The World Below Surface

Chapter 70 Pisces jade pendant

Lin Chu stood off to the side, her face an enigmatic mask. Despite her reluctance to witness the scene, it felt as if some unseen force compelled her to lower her gaze. Her eyes remained wide open, each moment etching Lucky's voracious consumption of that "fish" deeper into her memory.

Li Li's laughter danced with macabre glee; her eyes squinted in mirth. "One more to go, quick!"

Lin Chu's response was a subdued hum. By now, her countenance had shifted, becoming inscrutable, and a faint smile even graced her lips, dimples appearing on her cheeks. Although subtle, a hint of redness could be detected in her eye sockets for those who paid attention...

Quickly, Lin Chu made her way back to the bridge, executing the same routine as before. It was at this precise moment that An Xing Yu snapped out of his stupor, realizing something utterly astonishing.

Before, it took the combined effort of three men to hoist the "fish" up, yet Lin Chu managed to reel it in single-handedly.

The second "fish" appeared relatively ordinary, hoisted onto the shore with deceptive ease. Lucky let out a guttural roar, and without a word from Li Li, he lunged at it, his teeth conspicuously sharp. With a single, savage bite, he severed flesh, bone, and sinew alike. The resulting grinding and crunching sounds set one's teeth on edge.

"That's enough, let's head back." Li Li's commanding tone sliced through the macabre atmosphere.

Leading the way, Lin Chu strode forward, her companions exchanging bewildered glances before hurriedly following suit.

Their experiences had been few, and fragments of their humanity still clung to them. Lin Xue Yuan quickened her pace to catch up with Lin Chu, her desire to console conflicted with her uncertainty about how to begin. Tentatively, her fingertips grazed Lin Chu's shoulder, and when Lin Chu didn't shrug her off, she pulled her into a tight embrace.

Words eluded her, and all she managed were two heartfelt syllables: "Stay strong."

Lin Chu smiled gently, raised her hand to remove her hood, and turned to face her.

Previously, she had kept her hood firmly in place, her head bowed and her back to the others, concealing her features from prying eyes.

Her abrupt movement startled Lin Xue Yuan, sending a shiver down her spine. "What's, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Chu's tone remained light as she disclosed, "I've been cursed."

In a short span of time, her determination to uncover the village's mysteries had intensified, surpassing her initial quest for knowledge to a desire to dismantle the village's guardian spirit.

Once Lin Xue Yuan confirmed that Lin Chu was in her right mind, a sense of trepidation overcame her as she scrutinized her friend's visage. Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing mirrored her unease, surreptitiously examining their own arms before casting furtive glances at Lin Chu.

Why did her transformation bear such eerie resemblance to the villagers'?

If Lin Chu's affliction was indeed the result of a curse, could it be that the villagers...

Lu Yan extended a face mask to her. "Put this on. Just say you sustained a facial injury."

He had returned early and had specially scoured the village to find it. Lin Chu accepted it with gratitude and donned the mask, revealing only eyes that now bore a subtle difference. Her pupils had transformed into thin slits in the sunlight, glistening with a metallic sheen.

As they made their way back to their lodging, tendrils of smoke gently spiraled from the chimneys of every home, creating an eerie yet comforting atmosphere. With Lin Chu now a part of their group, they decided to take charge of their own meal and graciously declined invitations from others. Their efforts yielded a bountiful harvest from the lush vegetable gardens tended by various aunts and uncles.

Lu Yan, naturally cautious, found it hard to trust outsiders. He took the lead in assisting Lin Xue Yuan in the kitchen, while Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing took charge of the cleaning duties outside. Soon, An Xing Yu joined them in the kitchen, replacing Lin Xue Yuan's position.

"Brother Lu, can you share what you saw in that forbidden area?" An Xing Yu asked, his voice hidden beneath the splashing water as he scrubbed potatoes.

Despite having ventured into the same territory, all An Xing Yu had come across were rows of graves seemingly scattered across the hillside. An Xing Yu had a hunch that Lu Yan possessed more knowledge than he was letting on. He pressed further, "I can offer something in return."

Lu Yan, seemingly disinterested, inquired, "Such as?"

"How about the legend of the village's Guardian Deities?" An Xing Yu suggested.

This piqued Lu Yan's interest. "Where did you come across that?"

