This S.O.B. System


It turned out the Professor mixer was the next day. Asher received an invitation in the morning at the reception desk. All the professors were now onsite and staying in the same hotel he was. The party would be thrown on one of the floors. Though there were supposedly about 20 other professors staying there, Asher hadn’t seen one at the lobby yet. 


He was allowed a plus 1, and since he was afraid to make a fool of himself the girls voted Nsabita for that job. Nsabita was both excited and scared by the idea. Though Asher had a lot to do the girls still made him squeeze in a trip to a new sector to go shopping. 


To get to a new sector there were separate elevators at the same level they arrived from Central on. The elevators ran along the outer part of the ring on Prime, so Asher hadn’t seen them yet. Apparently there were hundreds that ran all the way around the exterior of Prime, taking people to this or that location. 


They boarded the elevator together and were quickly going to the next sector. “This is exciting,” Tiff said with a smile. She was staring out the large window that looked out onto the blankness of space. Joon and Nsabita were the only ones unbothered by the expanse outside the window. Asher, Zora, and Gen held hands staring at the elevator door that led back in. Maybe it would be better to consider the small room a pod, since it moved along Prime. “I’m surprised there aren’t any ships out there.” 


“Ships are rare at Prime,” Nsabita said. “Someone tried to ram into it once, since then they just have portals to everywhere people need to go. There is a huge portal in one of the sectors that is said to allow ships through.” 


“Sector 18,” Joon said. “Very dumb of them if you ask me. They should do a better job protecting their portals. If someone were to attack and try to destroy the place. It would be easy to pop in, set a lot of bombs and jump out safe and sound.” 


“Sounds like you know from experience,” Asher said. 


“I might,” Joon commented. He still wasn’t convinced his quest wasn’t saving the place from her. 


Nsabita ignored the comment. “I can’t wait to leave this place,” she said. 


“How long have you been stuck here?” 


“I’ve been here for 12 years,” she said. “I used to go back home between semesters, but as you saw it costs money to use these pods.” 

Asher was surprised it cost almost a quarter Sysco, or 500 Prime Standard. The place really was for the rich. “Just get us through the semester and we will settle your debt,” he said. “Then you head home and we will worry about saving this place.” 


“I still can’t believe you have a quest to save Prime,” she said, moving up behind him. “Why aren’t you telling everyone?”


“Because it would cause panic,” he said. “I doubt people would believe me anyway. You see how they react around the Lawful Good.” 

“Ha!” Tiff laughed. “About made the elevator attendant piss himself.” The pod door dinged and they stepped out. “Where are we going exactly?”


“The Academy uses this tailor,” Nsabita said, guiding them around. They walked to an elevator and stopped on yet another floor. 


“Are we in a new sector?” Asher asked. “I thought there were moons at the base of every sector?” 


“There are.” 


“Then why didn’t gravity change for us?” 


“The pod twisted around while you were too scared looking at the door,” Tiff said. “Up for us now was down for us before.” Asher struggled to picture it but believed her. 


The elevator stopped. They walked out into a mini-mall like area. Nsabita took them to a tailor who rolled out the red carpet for them. The tailor was a normal human with a Tailor System. He was able to make Asher some professor robes easily. Now he really did feel like they were at Hogwarts. The robes were white with black stitching that made some sigil of the Prime Academy. It was books and swords with leaves around it. 

After that the girls had the tailor make him 2 custom 3-piece suits. One black and one navy blue. Then they all wanted their own dresses. Tiff’s was her robin egg blue color that was long like a ball gown. Zora’s was white and tight, with a mid-thigh skirt that sparkled. Joon’s was black and split down the middle from collar to navel to show off her cleavage. Then they offered Nsabita one for their party that night. She chose a mustard color that went well with her lime green skin and dark green hair. 

Asher had to pay of course, and for the rush job it was 200 Syscos. But all the girls were happy. Nsabita especially. After that they went around to stores and stocked up on items they couldn’t on Earth. There were plenty of potions, some new enchanted accessories Elantontrin didn’t have, as well as some actual bestiaries. Asher hadn’t found those before. Thick books that showed different types of monsters to watch out for. He bought one of each. There was also a big stock of skill books. He bought more mana sense and other standard skill books for Earth. 


