This S.O.B. System


“I’ve gotten quite a few requests to join the Sex Mana class,” Nsabita said with a smile. They had hooked back up with her after their League History class and were walking back home. 


“Oh yeah? Anyone drop my class?” He asked. 


“Not yet,” she said. “I think you made quite the impression.” 


“He tends to do that,” Tiff said. “It is a little annoying that they get to experience it for free though. We need to charge them somehow.” 

“Eh, they’re sheltered,” Asher said. “And it’s good practice for all of us. You might want to practice your Lust Aura on them. We may need to talk to Lyola about if any of them are on her radar for alliances. Do all the non-high humans come from money?”


“Yes,” Nsabita said. “My Sex Mana scholarship was a special case. The humans and tigerkin in the class come from big guilds.”


“Are we getting interest from any high-” He tried to say but was interrupted. 


“Lawful Good!” A man yelled. Asher rolled his eyes but turned around. Behind him was a familiar high human man. It was Mael, the douche that had tried to break their cover on Central. He was tall, blonde, and his butt-chin practically quivered in anger. 


“Sorry, my classes are closed to guys,” Asher said. Turning around he was stopped as the man walked forward angrily. Ready for a fight Asher stared him down until he halted his advance. “What?”


“You have dishonored me,” Mael said. “You touched my fiance.”


Asher frowned, the only person he had touched on Prime was Nsabita. “You’re engaged to this guy?” He asked. 

She blushed. Slapping him in the chest she hissed, “No!”


Asher rubbed where she hit. Nsabita was stronger than she looked. “Look dude, I haven’t touched anyone on Prime that didn’t want me to.” That only made the high human angrier. Asher noticed a crowd of other men behind the accuser. “Who exactly did I touch?” 


“Siela Fulbright!” He practically screamed. 

“The girl you were with on Central?” Asher asked. He may have looked up her full name after class. “I never touched her.” 


His eyes bulged. “You used your Sex mana on her,” he said. 


Asher looked to Nsabita. “I thought that was the point of the class?” 


“It is,” she said. “But again, the past professors weren’t as…strong as you.” She began to whisper. “High humans are very touchy when non-humans get near their own.” 


Asher let out a big sigh. “Dude, I didn’t touch her. Everyone in the class is welcome to opt out. But that is why they are there. To experience Sex mana. If you want her out then talk to her. But if you want to fight, I’d be more than happy to kick your ass.” It had been a while since he had been in a fight, and it would be fun to beat up a high human. Nsabita tensed up with the offer, Joon became excited. 


The spectators around them quieted. Mael appeared to have gotten what he wanted. “Then let’s duel.” 


Asher frowned. “I’d prefer not to do a Death Duel,” he said. “Last time I got in a lot of trouble.”


The high human looked at him a little shocked. “No, an honor duel.”


“Oh, sure,” Asher said in a much better mood. “As long as we get to bet, that’s fine and dandy with me.”

“1 hour, at the dueling grounds,” Mael said. 


“Screw that, let’s go now,” Asher said. “Lead the way,” he told Nsabita. She began rubbing her forehead but turned around. Asher noticed more than a few people getting on their Comms to make calls. 


“This is not a good idea,” the siren said as she walked. 


“What are you talking about? This is a great idea,” Joon said. “Put him in his place, babe.”


“You don’t understand. That's Mael Whitegrace,” she said. “His family runs a whole sector on Prime. He comes from money. He’s probably done 2 dozen dungeon runs. And if I had to bet he’s close to level 60.”


“So,” Asher said. “I’m 58.”


“And have you been training with the sword since you could hold it?” Nsabita asked. “The guy is basically a teacher’s wet dream. He won last year’s Academy Tournament.”


“Then why the hell does he still go here?” He asked. “Sounds like he should have graduated. Is he a super senior?” Tiff chuckled. 


