This Game Will Kill

Chapter 144 - Unilateral slaughter

Ah sneeze!

The trigger couldn’t help rubbing his nose. The huge sneeze just jumped a few others around him.

At this time, they were in an underground cave, and only a few torches illuminated a small area around them. It can be seen that these people are players, both with guns and swords and shields, but Not like a team, but more like a temporary team.

“Trigger, you want to die! Suddenly made such a loud noise, alarmed those ghost things, we are all going to die!”

A man’s face was heavy, and he scolded, and the trigger couldn’t help but apologize repeatedly.

The other people’s expressions are not pretty, but they didn’t say much.

“Which **** is scolding me? I know it, and it will definitely make him look good!” A whisper in my heart, the trigger could not help but think of the other above, “This time, the day of the devil is really strange, I hope they will not have a problem.

When Li Ye and others were blocked by the whole city and caught in a huge copy, the triggers in other cities were also caught in an unprecedented crisis!

The same terrible copy, but not on the ground, but on the ground!





The terrible vibration is like an earthquake.

Even some vehicles weighing several tons on the road surface were slightly shaken upside down. In the sight, a behemoth was walking like a wild beast in the middle of the road.

In front of it, no matter what, it was a foot crushing, huge passenger cars and trucks were hit by it, like a toy, they were hit and flew out, and many direct explosions caused a fire around them.


Now for the players who are trapped in the urban area, those ordinary infected people are no longer too dangerous. Instead, this monster, which is almost like the Hulk, has become a nightmare for all players.

“Hurry up, this thing is coming!”

Far away, after seeing a few players, they immediately turned around and accelerated away.

“Damn, this thing can really kill? So far, many people have died in the hands of that ghost thing?”

“Hurry up, don’t let it find out, or we won’t be able to run alone! This thing is still reserved for those B-level teams to have a headache!”

Is almost the same, but when the variant is found, some people turn around and run. No way, several players team wanted to kill the mutant to get a high reward, but after the news of the tragic death came out, the rest of the people did not want to fight.

At this time, in a building, a pair of eyes were looking out for a long time.

Looked at the huge body away, only slightly relieved.

“That thing left.”

Explosive ghost smash it, smash it twice, even if he saw the first reaction of the gadget, he was dead!

“Are you sure to blow up that thing?”

It was Li Ye and others who stayed here at this time.

Watching the variant leave, Li Ye asked slightly. Killing such a variant can directly get more than tens of thousands of rewards, which is also a big temptation for him.

“Don’t, don’t, big brother, I’m not a superman, that thing kills farts!”

Rolling his eyes, although the explosive ghost is very confident in the bomb he made, he is now shaking his head like a rattle. If you go to die yourself, I will reluctantly take care of you for this beautiful big sister. You can rest assured. “


Li Ye patted the kid’s head directly and glared at him, “Don’t talk to me, how confident?”

“How much? Not a point! Brother, I’m really not Superman, not even Iron Man. Even if the real Iron Man came to me, they were all pinched into iron knots! Unless the Hulk had A dozen. “

“No chance at all?”

Li Ye never gave up.

But the ghost burst hesitated a little, and then he was n’t quite sure, “It ’s not that, but I must be prepared, and the timing must be exactly the same. If you give me a chance to lay a trap, there will be about 30% chance, But Brother, do n’t you really want to do that? “

Seeing Li Ye’s expression, the explosive ghost almost wailed.

“30%? It’s a little low, but how do you know if you don’t try it?”

Why is Li Ye so eager to kill the mutant? Everything started from half an hour ago.

Half an hour ago, almost everyone received a prompt from the system.

[Kill the variant, have the opportunity to obtain the XF virus pathogen, and can leave the blockade area early]

As soon as this prompt appeared, it was almost undoubtedly known how many people were staring at this terrible variant, trying to solve it.

As for the so-called XF virus pathogen, the system gives a relatively vague explanation.

[XF virus pathogen, unknown mysterious virus mutation, extremely dangerous but has great research value, can change gene strength]

This vague interpretation, the most important point, is the last sentence!

Can change gene strength!

