These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 247: [Extra] The Rosewood fief

A few years after Ren Xiyang was married, the new Agriculture and Technology Research Institute in the Rosewood fief was ready. Construction had been relatively straightforward; it was everything else that took time. Ren Xiyang had to find funding, academics, prospective students, and write down all the bureaucratic and administrative protocols, such as code of conduct, promotion criteria, policy on reporting and handling of issues, and conditions of research degree conferral.

Ren Xiyang held the opening ceremony and dinner at the new institute. Guests came to support the institute and admire its facilities, which blended and blurred the line between inside and outside with abundant indoor plants.

Anya Rose was one of the many people who came. She was to be affiliated with the institute, in addition to her affiliation with the University. However, she wouldn’t be teaching nor taking any new students. Over the last few years, she had been staying in the Capital and conducting research. She had now reached her limit of staying in one place. Attending this event was both to celebrate the institute’s opening and to say goodbye to many friends and colleagues before she went journeying across the continent for new and rare plants.

Viscountess Sage, Florence Sage and Hespera Umber were also present. They were going to be affiliated with the institute, and Florence and Hespera were going to work here on a part-time basis conducting research. They had already agreed to give research talks in the future and were open to the possibility of accepting research students.

Ren Xiyang wanted to research at the institute full time, but alas, he still had a lot of work to do for the Rosewood fief and the kingdom.

The opening of the institute made a splash among the nobles who complained that Marquis Rosewood didn’t have a University degree. But, by and large, the new institute didn’t affect the daily lives of most Rosewood residents.



As the years passed by, the population and prosperity of the Rosewood fief continued to grow, albeit at a slowing pace. This was because the nobles of other fiefs were improving living standards and thus minimising their population loss.

However, the quality of life in the Rosewood fief was still enviable. There were many job opportunities; with a growing class of people with spare money to spend, the local economy flourished. Competition and a willing market drove people to develop new dishes, create new crafts, and produce new art. Rosewood-branded goods (Azure & Rosewood, Azure-Obsidian-Rosewood) continued to occupy a strong position but people were also becoming creative and developing new tools and devices.

Mayor Bailie of Redmond retired, and a new Mayor Gwenn took office.

Mayor Gwenn had worked in the Rosewood Group for several years, then in the mayor’s office for several years. She was active in making further improvements to Redmond town. She and other Redmond residents were very proud of all the things that their town had.

From the old quarters to the new quarters, the town was a very friendly place to live and visit. There were several public libraries that anyone could visit. There was the new research institute, which accepted non-mage students; for the academically inclined Rosewood commoners, attending university was now a real possibility. There was free healthcare, provided by the church of the Saintess, the Royal Healers’ Service, and the Rosewood Group. As the Royal Healers’ Service improved, reference healing was also brought to the Rosewood fief.

There were public water fountains and toilets all over the town, which improved the residents’ health and helped keep the streets clean. Many new or important buildings had indoor plumbing. Something as ‘small’ as all the new trees and plants and flowers, and public benches scattered across the town, made the town enjoyable to walk through.

Those living in small villages were also proud of what they had. Village chief Joan Beasley, of Grassy Hill village, still regularly admired the community building and school that was built in the village. They had clean water, good housing, and stable jobs. Everyone had the opportunity to learn to read, something that Joan would have never believed was possible before.

Rosewood Group public transport rose in prominence: within Redmond town, connecting all the villages and towns in the Rosewood fief, and extending out to popular destinations beyond, such as to the Capital. Lamond and others from the Lavender fief were able to travel to their hometown with relative ease.

Vivi Chandler married Cerdic surrounded by supportive friends and family, including friends she had made in the small but growing LGBT+ group in Redmond town.

Of course, there were dissidents in the fief. But they couldn’t gain any useful traction, not when the overwhelming number of residents benefited from Marquis Rosewood’s initiatives. Ex-soldiers, orphans, poor families all had their lives turned around. Some of those young orphans saved by the Rosewood estate many years ago were now working great jobs in the Rosewood Group. The families that had been saved by Earl Rosewood from bandits would never forget.

