This S.O.B. System


“Okay girls, this is going to be a much bigger production than we typically do,” Tiff said. They were sitting in front of the sofas around the fireplace. Tiff began passing out profiles to specific girls. 


“For those of you not from Earth. In our culture we have all types of stories about people with powers like our System Skills. I’m sure you all have your own, but from what I’ve seen we Earthlings are pretty imaginative compared to other planets. Asher has graced us with his nerdy knowledge to come up with characters from stories we tell that kind of match what skills you have or are trying to reach.” 


The girls began reading through the pages. “Why are we doing this?” Azya asked. She was sitting between Lyola and Tillie. Everyone had gotten a little closer with the blood elf. The fact that Lyola was her brother’s ex-fiance hadn’t come up, but he guessed it turned Azya on more because she screamed loudly when being eaten out by the elf. 


Asher answered. “Like your Roleplay skill, I have one of my own. But I have a Role Immersion skill that actually grants those who act in the Roleplay skills. We are also on a Red Quest. In the past we were able to choose skills while Roleplaying during a Red Quest. I’m not sure it will happen, but there is a chance, so we will be trying to create something for our quest as well.” Azya accepted the answer. 


“Who of these should I take?” Azya asked, unsure where to go from there. 


“How I’m understanding your Character Development. You can assign roles, maybe personalities that have different kinks to new characters of your own making. You awoke another character with your Character Development skill right?” Asher asked. She nodded. “These are your affinities so far.” 




















He wrote it on his personal Mana Board. “We already made a character for your Fire Mana,” Asher said. “We could play on that with this Pyro character, or since you have another character slot we could try to awaken Wind or Death since you have the highest affinities with them. In our lore there is a character called Lady Death that could awaken Death Mana. But honestly I would recommend this Storm character since you have Wind.” Azya nodded as she read through the Ororo Munroe character profile. 


“What about me?” Eliffy said. “I like these 2.” Asher took the pages. 


“Domino can affect fate and luck in her favor. She would be good. Scarlet Witch is more of a wild card. She does have skills to manipulate probability, but she also has a thing called Chaos Magic. Since you have a Havoc Mana affinity I thought maybe we could try to awaken it with this character. I know you’re hesitant so the choice is up to you.” Eliffy nodded as she started reading the characters over again. 


“Why do I not have Spiderman?” Genevieve asked. “I don’t know who this is.” 


“You are already on the path to awaken Spiderman’s powers,” Asher said. “Ghost Spider is basically the same. You have Energy Mana with your mana grip skill. Iron Fist is the strongest Ki user in the Marvel Universe,” Asher said. “Or there is Psylocke which can use Psionic Energy to make weapons. Since you have Creation and Energy I think she might be your best bet.” 


“So nerdy,” Tiff said, rolling her eyes. 


“It’s helping us for once,” Asher tried to defend, but he agreed, he maybe knew too much about Marvel characters. 


“I’m stuck between these 2,” Nsabita said. “They’re so different.” 


“Aquaman would be good,” Asher said. “You said you focused on hydro, and he can control water. You might get something good. Enchantress is obvious though, it’s literally your System. So do you want to awaken your System skills or water skills? Up to you hun.” Nsabita blushed but began reading them again. Though Enchantress was from the DCU he really didn’t care, it was all fanfic anyway. 


“How come I have no good ones?” Zora asked, reading through the pages. 

“There’s no one with Holy or Life skills that I know of,” Asher admitted. “You’ve already awakened your Holy, Blessing, Life, Physical, and Space manas. I think you should focus on that. I kind of gave you every superhero I knew of. Maybe you’ll get something? Rogue might be a good one?” Zora frowned but nodded. 


“We will write the story based on your choices,” Asher said. “Don’t worry about if it works or not. There are still a lot of days for our quest, and we have plenty of weekends ahead of us. I would like to try to do this a few more times if possible. It might be good to use these characters to learn multiple skills. We could continue the stories and build off of it instead of our normal random Roleplays.” 

