This S.O.B. System


“The Seven Sins guild are off the ship,” Wayne said. “Are we going to have a problem?”


“I don’t think so,” Asher said. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what came over me. There’s some…bad blood between me and that guy.”


“Should I be aware of it?” Wayne asked. Arnold was still talking to Daphne on his Comm. 


“Not for now, I’ll let you know if something comes up,” Asher said. Wayne studied him apprehensively, but slowly nodded and walked off. Wayne was married to Anita, so she too had been used by Terry. He would let Anita explain. “Call your wife, talk to her about it.” Wayne got a worried look on his face as he pulled out his Comm and called her.


Zora finally came down the hall. “Was that?”


“Yeah,” Asher said. “It was.”


“And who was he exactly?” Tiff asked. 


“He uh, is who got me into porn,” Asher admitted. “I know he worked with Daphne and Anita, and maybe…my mom. He’s the reason I met Zora.”


“I’m guessing none of those are good things,” Tiff said. Asher shook his head. 


“He’s a blackmailer. And uses whoever he can. Zora, did he ever do anything bad to you?” Asher asked. 


Zora hesitated, but shook her head slowly. “I was forced to work with a few directors. I wasn’t just working for him,” she admitted. “He mostly told me what to do. And Aleksi…enforced it.”


Asher bit his lip, he really wanted a reason to kill the guy. “Jeez hun,” Tiff said. “I haven’t seen you wanting to kill someone so bad since Plarious Burill.”


“Yeah, I don’t know what’s up. Terry didn’t do anything too bad to me, I’m just.” Asher struggled to come up with the right words. “Jumpy maybe?”


“Daphne says to let him live, tentatively,” Arnold said walking up. “Anita talked her down from wanting his balls cut off.” Wayne Tyler was on the Comm, probably talking to Anita and hearing the same thing. 


Asher laughed. “That’s good I guess. Will you leave it?”


“I will watch him,” Arnold said. “I cannot say for sure what I will do.”


Asher nodded. “If you decide to end it. Warn me. Those Seven Sins are strong. Not just physically but their skills. Lust would give you a run for your money,” Asher told Tiff. 


“Was that sex mana around her?” Tiff asked excitedly. She had Mana Sight, but not everyone could tell the type of mana from the color.  


Asher nodded. “You know her too, Zora.” 


“I do?” Zora asked. “That plastic girl? With the curves?”


“Yeah, she’s Ashley Tilda. Worked with you and Terry,” Asher said. “Remember our boyfriend and girlfriend shoot?”


“Ashley?!” Zora asked, more anger than surprise in her voice. “That bitch!”


“Uhh yeah?” Asher asked. 


“You didn’t watch the news,” Zora said. Her accent came back in full form with her anger. “She was your character witness for the news. Bad mouthed you at every turn.”


“Really?” Asher asked. “She was all over me at the last guild conference.”


Zora’s eyes bulged. “That fucking bitch,” she spat. “Kill her as well. You never slept with her right?”


“No,” Asher said.


“Good,” Zora said. “She lied to everyone that you were basically a masochist in the bedroom. Hinted you were full of STDs and many bad things.”


“Bitch,” Tiff said. “And one of our own Sex Systems. That’s going to put a damper on Earth girls. Come on Zora. Let’s go plan her demise.” Zora smiled widely as they walked back to the Mess Hall hand in hand. 


“A lot of odd things happen around you, Asher,” Arnold said. “You know 3 of the Sins. And many of the strongest people here. Watch yourself.”


“You too Arnold,” Asher said. The man disappeared in a wave of Illusion mana. Back in the day Asher had thought his Predator gear made him disappear, now he knew it was a skill. Calming himself down he walked back to the mess hall. Only Community people were left inside. 


“Sorry about that, everyone,” he said. None of them appeared to care. They grouped up and were soon on their way down the platform to ground level. 


