This S.O.B. System


Asher went to the skill book section. They didn’t bother with simple ones like Arcane Arrow and Gravity Well. They went right to the rarer stuff like Arcane Volley and Gravity Crush. Asher perused the Physical Mana section first but he wasn’t too impressed. There was a book called Goliath that allowed you to grow, but he could already do that. He moved to the Sex Mana section, but again there was nothing interesting. They didn’t even have Celibacy. He was starting to think the book he gave Azya was rarer than he thought. 


They jumped to Mind for Tiff. There was hydrokinesis, levitation, and electrokinesis. Tiff wasn’t too impressed with them. She had awakened her Soul Mana and was days away from binding Lulu. She could start working on Astral next. There was one interesting book for Astral. 


“Astral Projection sounds pretty good,” Asher said. 

“I want it,” she said. Asher put it on their list and noted the time it should be sold. 

They moved onto Lyola’s goal of making magma. There was an actual Magma Mana Book. She hadn’t awakened Fire Mana yet, but it was good to prepare so they put that on the list as well. For Zora they found the section on Holy, but it wasn’t too impressive. Then they moved to Life. At the end they found a book that they couldn’t pass up. 


“Revive,” Asher said in amazement. “I think my dad has this skill.” He read the description aloud. “Can revive someone within 10 seconds of death. As it levels that time increases. I feel like we need this.” 


Zora nodded excitedly as she read it over. “Would I get this skill eventually?”


“Maybe,” Asher said. “But if you did get it eventually then instead of receiving the skill the level up may evolve the skill or give you a new one to make up for it.”

“That one will not be cheap,” Lyola said. “But you’re right. It is too good to pass up.” 


For Tillie they were interested in a skill called Firestorm so they put that on the list as well. For Genevieve there was a skill book called Building Blocks. It was a Creation skill that helped a person understand the items around them better so they could be created. Nsabita noticed an interesting skill called Streamjet, so they put that on the list as well. Asher noticed a Rift skill called Fracture that was supposed to break something no matter how strong. He put it on the list for Joon. 


Looking through the other binders there was just too much to go through. The main sections were skills, artifacts, weapons, armor, accessories, rare materials, and planets. 


“Why are people selling planets?” Asher asked. 


“Some guilds fail. Or lose too much money and need an influx to sustain themselves,” Tyranis said. 


“I’m surprised they aren’t selling slaves,” Zora said. 


“They do, just not at this auction,” Tyranis said. Asher frowned, he didn’t like that idea. 


Joon stepped through a portal in the room. Walking over he noticed a frown on her lips. “No luck?” He asked. 


“Nope,” she said. “They’re smarter than I thought. They have everything stored offsite somewhere, with a portal open to it. Couldn’t find where they kept it all.”

“Maybe something will come up,” Asher said. There was a knock at the door. Everyone was already there, so they weren’t sure who it could be. Tyranis walked up to the door. A high human was on the other side. A good 7 feet tall he towered over the elf. 


“Tyranis of the Roktai? We were told that you were entertaining Asher Whitmore, the Lawful Good,” the high human said with a bow. Asher became nervous. Was he getting kicked out already? He looked to Joon, but she shrugged. It was doubtful that anyone suspected her of anything. 


“I am, he is my son-in-law,” Tyranis said. Asher walked up. “How can we help you?” 


“I simply have an invitation from the Fulbrights inviting Mr. Whitmore to meet them,” the high human said. It was weird to see such a giant man so humble. 


“Is it a problem for my wives and relatives to join?” Asher asked. 


“Of course not,” the high human said. He passed over a ring to Asher, explained how to get to the Fulbright’s balcony, and with a nod he stepped away.

The door shut as Tyranis began rubbing his temples. “What did you do now?” He asked with a long sigh. “The Fulbrights practically run Prime.” 


“I uh, kind of saved Siela Fulbright’s life,” Asher said. 


“You did what?!” More than a few yelled. 

“We were in a dungeon last weekend,” Asher said, moving closer to Lyola. She was one of the ones that yelled. “I got stuck underground and at an exit to the surface there was a Mana Bomb. It exploded and buried me. I dug my way out and happened upon Siela Fulbright, half-dead and buried like me.” 


“A Mana Bomb?” Tyranis asked. “How has no one been told about this? Those are tightly regulated.” 


“No idea.” 


“Were they after you?” Lyola asked worriedly. 


“I don’t think so. I shouldn’t have been close to there. I think it was meant for Siela,” Asher said. “We eventually escaped. When we got back to the dungeon portal they grabbed her and interrogated me. They were under the impression I did it.” 


“Did we ever find out about her party?” Joon asked. 


“I’ve seen them all around the Academy since then,” Nsabita said. “They were very quiet about it, but none of them were arrested.” 

“Of course they weren’t,” Joon practically spat. Siela’s party had been made up of 4 other high human classmen and a high human teacher. 


“So why the invitation?” Tyranis asked. 


