There Are Too Many Non-believers in Cyberpunk

Chapter 58

From the day she awakened the power of Future Vision, Cash’s life turned into hell.

The servants who always gave her warm smiles could have killed her.

Even her own family harbored the possibility of betraying or killing her.

In thousands of futures, it happened once, but seeing that scene even once made it impossible to trust anyone.

But the world didn’t leave her alone.

As if it had to be this way, one of the countless futures became reality.

In this worldline, her own brother sought her life.

Fortunately, her comrades saved her, but that relief was short-lived.

She heard about her mother’s insane actions through Amon’s words.

She broke down.

She couldn’t believe reality anymore.

Why, of all worldlines, was this the one she was in? Before that, was there even a worldline where she could be happy?

She turned her eyes away from reality and imagined countless parallel worlds.

In truth, this was just an excuse.

If she saw a future where her comrades betrayed her, she wouldn’t be able to go on living. So, she secluded herself in her room and refused to meet anyone.

– “Cash. Let’s go eat!”

Her heart, unheeded, filled with tears at the kind voice that called her in the morning.

The kinder they were, the more she feared the future she would see.

But her comrades exceeded her imagination in many ways.

– “Sssss…”

By the time she came to her senses at the familiar sound of a fuse burning,

– “Boom!”

Her comrades had already burst into the room and grabbed her.

No matter how hard she tried to close her eyes, they forced her to open them.

And before her eyes, the threads of her comrades unfolded.


The Future Vision of the Rekhetio family seemed invincible at first glance, but it had too many flaws.

Take her father, for example. He could hear conversations from the future.

To be precise, he could hear what his future self heard.

In other words, he couldn’t know what his future self didn’t hear.

Cash was no exception.

She could read the threads of fate between herself and those she made eye contact with.

By reading the bonds exchanged between her future self and others, she could perfectly strategize against anyone she met.

But if she didn’t meet someone, she couldn’t see their future.

This was why she couldn’t foresee her brother’s assassination attempt or the chef being hired to kill her.

Unlike her father, she had to meet someone at least once.

But she quickly overcame this weakness.

Threads could be woven into fabric.

The threads of fate were no different.

By reading and weaving the threads of individuals, she could indirectly read the threads of those she hadn’t met.

This was how she read her brother’s actions through the threads of the assassins he hired.

So, when she made eye contact with her comrades, she instinctively wove countless fabrics from their threads.

But the completed fabric was strange.

It was full of holes, unnatural.

Some parts were visible, others weren’t.

But she didn’t have the energy to notice this strangeness.

‘There’s nothing…’

The future she had imagined didn’t exist.

‘No one… betrays me…’

In every future, her comrades never betrayed her.

Instead, their fates diverged into two main paths, though the details varied.

They either lived with her or died saving her.

Cash’s gaze naturally turned toward the tragic future instead of the happy one.

In that future, Cash couldn’t trust her comrades and abandoned them, running away.

But her comrades willingly sacrificed themselves for her.

First, the Bisexual Mage died.

– “Haha. Will I be recorded as the genius mage who toyed with a corporation?”

Caught manipulating her illusions, they were killed by a sniper.

Next, the Ogre died.

– “Valhalla!!”

They blocked the assassins chasing her and spectacularly self-destructed along with a tunnel.

Then, the Mute Sniper died.

– “Cough, spit.”

Before their brain could be read after being captured, they flipped off the security team and pulled the trigger with a gun in their mouth.

Finally, the Water Buffalo Tanker died.

– “I’ll make up for not trusting you in the dungeon last time.”

They took Cash to the airport, hugged a doll resembling her, and ran in the opposite direction.

Enraged by being outsmarted by the four, Owen had their bodies dumped into the sea.

Thus, the four disappeared without even a tombstone.

But something was strange.

In this tragic future, Amon was nowhere to be seen.

It was as if the futures where Amon should have been were cut off.

In the fragmented threads, future Cash was suddenly holding a plane ticket, unsure who had saved her, or crying on a hill holding Amon’s sword.

In some futures, she went by the alias Amon and worked as a mercenary.

But in all those futures, Amon was absent.

When she realized this, she found herself focusing on Amon’s eyes.

It was a kind of obsession.

She couldn’t believe the tragic future, yet she wanted to confirm it.

Above all, it was her desperation to find certainty in him.

In Amon’s ordinary eyes, she saw her own reflection.

Cash in Amon’s eyes met her gaze.

Then, as if falling into a hallucination, she looked into the eyes of the Cash in his eyes, and then deeper.

‘What… what is this…?’

She was bewildered.