An Xing Yu glanced around warily before whispering, "I stumbled upon a painting in the village chief's residence."

During their lunch at the village chief's house, An Xing Yu had cleverly asked Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing to draw the chief's attention elsewhere. Under the pretext of needing to use the restroom, he had stealthily explored the other rooms in the chief's house.

The painting hung in the chief's room, depicting majestic mountains and five ethereal beings soaring among the clouds.

While no art expert, An Xing Yu sensed that it didn't quite fit the room's overall decor. Initially, he hadn't paid it much heed, but later, he had faintly detected something amiss in the painting.

"I managed to snap a photo of it; take a look." An Xing Yu wiped his hands clean and handed over his phone, deftly taking charge of the cooking as if both of them were engrossed in the task.

Lu Yan carefully zoomed in on the photo, and as he scrutinized it, his eyes widened.

"Do you see it now?" An Xing Yu's expression grew solemn. "We need to take action before the Ancestral Ceremony. If we don't, when that day arrives, we'll all meet our doom."

Lu Yan returned the phone to him. "I understand."

The 18th day of the twelfth lunar month had arrived, leaving them with a mere thirteen days until the fateful Ancestral Ceremony on New Year's Day.

After their communal supper, Lu Yan had moved from Zhang Bo's residence, and the six of them now occupied neighboring houses, keeping a watchful eye on each other.

The village boasted several abandoned houses. Following the passing of Old Lady Li, the villagers had cleared her belongings and incinerated her clothing and possessions, erasing any trace of her existence from the world.

Lin Chu's dwelling sat adjacent to Old Lady Li's, and he couldn't help but hear a neighboring elderly woman's mournful sighs.

Lu Yan remained baffled about Luo Ying's elusive hiding place, but his suspicion pointed toward her concealing herself within the village. He had developed a newfound respect for Luo Ying's capabilities; escaping Li Li's clutches could only be attributed to the deity's protection. This curiosity about the mysterious "deity" continued to gnaw at him.

Much like Luo Ying's enigmatic disappearance, Li Li had recently evaporated without a trace. Whenever Lu Yan scouted the terrain, he frequently crossed paths with Lucky, who seemed to have been dispatched by Li Li to safeguard the village. Initially, Lucky's presence sent shivers down the villagers' spines, but over time, they grew comfortable greeting the creature without hesitation.

Yet, peculiar occurrences within the village multiplied relentlessly. Whether villagers traversed the roads, dined, or lay in their beds, a constant specter of danger loomed over their lives. Consequently, the number of somber funeral gatherings in the village soared. A leisurely stroll through the village now revealed an abundance of white, and the tally of lives lost defied quantification.

Rumors hinted that, as the year's end drew near, something from the back mountain was stirring up chaos. However, the villagers zealously guarded the secrets of the back mountain and refused to broach the subject. Lin Xue Yuan and the others were just beginning to sense that a sinister undercurrent coursed through the villagers.

Despite the mounting death toll, they continued to hold funerals and went about their lives as though nothing unusual was transpiring, with no whispers of relocation.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Yu Huan confronted the village chief, who had arrived to offer condolences after yet another mysterious child's death on the basketball court. "With all these strange incidents plaguing the village, have you ever considered relocating?"

For a moment, the village chief's countenance darkened, as if a surge of anger threatened to burst forth, but he reined it in. Instead, he let out a profound sigh and replied, "It's futile. This is our fate."

After uttering these words, he seemed to age significantly, his cloudy eyes sinking into the depths of sorrow.

Yu Huan had yearned for an explanation, but in reality, did he truly expect the village chief to agree to relocation? He hungered for answers!

An Xing Yu, who had briefly excused himself to use the restroom, returned and subtly signaled "OK" with a nod of his head, prompting Yu Huan to fall silent.



While most of the villagers extended their condolences, Zhang Hui Xuan sat at home, eagerly awaiting lunch from mom. His frailty was painfully evident, as he would become breathless after just a few steps. Despite his parents' tireless efforts to care for him, his condition showed no sign of improvement. The persistent illness had made him perpetually irritable.

A crimson figure suddenly streaked past the doorway, and Zhang Hui Xuan couldn't shake the feeling that it was Li Li returning. Noticing that the child hadn't even greeted him upon her return, he surmised that Li Li was probably still preoccupied with thoughts of her "auntie," a notion that tugged at his heartstrings.