“To thank you I would hope,” Tiff said. Asher wasn’t too sure himself. He hoped Alconsus didn’t find out that Ash fooled around with his daughter. 


“This could be very good,” Lyola eventually said. Alliances were one of her many goals. “As you said, the Fulbrights practically run Prime.” 


“Very true,” Tyranis said. “Who do you want to go with you?” 

“Whoever wants to go,” Asher said. Joon, Tiff, Zora, and Lyola raised their hands. Tillie and Eliffy had no interest as they ate some food from the buffet. Of the other elves only Tyranis and Millfadona were interested. Everyone knew how racist high humans were. Also they were very touchy. Saying the wrong thing could lead to prison, for everyone but Asher anyways. 

They headed up to the next floor and followed the directions the high human gave. “Husband,” Lyola said. “Can you please tell us when big things like this happen?” 

“Sorry,” Asher said. “I kind of forgot.”


“I take it back Lyola,” Tyranis said. “I’ve had my fill of excitement already.” Asher couldn’t help but laugh. 


“You’re right,” Asher said. “I’m starting to think I only get in these fun situations because you’re around.” 

“Me?” Tyranis asked, more than a little upset. “Nothing interesting happens around me. It’s always you that causes it.” 


“I don’t know Tyranis,” Millfadona said. “You tend to be near Asher when interesting things happen.” They were soon laughing as Tyranis tried to deny it. He eventually gave up and chuckled as well. At the correct room they knocked. Another large high human opened the door. 


“Ah, the Lawful Good,” he said. “Come in, please.” Asher felt a wave of mana flow out of the room as the man moved. There were obviously a couple of people inside over level 100. Walking in, Asher felt like he was a midget in a land of giants. The men were all over 7 feet tall. The women were Asher’s height and a little shorter, but there were many that rivaled the men. 


“Zora, if things turn South, jump on my shoulders and go for their eyes,” Asher whispered. She nodded trying not to stare. The room itself had the same decor as Tyranis’ balcony room, but about 3 times as big and twice as tall. The high humans eyed them as they walked in. Asher put on his Regal Presence to add some confidence. 


“Asher Whitmore,” a high human said from the other side of the room. He had been talking into a Comm and walked over with their appearance. The high human was the one Asher remembered at the trial. Tall, thick black hair, immaculate face, he reminded Asher of Superman. Or a very tall Henry Cavill. The man’s muscles bulged with every movement in his pristine white armor. As he drew closer Asher could tell he was one of the people over level 100. 


The man reached out his hand, Asher took it and they shook. “And you are?” He asked. 


“Oh, I assumed you knew. I am Alconsus Fulbright,” he said with a hearty laugh. 


“Yes, Siela’s father. I think she mentioned that. Sorry, at our last meeting I didn’t catch your name,” Asher said. The high human didn’t falter with the accusation, and smoothly changed subjects. 


“I hear you are the man I should thank for keeping my daughter alive,” he said. Asher noticed Siela off to the side. She was in a formal red gown, her hair was braided close to her head. Her father waved her over. 


“Eh I think she would have gotten out of that hole just fine on her own,” Asher said. “The real danger was the boss monster.” Siela shyly walked up, doing her best to maintain eye contact she still blushed. Surrounded by all the older high humans she appeared much younger, but far more beautiful. 


“Is that so?” Alconsus said. “Either way I wanted to thank you personally. I know we didn’t get off on the right foot, so I was hoping we could start over.” 

“Fine with me,” Asher said. “Did you ever find out where the Mana Bomb came from?” 


“Unfortunately all evidence of it was buried in rubble. They did do testing to confirm it was a bomb and not a geyser. But all the Mana Bombs that are currently registered are accounted for,” Alconus said. 


“Too bad,” Asher said. “Do I need to be worried about another going off during class?” He asked Siela. She blushed as he locked eyes with her. 


“Oh no,” Alconsus said, not noticing her reaction. “There are plenty of sensors for those types of things on Prime.” The busy man got another call, but he declined it. “I simply wanted to meet you and let you know if there is anything I can help with, I will do my best.”


“My planet is still not fully Initialized. I can’t think of anything now,” Asher said. It wouldn’t be bad to plant the seed, maybe he could use his help in the future. “But if my father-in-law, Tyranis, needs anything I may take you up on that.”


“Oh I am sorry, very busy today. Where are my manners?” Alconsus said. He was quickly shaking hands and introducing himself. 


When he got to Joon she said, “Actually there is something we can help you with.” 


“Oh?” He asked a little surprised. 


“Have you ever heard of the smuggling group called Tereskan Cartel?” She asked. 


“Um, yes, actually. We were looking into if they smuggled the Mana Bomb,” Alconus said. 


“Well, I can’t reveal my sources, but this is a picture of their ringleader,” she said, pulling out her Recorder. It was the lizard man from earlier. 


“How do you know this?” Alconsus asked, more than a little excited as he looked at the picture. “Was this taken today?” 


“Again, no sources, but trust me, he is. And yes it was taken today,” she said. Alcosus waved over a couple of high humans. They looked at the Recorder as well. “Was King Forook killed a couple of years ago?” Joon asked. 


