The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 33 – Full 5.0 in All [Stats] & Secrets in the Hospital

As Kai easily concentrated on the breathing technique, his hand didn't hesitate to grab the [Superior Knowledge Pills] vial, which contained ten in total, all with nine rings. They were the pills responsible for increasing his [Intelligence], and it was definitely the least dangerous to take all at once. Aside from the slight headache...

Taking one first, he popped it into his mouth as he swallowed it whole like that. Sora said that it was ineffective to chew the pill, as it would completely dissolve in the stomach, fully releasing its effects.

Again with the "broken wall" feeling, Kai felt his mind light up to a higher state of consciousness. Everything seemed to become clearer to him, even the technique becoming easier to perform.

As the pills went down his throat and dissolved, his [Intelligence] rose like a rocket. If before Kai seemed the least bit uncomfortable with the technique used, he has now adapted it completely to himself. It seemed that he no longer needed to exhale carbon dioxide, and the oxygen intake remained fluid at all times.

"State of permanence?" Kai asked when he saw that he was just breathing in oxygen and his body seemed to be at full power. He bought a [Strength Gauge] from the [Shop] and pressed it, "About 920 kg of strength, which means I'm at 15% of the limit, different from the 10% before..."

To continue his test, Kai took the other vials and started taking one pill at a time. The Ancient Breathing Technique adjusted as Kai's body underwent huge changes all at once.

"Ssghnn..." Kai took a deep breath as he got to his feet. The pills were starting to overwhelm the effect, his bones were creaking, the muscles practically devouring oxygen and the nutritional effects of the pills.

The brain began releasing massive amounts of hormones to get the body through this revolution, both physically and mentally.

After about 30 minutes, Kai finally rested in the chair. He stopped using the Ancient Breathing Technique the moment his strength control reached the full limit. His proficiency in it increased as his body changed as well, so he was ready to test the increase in strength. And he only stopped because he felt like his body would explode if he kept using oxygen at such a rate.

After resting for a while to recover from the fatigue of abusing the technique, Kai pressed the measuring device.

"1600kg..." He squeezed harder, this time focusing on extracting his full limit. The way he breathed changed, but he wasn't using any tricks other than breathing differently, "Aah! 2000kg! I literally doubled my total strength in less than an hour..."

Impressed with his results, Kai smiled as he tossed [Strenght Gauge] into the bag. Some notifications appeared on his computer, informing him of the purchase of a few different cars with his uncle who had several dealerships.

"Looks like they've already chosen... Well, I also have to work now!"

He picked up his phone and called a good friend of his who practically grew up with him. The friendship between their families was centuries old and both literally supported each other this far together.

The Knight Family comes from ancient Britannia, which grew up alongside the royalty of the time. While Kings and Queens took the lead to represent the country, the Knight Family managed everything from behind the shadows, from banks to the smallest soldier in the imperial army.

It was at the time of the Great Ancient Wars that they met the Nakashima Family, which already had extreme influence across Asia. Yes, there were some clashes at the beginning, but both Families always look after the good intrafamilial relationship, and after an Imperial Warrior of the Nakashima Family decided to marry one of the Princesses of the Knight Family... Then they had to put their animosities aside.

From that moment on, they would try to avoid their own casualties as much as possible, having to use different strategies in order not to collide.

As soon as the call connected, he spoke with a smile on his face.

"Tell me, you half-assed banker, how's the busted business going?" Kai was talking to Edward H. Knight, the heir to the Knight Family, who "serves" only under royalty in England. In fact, even royalty doesn't want to mess with them, and they just let them live in the same territory out of respect for their ancestors.

The other part wasn't lost when he heard his best friend.

"Not as bad as your bad drink taste, junior student! What do you order? You just interrupted an important client of mine, it better be a good deal." He was serious, as he had interrupted his meeting to take the call.

"I'll be direct. I will make a 60 billion purchase in the rocket and space research market, while I will invest another 30 billion to open research and R&D laboratories in various industries. If you can convince me, I'll even raise it to 100 billion." Kai spoke honestly what he intended. He would not immediately open companies, but rather laboratories to research the various products he would buy from the [Shop] so that they could replicate. He could indeed make money out of thin air, but he wanted more than that.

Although it's not right to call what he was doing creating money out of thin air. It's more like "taking" without anyone knowing. Imagine all the wealth that is hidden in the world, or in the hands of the wrong people. The [Shop] just takes this MASSIVE stash and gives it to Kai. That way he would keep things balanced.