The platform dropped them off in the middle of the street. Asher had of course landed them there specifically. The ship had many cameras that allowed him to see everything. He had been on it for over 2 months, and was now a confident pilot with the Ethership. The concrete of the street was cracked, but the buildings around them were still in manageable shape. The Starburst was a spike in the sky that everyone on the street stared at. The Paris citizens leaned out of windows or openly ogled the group as they stared at the intergalactic ship. 


Wearing normal clothes, Asher had been directed to land there by the local guild master. But it was everyone’s first time seeing an actual spaceship in person. A group of kids ran up to the ship, feeling the hard medal of the spike legs.  


“Starburst, restrict access to level 1 personnel, acknowledge,” a chime sounded from the ship. Level 1 was a designation he had given to those that he trusted. Everyone there with them in France, as well as his girls. Level 2 allowed access to those in the Community Guild. Level 3 allowed access to people temporarily. Level 0 was his own personal access as Captain. If something happened to him he already had 2 people in line to inherit Level 0 access. The platform door shut and this time Asher heard an audible click. 


“You think that’s necessary?” A voice asked behind him. 


Asher turned to see the Rouge guild master. She was young, with long curly red hair. The beautiful woman wore the white Ghost Spider uniform, everything but the mask. He had met her a month ago during the first Guild Conference and had started a friendship with her. Though her System was based on Gwen Stacy, she resembled Mary Jane Watson more. She ran the Rouge Guild after some drama, her name was Genevieve Lambert.


“It’s a sketchy neighborhood,” Asher said looking around. “I mean, last time I saw you, you stole 2 books from me.”


“Stole?!” She asked angrily. “You lent-“


“That doesn’t sound right. I didn’t even know your name,” he said with a smile. She rolled her eyes pulling out the 2 skill books. They were Ki Beam and Powerstrike. “Learn them both?”


“I did, thank you,” she said. He took them and put them in his ring. 


“And who is this?” Tiff asked, stepping up. Once upon a time it might have been a jealous reaction, now that they were married it was a very ambiguous question. It could lead to her hitting on the woman, or wanting to fight. 


“Oh right, you didn’t meet,” Asher said. “Genevieve Lambert, this is my wife Tiffany Whitmore. Tiff, Gen,” Asher said. Gen looked nervously at Tiff, her face blushing as his wife studied her. 


“Oh right, you’ve been talking to my husband on your Comms,” Tiff said. “Tell me beautiful. How did you take over your guild?” Tiff was quickly dragging the French girl toward a large building. Asher and Zora shared a look, both smirking. Asher grabbed her hand as they walked. The other people in their party had already left to sight see. 


“You’re perfect, you know that?” He asked Zora. 


“Of course,” she said. 


“You still gonna go back to Denver with your guild after this?”


“I don’t know,” she said. “I was hoping to be…you know.” Pregnant, Asher knew. 


“You think I’d let you out of my sight once you’re pregnant?” Asher asked. 


“You think you could stop me?” She asked. “My level is very high. And my mana circulation has gotten better. Maybe I’ll beat you next time.”


“Maybe you will,” he said with a smile. He squeezed her hand to try to convey his love for her.  


“That red hair is very unique,” Tiff noted. “Have you ever been with a woman, Genevieve.” His wife ahead of them squeezed the guild masters butt cheek. Gen practically disappeared as she ran off. 


“Coming on a little strong there, sister-wife,” Zora said. 


“What can I say?” Tiff said watching Gen run. “I have a thing for virgins. Also, we are in Paris, that’s basically what they do here.”


“I think that’s a stereotype,” Zora said. 


“She’s my type,” Tiff said with an innocent smile. 




The guild members had started to appear from portals. Joon was running that show. With her own fighting force of other Space Mana Systems, once Comms were passed out it didn’t take her long to be put in touch with them all. Now the people were piling in a very large room. Asher was told it once held parliament for Paris or something. Now it held a few thousand people of the strongest guilds in the world.


“Nadir! Finally,” Asher said as the man walked in. “I lost you back at the System guild conference.”


“Yes,” Nadir said. His 3 wives practically hung onto him. They had been separated for 9 months, and were still quite attached. “I looked for you at the end of the last conference, but you were gone. And I was able to teleport with my wives.”