And wasn’t it curious that those dissidents didn’t want to leave or give up their new quality of life? The Rosewood Group had a mature system for accepting feedback and a good track-record of implementing change based on reasonable requests.



The seasons changed and the Rosewood fief celebrated their Marquis’s birthdays: 25th, 26th, 27th…

With the Rosewood Group heralds announcing the news every day, the residents had a wealth of topics to gossip about.

They chattered about the new maglev trains that were now undergoing full-scale testing and the very telling train tracks that were being built from the Capital to Redmond. They were surprised about the news of the first baby born from a female-female couple, a baby that purportedly had the blood of both mothers and were even more surprised about the news of the first baby born from a male-male couple. They were shocked at the announcement of the engagement of Queen Aurelia and Lady Iris Helios over in Angio and subsequent wedding.

However, all that shocking news was forgotten when a new rumour appeared, saying that Marquis Ayden Rosewood was stepping down from the Marquis position!!!

Did they hear wrong? Was that even possible??? Why???

Speculation abounded. Some believed that Marquis Rosewood was being put on trial for a crime; others thought that Crown Prince Rian wanted Ayden Rosewood by his side instead of overseeing the Rosewood fief.

After an excruciating wait of several weeks, the Rosewood Group finally made an announcement to clarify what was happening: Ayden Rosewood was setting up a system in which all Rosewood residents above a certain age would vote for an acting-Marquis. Although Ayden Rosewood would still technically be Marquis (for legal reasons), the new acting-Marquis would have several powers and responsibilities in determining the fief’s development direction and projects.

In addition, there would also be a new internally-determined Director of the Rosewood Group, who would focus more on the Rosewood industries and products. Both the acting-Marquis and the new Director of the Rosewood Group would be supported by the Rosewood council, which had existed since the beginning of the Rosewood estate and fief works.

Rosewood residents: “…”

This announcement didn’t reduce the speculation at all!!!!

So many people had been directly saved by Marquis Rosewood, and many more had been indirectly saved by him, and many more again had had their lives changed for the better because of him. How could anyone step into Ayden Rosewood’s shoes? Why was Marquis Rosewood doing this? Did he dislike them?

The Rosewood Group opened nominations; to nominate someone, they needed 500 unique signatures of support.

A day later, several people submitted nominations…for Ayden Rosewood.

Ren Xiyang: “…”

“I’m very sorry, my Lord,” Maria said with an air of defeat. “However, the people have nominated. You will be one of the candidates on the upcoming election.”

“For the internal selection, I can’t be on it,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Are you sure?” Maria asked.


“We will sorely miss you…”

“Don’t use that tone, our Lord isn’t dead yet!” Kel said with a pout.

Maria laughed.

“I have some names for the internal selection,” Ren Xiyang said. “Kel. Maria. Aaron. Mrs Cooks.”

Kel’s eyes widened. “No, sir! I’m your executive assistant!”

Maria shook her head. “No, no, I don’t want even more work. If I’m elected, I’ll immediately step down. And Mrs Cooks is thinking about retirement, I know she won’t want this new position! It can only be Aaron.”



Aaron, when he learned what Maria had said: “…”

He and many other staff members were gathered in the kitchens to gossip chat, as they usually did during the afternoon.

“Don’t give me that look,” Maria said. “You’re the best person for the role, aside from Ayden! I’ll vote for you.”

“Why not Ashdown or Charles? What about Otto?” Aaron said.

Aaron’s main role was as the steward of the Rosewood manor and grounds. He didn’t feel as senior or prestigious as Manager Ashdown and Solicitor Carmine. And Otto, through working on the finances, had a good understanding of everything the Rosewood Group did that involved money.

Otto gasped. “My good sir, you want to wound me!”

“Aaron, you know basically everyone,” Maria said.

“I’m the steward—”

“You’ve been around the fief with Ayden. You’ve been to the Capital with Ayden. You’ve worked on many projects. Everyone who comes to the Rosewood grounds sees you,” Maria said.

“Don’t worry, once you’re elected, we’ll support you,” Mrs. Cooks said kindly.

