The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 19 - transport ship

“Okay. But you may have misunderstood. I’m just an ordinary newspaper boss.”

“Maybe, is it convenient to exchange business cards?” Dr. Strange took one out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Nolan also took out a card and exchanged it with him: “No one will refuse a business card from a top neurologist.”

“The top doctor in the future.” Strange added with a smile.

“I’m pretty sure of that.”


At night, half past eleven.

A small helicopter hovers in the air.

“I thought the legendary Punisher was ruthless and loner, like a wild wolf in the suburbs. What made you willing to let go of your dignity and hang out with Xiao Nuo?”

Franklin, holding a sniper rifle, sat in the co-pilot chatting with Uncle Pu.

“Young man, the more you understand the dark side of the world, the more powerless you will feel.”

Uncle Pu smiled, with a hint of helplessness: “Just like the ‘super soldier’ ​​last time. With the strength of an ordinary person alone, he can’t do anything except beat up street gangsters.”

As a warrior standing at the pinnacle of mankind, it must be said that it is a tragedy to fight crime in the Marvel Universe.

“Well, anyway, I’m the beaten street gangster in your mouth anyway.”

Franklin put up his gun and carefully observed the deep blue sea below.

On the other half of the coast, a lifeboat is leaving the port. The boat was carrying Nolan and Peter Parker.

Nolan wears the archmage robes, and Spider-Man wears his **** spandex bodysuit. While driving the boat, Nolan explained to the little spider next to him:

“The usual method of these ‘Gross’ gang traffickers is a big ship full of cheap goods. And the bottom of the cabin is where they imprison the poor girls in Eastern Europe.

We can’t do it too close to the coastline, it will attract the police’s attention prematurely. So we’re going to stop them before they leave the high seas. “

“Just the two of us, and this lifeboat?”

“No, it’s actually only you. I’ll stay by the side and watch, and only take action when you’re in danger. After all, this is your test for joining the organization.”

The little spider took a deep breath: “I don’t think they can allow you to watch without shooting you when they see us on the boat together.”

“I have my own way. Don’t blame me for not reminding you, these people are different from the gangsters you beat up. They are real outlaws; if you are not careful, you may die here.”

“OK. You didn’t tell me this until you were on the boundless sea. You are really an excellent examiner.”

Nolan ignored him and switched on the headset:

“Franklin, how far are we?”

“I can already see their boat. It’s about two kilometers away from you at two o’clock.”

“Stay under surveillance at all times, and wait until we get on the ship before approaching. Put on your uniform, Spider-Man, it’s time for you to show your skills!”


The approach of the lifeboat quickly attracted the attention of the people on board.

A sailor held up a telescope: “Strange, there is no one on the boat. Maybe someone did not fasten the rope and drifted along the ocean current.”

A companion next to him was also looking into the distance: “It looks like this lifeboat is in good condition. It just so happened that the small boat on our boat was blown away by a storm the day before yesterday. Let’s salvage it.”

The two dropped the rope and gradually pulled the boat closer. And in a corner they didn’t pay attention to, two uninvited guests sneaked onto the boat.

The little spider did not act the first time, but lurked in the shadows silently waiting for the command to act.

“OK, I can already confirm, it’s this ship.” Nolan’s voice came from the headset.

“Very good, let’s have a big fight!”

He walked lightly behind the two sailors who were trying to salvage the boat and patted them on the back: “HI, GUYS!”

“What’s up?”

The sailors thought it was a companion until one of them turned his head and saw the little spider, startled, and involuntarily let go of the rope in his hand.

“WOW!” The other sailor suddenly lost his balance, and half of his body was pulled out by the boat: “Help me, John! I can’t hold it anymore!”

“Help? No problem!”

The little spider found a good angle and flew at his buttocks.

The sailor rushed out like a drunken man and disappeared after splashing in the sea.

“The action of entering the water is not very graceful, and the water splash is too large. I will give it zero points.”

He stretched out his head to comment, and another sailor took a knife from his pocket and pointed at him:

“Who the **** are you!”

“Wow! Is that a knife?”

“Yes, this is a sharp knife, you’d better explain honestly…”

The little spider knelt on his knees, raised his hands above his head, and gestured to himself to surrender: “Oh! No! It turned out to be a knife! My only weakness, a sharp knife—”

Then he quickly released a ball of spider silk and stuck the opponent’s hand on the side of the boat: “I’m serious, it’s too easy.”

Nolan watched invisibly, speechless. Peter Parker seems to be a different person after putting on the tights, more like a chatter.


The movement on the deck quickly attracted the attention of others, and the alarm on the ship was quickly sounded.

A group of gunmen with live ammunition quickly swarmed out of the cabin, but when they arrived at the scene, except for the sailors who had been knocked out, the deck was already empty.

Knowing that he couldn’t fight against a large number of hot weapons, the little spider was crawling into the cabin along the top of the bulkhead.

Due to the sound of the alarm on the ship, the dozing gunmen woke up one after another, took out their guns and started patrolling spontaneously. At a descending ladder, the two gunmen were looking around nervously.

“Smith, do you think the enemy’s target will be the batch of ‘goods’ under the ship?”

“Apart from those girls, what else is there? Is it for those small commodities that are used for disguise and transported from the East?”

“I don’t know, I always feel a little nervous. After a while, I have to pee.”

Five minutes later, the gunman who went to relieve himself had not returned, and his companion felt something was wrong:

“Lauren? Are you there, Lauren?”

“Woo~woooo~!” As if someone was covering their mouths, a vague whimper came from UU Reading

The gunman, who was called Smith, carefully raised the AK47 in his hand and looked in the direction of the sound.


Lauren was tightly wrapped in white cobwebs and hung in the air, and her mouth was also wrapped in cobwebs.

This inhuman scene made Smith shudder and recall scenes from various horror movies.

“Wait, I’ll let you down immediately!”

He took out his knife and approached, but Lauren’s feet started to kick, looking behind him in horror, whimpering non-stop.

“Huh? What do you want to say?”

Before he could turn around, a sweeping leg knocked him to the ground. Then he felt a hand grab his head.

‘boom! ’

Little Spider grabbed his head and slammed it against the cabin, looking bored at the other side rolling his eyes and falling to the ground.

“Seriously, you guys remind me of the little monsters in the game, stupid and mindless.”

He waved his hand and shot the spider silk again and again, sticking the gunman to the wall; then he heard the sound of a cold weapon piercing his body.

“But you are not the protagonist in the game, you have no chance of resurrection.” Not far behind Nolan, he gently put down a sneak attacker who was unable to hold the AK: “Because of your careless performance, one point will be deducted. “

“Uh… Actually, I sensed his existence, but you interrupted my train of thought.”

“Two points deducted.”

“Why, it’s not…” Spider-Man looked at Nolan’s third finger: “Well, I think you’re right.”

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