"Li Li? Li Li?" After a brief pause, he remained seated, yet the disquiet within him refused to abate. He resolved to stand and make his way to the courtyard.

Nevertheless, the elusive figure of the young girl still eluded him. The bustling noises from the kitchen had now hushed, leaving only the crackling of firewood. After a moment's reflection, Zhang Hui Xuan recognized that the stir-frying sounds had ceased some time ago.

"Mom? Is Li Li with you?" Without much contemplation, Zhang Hui Xuan leaned against the doorframe and opened the kitchen door.

In the next instant, he stood motionless, gripped by an intense surge of dread, coursing from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.

An eternity seemed to pass before fragmented pleas for help finally escaped his throat. Yet, in his extreme terror, these pleas failed to coalesce into coherent sentences.

Within the pot, mom's head had been simmering until it disintegrated, yet her grotesque lips still smiled at him. Nearby, a piece of human skin hung, bright red and swaying gently in the breeze, tainted with blood.

So, the crimson specter he had glimpsed earlier was this abomination...

Trembling, Zhang Hui Xuan turned to flee, but suddenly, the wind outside the courtyard intensified, and the kitchen door slammed shut with a resounding "bang."

"No! Help..."

After an agonizing time passed, a gust of wind pushed the kitchen door open again, and the wooden door swayed gently. However, there was nothing inside—absolutely nothing.



Each Lunar New Year, the village confronted its ominous trial. Malevolent spirits ran rampant, and an eerie aura hung in the air. Those tasked with the mission comprehended this all too well.

"If this persists, it's only a matter of time before it happens to us," Lin Xue Yuan expressed with unease.

That morning, she had ventured to the stream with a girl she had coincidentally encountered while fetching water. She watched in terror as the girl slipped and tumbled into the shallow stream, scarcely half a meter deep.

Lin Xue Yuan anticipated the girl would rise on her own, but regardless of her efforts, the girl remained prone. She attempted to pull her to safety, yet her endeavors proved futile. Her cries for assistance fell on deaf ears; the villagers strolled by as though oblivious, and Lin Xue Yuan could not maintain her grip.

Ultimately, she could do naught but watch the girl succumb to the water's embrace, her ebony hair drifting with the current.

Later that evening, the villagers exhibited an unexpectedly fervent disposition toward arranging the funeral, a stark contrast that sent shivers coursing through her core.

"Li Li hasn't been seen in the village for some time; I wonder where she's gone," Yu Huan mused. Although Li Li's actions toward Lin Chu had sent shudders down their spines that day, she currently offered a modicum of solace.

Upon hearing Li Li's name, Lin Chu displayed no discernible reaction, but Lin Xue Yuan harbored concerns. She dreaded that Lin Chu might resort to drastic measures.

An Xing Yu was still engrossed in his phone, and they had no idea what he was searching for or what was so interesting. After a while, he stood up. "I'm going to find someone; you can do as you please."

It was evident he intended to seek out Lu Yan, and Lin Chu decided to accompany him. "I'll come along with you."

The departure of the team's two most brilliant minds had sent a chilling ripple, causing others to instinctively shy away from remaining behind. Nowhere felt safe anymore, with the eerie presence lurking in the depths of the mountain, indiscriminately claiming lives. Staying together had become a matter of survival.

But what gnawed at An Xing Yu was the absence of Lu Yan, coupled with the unanswered calls to his phone. Had something dreadful happened to him? An Xing Yu had banked on Lu Yan to lead the way to Luo Ying, and anxiety coiled around him. If Lu Yan was in peril, how would he ever reach out to Luo Ying?



Unbeknownst to him, Lu Yan was currently by Luo Ying's side. They had a village resident in their grasp and had ventured into the forbidden heart of the village.

Their previous attempts to navigate this forbidden labyrinth alone had been futile, with the dense forest swallowing them each time. Hence, they had no choice but to compel a villager to guide them.

During this time, the village had witnessed its share of peculiar incidents, making the disappearance of another villager appear relatively inconspicuous. As the trio approached the fringes of the forbidden zone, Luo Ying paused, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings in search of Old Lady Li's burial site.

The Pisces jade pendant was of utmost significance.

Lu Yan, silencing the villager with a swift blow, inquired, "Could you finally shed some light on the significance of the Pisces jade pendant?"