“Um yes,” Alconus said. 


“I think he and his wife were killed by this woman,” she said, swiping to another picture. “They call her the Bed Viper.” 


“The Bed Viper? How do you know all this?” Alconsus asked. 


“Sources are secret, but I will say I have a skill that helps me verify these things,” Joon said. She quickly explained what she knew about them and sent their pictures to Alconsus. A few of the high humans quickly left to go apprehend them. 


The conversation kind of died down after that. “It was great to meet you,” Asher said. They shook hands again. Alconsus’ Comm went off again. “We will head back to our booth. I’m sure you’re busy. Siela, care to join us?” 


“I think-” she tried to say. 


“That’s a great idea,” Alconsus interrupted. “It’s all just us old people up here. I expect you back later,” he said. Kissing her cheek he was answering his Comm and off to a corner to talk in peace. 


“You don’t have to,” Asher said. 


She stared angrily in the direction her father was in. “No, I think I will,” she said. “If you don’t mind.” 


“The more the merrier,” Tiff said. Grabbing her hand they walked out of the room. Everyone was quiet for a time as they walked. 


“I didn’t expect to meet your father,” Asher said. 


“I was surprised myself,” Siela said. “Especially that he stayed off his Comm for so long.” 


“Must be busy with the auction,” Asher said. She didn’t answer, but he could tell she was upset. “How have you been?” He asked as they descended on the elevator. “Ever find out what led you to where we nearly exploded?”  


“I am good,” she said. “Pureliev said we were investigating the hole. I was too close when it exploded. The others were fine. Only blasted away.” 


“Still,” Asher said. “Kind of suspicious.” 


“Of Pureliev?” She asked a little shocked. 


“I am suspicious of everyone,” Asher said. “Like that guy there, why’s he walking so slow?” He asked, pointing to a guy behind them. 


“That’s one of my guards,” Siela said quietly. 


“Oh,” Asher said. “Should we mess with him?” He looked around to Tiff and the other girls. Lyola rolled her eyes. In one fell swoop he princess carried his pregnant elf and he and the girls bolted for the room. Siela even followed. Tyranis and Millfadona did not. 


“Open it, quick,” Asher said, watching to make sure the guard hadn’t caught up. Tiff used their ring as they burst through. Out of breath from the fast run he set Lyola down as they laughed. 


“You humans,” Lyola said blushing. “You know my father will just tell him.” 


“Eh, it’s the little things,” Asher said. “If only Nadir was here we could have done a bunch of illusions.” Siela appeared to be in a better mood as she chuckled. It wasn’t long before Tyranis and Millfadona entered. Asher noticed Siela’s guard outside, he checked to make sure shs was there and positioned himself outside. 


“We do need another camping trip,” Lyola said. 


“Oh, there’s an idea,” he said. “That was fun.” 


“I want to go,” Zora said. 


“We may have to go to Elantontrin,” Tiff said. “Unless, what about you Siela? Is there good camping on Central?” 


“Camping? I don’t think so,” she said, caught off guard by the question. “What do you do for it?” 


“You live in the wild,” Tiff said excitedly. “It’s like being in a dungeon, but you don’t have to worry about something killing you in the middle of the night. Not all the time anyway. I think Eliffy about killed you last time, Ash.” 


“Psh,” Asher said. “I handled it. She wasn’t that hungry.” She had recently attuned and was pretty much latched onto him the entire night of their camping trip. “Oh right,” Asher said. “Siela, this is Eliffy…our relations manager. Tillie our guard,” he said. Tyranis was a little away talking to his wives. “They’re actually my fiances. Tillie is pregnant with my kid too.” He wasn’t ashamed about it but liked to be upfront. Tillie blushed with the abruptness of his confession. “Then over there are Lyola’s siblings Fresneah and Wylin. Everyone this is Siela, our high human friend.” 


“Good to meet cha,” Eliffy said, in a way that sounded anything but. She had a drink in hand. He guessed she got a hold of the liquor from the mini-bar. 


“Calm it down Ely honey,” Asher said. He walked over to her and began whispering. “We are trying to work on alliances.” 


“You fuck her?” Eliffy asked. 


“I have not. Got a problem with that?” He asked. Eliffy let out a long drawn out sigh. 

“No, I’m sorry. Just skittish around high humans,” she said. Asher kissed her cheek. 


“Give this one a chance. She’s young, world hasn’t corrupted her yet,” he said. “Joon’s all excited, maybe I’ll sleep with a few since they’re so purist.” 


“That they are,” Eliffy said. “Wouldn’t mind bedding a few myself. They are rather hot.” 


“Not as hot as you,” Asher said. “We should try to sneak away and have some fun.” Her smile brightened at the prospect but an announcement sounded.

“The auction will start in 5 minutes,” it said. 


“Pfff,” Eliffy said deflating. 


“It’s alright. We can find time,” he promised. She nodded as the room grouped up. 


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