“What’s that?” Asher asked, walking up to one of the further stores. 


“That’s the smithery the school uses,” Nsabita said. “Blacksmithing is one of the few things the Academy doesn’t teach, so we go here for everything. The owner is a dwarf.” 


“Then I have to go,” Asher said, walking faster. In fantasy the best smiths were dwarves. He just knew the owner had some secret item that would help him later on in his quest. 


“How can I help you?” A short dwarf girl asked as they walked in. She was about 4’-6” with long blue hair down to her waist. She looked like a small child, but Asher could feel she was strong. 


“I’m interested in how to make this better,” Asher said as he willed out Dragon Slayer. 


Her eyes widened as he dropped it on the counter between them. Then she surprised Asher and picked it up. It took her both hands to do it, but her stance was good as she lifted it over her head and inspected it. 


“System item,” she said. “Just a wear and sharpening enchant on it. Very weak though, doesn’t register on Inspection.” Setting it down she ran her hands along it. Asher noticed mana glowing on her fingertips. “It’s true to it’s name though. It really did kill a dragon. Growth item I see.” Asher became excited, she really did have an eye. He had hoped for an old gruff dwarf to give him sage advice, but the small dwarf was way hotter. 


“What are you thinking?” She asked. 

“What could you do to it?” Asher asked. 


“I could make the sharpening and wear enchant stronger. But it’s reached its max growth. No more evolutions in it. To add any new enchants to it, you’d need a whole new sword,” she said. 


Asher wasn’t too keen on that, he loved the Dragon Slayer. “What kind of enchants could you do?” 


“There are flashy enchants,” she said walking around the counter. She reached out for his hand. “You’ve used it a lot. There are fire enchants, but you feel more like a natural fighter. For you I would say a frictionless enchant would be the best, but they cost a lot.” 


“How much?” Asher asked. 


“50 Syscos,” she said. “Just for the enchant. But your sword would move through the air and monsters easier.” 


“Could you make a sword just like this?” Asher asked. “With growth, sharpening, wear, and frictionless enchant?”


She whistled moving back to the counter. “That’s a big order,” she said. “Would be….500 Syscos.” Asher thought he had paid that for the sword originally. Most anywhere else the sword may have been cheaper, but Prime had a lot of money which made items cost more. 


“Deal,” Asher said without hesitation. He hadn’t expected to want a new sword, but Dragon Slayer had been with him since he was level 10. It might be good to hang it up and mount it under the dragon’s head when he found a spot for it.


“Really?” The dwarf asked, a little surprised. “You come from money or something?” 

“A little,” he said. “But I want this to be the best of the best. No skimping on materials, and I want it to look as close to this as possible.” 


“I can do that,” she said with an excited smile. 


“What do we have here?” Joon asked as she walked in with the other girls. 

“Getting a new weapon,” he said. 


“Finally,” Joon said. “I want one too of course,” she said, bringing out her own sword. It wasn’t long until all the girls brought their weapons out. The small dwarf girl was soon full of orders. Joon wanted to be able to use her space mana on her sword, with the wear and sharpness enchant. Zora wanted her sword to have an affinity enchant. Tiff’s whip was her favorite, but the dwarf sold her a wand that would let her condense Mind Mana for attacking. 


Then they guilted Asher into making one for Gen and Nsabita. Gen wanted a spear. She had been playing around with attaching her spider webs to weapons to attack and throw. The dwarf talked her into a lightness and minor frictionless enchant. Nsabita used a trident, and it just so happened that the dwarf had one sitting on a shelf that someone had commissioned and left. It had a Hydro enchant the siren liked. 


“With all the weapons and the rush job, you are at 3,000 Syscos,” the dwarf said. She was more than a little excited with all the orders. 


“What’s your name?” Asher asked. 


“Kaseran,” she said. “Why?” 