Aaron felt like he had gained a few grey hairs. “No…” he said weakly. He was just a background staff member! As a steward, he was there to make things run so smoothly that no one noticed!

But the other staff continued to convince him that he was the perfect person for the job (aside from their beloved Ayden).

Aaron looked at all his fellow colleagues with changed eyes. Yes, he felt touched that they thought he was so important and that they appreciated his work a lot, but they were also very evil!



The nominations stayed open for a year.

After the period of nominations closed, the Rosewood Group announced the candidates for the acting-Marquis election. There were ten candidates in total. Aside from Ren Xiyang/Ayden Rosewood, the other candidates were fairly popular or well-known individuals who had either worked in the Rosewood Group or was a mayor or chief of a town or village or was a wealthy merchant in charge of a large company.

There was six months of information campaigns. The Rosewood Group produced unified booklets describing the candidates and their vision for the fief, as well as booklets describing the ranked preferential voting system.

A full week was dedicated to voting. Community buildings in all the towns and villages turned into voting centres; staff members also visited homes to ensure that everyone who could vote had voted.

There was no surprise at all when Ayden Rosewood won the election by a landslide. When the results were announced, the people cheered, while Rian comforted Ren Xiyang.

“You’re just too good, everyone loves you,” Rian said, patting him.

Ren Xiyang sighed. He’d have to figure out how to delegate work even more aggressively, tell Kel to cut down on his meetings, and provide more opportunities for others to showcase their ability.

“You do realise that means that I can’t spend more time with you?” Ren Xiyang asked.

Rian raised his eyebrows. “You can’t trick me. You would’ve spent your newfound time at the institute instead!”

Ren Xiyang couldn’t deny that.

“You could have been a worse noble leading up the election,” Rian said.


Rian shrugged. “What a shame. Now, here’s some clothes I had prepared for you for the celebration event. Don’t worry, I have matching clothes as your husband…”



Immediately following the election was Aaron’s promotion to the Director of the Rosewood Group.

There was a pre-organised event for the new acting Marquis to meet with the Director of the Rosewood Group, followed by a public gathering with Rosewood residents.

Ren Xiyang and Aaron met and formally shook hands, as though they didn’t know each other very well.

They looked at each other with many complex feelings. Both of them had been involved in the nomination of the other; both of them had voted for the other; both of them could see the other’s reluctance.

“Let’s talk about the fief’s future directions,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Yes, let’s,” Aaron said.

They, senior members of the Rosewood Group, plus Rian, went into a meeting room to talk.

There were no surprises in this discussion. Ren Xiyang felt that Aaron really did understand what he wanted for the fief.

“Aaron, have you thought about becoming the acting Marquis in the future?”

Aaron was horrified. “No, no, no!—Respectfully, my Lord, but no thank you.”

“Wait until you become a Duke first,” Rian said. “Then, Aaron could become acting-Duke instead.”

Aaron feared that he’ll go white-haired early! “My lord, I kindly request that Kel become the acting-Duke in your stead.”

“I firmly decline for Kel,” Maria said.

Kel gave Maria a shy smile.

“Or, I could become acting-Marquis or Duke,” Rian said, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

Ren Xiyang couldn’t tell if this was a good idea or a bad idea. He’d have to think about it.

There wasn’t much time to continue chatting. The two knights, Sir Allen Copper and Sir Tielo Russet, accompanied Ren Xiyang and Aaron out and onto the stage in front of hundreds of people.

The applause was very loud.

Ren Xiyang and Aaron gave speeches about their vision for the next few years. This was followed by a long question-and-answer session, where those who came could make suggestions for future changes.

It was a very lively event, and it became even livelier after the gathering ended.

—With Ayden Rosewood successfully elected as acting-Marquis, it was time to throw a celebration party!

At the face of everyone’s happiness, Ren Xiyang could only sigh fondly.





Ren Xiyang: To kick me off the Marquis pedestal, perhaps I need a scandal—

Rian: What if we do ~something~ in public? 😉

Ren Xiyang: …





Thank you to Nikki for the kofi!!



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