“Yeah, sorry, got distracted,” Asher said. “When do you go on with our stuff?” They of course had been in contact through Comms. As the richest and most profit viewing individuals they had spent a long time going over what would help Earthlings the most. And of course bring in the most profit. 


“I go on after Community,” Nadir said. “Have you decided to speak?” 


“I have,” Asher said. “But mine is more focused on keeping promises. You keep to the technology side.”


“Will do,” Nadir said as he walked away. The man’s wives noticed Tiff and Zora and they all made a beeline for them. 


The current guild conference wasn’t System run, but held by the Earthlings. Too much information to go over they decided to meet in France. Centrally located and mostly at peace, this would allow them to iron out treaties. It was also a great time for Asher to make them understand that they were small fish. 


There were the major players from the System Guild Conference. Junak guild out of Denver that Zora had helped start. Yong Guild out of South Korea that Joon had helped found. Lyudi Guild that was now out of Russia, Akhar Guild out of the Middle East, Ziyou Guild out of China, Juego Guild out of Brazil, Wigan out of England, Old Glory from around Washington D.C., and a few others Asher wasn’t too sure on. With the 2 new continents some people had tried to lay claim. After dealing with the current people they knew of, he would move onto the new land masses.


“Tosh, Keera, so good to see you,” Asher said. The half elf and dark skinned goth girl smiled widely at him as they approached. They were flanked by the leading members of the Songoku guild. The guild was based out of Tokyo, Japan. 


“Hello Asher. You ready for your presentation?” Tosh asked. 


“I better be. Mine is short and sweet. I get to go first, too. Have you compiled all the videos, Keera?”


“I have,” she said. “I plan to present a few clips. Then sell them at a booth outside.”


“I bet you’ll make a nice profit,” he said with a smile. He didn’t want to push her, he was regretting now letting her go to Japan. He was supposed to be uniting the world. Not giving the other powers the best people. There was a fine line to walk between taking all the talent and sharing. There was a lot of work ahead of them, he just wished it would go ahead and start. Since everyone was on speaking terms he couldn’t just start forcing them to disband guilds. There was a process to these things. As long as they were civil, he would be civil. Their real plan started at the next Guild Trial, which was on January 15th of next year. 


Asher said some pleasantries and was soon seated at the front of the audience. The room was filled with people. Growing bored he studied his stats. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Prop Manifestation



Lawful Good (10)


Relationship Screen

LVL 15





LVL 11





LVL 20



LVL 21



/225 (5)


LVL 21





LVL 20



LVL 25





LVL 25





LVL 20




Battle Instincts

LVL 23




Weapon Throw

LVL 20




Full Body Control





Mesmerizing Gaze

LVL 18




Healing Touch

LVL 22




Mana Sight

LVL 34





LVL 28


Role Immersion


Custom Stats:


Mana Sense

LVL 25

Dick Length

9 Inches


Share the Love

LVL 16

Dick Diameter

2 Inches



LVL 22




Dragon Palm

LVL 13




Sex Bomb

LVL 21




Coupling Mana

LVL 13




Orgy Control




LVL 12



LVL 14


Kama Sutra



Mana Manifestation

LVL 10



Asher and the girls had been having a lot of sex, which he got experience for all of. There had also been a swarm of level 40 bugs that he had been able to kill a bunch of to help him level. Most of his time spent in the bedroom, the skills that had increased were his sex skills. His Relationship Screen had leveled as soon as he married Tiff and Zora. He guessed that doing the deed was some threshold for level 15. Ahegao of course had leveled. He had practiced with Justice a little during the bug swarm and leveled that as well. 


Mesmerizing Gaze was exactly as it sounded and had leveled. Healing Touch allowed him to heal with Sex mana mixed with his bodily fluids. It increased his girl’s Health Point regen per hour. Mana Sight was something he tried to keep on at all times and he had gotten better with it. Mana Sense was also always on. Share the Love allowed him to share experience with those he had a strong relationship with. He was currently sharing 3% of his experience gains with Lyola, Tiff, Zora, and Joon. His Champion Gear allowed him an increase in experience gained, so it was free for all of them. 