“I just like to know the women that fuck me,” Asher said as he sent the money her way. He knew he could talk her down. The small dwarf was more than surprised to see the money in her status screen appear. She thanked him profusely and promised they would be done in time for their dungeon in 20 days. 


“Anywhere else?” Asher asked as they stepped out. Nsabita hugged her new trident lovingly. He chuckled as she caught herself. “I expect some major sexy time tonight with all this.”

“Anything for you, sugar daddy,” Tiff said next to him. Her breasts ballooned out for him. Asher thought might have to find somewhere hidden for a quickie. “Before that I want to check the pet store.” Asher hadn’t noticed the store before. Above it was written ‘Monster Tamers’. Lulu was quietly sitting somewhere in Tiff’s shirt. He was curious what monster taming entailed. 


Stepping in they met a wolfkin man. He had gray pointy ears that lifted up as they stepped in. He sniffed loudly as they came up. “One of you has a monster smell,” he said. “Did you come from a dungeon?” 


“Oh no, it’s our friend Lulu,” Tiff said. The small shoggoth came out of her cleavage. The tentacles were right at home inside. 


“Is that a shoggoth?” The man asked excitedly. “Did you tame it?” 


“She’s a friend,” Asher said. “What do you know about them?” 


“I know not to try. Looks like you channel Sex Mana though. Might be manageable for you,” he said. His yellow eyes moved from girl to girl and landed on Asher. “How can I help you?”


“Really just curious what you do,” Asher said looking around. There were small monsters in cages. All were only level 1 to 5. “We are from a recently Initialized planet.” 


“Right,” the wolfkin said. “I thought I recognized you, you’re the Lawful Good.” He became excited walking up to Asher. He was an older man but had a firm grip as they shook hands. “I’m Lastoo,” he said with a wide grin. 




“Hmm, where to begin?” Lastoo said walking around. “I started this shop a few years ago. My System is Hunter, so I can bind monsters to me. Then we can go through dungeons together. I gave up being a Dungeon Delver a few years back. But over the years I had a nice collection of smaller monsters. Everywhere you go there are regular animals like birds, but most are a little different. I sell and breed those different ones.” 


Asher looked around. There were a lot of minor monsters everywhere. A small ferret monster that had legs up and down its length. A cage with birds that had 6 wings. A long thin snake that was all the colors of the rainbow. 


“You bound all of these?” Asher asked. 


“Oh no, I use this Soul Box,” he said. A white light appeared in his hand revealing a small box about 6 inches by 6 inches. The box was silver with a circle in the center. “This has an incapacitating stasis enchant and shrinking enchant. Also a concealing enchant that allows it to go into storage rings so you can store animals inside.”


“Are you telling me…” Asher asked as his eyes widened. “You use a pokeball?”


“A what?” 


“A Pokeball. It lets you capture monsters,” Asher said. His breath quickened as he stared at the box. It was everything he had ever dreamed. “Can you catch high level monsters with it?” 


“I mean you could,” the man said. “But if you don’t bind them there’s no point. They’ll go on a rampage once out.” 


“How much?” Asher asked. “For the Poke-”


“It’s called a Monster Capture Cube. These aren’t cheap,” the wolfkin said. “I only have 2.”

“Name your price,” Asher said. “I want 6.”


“I mean…” He said. “I might know someone. It’ll cost you though. 300 Syscos each.” 


“Deal,” Asher said. “Get me 10 and I’ll get you the 3,000.” 


“Freakin nerd,” Tiff whispered behind him. 


Asher ended up giving him a deposit of 1,500 and the man was more than willing to get them for him by the time he came back for their weapons. He also explained that higher level monsters could be tamed, but it was best to use a calming item. Lastoo just so happened to have some incense that would help the binding take. 


All in all it was a good trip. They now had fancy clothes for the Professor party that night. New weapons on the way. And his very own Pokeballs. Asher didn’t have a specific need for them, but something would come up. Besides, he had promised Daphne a monster to help her get stronger. Maybe he would find something on their future dungeon dives. 

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