“He probably came back to spend time with his fiance. These high humans are all intermarried. They’re basically told who they will marry when they’re young.” 


“Then why haven’t any of the other boyfriends of high humans from class come after me?” He asked. 


“Because you’re the Lawful Good. No one wants to piss you off,” she spat. “I’m sure they were the guys behind Mael. They probably goaded him on to challenge you. Then if you lost and nothing bad happened to Mael they’d challenge you too.” 

Asher rubbed his head. “So I really can’t lose,” Asher said. “This is annoying. Should I change my lesson plan?” 


“Yes,” Nsabita said. 

“No,” Tiff corrected. “You’re right. These people need to know that Sex Systems are strong. I think this is a great opportunity to show them how strong.” Slowly she sent Asher her plan psychically, it was short and sweet. He didn’t like it, but it made sense. Basically it was 2 words. Fuck him. 



The dueling grounds were at a corner of the class areas. Asher’s class for Dueling was on the 6th day of the week so he hadn’t checked it out yet. The room itself was a huge coliseum. Since the high humans practically dressed like Romans, he thought it was fitting. 


There was a large sand pit a good 500 feet across with seating at the perimeter. Asher wondered if they put on shows for people as the bleachers around them started filling up. 


“Fuck,” Nsabita said. “This is going to be all around the school. There’s the dueling teacher.” She was a normal human. Her head was shaved, her skin was dark tan, her eyes were black, and she was the most muscular woman Asher had seen. She wore a leather cuirass and skirt. He was scared and turned on while looking her up and down. Asher recognized her from the Professor Dinner. 


“Professor Diatrix,” Nsabita said. “This is Professor Asher.” He shook the strong human’s hand. She had a strong grip. 


“I missed you at the Professor Trial,” Asher said. 


The woman frowned. “Sorry,” Nsabita said. “She is not technically a professor. But the best fighter of them all. We all call her that.” 


“I bet,” Asher said. “I can practically feel the mana coming off of you. I am looking forward to your class in a few days.” 

The woman nodded. “What’s this about Nsab?” She asked. 


“Asher was challenged to a duel,” his siren said.

“Only 2 days in classes and we already have a duel request, eh Lawful Good?” Diatrix asked. She eyed him up and down. “Sorry we couldn’t talk much at dinner the other day. I saw your fight with the Golden Jojo in your second trial. And that one with the Destruction boss,” she whistled. “That was some good work. I’ve never seen anyone dumb enough to swallow a Mana Heart.” 


Asher chuckled. “It was my only option at the time. Worked out I guess.” 


“Barely,” she said. “You were pretty much dead when you killed it.” Asher agreed, his life saving ring had proved that. “So, who you piss off?” 


“Him,” Nsabita said as Mael walked in with a large posse. 


“Mael Whitegrace,” Diatrix said. “My best student,” she warned. 


“You haven’t started teaching me yet,” he said with a smile. She chuckled and walked over to Mael. 


“Can you stop flirting for 2 seconds?” Nsabita asked. 


“Look, flirting is like sex. Once you do it once you notice how fun it is, so why stop?” She rolled her eyes. “How is this going to work?” 


“You’ve done duels right?” He nodded. “You set stakes and restrictions. Usually Syscos are passed around. See those guys grouping together. They’re placing bets.” 


“Damn,” Tiff said. “Let's go, girls.” They were soon running over to place their own bets. Genevieve followed. 


“Diatrix will set terms, and be the judge. Honor duels require judges at the Academy. Some people are too stubborn to admit defeat,” Nsabita said. “What are your chances?” 


“100%?” He asked. She nodded and moved to make her own bets. Asher rolled his eyes. Used to this sort of thing he considered putting on his armor, but with Tiff’s plan it would look better if he didn’t put any on. When Diatrix stepped away from Mael the room quieted. Some stragglers came in to sit but most of the room was full. 


