this, when you cannot keep pace with the times, you are destined to be eliminated.

“Brother Dazhu, I should have a job that I can introduce to you”

Seeing the two frowning, Yang Qing pondered for a moment and said: “Do you want to do it? If you want to do it, I will call and ask.”

Yang Qing took out the phone to make a call, but was stopped by Bai Dazhu.

“Qingzi, wait a minute, tell me what you’re doing first”

“Oh, it’s also house decoration. I think you guys are quite professional in decoration, so…hehe…”

“House renovation?”

Bai Dazhu looked at Yang Qing for a moment and said, “How big is Ping?”

“The upper and lower floors add up to 400 square meters!”

“Hey! It’s a great job!” Bai Dazhu was overjoyed at first, but then he sighed: “But… we don’t know how to design.”

Yang Qing smiled: “I have already finished the design drawing, you just need to finish the decoration according to the design drawing.”

“You have finished the blueprint!”

“Well, I’ve been doing this for the past few days, Brother Bai knows.”

Bai Zhijun also reacted at this moment, looked at Yang Qing and said in surprise: “You are talking about that young man!”

Yang Qing smiled and nodded: “Yes!”

“Haha” Bai Zhijun immediately laughed and patted Bai Dazhu’s shoulder and said, “Ergou, you’re lucky, that guy is rich, and Qingzi sold 50,000 yuan for just one blueprint!”

“Fifty thousand! One blueprint!”

Bai Dazhu was completely dumbfounded.

One design drawing, fifty thousand!

This… is a lack of culture!

Then he looked at Yang Qing expectantly, “Qingzi…this…this…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll call and ask, it shouldn’t be a big problem”

Yang Qing dialed Wang Ming’s phone with a smile. After talking for a while, he hung up the phone, looked at the nervous Bai Dazhu and said with a smile:

“It’s done, but he wants to see your decoration work first, come this afternoon!”

“Got it!”

Bai Dazhu was overjoyed, and then looked at the four people looking at the door of the shop and shouted:

“I heard it all! If you hear it, let me do it! Do it carefully! Do it solidly!”

“Haha! Got it!”

The craftsmen in Baijia Village started working with great enthusiasm, while Yang Qing pulled Bai Zhijun, who was going to be a supervisor, out of the shop and whispered:

“Brother Bai, I have an idea”

“What! Say thiophene!”

Yang Qing thought for a moment, and said: “Look, I can design, and brother Zhuzi and the others can decorate, so I wonder if we can cooperate!”

“You mean…to engage in professional decoration! You do the design, and they do the work!” Bai Zhijun was taken aback.

“Well” Yang Qing said in a deep voice: “Since I have this ability, why don’t I use it? It’s always good to make money, so Brother Zhuzi and the others will be relatively stable.”


Bai Zhijun clapped his hands and said, “It’s a good idea, but your shop”

“The store is still open, and it doesn’t take much trouble to get a design drawing”

“Put it on and you can!” Bai Zhijun yelled at Yang Qing and said cheerfully, “Then let’s open a decoration company.”


Yang Qing was stunned, and then smiled helplessly: “We don’t have that much money.”

Yang Qing murmured: “My idea is to let Brother Zhuzi and the others do the work at hand well first, and do it beautifully! First make our reputation in Wang Ming’s circle, and then let him introduce customers for us!”

“Wang Ming? That young man, can he…”


Yang Qing affirmed.

Just kidding, I don’t even look at who my sister is, queen! Can someone you know be simple!

In today’s society, there are no simple people who can’t buy three or four suites!

As for asking him to help introduce customers, it depends on friendship, but there is no rush, take your time.

Thinking of this, he said to Bai Zhijun with a serious expression: “Brother Bai, after you are done, tell Brother Zhuzi and the others to go to work there, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, don’t read what you shouldn’t look, and don’t say what you shouldn’t say.” Don’t talk nonsense either!”

“Understood!” Bai Zhijun nodded and said, “Don’t worry, people in my Baijia Village are honest!”

“Ah That’s good”

Yang Qing and Bai Zhijun were talking, when he saw Wang Keer walking over with a smile on his face from a distance.


Yang Qing: “…what did you call me?!”


Wang Keer let out an oops, realizing that she was so excited that she accidentally called out her pet name, she immediately stuck out her tongue and laughed awkwardly:

“Where is Xiao Qiuer, she said she has a big surprise for me, is it true?”


Yang Qing looked at her helplessly and said, “VIP tickets for Tianhou’s concert, hurry up, she’s playing on the second floor.”


Wang Keer couldn’t hold back his excited cry, and rushed to the second floor.


Wang Ke’er left, Bai Zhijun couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore, tears flowed from his smile.

Yang Qing: …


Wang Keer rushed all the way to the second floor excitedly, but at a glance, she only saw five big men working.

Where is Xiaoqiuer…

Hey, there is a little milk voice singing…

So happy.

Hearing Xiao Naiyin singing, out of professional habits, she took out her mobile phone, turned on the video, and filmed the past while looking for the singing.

In a small room on the second floor separated by wooden boards, Xiao Qiuer was painting the wall with a small brush and her **** twisted.

And as her little **** twisted and twisted, and her little body swayed, the cheerful and pleasant little milk voice also sang.

“I am a painter, and I am good at painting”

“I want to paint the new house more beautiful…”

The little people in the room are shaking their bodies and singing heartily, and there is a naughty little cutie at their feet.

At the door, Wang Ke’er was quietly recording, recording the joy and childish fun.

A few minutes later, Xiao Qiuer sang the song of the painter three times in a row, and found that there was no powder on the small brush. She went to dip the powder in the small bucket, only to find Wang Keer at the door.

“Sister Ke’er!”