Like mirrors reflecting each other endlessly, countless reflections appeared.

Cash peered into all of them.

She couldn’t understand. Her vision couldn’t possibly be that sharp.

But it seemed so.

Beyond the countless reflections, Cash found one that was different.

A woman she had never seen before, neither Cash nor Amon.

Though she had never seen her, her chest warmed.

It was hard to describe, but it felt like being held in her mother’s arms as a baby.

The unfamiliar woman smiled with boundless compassion and spoke.

[You are the witch who spins threads. Why do you peer into this place? Did I not warn you of the taboo when I blessed your blood?]

Cash knew nothing of the taboo the woman spoke of.

But her mouth moved against her will.

“To complete the fabric I weave with the one most precious to me.”

[Poor child living in the future. What is this person to you that you would break the taboo?]

“Everything to me.”

[Daughter suffering from fever. Do you know the weight of love when you speak?]

“I swear by my heart.”

The mysterious woman smiled contentedly and nodded.

[Descendant of David, heir of Solomon. I permit you to open the door and enter.]

With those words, the woman vanished.

Before Cash could question the woman’s identity, the memory of their conversation disappeared from her mind.

And as if it had never been erased, she could now read Amon’s future.

Amon charging into the military for her.

Amon creating a fake identity for her.

Amon forming a resistance with her and avenging their comrades 30 years later.

In every future, Amon never betrayed her.

Even at the end of the tragic future she had feared, there was hope.

A single tear rolled down her cheek.

Returning to the present, she met her comrades’ eyes.

Somehow, she could now control her power.

But she didn’t stop it.

Instead, she turned her gaze away from the tragic future.

It wasn’t denying the future.

It was to avoid making the wrong choices in the present, consumed by the tragic future.

All this tragedy began because she couldn’t trust her comrades.

The first step to erasing that future was a simple word.

“Thank you.”

With that one word, countless tragedies were erased.

And as she hugged her comrades, most of the tragedies disappeared.


“It’s shameless, but I need your help. Please help me.”

With that, the future where Cash sacrificed herself alone also vanished.

She looked into the future again.

“I’ll definitely make us happy.”

All for the best happy ending.


Unlike the power to see the future, the computer calculating the future wasn’t perfect.

In fact, it had many flaws compared to the power.

It calculated based on pre-given information and variables, so any uninputted variables didn’t appear in the results.

So, when the report of Cash’s failed assassination came in, Owen wasn’t surprised.

“I already expected this. I forgive your failure, Team Leader.”

After all, there was nothing else Owen could do but forgive.

The team he sent with the Team Leader to the mansion had been wiped out.

Owen finished his reflection and leaned back in the chairman’s chair, closing his eyes.

He added the variables of the team’s annihilation and Cash’s comrades.

Countless futures were calculated, and the information was transmitted to his mind.

Multiple futures appeared with their probabilities.

He couldn’t prepare for every future.

In the end, the future was a choice.

Choosing a future with a 0.01% chance meant giving up on others.

The chairman planned based on rational calculations.

Plan A with the highest probability, followed by B…

He could cover up to about 20 plans.

‘This should be enough.’

He immediately contacted the security team and external intelligence department.

Within hours, a hunting team was formed to hunt Cash and her comrades.

“Depart at once.”

Following the chairman’s orders, the hunting team set out.

Success rate: 100%.

Owen didn’t doubt the hunting team’s success.

There was no way six people could do anything against them.

That thought disappeared in less than an hour.

[Chairman! Intruders!]

He couldn’t rationally understand the strategy of the prey invading the hunter’s base.

[There are seven enemies!]

He never imagined Sonia, whom he thought was Amon’s wife, would become a variable.

[The enemies’ breakthrough speed is abnormal! Evacuate immediately!]

He couldn’t believe they were gaining the upper hand against the security team.

Variables piled upon variables.

‘Why? How?’

Owen never naively believed they would be hunted easily.

He had calculated that they might invade the company while the hunting team was away.

That’s why he left a significant force at the company. He even prepared for the hunting team to return immediately.

Though he had prepared, he didn’t think the possibility was high.

But that low possibility had become reality.

Rendering his preparations useless.

‘How is this strategy…?’

He couldn’t understand why such a suicidal strategy succeeded or how they gained such combat power.

The only thing he knew was that the computer’s calculations were now useless.

Owen added more variables and ran the computer again.

The wet computer spun furiously.

As it ran, Owen recalled a question he had asked his father in the past.

– “What happens if two prophets start seeing the future at the same time?”

Back then, his father had answered.

– “The prophet with more singularities wins.”

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