Luo Ying, who had already discovered Old Lady Li's grave amidst the recent surge in village funerals, paused briefly at the question.

"Well, there's no harm in sharing the information with you," she replied with a sly grin. "Considering your valiant efforts, the gods won't hold it against me."

What followed left Lu Yan utterly astounded. In a world already teeming with bizarre occurrences, this was something beyond the pale.

The origins of the Pisces jade pendant legend were steeped in enigma. Several years ago, archaeologists unearthing an ancient tomb in the northwest desert had stumbled upon the pendant in the burial chamber of an unknown occupant.

Initially dismissed as a finely crafted piece of jade jewelry, it was something else that truly baffled the archaeologists. The layout of the burial chamber was anything but ordinary; it boasted perfect symmetry, with two identical coffins resting within. The experts initially focused on identifying the tomb's occupant, setting the jade pendant aside temporarily.

An inexplicable event unfurled, casting a bewildering spell upon all who bore witness.

Among the scholars, one had positioned a small jar of seeds, acquired from the tomb chamber, right alongside the jade pendant. Upon their return to the research facility the following day, a gasp escaped their lips, for not one, but two jars of seeds now stood in place, bearing identical labels and resting adjacent to the jade pendant.

With suspicion gnawing at him, he affixed different labels to both jars and embarked on a meticulous examination of the twin containers, yearning to unearth any distinction between them. But no matter how relentless his scrutiny, the two jars of seeds stubbornly refused to reveal any difference, as if they had sprung from an identical source.

This revelation sent shockwaves rippling through the research facility, spurring ceaseless efforts to decipher the sudden appearance of an extra jar of seeds. After countless experiments, they arrived at a perplexing conclusion—the Pisces jade pendant seemed to harbor the power of replication.

To validate this startling hypothesis, they embarked on an experiment involving a small white mouse. The captivated audience watched in astonishment as the jade pendant conjured an exact duplicate of the white mouse.

Intrigued, they conducted an experiment where one mouse was nourished while the other was deprived of sustenance. After three days, both mice remained vibrantly alive. The next test involved introducing poison to the original mouse. Tragically, the original mouse succumbed to the lethal venom, while the replicated mouse thrived.

However, approximately seven hours later, the replicated mouse met its demise, falling victim to the same venomous fate. A subsequent examination confirmed the cause of death—poison injected into its tiny body.

The conclusion emerged like a thunderbolt— the Pisces Jade Pendant's power lay not in replication, but in its ability to draw something from another temporal dimension into the current one.

This revelation sent shockwaves through the scientific community, leaving them in a state of profound astonishment.

If laboratory mice could "replicate," what might this imply for humans?

While the tomb chamber could be "replicated," the full extent of its potential ramifications remained shrouded in uncertainty.

As Luo Ying concluded her narration, she couldn't help but chuckle. "The forebears of these villagers were a group of tomb raiders who pillaged burial sites extensively and eventually incurred the wrath of the tomb's rightful owner. They were tasked with guarding the tomb for generations, as their lives depended on it. However, their understanding was limited, as they perceived the Pisces Jade Pendant merely as a talisman for warding off malevolent spirits. Consequently, they ignorantly placed it within the mouth of a mutated corpse."

Burying that corpse alongside the pendant had unquestionably sealed their fate. In roughly ten days, the entire forbidden zone could very well be overrun by elderly women, their faces resembling feline features from some eerie nightmare.

Lu Yan felt only a dryness creeping into his throat. "Are you suggesting that this jade pendant possesses the ability to summon objects from the future into the present?"

Could this potential, when applied to a person, equate to a resurrection?

Wasn't this precisely what the All-Knowing Deity was renowned for?

So, was this the reason it coveted the Pisces Jade Pendant?

What could possibly link the pendant and the deity?

Despite his heart hammering against his ribs, threatening to escape, he was adept at concealing his true emotions. His face remained composed. In response, Luo Ying shot him a quick glance before confirming, "Indeed, that's why we must recover the pendant."

She sighed, "A treasure with such astonishing wonders must undoubtedly be presented to our deity."

Lu Yan offered no objections and proceeded to assist. In time, Old Lady Li's grave was almost completely unearthed, revealing a mud-caked coffin.

This time, they proceeded with greater caution. To forestall any potential revenants, they placed the entire coffin upside-down, with the head at the bottom and the feet at the top. It was not difficult to imagine that the occupant inside lay in a similar manner, immobilized.