No one was really paying attention. Asher looked through his own profiles. He was tempted to do a Stan Lee character. It may give him a story teller skill that would help with future roleplays, but he felt that was a little too flimsy. Since there were no real sex related superheroes he was left with fighting based ones to try to replicate. Luckily there were plenty to pick from. 



“I want to thank everyone for agreeing to meet up today,” Asher said. “I know we’ve had a crazy few weeks. We’ve saved the world a good 4 times already, and it somehow keeps getting in danger.  Magneto was being a dick of course. Loki did that one thing at that one place. Ultron got loose once more. And of course there was the snapping event that created a lot of job openings.” 


Asher sighed as he studied the women around him. “I want to thank our new and old members to the X-Avengers-Squad.” That of course was a combination of all their old teams. I mean, why not?


“Jean Grey,” Asher said. “Great job fighting your Dark Phoenix awakening.” The pink/blue haired girl gave a thumbs up. She had been acting odd lately, but she was way too hot to kick out of the group. The mutant was also a good psychic or whatever too, but mainly the hot part kept Asher from kicking her to the curb. She gave him a wink. 


“Rogue, thanks again for not touching anyone.” The small light blonde haired girl threw her braid over her shoulder. Her power was to steal other people’s powers. The thin girl didn’t bother to wear her famous gloves. They were careful around her. 


“Captain Marvel, I know it was hard to make it to the meeting for you.” The Asian woman unzipped her tight outfit to show more cleavage. He may have stared a little too long at the crevasse. As one of the strongest women there she was one of the few he feared. 


“Jenny Storm, or as you like to go by, the Human Torch. Thanks for accepting our invitation,” Asher said to the brown haired elf woman. Her pregnancy made her extra hot. It would be bad if the group learned she was going to bear his child. The fire woman was hot enough as she was. 


“Polaris, so glad you could come back from the dead for us.” The now blonde haired elf woman nodded. She too was very pregnant. It made her hotter somehow. Her normal A cup breasts were now B cup as her pregnancy moved along. Polaris was about to control Earth or something. Since she too was having his kid he was lucky neither elf had disclosed who the father of their child was. 


“Enchantress, thanks for not ensnaring anyone else,” Asher told the green skinned woman. She hissed at him, but he thought that was probably a good sign. She was an ancient goddes he thought. He couldn’t help but wonder how hot she would look pregnant. There was something otherworldly about the ancient evil woman. 


“Scarlet Witch, glad you could make it past your genocidal rampage,” he told the blue skinned woman. She too let her outfit show off her cleavage. Asher struggled to pull his eyes from the mounds as she appeared to push them out more. 


“Psylocke, you’re a new addition, but again whatever you do, it’s cool,” he told the red head. With the ability to manipulate energy he mainly okayed her approval in the group because he had a thing for redheads. 


“Storm, sorry about Wakanda or something,” he told the pink skinned woman. Storm looked at him confusedly but slowly nodded. She appeared the youngest in the group. The ability to control weather was quite interesting, but when she only caused a thunderstorm it was quite useless. 


“Now, what brought us all together,” Asher said, bringing out the jar. The glass vial had a small black monster inside. It was a black glob of tiny tentacles. 


“Shevenom escaped once more,” he said. “For those of you not aware, she is a symbiote that latches onto a host. Unlike her Venom counterpart, Shevenom survives by absorbing chemicals released during sex. This time let’s be sure not to drop the jar.” Rogue blushed, everyone knew it was her fault. “Here, let’s pass Shevenom around. Everyone gets a turn since we worked so hard to get her in there.” Asher handed the glass to Storm first. She studied the tentacle monster then handed her off to Psylocke.


“Any new information to go over?” Asher asked. 


“Yeah, who are you?” Enchantress asked. 


“Sorry,” Asher said. “You probably haven’t seen me in my most recent form. I am the Incredible Hulk. Unlike my Bruce Banner counterpart I don’t turn green, but still, don’t make me angry.” He laughed at his own joke, no one else did. 