The little man ran over excitedly, and then slammed on the brakes. Looking at Wang Keer’s beautiful clothes, she giggled and said:

“Qiu’er’s clothes are dirty, I can’t hug her”

“Ha ha…”

Wang Keer put away the phone with a smile, knelt down and hugged the little man carelessly, and said, “Not only are your clothes dirty, but your face is also stained.”


Xiao Qiuer smiled and asked curiously: “Sister, what were you doing with your phone just now?”

Wang Ke’er: “Video, I recorded your cute singing appearance.”

“Really! Let me see, let me see!”

“Haha, it’s fine, but you have to agree to a request from your sister”


Wang Keer: …

Silly, it’s fine if you don’t even ask me what I want.

In an office building in Yangcheng, “Yingyou Studio”.

“Didn’t you make an appointment with Yang Qing to see the renovation? It’s already five o’clock and you still don’t go.”

“Go, I’ll go as soon as I finish this game of Glory”

Wang Ying’s tone was flat: “Go, now”

Wang Ming: “…Okay, go, sister…you help me fight, the team battle is over! I will win immediately!”

Wang Ming had no choice but to reluctantly hand the phone to Wang Ying, and went out.

Seeing him leave, Wang Ying glanced at the game on her phone, she tapped the exit button lightly, and then logged into her Bobo account.

“Hey, the strongest cute voice”

Swiping Bobo, suddenly a strong recommendation popped up, and she clicked it curiously.

The beginning of the video shakes slightly, and what comes into view is a room under renovation, and five men are sweating at work.

Slowly, following the camera, a small voice of milk came intermittently.

“It’s Xiaoqiuer!”

Wang Ying was startled when she heard the familiar singing of the little milk voice.

Sure enough, as the camera stabilized, the voice of the little milk became clearer and clearer, and then a little back figure with his little **** twisting and brushing the wall appeared in the video.

Nai Meng Nai Meng’s singing voice seems to heal everything.

A few minutes later, the video ended, and Wang Ying began to look at the comments with great interest. Being recommended by Bobo official, it can be seen that this video has a lot of traffic.

“Wow! What a nice little milk voice, what a cute baby, it’s a pity that I can’t see the face!”

“The most adorable voice, the working people are the most honorable, and the dolls in labor are the cutest!”

“It’s another series of deceiving a daughter! It seems that I will end the happy life of my left and right hands!”

“Hehe, upstairs, it’s too early to say, are you sure that after so many years of caressing by the left and right hands, it is still sticky enough!”


What geniuses are these!

“Stop arguing, I just want to know the name of the song sung by the cutie in the video, why can’t I find it after searching for a long time!”

“Same question! After listening to this song, my son has already painted the wall with his **** foundation!”

“My mother-in-law’s lipstick has suffered!”

“My family is already beating the baby! It’s so fun, haha…”


Since ancient times, netizens have had a lot of fun, but now all talents are netizens.

Wang Ying read the comments with a smile on her lips, and then she clicked the 100,000th like and forwarded it.

Yes, smoothly, and her smooth, Wang Keer’s blog became popular, and Xiao Qiu’er, who was seen from behind in the video, also became popular.

Two days later, I liked and forwarded it, and the traffic suddenly exploded like an explosion.

The most adorable baby on the Internet was born.

Yangcheng TV station.

Li Yuexi took a break from her busy schedule again, secretly playing with her mobile phone and swiping Bobo.

Suddenly, there was a message in her special attention.

“Hey, my idol posted on Weibo, go and see if it’s news about the concert”

Li Yuexi excitedly clicked on Wang Ying’s blog, and then…

“Hey, I reposted a bobo, the strongest cute voice, what is it?”

She opened it curiously, and after a few minutes, she was dumbfounded.

This voice is so familiar, and this little back…

“Snow Snow!”

Immediately, she excitedly ran over with her mobile phone, and handed it to Qin Xue, whose face was covered with black lines.

“Don’t be too busy training me, just watch this! You, Xiao Rou, come and see it too!”

So three beauties with very different styles crawled on the desk to watch the video, Fang Du secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What a crime!

There are three beauties in an office, but unfortunately none of them are mine!

After a while, the three of them finished watching the video, all of them were full of surprise.

Wen Xiaorou: “Xuexue, is this Xiaoqiuer?”

“It’s Xiaoqiuer”

Qin Xue nodded with a complicated expression: “It’s the first time I saw her, she was wearing this dress”

“Well, that’s it.” Li Yuexi affirmed: “I heard the voice very familiar, so is she in the shop that Yang Qing is decorating?”

“It should be, but what I’m curious about is… what song is she singing? Painter, the rhythm is very happy, who taught her?”

Wen Xiaorou put down her phone and said in confusion: “I searched on my phone just now, but I couldn’t find this song, so could it be…”

She said and looked at Li Yuexi, because this blog was forwarded by Wang Ying.


Li Yuexi shook her head affirmatively and said: “My idol is busy with the concert, and she doesn’t know Xiaoqiuer either!”


Qin Xue nodded and smiled and said: “It’s just a wild guess, how could such a big queen know Xiao Qiu’er and even teach her to sing, just reposted Bobo?”

“That’s right.” Wen Xiaorou smiled and said, “Actually, I want to know who taught Xiao Qiu’er to sing. Xuexue, you, Yang Qing, just call and ask.”

Qin Xue looked at her: “Why, have you given up?”

Wen Xiaorou was taken aback for a moment, and then sighed: “I can’t compete with you, and it’s not like you don’t know about me, hehe, I hate arranged marriages!”


Qin Xue heard the words, patted her lightly and said: “My younger brother will come to Yangcheng in a while, then, you guys get along first, if it’s not suitable…I’ll talk about it for you!”

“it is good!”

(end of this chapter)

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