Even Li Ye now knows that in this game, if you want to become stronger, the exchange of some weapons, guns, and cannons is nothing but external power. Only by strengthening yourself can you really become stronger.

This point can be reflected in him now.

And this is because his body’s genes have been strengthened twice, but the second time the effect is very weak.

It’s a pity that when the system issued this task notification, many players immediately eagerly tried to find the variant.

Turned out to be a pile of **** corpses in the hands of the mutant, discarded at will.

In just half an hour, after at least a dozen people died, the last remaining people were all well-behaved.

When Li Ye observed the variant, there were a pair of eyes staring everywhere, although no one shot, but there is no doubt that they are waiting for the opportunity.

“Let’s wait for others to take action, we mantis catch the cicada’s cardinal, and the fisherman benefits!”

Some people want to pick up the ready-made ones, and naturally some people are confident enough.

Naturally, those who are confident are players of a strong team, because only they can be regarded as the most high-end group of people in the entire city this time.

Sure enough, someone could not bear it.

“Someone is on!”

Countless eyes are watching, a few figures appear, one of them carries an exaggerated shape of guns, the caliber can not help but make people chill!

In an instant, a flaming tongue shot from that muzzle. Hundreds of meters away, the mutant chest exploded directly, and the huge body banged back, and then fell back.

“It’s done!”

“Haha! It is worthy of the concept weapon that Lao Tzu spent 6,500 points for exchange. This power is just amazing!”

The man who shot the gun laughed with a smug look, after all, the thing in his hand was exchanged with his pain, and it was rarely used. The key is that although the power is huge, but the restrictions are also large, it is easy to be approached. To be abandoned.

But at a long distance, it is a well-deserved output of terror.

Concept weapon!

In the dark, many people look awkward, and some people show a shock!

“The concept weapon was actually exchanged, but I was willing to pay the cost! But this power is not much more than the artillery of the main battle tank!”

One gun can fire the artillery power of the main battle tank, enough to make people move! After all, the main battle tank is bulky and unavailable in many places, and the exchange price is still amazing. However, this concept weapon is different. It is absolutely impossible to appear in reality but it can be exchanged in this world.

However, he didn’t wait for the man to laugh a few times, and suddenly his face changed!

Was in sight, the huge variant stood up straight after falling to the ground.


Many people secretly took a breath.

“Damn, can’t this monster kill?”

On the chest of the mutant, you can see a huge blood hole, just the effect of the man’s concept weapon just under one shot. But such a terrible blood hole, but healing at this time, the speed of healing can be detected by the naked eye, and it can be completely intact without a minute.

“Damn it! This monster’s healing ability is so perverted?”

The person who shot just now gritted his teeth and shot again!

But this time, you can see the concept weapon in his hands ~ ~ A red gem dimmed at once, and many people looked with a look!

“The gun ammunition is provided by that gem! Can’t shoot continuously!”

As many people speculate, the huge body of the mutant can’t escape even if this gun goes down, even if he is flexible like an ape, he can’t escape this bullet that almost exceeds the speed of sound! The chest exploded again, but this time, it didn’t fall to the ground, backed up again and again, and hit a building, almost completely deforming the building, and countless rubble fell down.

The second shot directly blasted a larger and more terrifying blood hole directly on the wound that had not healed in the first shot, and even vaguely seen the nausea internal organs beating inside.

Seeing that the variant is still not dead, the man groaned, and hadn’t had time to take away his concept weapon that he had paid a huge price for, and a huge shadow fell from the sky!


Was trampled into meat puree directly! Including that expensive concept weapon.

Variant! That horrible bounce force even allowed it to span hundreds of meters, leaving many people in shock.

“No one can kill this thing, right?”

“B-level powerhouses have gone up, and they are also dead! Unless they are A-level masters, maybe it is possible!”

In a short time, several players were found by the variants, and the end was almost the same, and no one ran away.

Far away, the ghost face turned pale and shook his head again and again, “You are going to kill you, anyway, I won’t go, I’m still young, I haven’t seen enough of this flower world! I haven’t studied and manufactured with the beautiful big sister Little baby’s process! I will never go! “

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