Chapter : The World Goddess Only Knows
The wind whipped lazily through the city, kicking up discarded trash along the streets, and was readily ignored by the populace. An unbelievable golden haired woman sat above them all, on her little solitary rooftop ledge, watching the humans below scurry around like ants. They mindlessly went about their day with no regard for the person that could erase their entire existence on a whim.
In truth, she wasn't in the mood for anything so drastic anyway.
She sat with one leg tucked up to rest her chin on, the other dangling over the edge, idly kicking back and forth in a small motion that tapped her heel against the brick wall. Her azure eyes were glazed over in thought, not really paying attention to the humans beneath her either.
She kept them around for her entertainment. To play with, to laugh with, to read their stories and watch their shows. She had spent a long time as a God, so long she didn't even remember when it started. She had created worlds with eldritch horrors and abominations, worlds of fantasy and romance, of heroes and monsters, all to evade that one emotion that she dreaded above all others.
Unfortunately, a single being can only imagine so many things, even with unimaginable power at her disposal… right now she wasn't fighting monsters, wasn't excitedly gathering her things to set off on some grand adventure, wasn't sad about a loss or shocked by some great tragedy… right now she was exactly what she feared most…. she was bored.
She had already created the worlds of all her favorite fictions to reenact, fought Balrog side by side with Gandalf, kicked Emperor Palpatine between the legs because she thought it would be funny, attended Hogwarts so she could teach that Malfoy brat a lesson or two. She had lived thousands of lives through her avatars and dropped them, one and all, to the wayside once that familiar feeling began to return.
She gave a small "hmph," into her knee. She needed a new started. A new experience, a new enjoyment, and a new group of friends to call her own. The wind that had been blowing lightly across the rooftop mimicked her displeasure. The wind picked up, and a sudden gust blew around her, carrying with it the sounds of someone in distress.
A feminine shriek pierced the air.
Instantly, she was on her feet, the enticing sound of something exciting drawing her towards it. In a literal flash of golden light, she was standing on the opposite ledge, peering down into the alleyway below. Her eyes hungered as she noticed a young woman along with the man attacking her. He had pushed the girl against the wall, the hand holding her also clutching a large knife in a white-knuckle grip. The man's other hand was clumsily tugging at the girl's belongings, trying to rip them from both her hands.
She descended in another golden flash, now standing behind the man on ground level. "Excuse me, mister?" She said playfully, giving him a sharp tap on the shoulder.
With a shocked gasp, the man quickly turned from the woman and attacked, knifing flashing through the air to plunge down into her collarbone. No pained scream escaped her lips, not even the slightest gasp of breath. Instead, she smiled as the man's expression went from horror to what he had done, back to confusion, then reverted to horror as he watched her tilt her head, smiling wider.
She lifted her hand up to grip his own and kept it held in place, the knife still buried five inches into her collarbone. In fear, he let go of the prize he had sought behind him. Both hands came up, the other gripping at his wrist as he struggled to pull himself free. His veins popped out from exertion, his eyes flared open in terror. Her hand did not budge, nor did she buckle or stagger as his other hand began pounding against her chest, her stomach, her head.
Seeing what was happening in front of her, the girl dropped her belongings and screamed again, bolting out from behind the man and continuing to scream as she tripped. The girl's ankles buckled, incapable of running well in the high heels she wore.
Still, the girl didn't spare a moment to glance behind her, instead staggering back to her feet and running once again. The girl was soon lost to the concrete jungle that surrounded them.
She didn't really fault the girl for being afraid or running away. She had purposefully not included magic or wonder in this world. All the more reason for them to create things that she could then enjoy for herself.
"Aww, I didn't even get that girl's favor for saving her. How rude," she said, feigning a pout and watching the girl go. She still ignored the futile attempts to dislodge her hand from the man's own.
"J-Just let go, you bitch!" The man yelled in her face.
She spared him a sideways glance, Was that really any way to talk to your God? and sighed. The humans didn't know that.
She had tried outing herself as everloving God before, but it was mistake. They would just throw themselves in front of her and beg and beg and beg, or try to denounce her no matter what miracles she performed right in front of their eyes.
With a sharp twist she snapped the man's wrist, forcing him to let go of the knife as he yelled in pain, leaving it stuck in her.
That still wasn't any way to treat a lady.
Already, the momentary respite from boredom was beginning to fade.
There was nothing fun about this.
She had tried being a vigilante before as well, and it had gotten old pretty fast. She could only hear a choked up "thank you" so many times before they all blended together.
With another sigh, she spun the man to face the end of the alley the girl had run out of and gave him a little kick, finally releasing his wrist in the process. The man immediately cradled his wrist in his other hand and ran, only turning back for a brief moment to make sure she wasn't following him.
Reaching up, she tugged the knife out, shaking her head at the lack of blood. The hole it left behind closed the instant the knife was removed. She dropped the knife, letting it clatter down against the pavement. The sound did draw her attention, though, and there she saw the bag that the girl had been so desperately holding on to. She reached down and picked it up, curious as to what it could possibly hold that would mean more to the girl than her life.
She rested her head in one hand a moment later, as the contents had been revealed to her.
"Seriously, did that girl value her life so little?"
A small pile of anime DVDs met her eyes, brightly colored and still wrapped in thin plastic. With vague disinterest, she pulled one of the anime out to examine it more closely. Her eyes lit up at the cover. Three kids and one masked guy of varying hair color and poses stood side by side, in a banner-like array. She read the title out loud, already turning away to head back home and start watching them.
"Naruto, huh?"