“Ok people. We have received the item for our next mission. It’s to help us save League Prime,” Asher said pointing at a small box on the coffee table between them all. 


“What’s inside?” The red headed Psylocke asked. 


“No idea,” Asher said. “It was dropped off on our doorstep. Let’s open the box and find out.” The Human Torch leaned over to open it. 


“Whoops,” Jean Gray said as she dropped the vial with Shevenom inside. The words sounded forced as the vial burst open on the floor. The black tentacle monster latched onto her as soon as it was free. 

“Get it,” Asher said. But he noticed the smile on Jean’s face as the tentacles began to grow, increase in quantity as they wrap around her. Her clothes disappeared in a white light as the tentacles intertwined around her fully. She was quickly a mess of writhing black boneless limbs. 


“Someone do something,” Rogue said next to her. Everyone stepped back in horror. The tentacles acted as some sort of cocoon as Jean began floating in the air. 


“What’s going to happen?” Polaris asked. 


“I don’t know. Jean is one of the strongest psychics in the world,” Asher said. He wasn’t sure if he should turn into his alter ego. Getting angry wasn’t the best thing to do right then. There were plenty of others that could do something. 


They stared as the cocoon began to grow and grow. Since letting a villain finish their plan was common courtesy in the Marvel Universe they simply watched it happen. Then they were all hit with a psychic blast knocking them back. 


On the floor Asher shook his head trying to get his bearings. Still floating in the air was Jean Gray, but the tentacles were no longer wrapped around her body fully. Now they latched on like some leather kink outfit. 


Black tentacles surrounded her breasts, abs, legs, and arms in a way that implied she was tied up in a Shibari sex knot. Asher gulped as he stared up at her. The pink and blue hair was now streaked with black hair. Her eye shadow, lips, and tiny nipples were black as well. Her cheeks dimpled in a smile as she studied the group. The transformation into Dark Phoenix was complete once more. Asher should have killed her when he had the chance, but as Professor X said, give them a second chance. If that didn’t work, give them a fourth or fifth. 


“Fools,” Jean Grey spat. “I told you I would be back,” she said. Her already large breasts began to balloon out once more. The tentacles became tighter around her. “Did you really think you had beaten me? I was simply biding my time for this opportunity.” 


“Which opportunity?” Asher couldn’t help but ask. Allowing a villain their monologue was common courtesy. 


“The opportunity to make you all fuck yourselves,” Jean spat. “Like I promised.” 

“I thought you were just saying that,” Rogue said next to Asher. 


“No, I was serious. And now with the power of Shevenom, I can do just that.” 


Asher was hit with a psychic blast that caused him to scream. Uncontrollably his body began to glow with mana. His rage building he felt everything as he was split in half. Then the alter ego was loose. A new Asher was formed next to him. The other one began to grow into the Incredible Hulk. 10 feet tall, huge harms and limbs Asher was left to stare as the other him raged, ready to destroy everything around them. 


“Lust,” Jean Grey said and they all felt it. A pink cloud of lust aura was expelled from her and they were at its whim. Asher’s dicks shot up as both sets of his eyes stared at the girls. Women too felt the lust from the Shevenom Jean Grey. Asher and the Hulk stare at the girls. The slight movements of their breasts, the moans as they felt things never felt before, everything turned his bodies on as he watched them. Unable to control himselves, the Asher’s grabbed the closest girls to him. 


Enchantress was impaled on the huge dick of the Hulk. The 15 inch long cock glowed with mana as he slammed her body down onto him. She screamed in pleasure as he began using her. With a grunt Asher grabbed Zora. His dick somehow growing to match the Hulk’s she tried to shake him off. 


“No, I’ll take your powers,” Rogue pleaded as she looked back at him. Her eyes focused on his dick.