“An Honor Duel has been called by Mael Whitegrace against Asher Whitmore. Usually duels with professors are forbidden, but since Professor Whitmore is also a student I will allow it,” Diatrix announced. Her voice boomed in the large room. She raised her hands as she yelled, showing scars around her body. She looked very sexy at the center of the pit, like some gladiator woman. 


“What are the accusations?” Diatrix asked. 


“Touching what doesn’t belong to him,” Mael spat. 


“I didn’t touch her,” Asher barked back. 


“Is this true?” Diatrix asked. Asher nodded, she looked to Mael. He ground his teeth. “Real accusations or this cannot proceed.” Asher was surprised by that statement. He assumed they could claim anything, but this was supposed to be before the eyes of the System. 


“He used mana on someone without their consent,” Mael tried. 


“I had everyone’s consent,” Asher said. Again Diatrix waited on Mael. 


Mael struggled for something to say that would stick. Then an idea came to him. “He lied to me on Central and said he was a servant.” 


Asher thought that was a little flimsy. “I mean technically my friend inferred I was a servant,” Asher said. “But if it will speed this along. Sure, I lied to you.” 


Diatrix threw her shoulders back in disgust. “Really?!” She yelled. “You are trying to pull this Whitegrace?” The man looked sheepishly to the sandy floor, but then back up angrily. He nodded. “If anyone tries to start a duel with such lame charges again this semester, they will be kicked out of the Dueling Tournament.” That quieted the group. Asher was getting excited for the tournament. Maybe this finally was his tournament arc. 


“Accusation is lying,” Diatrix announced, but did not hide her annoyance. “Honor Duel only. What are the stakes?” 


“1,000 Syscos,” Mael said with a cocky grin. Diatrix looked to Asher, he could tell that was supposed to be a lot. 

“Ok,” Asher said like it was nothing. “We could do 2,000 if you want.” Mael didn’t respond to the offer. “Damn,” Asher said under his breath. 


“What are the constraints?” Diatrix asked. 


“To defeat or surrender,” Mael said. Asher nodded and the pop-up screen came up. 



Mael Whitegrace has requested a duel with you.


Time Limit: N/A



Defeat or Surrender



1,000 Syscos




Asher was about to click yes when Diatrix stopped him. “You should arm yourself.” 


Mael across the open pit was glowing as an ornate silver armor encompassed his body. Every inch was covered except for his face, which had a wide open part to show off. Asher used ID on it. There was nothing blocking him from seeing that the pieces were called Peak Armor. All pieces had some stat enchants. He had worried there were mana protection enchants, but there were none. 


“I’ll fight like this,” Asher said. He was wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, and thong sandals. He clicked Y. 


The Duel has been Accepted by Both Parties

Good Luck


Asher began cycling mana throughout his body as Mael did. The man glowed with Arcane mana. His sword became a white blue light. Mael jumped at him, Asher moved to the side and dodge rolled. The sand kicked up and he let Mael attack for a little bit. Mana bolts escaped his body and shot at Asher. His sword and armor continued to glow with the white hot energy of Arcane. 

Dodging this way and that he felt the sword wiz by him on more than one occasion. The man understood how to use all of his stats. Asher’s titles gave him more, and he had years of experience with his life on the line. This kid was all classroom and escorted dungeons. Asher had almost died more times than he could count in the Roktai Trial.


With a smile he enacted Tiff’s plan and raised his Pheromones to 80%. Focusing them on the muscular face of the high human he screamed and toppled over mid-swing. Asher kept the assault up. His Pheromones focused on his face; he needed to show these people what could happen. 


Mael came 3 times in quick succession. His body spasming as he sounded like he was in pain. Since there was no give in his plate armor he may have been. As he came a 4th time in a row he gasped and sputtered. Asher let up for now. 


Turning to those in the crowd Asher announced. “This is what sex mana can do,” he said. “It would be so easy for me to slit his throat right now.” Asher pulled out his giant Dragon Slayer and moved it to beside Mael’s throat. The man gasped but did not stir. Closing his eyes he dared not look. 


