This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 153: World Superstar

Chapter 153

After two days, Yu Shu brought Shen Youlin and Zheng Xinming to S City, where Yin Minbi picked them up at the airport. Due to matters at the film company, Yin Minbi had been based in S City for the past two months.

Yin Minbi pushed up her glasses and asked Yu Shu, "Who is this?"

"An assistant, newly onboard," Yu Shu introduced, then introduced Yin Minbi to Zheng Xinming, "This is Director Yin, the CEO of With Book."

"Hello Director Yin, I'm Zheng Xinming," Zheng Xinming, who always appeared prim and proper in front of others, extended his hand to shake Yin Minbi's.

Yin Minbi curved a smile with a hint of playfulness, "Quite a cutie."

Shen Youlin stood by, amused by the scene. He was very satisfied with Yu Shu's new assistant and was well aware of the assistant's innate attraction to men. Knowing Yin Minbi, he figured she must have taken a liking to the assistant and was already looking forward to seeing her embarrassment.

The group went to a restaurant for dinner, where Wan Tusui was already waiting. He held shares in the film company and was brimming with confidence, eager to make his mark on world cinema history with a groundbreaking film.

After dinner, Zheng Xinming went to stay at a hotel, while Yu Shu and Shen Youlin stayed at Shen Youlin's luxurious duplex apartment.

Once again, Yu Shu was astonished by the opulence of the mansion. On the prime real estate of the Huangpu River, there was a two-story penthouse spanning a thousand square meters, with an indoor heated swimming pool on the first floor.

Yu Shu calculated that the area of the pool alone would be enough to buy a villa in Rong City.

She couldn't help but cover her face in awe, "Every time I think I've seen it all, my perceptions are renewed."

Shen Youlin laughed, "Is that so? Then would you dare to marry me and experience the dowry of a noble family?"

Yu Shu neither agreed nor disagreed, instead pushing Shen Youlin into the pool before jumping in herself, "I haven't tried swimming in this pool yet..."



Yu Shu didn't fall asleep until nearly dawn, and as soon as she did, she began to have a bizarre dream: A slender young girl was cooking in an old, severely water-damaged and moldy house. Suddenly, she cried out as the beams, eroded by years of rain, collapsed, causing the entire building to crumble...

The scene shifted, and the girl was in the principal's office, tearfully watching as the principal stamped her withdrawal application. Afterwards, she and her paralyzed father were arranged by the community to live in temporary housing under a bridge. During the day, she went out to do odd jobs, and at night, she returned to her temporary home to do chores, enduring the noise from the vehicles passing overhead on the bridge...

Yu Shu couldn't make out the girl's face no matter how hard she tried. She woke up feeling agitated.

Whenever she dreamed, it was usually about earning a fortune, but this time, she had no desire for money. All she wanted was to help that girl. She immediately called Zheng Xinming and told him to find the girl living under the bridge with her paralyzed father.

Without asking too many questions, Zheng Xinming went to look for her as instructed.

Due to Yu Shu's online popularity, the launch of the film company attracted considerable media attention that day.

Yu Shu had become accustomed to the hype surrounding her and decided to take a page from the Zhiyang sisters' book. In this day and age, having popularity and online traffic meant earning money, and as long as it was legal and ethical, there was nothing dishonorable about it. So she answered the media's questions openly.

"Ms. Yu, what are your expectations for the film company?"

Yu Shu faced the camera with poise, "To run it well. If we can produce films that people enjoy, that would be great. And if we don't lose money, even better."

Her remark drew laughter from the crowd.

Another reporter asked, "The film industry has been in a slump for the past two years, with most companies suffering heavy losses. Why did you choose to enter this industry at this time?"

Yu Shu spread her hands, "Because Director Wan wanted a better creative environment, so how could I refuse? Of course, I'll indulge him."

Yu Shu deftly redirected the attention to Wan Tusui, who took the hint and joined Yin Minbi in addressing the reporters, allowing Yu Shu to slip away.

Zheng Xinming pulled Yu Shu aside, "Boss, I found the person you asked me to look for."

Yu Shu glanced at Yin Minbi and Wan Tusui, who were skillfully handling the media. The ceremonies were over, so she could leave.

At dusk, on a smoky old street, a long-running small restaurant welcomed the first wave of dinner guests, immediately becoming overwhelmingly busy.

Gu Xiaoxin shuttled between the small tables, her slender arms carrying towering stacks of dishes.

The small restaurant was coated in a layer of greasy grime, but the greasiest and dirtiest thing of all was the occasional wandering hand.

Gu Xiaoxin's face was flushed red from sweat and exertion as she tried to ignore the hand on her buttocks, quickening her pace to clear the tables.

It had been difficult for her to find this job, and she couldn't afford to lose it. Seeing her lack of resistance, the man laughed lewdly and became more brazen.

As soon as she finished clearing the table, she walked away, her eyes dimming as she committed the man's appearance to memory.

A Mercedes sedan pulled up outside the restaurant, and a gorgeous woman in a black suit stepped out, accompanied by an assistant-like man. The two took a seat at a corner table.

Upon seeing the woman's face, Gu Xiaoxin was stunned. She had seen her before: on her classmates' phones, on her teachers' computer desktops. When she was still in school, many people used the woman's photos as their screensavers and wallpapers.

She had heard that this woman was very lucky and wealthy. But why would a rich person come to a place like this?

Suppressing her curiosity, Gu Xiaoxin approached them with a menu, "What would you two like to order?"

Although Yu Shu didn't see Gu Xiaoxin's face clearly in her dream, she knew it was her the moment she saw her. Despite her plain clothing, her beauty shone through, though she was far too thin and dark-skinned: not quite right.

Yu Shu tapped her finger on the table, "What are the house specialties? Just give me two of those."

"Today's fish is very fresh. How about a braised fish and a stir-fried cabbage?" Gu Xiaoxin suggested.

Yu Shu smiled and nodded, "Sure."

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