“That is only your hands,” Jean said. She dropped to the ground and stood next to them. “Your pussy is fine. Tear her apart.” Jean began casting her Telekinesis and forced Rogue all the way down on his dick. Asher didn’t feel the draining power as he bottomed out inside her. His dick bulged out of her abdomen as she squirted hard on his dick. 


Asher began humping into her. Captain Marvel and the Scarlet Witch moved over to him. Since he couldn’t touch Rogue he began playing with their clits. Jean Grey’s Lust Aura continued to assail all of them as Asher and the Hulk came into girl after girl. 


Linked to his Hulk form Asher felt all of it. Psylocke’s tight ass as the Enchantress sucked on his balls. The green woman hungrily sucking on the large testicles as he impaled her friend. She began cumming hard and as soon as he bottomed out in her the Enchantress was begging for another turn with the giant Hulk. 


All the while Asher grew 2 dicks. Laying on the ground Polaris rode his lower one while the Human Torch rode the upper one. All the while Storm screamed and shook her pussy back and forth on his mouth. Their headquarters was a den of sin as Jean Grey directed all of it. The tentacles on her body began to writhe and enter her ass and pussy while she watched it all. 


Her eyes fluttered as she commanded the blue girl to suck the entire length of the Hulk off. Choking and her eyes rolling to the back of her head Jean pulled her head to suck the giant glans. As he unloaded in her mouth she ordered Scarlet Witch to make every share with every one of the girls. 


The girls he wasn’t fucking lined up one by one for their share. All taking it in hungrily. Jean was focused on the girls for a split second. 


Her Lust Aura never stronger Asher and the Hulk were able to get ahold of themself long enough to start casting Tantric on the women. One by one they fucked the girls into unconsciousness. It was Rogue’s turn again and Jean was using her telekinesis to hold her up in the air as Asher took her ass this time. His huge dick entered and exited her as she floated. The position some kink for her the Tantric mana ball burst quickly and she came over and over. 

Jean let her fall to the ground as Asher grabbed the Scarlet Witch for her cumatose turn. The Hulk began fucking the pregnant Polaris and Human Torch in their asses with his double decker dick. They came hard and were making out all the while. When it was their turn to scream and cum another woman soon took their place. 


It took an hour but eventually the only 3 left were Jean Grey, Asher, and the Hulk. She became a little scared as she stared at the men. Releasing her Lust Aura it didn’t stop the men as they dived at her. 


“Wait!” She pleaded. “Don’t you see how powerful we could be together? We could do this to every super hero. We could rule the world…or whatever.” The Asher’s couldn’t see it. She read their minds. 


“No wait-” She tried to say, but Asher flipped her around. His dick slammed into her throat holding onto her tits like handles. The Hulk kept his 2 dicks and slammed into her ass and pussy at the same time. She came immediately from all 3 holes being filled. Her body shuddering her arms hung limply as the 2 men fucked her. 


Asher focused his eyes on her upper body as he face fucked her. His hands still on her tits he was rough with them as he pinched her nipples and pulled them hard. The hulk stared at her lower body as his hands held onto her hips. His dicks making her tight holes tighter she continued to squirt on him as his glans kept poking up and out of her abs. 

He let her breathe now and then, because she could use a 3rd chance after this. But mostly he fucked her into oblivion. His dicks covered in Casanova he synchronized his movements. A mouth, ass, and pussy gripped him all at once. He continued to cum alternating times in all 3 holes. First her tight ass, then her pussy, then grinding into her mouth as spurt after spurt filled her up.


She began to lose herself in the lust. Use me, she pleaded in his minds. He wasn’t sure if they were Jean or Shevenom’s thoughts. He didn’t care. 


Fuck all of my holes. Use them like your cumdumpster. Fucking cumming! She screamed as all 3 holes convulsed. Her pussy let out one last big squirt. Her saliva and drool pooled out of her mouth. His dick was over 12 inches long as it filled her esophagus. Asher watched as his dick pulses shot out thick ropes of semen. The cum went directly into her stomach. Turning him on more. 