“You people act like Sex Mana is not a threat. I beg to differ,” Asher said. He looked down to Mael. “Do you yield?” He asked. Mael didn’t answer. Asher looked to Diatrix. 


“I can only judge if he is incapable of fighting,” she said. “He still has all of his Health.” Asher frowned. He coated the high human in Pheromones again. He began to yell once more as he came over and over. 


“Yield!” He eventually screamed in between orgasms. Asher stopped his assault and put his sword away as the pop-up came. 


Congratulations for Winning a Honor Duel


990 (10) Syscos



Asher walked over to the girls without looking back. “He is going to have a big cleaning bill for that armor,” Tiff remarked with a smile. 

He chuckled. “Get your winnings?” The girls nodded. “Where’s my cut?”


“Psh, you don’t get one,” Joon said. 


“Right, you should give us some of yours,” Zora said. 


“Tell you what, I’ll add all 990 I got to the year-end party if you want,” he said with a smile. They headed out of the coliseum. 


“Ohh, yes please,” Joon said. “There is some crazy stuff on prime we could get. With that kind of money we could book our own amusement park.” 


“Really?” Zora asked excitedly. “Now I am getting pumped for my team winning.” 

“Your team?” Tiff asked. “I have the Sex Mana. I’m kicking both your tight asses.” 


“I don’t know, this tournament sounds fun. I might have to give points for people that win it,” he said. 


“Great idea,” Joon said. 


They stepped out of the large room to almost run into his favorite high human. Siela had been running down the halls and almost smacked into him. She skidded to a halt, her face inches from his own. Her cheeks flush, he thought she was going to kiss him for a second. Then she caught herself and stepped back. 


“Professor Whitmore,” she said, catching her breath. “I heard that Mael was challenging you to a duel.” 


Asher nodded. “He’s in there. Sorry I didn’t let you drop the class. I didn’t think you had a fiance.” 


“He is not my fiance,” she said quickly. Asher frowned, he didn’t know how to respond to that. 


“Well, he’s in there now. I wouldn’t touch him, hes probably very sensitive. We will see you tomorrow I guess,” Asher said and walked around her.


They left Siela there in the hall, when they were far enough away Tiff said, “She’s totally into you.” 


“I thought they all have Mindguards,” he said. 


“Doesn’t matter, I can tell,” she said with a smile. “She’s just what we need. Thats the kind of mountain I want to climb.” 


“Then you seduce her,” Asher said. “I don’t feel comfortable hitting on them. I’m supposed to be in a position of power. It’s wrong for a professor to take advantage.”

“What about us?” Zora asked. 


“You all take advantage of me,” he said. “Very different.” 


Joon laughed while jumping on his back. “We need to show our husband some appreciation for beating up a high human. Those guys didn’t know what to do when you won.” 


“You all need to take this seriously,” Nsabita said. “It will probably just cause more problems. I wouldn’t put it past that guy's dad to raise a stink.” 


“Don’t give me that shit,” Joon said. “You can’t tell me it didn’t turn you on too.” The siren blushed and looked to the floor. “We are supposed to be saving this place anyway. Worse comes to worse we will tell people our quest.” 


“Hey,” Nsabita said. “You never told me about that. Why do you think you have to save Prime?” So they explained their quest to her. As they finished the short explanation Asher asked the real question. 


“Wait, I made a guy cum for the first time,” he said. “Does that mean I’m gay?” 

“So gay,” Tiff said. 


“I knew it. You were too hot to be straight,” Joon whispered in his ear. 


“Zora, my love, please, you would never lie. I’m not gay, right?” 


Zora thought about it. “Don’t know. You might have to prove you’re not.” 


“How? I’ll do anything?” He feigned desperation. 


“I have a few ideas we can try,” Zora said with a smile. 

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