Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Idol Is A Cat (3)

Chapter 4 The idol is a cat (3)

Early in the morning, Yu Chu got up, hurriedly washed up and then lay back on the bed, happily with his little feet up, holding his mobile phone, and registered himself a Weibo account.

Essentials for chasing stars: an account!

The original owner himself had an account, but Yu Chu looked through it and felt that the content was a bit disorganized, and there were also some Weibo scolding the black fans and water army in the middle… Not very good for the image.

She decided to open a star chasing account herself.

When registering her name, in order to highlight her status as a fan girl, she casually registered:

“Bring my brother home to be my wife”.

Originally wanted to make it simpler, but the simple names were all taken up, so I had no choice but to choose a longer one.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you can see that you are a die-hard fan girl.

She chose Zhang Shengshi’s beauty as her avatar.

OK. You’re done!

The first Weibo, she thought about it, and posted a photo she took at the concert yesterday.

There is no one in the photo, just a sea of beautiful lights waving. – No way, the seats are on the periphery, and no one can be seen at all.

Yu Chu sadly added a photo, followed by the text:

“Although I can’t see my brother yet, but one day I can! I have to work hard! My brother will marry you after my college entrance examination!”

After this Weibo was posted, Yu Chu was worried that he was too reserved, but he went to Chenxi’s personal topic community to turn around, and other fans’ painting styles were similar…

“Ahhhhh baby I love you!”

“When will baby Chenxi marry me?”

“Ooooooooooooooooo, brother, you are too good-looking, you are saving pictures and licking the screen every day!”

“Ah ah ah, can I hug you, ah ah ah, how can someone be so handsome in the world!”

“I’m not a girlfriend fan, I’m a mom fan! Baby, you must pay attention to your body! Don’t be tired, eat and rest well!”

Different styles.

Yu Chu is perfectly integrated into the fans, without any sense of disobedience.

Her mood is a bit complicated.

So many goblins covet my wife.


He was going to school this afternoon, Yu Chu greeted his parents and set off four or five hours earlier, just stepping on the bell for the evening self-study into the classroom.

At the same table was a pretty girl with a round face, called Liu Guoguo, who was lying on the table writing hard. Yu Chu pulled out a chair beside her and sat down. Guoguo turned her head and saw her, and immediately threw her pen away, her eyes wide open. Staring at her brightly, he asked, “Photos! Where are the photos! Ahhh, have you seen Brother Chenxi?”

During the evening self-study time, there was some noise in the classroom.

But overall it’s pretty quiet.

Guoguo was so excited that she couldn’t control her voice. Although she tried her best to keep it down, it still attracted a few people in front to look back.

However, no one could hear what she said.

Yu Chu raised his index finger and snorted.

“Ow!” Guoguo immediately shut up, but her eyes were still excited, she stared at her schoolbag and motioned her to take a look at the picture.

Guoguo is also one of Chenxi’s diehard fans.

Chenxi has too many fans.

Yu Chu’s mood is a bit complicated.

She took out her mobile phone, and the two of them probed their brains. After seeing that the teacher didn’t come, she turned it on with confidence. Yu Chu found the two pictures to show to the same table.

Guoguo held her breath and waited excitedly.

After Yu Chu clicked on the picture, she bit the back of her hand and couldn’t help screaming—

“Ah ah ah… eh??”

“Chuchu, you have nothing at all?”

Guoguo was dumbfounded.

In the picture is the shocking star sea at the scene, the beauty is very beautiful, but there is no idol person!

Yu Chu put away his phone and whispered, “I’m sitting on the periphery, and I can’t see anyone. It’s pretty good to be able to take pictures like this.”


GuoGuo looked at her extremely speechlessly.

I just finished speaking.

There was a sudden thud from the back table, as if someone couldn’t help laughing.

The girl in the back seat heard the entire conversation between the two, and couldn’t help but sneer.

Yu Chu and Guoguo both turned their heads.

It was a girl with long straight black hair who raised her eyebrows and looked at them: “No, you can see people in the infield. How far are you sitting? You won’t be in the outfield, right?”

She hooked her hair with a marker: “The tickets for the infield are not too expensive. Our brother is very kind. If you change to someone else, the infield tickets will definitely be fired. You won’t even You can’t even buy a ticket.”

Yu Chu glanced at each other.

Guoguo tugged at her secretly next to her, and whispered, “Last time the school forum selected you as the school girl, and the deputy monitor is sour. Don’t pay attention to her.”

Liu Xiaodie didn’t hear what she said, but her intuition was not to say good things about herself, her face became slightly cold, and her yin and yang was strange: “If you’re so poor, don’t chase stars, my brother’s data ranking also needs money, fans like you are dragging your feet. chant.”

“You!” The other party said too much, and Guoguo was so angry that she couldn’t help but want to stand up.

Yu Chu grabbed her, shook his head, and then glanced at Liu Xiaodie: “You said that Chenxi needs to buy data? Our brother’s achievements rely on talent, and you will kill the ranking by buying rankings. If you put it online, I don’t know how many passersby will misunderstand it, fans like you are the hindrance.”


Being snarled by her sharp teeth, Liu Xiaodie changed her face now, gritted her teeth angrily, and sneered: “Okay, I can’t tell you, but have you seen your brother’s face so far? I can tell you, I have seen it twice! I There is also an autograph of Chen Xi, what about you, can you have one in your life?”

She raised her chin, a little annoyed, and stared at Yu Chu’s face with gritted teeth.

Guoguo was annoyed: “You look down on people less.”

Yu Chu was too lazy to reason with the other party, pulled Guoguo and turned his head, ignoring Liu Xiaodie.

In the middle of the night, Guoguo was so disgusted that she didn’t want to write her homework, she gritted her teeth softly and complained:

“It’s really inexplicable. She saw that Chenxi was picking up the plane twice, so she couldn’t squeeze in front! She even took it out and showed it off…and a signature. It was a signed album released by the company, and she was lucky to grab it. , I didn’t buy it with money. It’s like we don’t deserve to chase after my brother? My brother is so rich himself, does he care about fans’ money?”

Yu Chu patted her for comfort.

Guoguo is very angry.

But the homework has to be rushed…

So I continued to rush my homework while I was angry.

Yu Chu finished his homework, sat for a while with his chin supported, took out his phone in a bit of boredom, and sent a Weibo commenting:

“Wife… I was bullied by your fans”

The    text is also accompanied by a picture randomly searched from the Internet.

But Chenxi’s net pictures don’t seem to be bad. The raw pictures are also fair and delicate, adding a filter will directly become a poster blockbuster.

No wonder there are so many face powders.

Yu Chu clicked on the idol’s Weibo and took a look.

This brother has very few Weibo posts, only a few dozen are scattered after his debut two years ago.

Really cold.

(end of this chapter)

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