When he felt like she had received enough he pulled out. Her body dropping almost lifelessly he checked for a pulse. It was there, but it would be some time till she woke. Then the true boss showed up. The tentacle monster’s tentacles slowly released the psychic. Sliding out from under her she tried to escape, but not far. Her tentacles came together and a woman appeared out of the mess. 

Happy with her fate she dove at Asher this time. Sucking the saliva and cum off his dick hungrily she took all 12 inches like it was nothing. He made his dick grow much larger. The Hulk grabbed her hips and forced himself in all the way in one thrust. The symbiote began to suck harder on his dick as her pussy and ass clenched harder. His dick staying in her throat he felt at least 6 tentacle tongues swirling around his dick base. 


Cumming into her mouth the Hulk started fucking her ass and pussy for all he was worth. The now drenched holes tried to grip him, but as he came into all 3 holes she passed out quickly. At her max fill up Asher looked up to his 2nd body. They tried to high five, but missed as they dropped the symbiote to the ground.

“Wasn’t so bad,” Asher said. 


“Still kind of gay,” Hulk said. 


“Hey, fuckers,” Scarlet Witch said. Their blue haired hero was laying on the ground staring up at them. “I can’t move. My turn. All 3 holes.” Asher studied her. She too could cum from her mouth. 


“Ok,” he said as he moved over. On his knees he started face fucking her as well as his Hulk form picked her lower half up and penetrated her ass and pussy. She came hard but kept accepting everything as they used her for everything she was worth. 


Asher got the notification a while ago. Not all of the notifications he had hoped for, but good enough for now. 



“Holy fuck,” Nsabita said. “You were serious.”


“When have I ever lied?” He asked. 


“When you said you wouldn’t sleep with your students,” she said. 


“...Fair enough,” he said. Bezel was the only one they had slept with so far. She would be back the next day for more of the ‘Lulu challenge’ but would probably just end up fucking again. Asher brought up his notification from the Roleplay. 


New Skill Acquired

By completing the requirements for the Roleplay skill. You have acquired a new skill.

New Skill:

Rage (LVL 12)



Emotion is a great motivation during a fight. As a fight continues long past what it should normally take, you will gain Stat buffs to assist you.


This of course was a skill he had learned as a Warrior during the Roktai Trial. Most Warriors received it eventually, and since he roleplayed as the Incredible Hulk it wasn’t too far of a stretch to have received it. Now he wondered if he could make a Sex Mana Skill that mirrored it. One that gave him buffs as he continued to fuck girl after girl. That sounded like a fun idea. 


“I got a Rage Warrior skill,” Asher admitted. “The more I continuously fight the more stat buffs I receive.” He had hoped since he played 2 people that he would get 2 skills, but he wasn’t so lucky. 


“I got something called Telekinetic Slash,” Tiff said. “It condenses Mind Mana for me. Kind of like my Wind Slash.” 


“Cool, did Lulu get anything?” He asked. 


“No,” she said. They had hoped she would get something, but they weren’t so lucky.

“I received Flight,” Joon said. She had played Captain Marvel hoping to get Cosmic Mana since she had Rift and Time. Captain Marvel supposedly could use Cosmic Energy. It had been a stretch, but it was worth a shot. 

“Flight? Do you have Wind Mana?” Asher asked.


“No, this Flight uses Space Mana,” she said. “Not a bad skill to have I guess. Just hoped for more.” 

“There’s always next time,” Asher said. She nodded. He looked over to Zora. 

“I got a weird one,” she admitted. “Blessing of the Forge. Whoever I bless with this, I buff them my highest stat, and I get their highest stat buffed.” 

“Cool,” Asher said. She kept getting Blessing skills. He was surprised she got anything at all. Rogue could steal powers, the skill made sense, kind of.


“I earned this,” Tillie said excitedly. She stood up and her body became alight with flame. Much like the Human Torch she stood on fire, but nothing burned around her. Then the flames were gone.


“Holy hell, that’s awesome,” Asher said. “What’s it called?” 


