There’s No Way I Can Raise a Dragon Daughter

Chapter 22

“Hey, prostitute. We don’t like being rough either. It seems that this is not your flesh and blood, so why don’t you just hand her over quietly?”


There was no other way.

I sighed faintly as I caressed Tia’s head while she sniffled.

I truly believed I had done enough.

Falling alone in an unfamiliar land, obtaining a completely new body, and even before adapting to it, I had to give birth to Tia.

From the start, I had no obligation to raise such a hybrid.

It was even doubtful whether I could actually call her my daughter.

So maybe the right decision would be to stop here and give up.

The church people might be decent and warm-hearted after all.

Would they really go so far as to capture and kill an innocent child who knows nothing?

I bit my lip while contemplating such a cowardly thought.

“Mom? Mom…”

Tia clung to my leg and began to cry.

It seemed that all of my thoughts were laid bare.

Was it because she inherited the dragon’s blood that she could read my mind like this?

I wiped Tia’s tear-streaked cheeks. While people may be distracted by these horns and hair color, if they would only look into these luminous eyes, they would surely recognize that she resembles mine exactly.

Reluctantly as it may be to admit, Tia is undoubtedly a part of me, born from my pain.

“Hey, you.”


After making my decision, I began to speak.

The heretic examiners seemed to be losing their patience, their expressions becoming distorted.

I picked up Tia. She buried her face in my chest, unable to stem the flow of tears.

“Did you just say ‘hey’…”

“Do you even know whom you’re speaking to?”

“Huh? Oh, no. What?”

“Are you aware of who I am? You ignorant whelps.”

Now was the time to use my last resort.

Heretic examiners were nothing more than subcontractors three times removed, recognized by the Papal Office which claims the backing of God.

Compared to me, a holy maiden directly acknowledged by God, they were laughable.

“I am the Holy Maiden, you fools. If you have a bone to pick, why don’t you try examining me for heresy.”


The heretic examiners’ eyes widened in astonishment.

What? Were they threatening to drag her away and perform a heresy trial?

Go ahead and try.

Of course, in the end, it was inevitable that the truth about me giving birth to a dragon’s child would emerge, leading to my dismissal and likely punishment.

But if this is what it takes to save Tia…

“This woman has finally gone mad? A Holy Maiden?”

“There’s no way such a person would work in a tavern! Hahaha!”

“Right! Just come with us! We’ll determine if you’re a true Holy Maiden or not!”

As expected, derisive laughter erupted from all around.

Then they grabbed my shoulders forcefully, attempting to drag me away.

It seemed Tia was no longer a concern in their eyes.

Using the opportunity, I set Tia down and let myself be pushed and pulled by them in desperation.

That’s it. It’s done.

I’ve resigned myself.

“Heretic examiners, halt right there.”

“Who are you…?”

The main gate opened, casting a long shadow.

The towering man standing at the entrance looked familiar.

It was definitely…


It was the same person whom I had once struck on the head with an ashtray.

Despite my poor memory for faces, the bandages still wrapped around his head confirmed his identity.

What is he doing here?

What was even more surprising was the reaction of the heretic examiners.

They, who hadn’t blinked an eye at my claim of being a Holy Maiden, froze stiff as soon as they saw him.

“What kind of nonsense is this?”

“Sir, we have discovered a demon and intend to conduct a heretic trial…”

“Do you have any evidence to declare heresy?

“We intend to find it now.”

“And what motivation do you have to conduct this heresy trial? Has the child insulted God?”

“T-t-that… No…”

The hefty man waddled forward, his belly jiggling, standing in front of the heretic examiners.

An important person in this village it seems, though I don’t know what position he held.

I had thought he was just a wealthy man ordering a lot of drinks…

“What brought you all here to grab a young child with such flimsy evidence? I question whether you truly seek to conduct a proper heresy trial. Aren’t you just venting your hatred for demons on this child?”

“No, we received a report…”

“What was the report?”

“That there was a demon child in hiding. If they were honest, why would they hide…”

“How could demons ever freely walk about when you people act like this? Now leave.”

“That would be difficult, sir. It seems you’re a regular here… Would you want this story leaked to the press? Could you handle the backlash?”

