The World Below Surface

Chapter 68: Lu Yan's calculations

Lu Yan spotted An Xing Yu and greeted him with a friendly smile, arching an eyebrow. In response, An Xing Yu unconsciously drew closer, mirroring the smile.

Little did An Xing Yu know, Lu Yan had employed a subtle psychological trick that made him unwittingly forget about him until they met again. That's why he hadn't found it odd when both his companions and the villagers started mentioning the name Lu Yan yet he didn't find it familiar. The realization only dawned on him when they stood face to face again – this was indeed the same Lu Yan with whom he had once escaped from the ominous Red River Village.

Yu Huan, always the inquisitive one, couldn't help but inquire, "Do you two know each other?"

An Xing Yu responded vaguely, "Our paths have crossed before."

Before they could delve into their shared history, their conversation was abruptly cut short. Standing by the door, Li Li's gaze was fixed on Lu Yan, her smile carrying a frosty edge.

She had no idea where Lu Yan had been. Lucky's sudden return with a growling stomach had already infuriated her. Discovering that Lin Chu had ventured into the forbidden area only added fuel to her anger.

A murderous intent simmered within her, but now, Lu Yan was under the watchful eye of the village chief's elderly lady, and Bone Whistle had willingly returned to her. The jade pendant was no longer in their possession either. She couldn't simply eliminate him without breaking the rules.

Moreover, the woman accompanying Lu Yan had her own agenda. If she aimed to eliminate those who coveted the village, Lu Yan had to be kept alive as a potential lead.

Under Li Li's almost predatory gaze, Lu Yan stepped back slightly, apologizing once more, "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional."

Intentional about what?

Curious glances were exchanged among the group.

Of the group, only Yu Huan and An Xing Yu had some experience, while the rest were relatively inexperienced. Facing Li Li, who seemed somewhat rational and after a night spent behind locked doors, their guard began to waver.

It didn't seem as intimidating as they initially thought.

Perhaps the real challenge awaited them on the day of the ancestral sacrifice?

No matter how their minds raced with speculation, they dared not utter a word of their suspicions in front of the village chief. He had welcomed them warmly and invited them to dine as a group, a gesture that concealed their unease beneath pleasantries.

As the clock's hands inched toward noon, Lin Chu's absence persisted, and Yu Xian Guang had vanished without a trace. Li Li's eerie gaze weighed heavily on the remaining group, casting a shadow over their appetites. Even Lu Yan, who harbored a desperate desire to escape this peculiar place, couldn't evade the unwavering fixation of the young girl's eyes. It felt as though she could pounce on him at any moment, ending his existence, were it not for the fear of defying some hidden rule.

In the face of this life-threatening situation, Lu Yan didn't tremble. Instead, a strange thrill coursed through him, intensifying his vigilance. He treaded carefully around Li Li, mindful not to provoke her ire.

After the peculiar lunch, An Xing Yu took the initiative to approach Lu Yan, and they began to stroll together.

Like all taskers, An Xing Yu concealed his true identity when interacting with the local NPCs. He was curious about what had transpired during their previous visit. As they distanced themselves from the villagers, he inquired, "Lu Yan, what do you remember about our exit the last time we passed through that gate?"

Lu Yan shook his head, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "I can't say for sure. I walked through that gate with you, and then it's all a blank. When I finally regained consciousness, I was alone, lying in a desolate graveyard." He shrugged. "What about you?"

An Xing Yu suspected there was more to the task than met the eye and chose his words carefully. "I experienced the same disorientation. Woke up by the roadside and left shortly afterward. But you were nowhere to be seen. It's possible we ended up in different locations upon exiting."

Casting a discreet glance around, his two lifeless eyes returned to lock onto Lu Yan's face. "Are you here for the ancestral ceremony, too?"

Lu Yan lowered his voice, conspiratorial. "No, I'm a journalist. I've come here to investigate."

"I see," An Xing Yu whispered.

"Don't reveal it. This village has a big secret. We can cooperate." Lu Yan extended an invitation.

An Xing Yu's agreement was almost instant. Apart from him, the others in this mission had little experience. Among this mission's members, he alone possessed a keen sense for the lurking danger concealed beneath the villagers' façade of hospitality. Without cooperation, he knew his chances of survival were tenuous at best.

"What's this big secret you're so keen on sharing?" He inquired, curiosity sparking in his eyes.

Lu Yan took a moment before responding. "Have you ever heard of the faith that runs deep within this village?"