“Flame Shroud,” she said with a wide smile on her face. He had hoped she would roleplay Banshee to try to awaken her Sound Mana, but there was always next time. “It lets me increase or decrease the heat, but again, I’ve never heard of this skill.” 


“That’s amazing,” Lyola said. “I received a skill called Gravity Blast.”

“I thought Polaris could control Earth,” Asher said truthfully. “Were you trying to awaken Grav Mana?” 

“I have been leaning toward it,” she said. “Fire is not as easy as I thought. This skill feels very strong.” Asher remembered she had 60% affinity to Gravity. She must have had every Geo skill Polaris had. Unless he was wrong and she controlled gravity instead. 


“I um,” Eliffy said. “Got my Havoc Mana,” she said shyly. 

“That’s great,” Joon said. “Now you don’t have to rely on your Gambler Skills.”


“Yeah, you’re right,” Eliffy said. “I was hesitant, but I’m glad I went for it.” 


“We can ask around to see if there are any pointers on Havoc Mana,” Asher said. “I’m not exactly sure on it’s capabilities. But I know its strong.” Eliffy gave him a shy smile. 


“I got my Energy Manipulation skill,” Genevieve said happily. Her hand became aglow in a purple light. “It uses Energy and a little Creation. I think I can make weapons.” The glow formed into a blade then disappeared. “Don’t have it fully handled yet.” 


“Pretty awesome,” Asher said with a smile. She nodded, sitting back down. 


“What about you, our resident Enchantress,” he said. 


“I um, got Telekinesis,” she admitted.

“You were trying to awaken Mind Mana weren’t you?” Asher asked. She nodded. A small smile on her face he felt good that they were all getting stronger. “And you my Pinky?”

“Like you thought,” she said. “I got Wind Mana.” 


“Sweet,” Asher said. Looking around all of them were either staring at him or invisible screens in front of their faces. Joon didn’t remember doing this so much in her past timeline. Now that Asher had his skills at Max Level they should be able to do interesting things like this. Much cheaper and funner than buying skill books he doubted it would work everytime, but now and then it was worth a shot. 


“Did anything show up in the box?” Tiff asked. Opening it she frowned. 


“No, I didn't get a Red Quest notification. It would help if we actually knew what we needed like with the Kryptonite,” Asher said. He was a little disappointed. But having cum about 100 times between all 3 of each girls holes it was hard to be in a bad mood. They would have to try his Prop Manifestation in different ways. 


“You are all here for today, but have to leave tomorrow,” Asher said, bringing their gazes back to him. “Again, don’t tell people we can do this. I am a firm believer in getting stronger, and this will be our secret weapon to do it. In the past when we tried the same Roleplay over and over we never received skills, but we will try this again in 20 days. During that time Eliffy and Azya will be working on raising Azya’s level. Me, Nsabita, and the other student’s will be practicing our skills and dungeon diving. Lyola and Tillie will continue to be cute and pregnant. As well as trying to work with Majoris on speeding up our ship production.” They nodded in agreement. 


“We still have to save this place from destruction, but I don’t see why we shouldn’t keep working on getting stronger,” Asher said. “During the auction last weekend we were at the mercy of people over level 100. I want all of us to have the goal of reaching that threshold. Leveling shouldn’t be just for people that want to adventure and fight. It should be for all of us. I won’t feel comfortable until we can each get there. I would love it if we were always together, but that won’t be the case for the time being. We have a lot of work ahead of us. I’d prefer we put in the effort now, so that someday we don’t have to be separated ever again.” 


“We’re still doing the orgies though, right?” Eliffy asked. Azya looked up at him expectantly. 


“Of course,” Asher said. “Tiff would revolt if we stopped those.” 


“Damn right,” she said without shame. 


“I’m simply trying to convey that this is only the start,” Asher said. “We have a long road ahead of us, and I want us on the same page as we move forward.” It didn’t take long for the conversation to divulge into the next Roleplay. Then it turned into another orgy. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.