"And where are you going to get so much money from? Not even your company is worth that much, you would have to set up a Conglomerate and first make your company have that much credit... Wait, what the fuck did you do?" Edward was talking about the incorrect statistics that popped up on his computer screen about Kai's company stock.

"Well, a high-performance virtual reality game with an 80% dive rate just came out. And you know, I launched it. And as for where I'm going to get the money from, it might be your ass now..."


At night, around 3:00, at Haruka's house.

She didn't even have time to get out of bed when she started vomiting in disgust at the things that were going through her mind right now. The filth, decay, and depravity that lay within these visions she was seeing were simply too much to bear.

Since she hadn't yet had her [Status] raised, her mind couldn't handle the size of the shock and passed out. Her eyes unconsciously began to shed tears, her body hanging on the bed still.

A minute later she got up again, totally dizzy and distraught over what just happened. Just then everything came back together and she held her head, which was throbbing.

"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real! She told me it wasn't real!" Despite what she said, Haruka was not okay with what she saw. She knew it wasn't real from what Sora said, but just knowing that anyone other than Kai had touched her was extremely disgusting.

She picked up her cell phone, ready to call him and talk about it, but suddenly remembered what Sora had said about not informing him herself, but waiting for the others.

After a while, Haruka wiped her tears and took a deep breath. The memories in her mind had been completely erased and she only knew that she was extremely happy to be able to be with Kai.

"No one will ever separate me from you, and I will never leave you. No matter what!" Her eyes went a little love-crazy, but soon calmed down.


Early in the morning, after taking a leave of absence from school, Kai left in his Mercedes-Benz EQS (full specs) to pick up Kaori and drop her off at school. He couldn't let go of his duty, but since today was the day he was going to visit Aoi's father, it was also difficult for him to go to school all day.

"Aren't you going to class today? What about the other girls?" Kaori asked when she saw that there was no one else in the car. She touched him for a kiss, and felt the different fabric of his clothes and knew he wasn't going to school.

"No, I'm going to visit a friend of mine's father. And I gave each girl a car, so they're going it alone now. You're even going to come back with one of them, since I might be in the hospital for a while." He spoke while paying attention to the track. He was feeling quite energetic since he started practicing the technique and also because of the general improvement in his body.

"Friend, I know... All right, I'm going with Madoka. She seems like the type to choose the most comfortable car." Kaori laughed a little and put on some music to listen to in the car. It was classical violin, which would be her class today.

After leaving her in front of the school, attracting the envious glances of most of the students, Kai waited for a while and soon the other girls appeared. He was waiting along with Kaori when he saw them walking together.

"I'm going to the hospital. I'm going to visit Koshiki Aoi's parents." Kai looked at Haruka, who seemed to be feeling bad. He walked over to her with concern and asked, "Haruka, are you okay? Why do you look like you haven't slept?"

"Oh, I'm fine, K-Kai! It was nothing, I just got insomnia in the middle of the night. I think I ate something bad yesterday... "Haruka didn't want to talk about the mess that was left in her room yesterday. She didn't quite remember why she vomited so much or why she lost sleep, but she remembered that she shouldn't tell Kai just yet.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you with me?" Even though they'd had sex recently, Kai was a possessive and worried guy. He might not love her as deeply as other girls, but that didn't stop him from caring about her.

"It's okay." Haruka smiled gently at him, loving seeing the concern on his face and her heart felt warm, "I'm going to spend the day with the girls, I'll be fine soon!"

"Right then. Take good care of her, please. I'll message you if anything happens."

Saying goodbye to them, he went to the house of Koshiki Aoi and her mother, who chose to go home instead of going to the hotel.


"Hello Mrs. Koshiki, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. Let me help with that, please." Kai bowed slightly when he met Aoi's mother, offering to take the rolling suitcase in her hand. It was her husband's clothes and her own that she was going to take to the hospital to stay there with him.

"You are very kind, Kai-kun. It's a pleasure to meet you in person too. So I can thank you for helping my husband through this difficult situation." Watching all the kindness and the way Kai acted, she couldn't help but look at her daughter and want to push her towards this man.

"Hi, Kai..." Aoi called out to him, still a little shy. After all, the last time they met, she smacked his hand out of anger and sadness.

"Hi, Aoi-chan. I'm sorry for everything, and you don't have to worry about anything that's in the past. Come come. We need to see how my father-in-law is doing!" Kai found that small and shy girl very cute. He even thought he was weird, wondering if he was developing some lolicon tendency. But then he remembered that Aoi is a normal size, while he is the big guy...

Aoi immediately blushed at Kai's comment, while her mother just covered her mouth to smile, knowing it didn't take much effort to bring the two together.