An Xing Yu nodded slowly, a hint of skepticism in his furrowed brows. "Yes, I've heard of it. They believe in those Five Great Immortals." His tone carried a note of disdain for such folklore. "But it seems they're not just believers; they're becoming something else entirely."

It was uncanny how the villagers bore such an eerie resemblance to certain animals, and An Xing Yu couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling that tugged at the edges of his thoughts.

In an instant, the pieces fell into place, and An Xing Yu realized what had brought Lu Yan here. It had to be connected to the enigmatic secret surrounding those Five Great Immortals.

"Oh, by the way," Lu Yan added, concerned furrowing his brow, "There was someone else with me, but she's vanished into thin air. I'd really appreciate your help in searching for her over the past few days."

"Could you provide some details?" An Xing Yu inquired.

Lu Yan didn't hesitate, his description vivid and meticulous. "Her name's Luo Ying, and she has a distinct red mark on her arm. It's a surefire way to identify her and weed out any impostors."

A red mark... An Xing Yu's heart skipped a beat as he grasped the gravity of this detail. "What exactly does this mark look like?"

Pulling out his phone, Lu Yan deftly sketched the pattern on his memo app. His drawing skills were remarkable; a single glance was all it took to replicate it flawlessly. "If you happen to cross paths with her, remember to check her arm first. Those things are skilled at impersonation, especially when you've had a rough night's sleep."

An Xing Yu shook his head, dispelling any lingering weariness. His expression spoke volumes, a mix of relief and determination. The moment he laid eyes on that pattern, he knew with certainty that Luo Ying was his missing comrade.

As for the presence of deities in this otherworldly realm, it left An Xing Yu awestruck. It seemed even in this strange place, his all-knowing and all-powerful deity held sway. He couldn't help but marvel at the vastness of the divine.

Lu Yan wore a satisfied smile, knowing that the reunion of An Xing Yu and Luo Ying would be a valuable asset in his quest. As for whether Luo Ying would reveal herself as a believer in these mysterious gods, well, Lu Yan had his methods.

Luo Ying's name and facial details were etched firmly in An Xing Yu's memory. In a sudden rush, he recalled Li Li's words from earlier and didn't waste a moment before asking, "Were you taken after the village chief's mother was turned into a revenant?"

Lu Yan nodded in confirmation.

"Have you encountered anyone else, then? A girl, not very tall, dressed in black, goes by the name Lin Chu."

With a hint of regret in his eyes, Lu Yan responded, "I've seen her, but I don't know where she went later."

His expression held a tinge of sorrow, yet underneath, a secret plan brewed.

Back then, it had taken Lu Yan less than three minutes to drag Lin Chu out from that abyss. She'd been on the brink of exhaustion, her strength as if sapped by that place. What startled him even more was the transformation that unfurled as Lin Chu basked in the sunlight.

Her almond-shaped eyes elongated, her once cold fists contorted into claw-like appendages reminiscent of some wild creature, complete with razor-sharp talons. She huddled on her back, and her cheeks sprouted a coat of fur.

She looked like a... a fox.

In that fleeting moment, Lu Yan's mind raced back to the villagers' peculiar features and their unwavering devotion to Old Lady Third Whisker.

But in a single descent into that abyss, Lin Chu had undergone this remarkable transformation. The cave bore a sinister curse, and the toll for it was abundantly clear.

After Lin Chu had regained her breath, Lu Yan effortlessly coaxed information from her.

Deep within the cavern, she had stumbled upon a tomb.

A tomb that lay silently in the depths of the subterranean darkness, appearing to stretch endlessly.

Lin Chu's words cast serious doubts. In the absolute darkness, the place appeared vast, stretching endlessly, as described by Lin Chu, yet she insisted it was a tomb.

Ancestral rituals, crypts, Lin Chu's eerie transformation, and the peculiar behavior of the villagers, all intertwined with their devotion to the Five Heavenly Immortals, raised the question: Could these elements be the core reason behind the villagers' reluctance to venture beyond their borders?

Lu Yan's thoughts revisited the ominous cave and the information he had gathered earlier. "Once upon a time, the Village of the Heavenly Immortals thrived. However, for unknown reasons, it faced numerous deaths and misfortunes, teetering on the brink of extinction. Only when they began worshiping the Five Heavenly Immortals did their fortunes improve."

A nagging suspicion began to creep into his mind.

Perhaps the wealth that once flooded this village had questionable origins.