“Release her. I have no more reputation to lose anyway. But take note. If you continue this way, I will report to the Papal Office that there are heretic examiners hunting witches. I will see to the closure of your heresy tribunal. With only the skill to memorize a bit of scripture, do you think you’ll survive this winter without the church’s salary?”


The heretic examiners fell silent.

It seems the intimidation worked.

The power to close down an entire branch of the heresy tribunal by contacting the Papal Office was no small matter.

It appears this man wasn’t an ordinary figure.

“Enough of this racket when I came to enjoy some drinks. Disperse within 10 seconds or I will lodge a complaint with the priest in charge of supervising you.”


One by one, the hands on my shoulders started to fall away.

Without a word, the heretic examiners gave the man a sidelong glance, disbanded their formation, and quickly headed for the door.

It’s over.

It’s done.

I don’t have to worry about Tia being dragged away by the church.

With that thought, the tension in my body suddenly released and the strength in my legs began to drain away.

“Huh. All the troublemakers have been driven away. Are you alright, Julia?”

“Thank you so much…”

The breath of the man who I had once struck didn’t feel unpleasant.

Thanks to him, Tia’s life had been saved.

The person I had hit before had saved me.

Life is full of unexpected surprises.

“Tia’s a demon, huh…”

“I never would have guessed.”

“No wonder she always wore a cap…”

I bowed my head in gratitude, though I had a feeling it was the end.

I could sense it even without lifting my head.

The cold gazes directed at me.

Heresy examiners can’t just arrest and kill demons without reason only because the hatred for demons has spread widely through society.

And that would be no different for the customers here.

So would revealing that Tia is a dragon’s child improve the situation?

I doubt it. The notion that she is the result of a human-dragon union would likely elicit even more disgust rather than understanding.

‘I guess it’s time to leave.’

Thus, I resolved to leave this place today.

A woman raising a demon wouldn’t be welcomed anywhere.

My presence here probably already cast a negative influence over the shop.

They wouldn’t complain even if I asked for an advance on my pay for just one day.

Though it might seem shameless, I would borrow some money from Irina to leave with Tia.

Having made my decision, I stood up and headed for the second floor.

I planned to pack our belongings and escape through the back door as quickly as possible.

“Julia! Are you going to change clothes? Can’t you leave Tia with us for a moment?”

“Excuse me?”

“I want to touch her horns too! I’ve always been curious about how they feel!”

“Me too, me too!”

“Hmm, are you taking a day off? Or would you take my request?”

“Heheh, Tia, why don’t you play with Uncle while your mom works?”


I was mistaken.

The people were momentarily surprised but nothing more, nothing less.

Even though the horns were revealed,

Even though the embodiment of fear and hatred for humans was thrust in front of their faces, it seemed their attitudes toward Tia had not changed significantly from before.

“But Tia is a demon…”

“So what? That doesn’t mean she isn’t the Tia we know.”


I was at a loss for words.

Perhaps the people had already grown fond of Tia.

Learning she was a demon came too late. So what?

They had already grown to like her.

Perhaps I was the only one here who couldn’t fully love Tia as she is.

“Alright, everyone back off! Who’s smoking?”

“Huh? What’s this all about?”

“Tia doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes! Also, those planning to get drunk, raise your hands! Everyone who just raised their hands, get out! You won’t be allowed to hold Tia!”

“What gives you the right to decide…”

Before I knew it, Irina stepped in to manage the situation, and I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

Then, unexpectedly, tears threatened to burst forth.

They say you’ll grow horns on your buttocks if you laugh and cry at the same time…

Until now, I had harbored an intense hatred for humanity. But now it seemed foolish.

There are still many good people in the world.

I felt something warm in my chest at that realization.

“Ahem. Julia, if you’re really thankful, there is a way to repay me… How about we have a drink and then leave Tia with us while we go upstairs for a proper chat? No, no! I’m not making any lewd advances! Just trying to confirm our feelings towards each other. What do you say? Hmm? Sounds good?”

In that moment, as his warm breath reached my ear…

I remembered why I had become so cynical and skeptical.

I had unintentionally erased my misanthropy, only for it to be recharged once again.

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