After the two got into the car, especially Mrs. Koshiki, were impressed by the luxury and comfort. From the outside it looked like a very nice and clean car, but inside it looked like something from another world!

"I know you're offering this to us out of goodwill, but I hope you know that we'll pay you back all the costs one day. We don't want to feel like we're taking advantage of you." Aoi's mother felt embarrassed and immediately explained to Kai. The family was practically sucking the money out of him now, and like an honorable family, they felt indebted and would pay for it.

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Koshiki. Consider it my dowry, just like ancient times." Kai's fair expression was enough for Aoi to panic in the backseat, as if he was being very serious. But when she saw his failed attempt to hide the smile, she got really angry.

"Mom, we're not dating, okay?! He's just kidding!" Aoi was all red as she spoke, restraining herself from pinching Kai around the waist.

"Hey, don't spoil the fun!"

Watching how close her daughter and this boy were, she was definitely going to have a conversation with her husband about marriage and having more kids...


Once he arrived at the hospital, Kai didn't immediately go to see Aoi's father, although they did go to their private room.

He walked just before arriving in a different room, where Hidetaka was talking to a doctor.

"Young Heir Nakashima, it's an honor to see you around!" The doctor, who seemed to be very old in his profession, was the family doctor. The entire main branch, which involves the direct descendants of the lineage, was taken care of by this brilliant physician.

"It is an honor for me to be in the presence of someone so honored. My grandfather talks a lot about the times you were in battle together!" With all the respect he had for someone so good and kind, Kai used his politeness to compliment him.

"You flatter me too much like that. I'm just a simple doctor. It's what your family did for me that gives me the chance to live until today." This gentleman, Daisuke Ashikaga, was a representative of the Ashikaga family, and the Nakashima Family practically saved the entire family from disaster. From that day forward the Ashikaga family swore allegiance to them.

"Okay, okay. Let's get down to business." Kai smiled at the man and then his expression turned serious. The two of them saw this and already knew what was going to happen. They gathered here because they were extremely trusted by Kai and the entire Nakashima Family.

"What I'm about to show you is something supernatural, but you don't need to understand too much. Just know that I will use this for the sole purpose of improving everyone's lives and never to the detriment. The main branch will soon find out about this, as I don't want to hide this secret. And I want you to know because I trust you so much. Do you understand?" Kai explained. He had been preparing for this for a long time, and he already had the right people who would practically give their lives for the family if asked.

"Yes sir!" x2. Hidetaka and Daisuke nodded at the same time, ready for whatever came their way. Knowing that the Nakashima Family knew also lifted a great burden from their hearts, and they felt special for being unique.

When he saw they were ready, Kai nodded. Then, out of nowhere, a portal appeared beside him, dumping some stuff onto the table in front of them. They ranged from IV bags to different medications.

"That's not a very supernatural power. But it has enormous potential. I can "buy" different items, all very high quality. As genius minds, you know the potential this has and what it can bring to the world. And I'm not going to stand by and watch millions of lives die from disease when I can save a lot of them." Kai showed them the potential of the [Shop], which was simply too big to stand by and just sell him a few things.

"That..." Daisuke grabbed the medicine boxes and saline bags while his mind focused on bigger problems like the cure for cancer, alzheimer's, diabetes! There were so many possibilities, and the derivatives and studies could come to simpler diseases, but that afflicted many more people.

Meanwhile, Hidetaka was thinking about things like whether there were technological items or items that could improve people's quality of life.

"I've already started my project to put that kind of potential into research and development. But for now I want to show you the real usefulness of this with the patient I sent over here. Use these materials to treat him, there is a leaflet with each medicine and you should know how to treat it. These items are just of a much higher quality, so you don't have to study again to put together a treatment sheet." Kai handed the responsibility for this to Daisuke, to show him how effective the treatment was. He could just pour a [Healing Potion] into Mr. Koshiki, but his body was "fine", the problem was his mind that needed to recover enough. Only after he recovered from the coma could K do something like this.

As the two men regained reason and rationality, they kept their mouths shut and went to work. Before they went their separate ways, Daisuke suddenly asked Kai a question.

"Heir Nakashima, the person who will be in charge of these researches will be-"

"You can nominate whoever you want, but I intended to use you as the cover of the magazine. Why? Don't want to win some nobels?" He had spoken to the ancient doctor precisely because he wanted to use him as a vest for all the fame that would come with these discoveries.

Laughing at Kai's joke, Daisuke decided to leave it alone. He already knew with whom he would share this fame.

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