When Lin Chu revealed the existence of a tomb beneath that cave, he couldn't comprehend why there would be an entrance on top of a burial site.

Upon closer consideration, it became unmistakably clear that this was the work of thieves. If the villagers were indeed involved in grave robbing, every piece of this sinister puzzle would fall into place.

After sharing this revelation, Lin Chu fell into unconsciousness. Lu Yan carefully moved her deeper into the forbidden area, all the while keeping an eye out for the lurking Li Li. As she slowly regained consciousness, the changes in her were impossible to overlook, and despair was etched across her face.

She couldn't bring herself to return for this very reason.

Lin Chu had entrusted her secret to Lu Yan, strictly instructing him not to burden anyone by disclosing her whereabouts.

True to his word, Lu Yan hadn't spilled a word to his companions.

However, he felt "coerced" into confessing the truth about her entry into the forbidden graveyard to Old Lady Third Whisker, though he skillfully concealed her descent into the abyss.

An Xing Yu remained oblivious to the swirling thoughts of those around him, letting out a weary sigh.

By the second day's dawn, they had already bid farewell to two comrades, their disappearances veiled in a mysterious enigma, and the prospects of their survival appeared bleak at best.

Curiously, the others viewed this mission as a walk in the park, displaying a conspicuous absence of any sense of peril.

Lu Yan offered reassurance, saying, "Don't worry; we'll find them in no time. Why not seek assistance from the Five Immortals?"

An Xing Yu shook his head.

Apart from his personal reservations about faith, Yu Xian Guang had vanished into thin air during his worship, and An Xing Yu had keenly sensed the impending danger.

Of course, Lu Yan had given him a stern warning.

Perhaps collaborating with Luo Ying was a good idea, especially if there were others accompanying her.

Once the pair embarked on their journey together, they didn't stay side by side for long. Lu Yan, pretending to have sustained an injury the previous day, withdrew to rest, while An Xing Yu eagerly sought to reunite with Luo Ying as soon as possible.

As he departed, Lu Yan returned to the forsaken homestead of the Lu clan. He had vacated Zhang Bo's residence and chose to live in solitude from this point forward.

However, despite his earlier declaration, rest was not on his agenda. Instead, he continued to communicate with Luo Ying through cryptic symbols that would be inscrutable to anyone intercepting their messages.

Carefully, Lu Yan recounted to Luo Ying the events of his accidental venture into the forbidden area, sparing no detail, which included the presence of the old lady with the cat face, Li Li's dog, and Li Li's watchful eyes restricting his movements.

While describing the contents of the forbidden area, he intentionally omitted any mention of the pit that lay within its depths.

Within the forbidden zone's confines, Lin Chu had a stash of compressed biscuits that would temporarily stave off hunger. It occurred to him that if their paths were to intersect...he suspected Lin Chu would likely opt to evade him and remain in the shadows, observing their every move.



Luo Ying had been wandering along the village reservoir for a significant period, familiarizing herself with the village's layout. Her excitement surged when she received Lu Yan's message.

She had long harbored suspicions that the Village of the Heavenly Immortals concealed a tomb, and the village's forbidden area might well serve as its hidden entrance. Her past attempts to gain access had been detected, but now, with Lu Yan having ventured inside, the circumstances favored them. He should have memorized the route.

Luo Ying eagerly anticipated their rendezvous and the guidance he could offer. However, the constant surveillance posed a significant obstacle. Acting impulsively could jeopardize them both. Thus, she resolved to suppress her impatience and proceed with utmost caution.

Throughout history, their agents had always been in short supply, leading to a series of heartbreaking failures. She regarded the villagers with disdain, as they had callously tossed the god's followers into the river, leaving their souls and bodies in eternal torment. Revenge had simmered in Luo Ying's thoughts for a long time.

Once she had thoroughly familiarized herself with the forbidden area's specifics, she began devising strategies for gaining entry.

According to Lu Yan, the Pisces jade pendant she had taken from the peculiar old lady had supposedly found its way back to Li Li. If she ever needed access again...

Her gaze shifted to the river, and a cunning idea immediately formed.



After deleting all the messages, Lu Yan didn't immediately settle down. Instead, he retraced his steps to Zhang Bo's residence.

Zhang Bo had felt some irritation about not seeing Lu Yan the previous night, which had left him to shoulder the coffin's burden alone. However, once Lu Yan explained that his absence was due to relentless pursuit by the old lady with the cat-like face, Zhang Bo's grievances naturally dissipated, replaced by understanding and forgiveness.