Cleanliness had become one of his staple techniques and was used a few times a day. Not an exact substitute for showers, it was still common courtesy to use between partners. Sex Bomb was a skill he had been practicing with to help increase his Coupling Mana. The skill mixed his Physical and Sex Mana to either hurt or pleasure those that heard the skill. Kama Sutra allowed him to charge other’s with mana so they could bend more easily. He had been trying to weaponize it lately. There had to be a reason that his Sex Mana was able to loosen people. It would be interesting to combine the skill with Physical Mana to make it an attack. 


Casanova was his most common skill now, and increased pleasure wherever he cast the skill. Empower gave his girls a Strength and Endurance buff. Although Tiff had a skill like it that randomly buffed 2 stats, and his Empower was guided to those same 2 stats. And last was his Mana Manifestation. His most recent skill had the most utility. He could condense and make his mana a physical thing. Using it as a tool and controlling it with his mind he could make it into a pole to stand on, or rope to anchor him to the ground. 


Asher had arrived on planet with over 100,000 Syscos worth of stuff as well. The majority of it had been gifts to guildies. Skill books, Mana Gliders, Accessories that people tried to replicate. But he had also bought 25,000 Comms. They were the Systemic League equivalent of a cell phone. With texting and calls available they worked off ambient mana in the air. Asher had given away quite a few to help connect people during the guild conference. After that he had sold them to guild mates. With each one costing him less than 1 Sysco, he had sold them for 5 Syscos a piece and made a huge profit. Now he was flush with Syscos for when they went back to some new planet.  


Still nothing happening he brought up his current quest from the System. 



The System's protection of your planet will end in:



During this conference the following items were chosen:

1. Your Planet's first trial will be a DUNGEON RACE

2. An Earth currency has been chosen and added in the System Store

3. No sponsor was chosen for your planet


Dungeon Race Timer:




All guilds will be entered in the race.

Every Guild below the top 50 spots of the race will be forcefully disbanded.


Individuals may join the race if they meet a level threshold and pay an

Entry Fee at the time of the race.



Everyone on the planet had received the notification. They had 4 Earth years to get their shit together and become united. 172 days until the next trial that would pit them up against one another. Every planet in the Systemic League had gone through this, and now it was Earth’s turn. The old governments long gone, there were a few that clung to the way things used to be. Asher’s true goal was to take over, or at least keep Community in charge. That was one of the many reasons they had set this mini-conference up. To make sure everyone understood who held the important cards. 


Finally the lights dimmed in the large room. People began to quiet. An older gentleman stepped up on the stage. Standing behind a podium he announced, “Thank you all for joining us here today.”


“I am Pierre Dubois,” he said. “I run the Jestes Guild.” That was news to Asher. He thought Genevieve’s Rouge guild was running it. There was some drama going on between guilds, but they had offered a safe location that was fairly easy for Portalmancers to get to. 


“Thank you all for agreeing to come here,” Pierre continued. “Though our last conference went well, there was much left unsaid. Let’s spend this time wisely.” Asher noticed the man exude mana from him. Some type of Mind Mana. Asher assumed it was meant to calm people, not control. Not a big fan of people being manipulated, he left it for now. 


“We have presentations set up from those in Community, Taakat, Songoku, and a few others. All other requests for speaking time will be done in the following days,” he said. Asher thought Taakat was Nadir’s wives guild they had started in his absence. “After that times will be allotted to those interested in touring Community’s Ethership.” Asher knew everyone would sign up for that. 


“First, Asher Whitmore would like to say a few words,” Pierre said. Some people clapped as Pierre left, most did not. Asher jumped up 3 feet to the stage. Some stage lights were on him, causing those in the crowd to become unrecognizable. Asher put on his Regal Presence and began. 


