The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 44 Let's Warm Up First 3.

"The Attorney General should support the Chairman of Sunyang, right? I heard you're going to become a corporate M&A lawyer?"

"M&A? Who said?"

"My father."

My cheeks twitched as I suppressed a laugh.

"Really? Your father said that?"

"Yes, he didn't go into details, but... he mentioned that being a lawyer might be better since you're going to law school. So, what about you? Do-Jun, do you also prefer being a lawyer?"

A sparkling gaze, an expectant face. I know what that gaze and that face want.

Among the people he shared blood with, the most promising cousin. Jin Chairman even approved of, acknowledging my top-tier performance on the national certification exam.

Furthermore, turning me into either a close aide or a potential competitor, a two-birds-with-one-stone move.

I could give him the answer he wants right now, but giving him what he wants wouldn't be satisfying.

"I'm not sure yet. Honestly, being a judge doesn't interest me much... I think being a prosecutor or a lawyer might be more enjoyable... Well, I'll think about it slowly once I get to law school."

"Yeah, life is long. Take your time. You're just graduating from high school now, there's no need to rush into decisions. If you don't want to look at those tiny law books, just tell your big brother here. I'll make a comfortable place for you in the Sunyang Group. Haha."

You've grown a lot, Jin Yeong-jun.

Not a single change in expression, and even some inner calm. Did the long years abroad help you mature a bit?

"That sounds like the best option, doesn't it? I'm getting tired of studying now. Hehe."

"Really? Alright. Your big brother will make sure our junior enjoys himself. Once we're done here, stick close to me. I'll teach you how wonderful the world is, how enjoyable life can be, step by step."

Jin Yeong-jun patted my back and then gave a mischievous smile before disappearing.

Yes, live happily. Enjoy the good memories of life to the fullest.

Because those will be the only thing you have in the future.

I had to force a smile on my stiff face.

"Hey, you ignorant fool! What did you do to get that score? Huh?"

"If our kids had done half of what Do-Jun did, how great would that have been?"

My aunt had a regretful expression. Where were her three sons studying? I don't even know the names of their universities.

"Now, we have a direct junior in the family. Jun-ah, if you ever have any questions while studying, feel free to talk to your aunt. I'll help you out."

"Direct junior? Did you graduate from Seoul National University? You haven't even seen the main gate of Seoul National University!"

"Did I mention a university? I was talking about the Judicial Training Institute!"

When my aunt's university complex was triggered, my uncle got annoyed, but he couldn't find any consolation.

"Alright, that's good. Jun-ah, from now on, consider your uncle as your private tutor. Anyway, he's just enjoying himself since he lost the election!"

My aunt's eyes shot flames as she glared at my uncle, who fell silent. In the 15th National Assembly election held in April, my uncle gracefully fell out of the race.

Driven by ambition and greed, he threw his hat into the ring in the Seoul constituency, ignoring his own capabilities. The ruling party handed him a difficult electoral district as if they were offering it to the opposition, and my grandfather was furious.

Despite sacrificing regions that the ruling party had given up on and my grandfather's support, the outcome was as predicted, with no deviation.

My aunt embezzled department store money behind my grandfather's back, but it fell short.

"Uncle, will you challenge again in Seoul next time?"

"Of course. I can't settle for being a two-term representative. After becoming a three-term member of the National Assembly, I'll enter the cabinet."

Calculating the age when this dream is realized, my uncle will have crossed sixty. My uncle's maximum goal is to become a minister.


Suddenly, my uncle called me with a subtle tone. I knew what he was going to say without him finishing his sentence. "Right now, your grandfather is in a great mood because of you. There's a by-election coming up..."

"Ah, yes."


Before he even finished speaking, I nodded my head, and my aunt's eyes widened in surprise.

"Uncle needs to secure a badge as a member of the National Assembly in the by-election. You're asking for support in election funds."

Both of them were caught off guard.

"You're indeed clever. You're a good kid, pretending to be obedient. Haha."

Should I press my luck a bit more now?

"Even if grandfather doesn't provide election funds, I should help, right? After all, uncle is my direct senior."

The mouth that had been caught off guard started to move.

"You, too? With what money?"

"Don't you remember? We had money from selling the Bundang ranch a while ago. It's just sitting in the bank without being touched, right? It must have accrued quite a bit of interest by now."


The time for the pitchfork to be needed was approaching.

Despite its low trustworthiness and the perception of the National Assembly as a gathering place for garbage, the nation's most critical policies are decided right there.

My uncle must return to the National Assembly. He must become the pitchfork that recruits the lawmakers who will support me once he returns.

"Do, Do-Jun."

My uncle, overwhelmed with emotion, opened his arms wide, but I had no intention of embracing him. I had to lower my head in front of the chairman; there was no way I would dare...

By the time the year-end gathering was ending, Jin Yeong-jun and his younger brother, Jin Kyung-jun, quietly left the hotel holding my hand.

Jin Kyung-jun was five years older than me. He was currently on a leave of absence in the United States, so it was easier to spot him in the Korean town than at school. He would stay in the US until Jin Chairman passed away and Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi took control of the company.

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me. I told my father that we'd have a casual drink today."

Jin Kyung-jun also smiled with a sly look.

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