"Now, what's our next move?"

Luo Ying deliberately lured a rats to Old Lady Li, turning her into a revenant. Rushing to seize the jade pendant as they had done previously might lead to a similar catastrophe.

A touch of anxiety glimmered in Luo Ying's eyes as she clenched her teeth and declared, "This time, let's act swiftly. Cover the coffin immediately, then bury it with haste. Nothing can afford to go wrong." She scanned their surroundings and added, "This forbidden place shouldn't present any issues."

As they conversed, most of the soil covering the coffin had already been carefully cleared, revealing its solemn, imposing exterior.

With Luo Ying supporting the upper section and Lu Yan diligently excavating, they gradually unveiled the coffin. Thankfully, the soil in this prohibited area was soft, making the excavation relatively straightforward; otherwise, they would have required considerably more time.

The coffin's lid held firm, secured by thick nails. With practiced precision, Luo Ying set to work, employing her specialized tools to unlock it.

One by one, she meticulously removed the nails, all the while explaining, "Right now, this jade pendant seems to have a temporary suppressive effect, likely due to its long association with Li Li. But that is not its inherent power."

As her explanation concluded, the last nail yielded to her efforts.

A moment of hesitation passed before Luo Ying suggested, "Shall we open it together?"

In the burial pit, they began from the top, gradually pushing the lid aside. When they succeeded in creating a small fissure, a potent, noxious odor rushed out. Both stepped back, and once the acrid fumes had somewhat dissipated, they cautiously resumed their efforts.

With caution, they exposed only a part of the coffin, revealing the swollen, pallid face of Old Lady Li. Several days of interment had already begun the gruesome work of decay.

This time, Luo Ying didn't need to say anything. Lu Yan instinctively donned gloves, reached in with care, and swiftly retrieved the jade pendant from the lifeless mouth.

Simultaneously, Luo Ying promptly shut the coffin lid!

Fortunately, this time their actions proceeded without incident. But shortly thereafter, they heard sounds emanating from within the coffin. Without delay, Luo Ying began reinserting the nails one by one, refusing to hand over the tools to Lu Yan, who would have taken over. She worked fervently to secure the coffin. To their relief, the commotion within remained relatively subdued, allowing them to restore the nails almost to their original positions.

"Next, we must set the coffin upright and reinter it," Lu Yan suggested, wiping the jade pendant clean and placing it securely in his own pocket.

Having witnessed the pendant's effectiveness, he had no intention of letting it go.

Exerting himself, Lu Yan tried to lift the coffin from the rear. Together, they gradually returned it to an upright position before promptly covering it with soil.

Throughout this process, the sounds emanating from within the coffin steadily diminished.

While engaged in the burial task, Lu Yan's thoughts wandered to a different matter.

Whose tomb did they rob?

He voiced this question and received a shake of the head from Luo Ying. "This is beyond my knowledge."

Her gaze drifted up to the hilltop encircled by layers of tombstones, her eyes remaining tranquil and unruffled, void of curiosity.

"Our sole mission is to obtain the Pisces Jade Pendant. As for exploring this tomb, there will be others assigned to do so." Her words were meant to deter Lu Yan from dwelling on this matter.

Lu Yan concurred.

"Very well, now hand me the jade pendant. I need to return it," Luo Ying stated, but in reality, she had an ulterior motive, one she didn't wish to disclose to Lu Yan.

However, Lu Yan showed no inclination to surrender the pendant. "There's no rush. We can remain in the village until the ancestral ceremony and then depart. Don't you want to discover what they sacrifice during the ancestral ceremony? Besides, the task you initially entrusted me with was not solely about retrieving the jade pendant."

Luo Ying's displeasure became evident. "Are you defying the will of the gods?"

Lu Yan lightly shook his head, his tone casual as he replied, "No, no, no. Why would you think that? Ultimately, am I defying the will of the gods or your will?"

"You!" Luo Ying sensed a subtle defiance in the other person, causing her to clench her teeth.

She hadn't anticipated that this typically timid and compliant individual would also defy her orders. According to her original plan, after securing the jade pendant, she intended to immediately contact her fellow cult members waiting outside the village, leaving Lu Yan to contend with Li Li's anger.

But now, the jade pendant resided in his possession.

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