“You know me,” Asher said. “Or at least you know of me. I have what those in the Systemic League call a Hero System. I am supposedly not the only one on this planet, though I haven’t met any others. What that means, I don’t know. What I do know is the System watches me. And quests me and other Hero Systems to kill those that do the most heinous crimes. You may know this as a Red quest. I hear that they were rare during the tutorial. I haven’t done any in months.” 


Asher looked around. Making certain no one was channeling too much mana. “So now that every major guild is here, I am giving the System a chance. One chance to send me at those that did the most heinous of crimes.”


Waiting, the room became quiet in anticipation. No one spoke for a full 5 minutes. He had really expected this to work. The System had sent him to kill people on flimsier charges. When no notification came, he began again. “Before I left Earth I swore I would kill any person that became a tyrant. Anyone that ruled over people with their higher levels. That offer is still out there. You come to me with any concerns of those in charge, and if it is proven to be true. I will end them. If you waste my time, or think I will kill indiscriminately, I will be upset.” 


There was a long silence as he waited for anyone to speak up. Finally someone did. “How does that make you better than a tyrant!?” The voice asked. 


Asher smiled. “I asked myself the same question a few weeks ago when we started putting this thing together.” He looked around. “None of you that I can see here are above level 45. None that went through the Hard Tutorial anyway.” Most all of Asher’s group was over level 50. 


“I am level 58,” Asher announced. “I’m sure some of you can see that. But now you all know. Some of you are only 1 good dungeon away from catching up to me. You could fight hundreds and surpass me. But as of right now, I am the strongest person here.” Asher waited for someone to refute it, but no one did. “If I wanted to become a tyrant I could. Beat you into submission until you gave me your Syscos. Kill all those that got close to my level. There are some newly integrated planets that have had that exact scenario happen. I have no interest in that. This is my home planet, and you are my people.”


Asher studied those close. “This right here is not my future,” he said. “Out there is my future.” He pointed up. He hoped they understood. “The universe is a great big boiling pot of adventure. This here, on Earth, is people squabbling for the shiniest rock. There are individuals out there that could buy our planet 100 times over. I have met the Avatar of the System that has made level 100s cower in fear. I know none of you have met a level 100, but they are on a whole other level of strength. There is so much out there, people. So much that fighting over this world is like fighting over another billion just like it.”


“It was discussed to make this event an auction,” Asher said. “We could have sold information to you all. Let those select few with enough Syscos afford the information we have. But we give it all to you cheaply. Because no matter how much is out there. It will always be us versus them.”


The room was quiet. “Again, come see me with concerns. And thank you for your time,” Asher said and walked off. He meant to say more, but sometimes it felt like all he did was talk. Walking out of the darkened auditorium he heard Pierre begin talking again. He introduced Wayne Tyler. The old guild master would be able to smooth over any issues that may have arisen with Asher’s speech. 


Stepping out into daylight Asher found himself wandering. There were gates around the large building the guilds were occupying. Other people walked outside, but none bothered him. Lost in thought he almost ran into her. 


“Genevieve,” he said, grabbing her so she wouldn’t fall. 


“Asher, I apologize,” she said, stepping back. Her face red she stammered trying to say something.  


“Why aren’t you in there? I thought you were supposed to be running this thing,” he said. 


She looked to the ground. “I was,” she said. “Some drama between my guild and the old guild master.”


“Tell me about it,” he said. Turning to face the same way as her he started walking. She began to walk with him. 


“No, I couldn’t,” she said. “It’s very boring.”


“Trust me, I’d appreciate the distraction,” Asher said. 


They walked around the old stone building and slowly she began to open up. “We were on a planet with mostly spiders as the monsters during our tutorial.”


“Were you bitten by a radioactive one?”


“No,” she said. She gave him a pity chuckle. “But I was bitten by one and got my System.” 


“Of course you did,” he said, rolling his eyes. 


“How did you get yours?” She asked. 


“I was in a porno,” he said without hesitation. 


She blushed. “That story was true?” 


“Oh are there stories now?” He asked. She didn’t answer. “I was a cashier before I got my System,” he said. “I worked for my mom’s friend at a coffeeshop.”