At the dimly lit corridor's end, a small room awaited him, thoughtfully arranged by Zhang Bo's wife. It occupied the spot directly opposite Zhang Hui Xuan's room.

Even in the bright daylight, both room doors remained securely closed, cocooning their occupants within the realm of slumber.

Exhaustion clung to him like an enduring companion, preventing true rest since his arrival. Aware that this house had some level of protection, he decided that a brief period of inactivity wouldn't hurt, mirroring his actions from the previous night.

Years of living on the edge had honed his ability to doze lightly. After several hours of fitful sleep, hovering between dreams and wakefulness, he noticed the village slowly awakening.

With a sense of readiness, he got up from the bed, dressed himself, and cautiously cracked open the door, stepping into the charming courtyard. Just as he ventured out, a frantic villager rushed past and, upon spotting him, grabbed his arm.

"Quick, there's been another death in the village. You should come see!"

"What? What's going on?" Lu Yan was startled from his drowsiness, following the villager's frenzied pace.

"It's Old Lady Li, who lives on the eastern outskirts. No one knows how she died, but she was found lifeless by the roadside." The villager panted as they hurried along. "Now the entire village is gathering at her home, eager to offer any assistance they can."

Old Lady Li was a solitary elderly woman, her children long gone, and her grandchildren dispersed across distant horizons. Only a few individuals who shared deep connections with her in life were now burning paper money and performing ancient rituals to guide her spirit.

Lu Yan's gaze scanned the mourners, noticing Li Li's conspicuous absence.

This turn of events presented a certain advantage for their mission.

In a scene reminiscent of the previous day, Old Lady Li's lifeless form occupied the center of the main hall, casting a pall of somber anticipation over the villagers as they rallied to prepare for her funeral. Her passing had left a cloud of suspicion hanging in the air, and amidst the prevailing chaos, they feared the unknown. With everyone scurrying about, hastily procuring funeral garments and securing a coffin, they raced against the inexorable march of time to ready the final rites.

Amidst this frenetic activity, an unexpected guest darted into the courtyard from outside—a rat.

The sight sent shockwaves through the onlookers. While rats were typically regarded as creatures of good omen, offerings to the benevolent dust gods, this was not the time for auspices. The prospect of a newly deceased body encountering such a creature held the ominous potential for a revenant's awakening. The rat had to be chased away.

However, the villagers' calculations faltered as the rat, encircled and blocked by the crowd, eluded their grasp and made a lightning-fast incursion into the main hall, finding refuge within the confines of the open coffin.

Panic rippled through the gathering.

Within moments, the rat emitted a series of ominous squeaks, its tiny jaws working with frenetic determination.

By the time they managed to seize the intruder, half of Old Lady Li's nose and one of her ears had been mercilessly gnawed away, transforming her visage into a grotesque tableau.

Yet, as the rat's gray and fine fur began to materialize upon her face, a chilling realization descended upon the assembly.

She, too, teetered on the precipice of becoming a revenant.

This disquieting revelation cast a pall of dread over the villagers, and a handful of astute souls had already sprinted to the ancestral shrine, fervently beseeching the Grandmother for protective intervention.

Lu Yan's countenance mirrored the collective unease, his inner thoughts heavy with concern.

Lu Yan couldn't help but think, "This has all the hallmarks of Luo Ying's handiwork."

In the Village of the Heavenly Immortals, the villagers rarely dared to venture into the forbidden grounds except during funerals. Knowing this, Luo Ying devised a plan. She possessed a Pisces jade pendant with an inherent power to ward off evil. Cunningly, she released a mouse within those hallowed boundaries, knowing it would stir enough fear to drive the villagers to seek help in exercising the perceived threat.

Now, as Lu Yan pondered the situation, he was certain that Luo Ying was lurking in some obscure corner, patiently awaiting the unfolding of her sinister scheme.

Suddenly, a deafening "bang" reverberated through the air as the door swung open.

A young girl dressed in crimson, her countenance icy and her hair disheveled from haste, now stood in the doorway. It was evident she had rushed here with great urgency.

Lu Yan had observed a while back that, while Li Li possessed formidable abilities, she lacked the knack for conjuring ghostly apparitions or sensing the entire village's state. Nonetheless, she had a unique sensitivity to malevolent spirits, making her a diligent guardian of the village, always ready to intervene when peril loomed.

For the time being, Lin Chu, concealed within the forbidden grounds, remained safe from harm.

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