This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 157: How Do I Repay Kindness

Chapter 157

A few people returned to their villa, and Yu Shu asked the aunt to take Gu Xingyu to see the room prepared for her.

Wenwen hurriedly asked, "What about mine? Where am I staying? I want to stay next to Xingyu."

Wenwen had come in a hurry, and her room had not been tidied up yet.

Yu Shu: "The room next to Xingyu is a bit small."

"No problem, this villa is so big, how small can the room be?" Wenwen waved her hand nonchalantly.

Yu Shu then asked the aunt to tidy up that room for Wenwen.

After settling the accommodation, Yu Shu's expression turned stern: "Ye Jingwen, come to my study."

Anytime someone was called by their full name by family, it meant big trouble was coming.

"Brother-in-law, save me." Wenwen pleaded.

"I can't save you," Shen Youlin slipped away instantly.

Wenwen followed Yu Shu into the study. Yu Shu sat on the small sofa and patted the spot next to her: "Come sit, and tell me why you ran away from home."

"My mom scolded me..."

"What did she scold you for?"

"She called me a waste, a waste of her hard efforts. She wouldn't listen to a word I said. I didn't miss the exam on purpose. I..." Wenwen became more and more aggrieved as she spoke, tears streaming down her face. "I was locked in the bathroom by that scoundrel Wang Yan..."

Wenwen's aunt and uncle had pulled strings for over a year to get her into the prestigious Yangcheng No. 1 High School. As long as Wenwen's exam score was high enough and she passed the school's entrance exam, she could attend one of the top three high schools in the province.

Wenwen cried until she hiccupped, recounting in fragments how Wang Yan and two other girls had tricked her into going to the bathroom.

"Xia Weiwei came and told me Yu Li had her period and didn't have any pads... *hiccup* She asked if I had any... I, I said yes... She said the teacher asked her to go to the office and for me to... *hiccup*... bring some to her... Then, then they locked me in the bathroom..."

"Wang Yan laughed at me from outside... said I was being delusional thinking I could get into Yangcheng No. 1, *hiccup*... called me an idiot..."

Remembering this, Wenwen felt she really was an idiot and burst into loud sobbing: "Wah—— I was so nice to her before! I even felt sorry for her... I'm such a fool..."

Yu Shu sighed and silently listened as Wenwen vented her sadness and grievances, passing tissues and water at appropriate times. When Wenwen had calmed down with the water cup, Yu Shu began to calmly counsel her.

"Wang Yan and those two girls are very bad, and now you know people around you can be this bad. But Wenwen, there are all kinds of people in this world, including many worse than them, too many to count. You'll inevitably encounter one or two in the future, and they'll have even worse intentions and means than Wang Yan. I'm telling you this not to make you give up being kind, but to be on guard."

Yu Shu quickly wiped away Wenwen's tears: "I know that next time a girl asks you for help, you'll still help her, but your kindness must have a sharp edge."

Yu Shu then told her about Gu Xingyu's background, leaving Wenwen wide-mouthed in shock, unsure what to say.

Yu Shu: "I'm telling you Xingyu's background not for you to learn from her. Her strength, maturity, and restraint were forced out by living in dire circumstances. I believe if you were in her situation, you would also choose to be strong. But I don't want to see you like that."

"You've been well-fed and loved by your whole family since you were little. You can make mistakes and try things out freely. As long as it's not illegal, whatever mistakes you make don't matter because you have your parents and family behind you. Everyone has to learn to be independent and face all kinds of storms. Handle what you can yourself, and we'll handle the rest. If there's something you can't solve, you can turn to us for help. What may seem like a huge problem to you is nothing to us."

Seeing Wenwen looking dazed, Yu Shu smiled and pinched her cheeks: "Yangcheng No. 1 is nothing. If you want, you can go to the best school in the province, Mingde Middle School. If you want to go to the best school in all of China, that's possible too."

"Really...?" Wenwen exclaimed in disbelief.


Wenwen shrieked and hugged Yu Shu: "Sister, I love you to death!!!"

The more Wenwen thought about it, the more excited she became, eager to see Wang Yan's expression when she found out Wenwen could go to Mingde Middle School. She giggled: "I can't wait to see Wang Yan's face when she finds out, heh, I want to beat her up!"

Getting carried away, she blurted out her thoughts, then looked at Yu Shu guiltily: "I... I was just thinking out loud."

"You can think it, and you can do it," Yu Shu stroked Wenwen's hair with her fingers. "Repay harm with virtue, repay virtue with harm. What I'm saying may be a bit unorthodox, but if a rabid dog bites you, you have to hit it back with a cane. But don't give the rabid dog a chance to retaliate."

Wenwen pondered this and found the logic unbeatable.

Yu Shu: "It's no fun being wronged or suffering grievances. If we can avoid it, we should let it out."

Wenwen laughed: "Sister, your theory will raise bad kids."

"What's bad about you?" Yu Shu gently tapped Wenwen's cheek.

"Exactly!" Wenwen beamed proudly, shaking her head. "There's no better kid than me!"


As Wenwen left the study, she ran into Shen Youlin.

"Oh, where did this grinning cat come from?"

Wenwen stuck her tongue out at him and ran to the bathroom to wash her face.

"Wifey~" Shen Youlin pounced on Yu Shu. "I need counseling and emotional comfort too."

Yu Shu patted his head, amused: "What are you dissatisfied with?"

"You know very well!" Shen Youlin protested.

Yu Shu cupped his face and kissed him: "Be good, wait a little longer."

Shen Youlin grumbled: "By the time I'm done waiting, I'll be old and gray, no match for those young hotties with eight-pack abs."

"Ah, I hear the aunt calling us for dinner." Yu Shu found an excuse and took off.

The next afternoon, Zheng Xinming came to the villa to give them a fitness class. The four of them had different needs: Yu Shu wanted to shape her body, Shen Youlin wanted to build muscle, Wenwen wanted to lose fat, and Gu Xingyu wanted to strengthen her body - Zheng Xinming was exhausted!

"You gotta raise my pay, you know?!" Zheng Xinming said with hands on hips. "I'm getting paid an assistant's salary but working as a driver, bodyguard, and trainer!"

Yu Shu: "Raise it is! Double bonus!"

While Shen Youlin led Wenwen and Gu Xingyu in stretching, Yu Shu pulled Zheng Xinming aside and asked in a low voice: "How are the preparations going? Let's move up the date if everything's ready."

Otherwise, Shen Youlin's marital resentment and sourness were growing by the day, enough to match a jar of aged sour pickles.

"The custom-made rings are on their way, should arrive in two days if nothing goes wrong. As for the venue, as long as we pay the event planners enough, it won't be a problem."

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