“You sold coffee?” She asked, a cute smile on her face. “I don’t believe it.” Gen studied his body. 6’-5” each of his muscles bulged with every movement. 


“I was, I promise. Anyways, my mom’s friend went on vacation and told me there was going to be construction going on at the shop. Something with asbestos. She warned me not to go there. Well I forgot my backpack at the shop. I walked in and low and behold they were making a porno. I was in one of the camera shots. That’s how I awoke my System,” he admitted. 


“Really?” She asked with a laugh. “The way I hear it-“ she stopped herself. 


“Yeah…?” He asked. 


“The way I heard it, you started your own porn ring in high school. You shot pornography at school,” she said. 


Asher laughed. “I did make a porno at school once,” he said. “But that was for a red quest. It had to be done. The porno was not for distribution purposes.”


“Oh yeah? Why did you have to do that?” She asked, her eyes shined with amusement. 


“Did you hear about the Superman System terrorizing my guild before I came back?” She nodded. Asher looked around to make sure no one was listening. “You can’t tell anyone this ok?” She nodded moving closer. “I’m sure you can do cool stuff with your System skills. One of my skills allows me to make things when I am having sex on camera. We made Kryptonite with the porno,” he said. 


“No!” She said laughing. 


“I’m serious,” he said. “Hand to God.”


“What else have you made with this skill?” 


Asher thought about it. They had abused the skill a little. “Have you ever seen Titanic?” She nodded. “We made Heart of the Ocean diamonds once.” 


“From the movie? The blue heart diamonds?” She asked. Asher nodded. “Why would you do that?” 


“For my wives, duh,” he said. “We were on a cruise. I thought it was perfect. I bought 2 replicas. We did our magic and shazam, we had 2 of the rarest necklaces in the world.”


She laughed. “How does that work?” She asked. “Having 2 wives?” 


“2 for now,” he corrected. “I am already engaged to the Roktai Guild masters eldest daughter.” He knew that’s not what she was asking. He was upfront about his wives though. Asher was interested in Gen, but he wasn’t about to trick anyone into anything. They all had to come to him with their eyes open. “How I understand it, having multiple wives is pretty common in the Systemic League. Most do it for alliances.”


“Why do you do it?” She asked. 


“Love,” Asher said. “I am a helpless romantic. I fall in love too easily. Or so my wife says. I’m just lucky they put up with it.” Genevieve appeared in a better mood. They smiled as they watched the city in front of them. “What about you? Gonna have a bunch of husbands?”


“Does it work that way?” 


“Probably. I don’t think the League is sexist. There might be some female Sex System out there with a bunch of husbands. They can only handle her once or twice a day before they are withering husks.”


“Oh yeah? How many times did you go today?”


“This morning?” Asher asked, thinking. There was Tiff, Zora, Joon, Charlotte, Chartalla, and Amanda. “Sex or how many times I came?” He asked. 


She blushed as she realized he was actually going to answer.  “You tell me.”


“18 or 24,” he said. “Whichever you want.”


“24?” She asked, amazed. 


“Hey, it was a busy day, we had to wrap up early,” he said. She somehow blushed more. Asher belly laughed at her reaction. 


“You’re joking,” she said. Asher shook his head. “You’re not?” 


“No,” Asher said. “I’m not joking.” He felt a little better. As he thought about it he remembered the real reason he was excited to come to France. Grabbing his Comm he sent a quick text to Tiff and Zora that he’d be back later. Had to take care of a thing. They were still inside the conference, so they had plenty to keep themselves busy. 


Asher pulled out his red Akira inspired Mana Glider. The long bike flew and ran on mana, it was able to reach speeds of 300 miles per hour easily. “Come on,” Asher said to Gen. “I’m bored. I need to go find someone. Mind being my guide?”


“But we have a lot to do inside,” she said. 


“Maybe,” Asher said. “But it’s boring in there. Let’s go find someone. You can tell me about your problems on the way.” He got on the Glider. His mana poured into the driving handles and the engine fired up. 


She hesitated. Looking around she got on the back of the bike. He was surprised it was that easy to convince her. 


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.