The Witch’s Ichor

Unexpected Side Effects [2]

Descriptions of anatomy, crude language, and more teenage cringe appear in this chapter.


Birdsong, sunlight, and the smell of pancakes rouse Ryker from his slumber. Soft sheets and a heavy blanket hold Ryker in a gentle embrace. Yawning, he turns his body over to nuzzle his pillow. A sharp ache in his chest startles him.

What the..?

Ryker sits up in his bed with a bemused look on his face. He pulls the covers down to expose his chest. Two noticeable bumps capped with distinctly puffy nipples come into view. Those are undeniably, boobs.

"What the fuck?" Ryker mutters in shock.

The vestiges of sleep clear away in an instant as Ryker climbs out of bed. He looks down at his body, hesitantly poking and prodding as his face pales. Everything feels a little strange now that Ryker's paying attention, but only his new breasts are obvious.

"Ryker! Are you up?" Ryker's mother yells from downstairs.

The sound of his mother's footsteps fill Ryker with icy dread. He grabs his blanket from the bed and pulls it over himself, draping the fabric over his body to shield the two bumps of flesh from his mother's gaze. The door opens after a quick knock. His mother peers into the room.

"Oh, you're up. Breakfast is ready so hurry down." She says gently.

Ryker relaxes as he watches his mother shut the door. Crisis averted. His tummy grumbles as if having heard his mother's words. He gets up and quickly scans his closet for some clothing. Loosely piled clothing covers the carpeted floor of his closet while a few nicer shirts sit on hangers off to the side.

Hm... Is this dirty..? Nah.
I wore this yesterday, but who cares.

Ryker slips a black tee over his masculine frame. Thankfully his meager bust is not noticeable with the shirt on. Ryker slips on some jeans he wore the day prior and finishes getting dressed before stumbling his way downstairs.

"Morning, Mom." Ryker greets casually.

"Morning... you sleep well?" She replies.

Ryker scoops a healthy portion of scrambled eggs onto his plate while his mother scrubs a skillet coated in egg residue.

"I did... Like a log, honestly." He says with a grin.

The scent of potatoes cooked over the stove with a heap of butter and a dash of seasoning gets Ryker's mouth watering. He takes forkfuls of the potato and egg, chowing down on his mother's home cooking while she glances over at him with the gentle gaze of a mother.

"Hm. Your acne is getting better. Did you start using that face wash I bought you?" She asks idly.

Ryker stops eating his breakfast long enough to recall his face did look a bit cleaner than usual in his closet mirror earlier. He shrugs in reply before gulping down some orange juice.

"Uh, not really..." He replies honestly.

That gets a little chuckle out of his mother and a shake of her head. She undoes her apron and hangs it on the pantry door before grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter.

"Well I appreciate your honesty." She says cheerily.

The sensation of a brief kiss on his forehead brings a slight smile to Ryker's face as he finishes his morning meal. His mother is already on her way to the door, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"I'll be working late as usual, but your father will be home to cook dinner." She says as she steps outside.

"Bye Mom! Love you!" Ryker calls out.

With a smile and a quick wave his mother lets the door swing shut behind her as she marches to her car for a long commute to her workplace. The house is bathed in silence broken only by Ryker placing his dirty dishes into the kitchen sink. He brings his hand to his chest absentmindedly, feeling the developing mounds beneath his shirt.


Squeaky sneakers echo throughout the gymnasium in a discordant chorus. Ryker, Jamison, Derek, and Theo stand in a diamond shape. The ball bounces from Derek's left hand to his right. Derek takes a wide stance as he gives a few feints, his hand moving as if to toss the ball one direction before pulling it back.

"Just throw it already, man!" Jamison shouts.

With that Derek moves to do an overhand throw toward Jamison, but at the last second he redirects the throw toward Theo. The dodgeball impacts Theo's chest, and the boy lets out a grunt of shock as he steps back unsteadily.

"Oh it's on, you dick!" Theo shouts back.

The dodgeball is in Theo's hands, and he's staring Derek down hard. Jamison watches on whilst Derek pulls out his phone. Derek is pretending to swipe through his socials, but his phone is clearly turned off. The taunting doesn't work. Theo stares him down, bouncing the dodgeball off the floor and back up into his hands.

"You gonna throw it or what?" Derek goads him.

Theo answers with actions rather than words, and the throw goes high above the court before impacting the floor just barely in front of Derek. The smug grin on Derek's chiseled face quickly turns to a pained grimace as the dodgeball bounces straight up into Derek's crotch.

"Nutshot!" Theo yells, victorious.

Derek is on his knees now as he bites back pained whimpers, his hands clutching at his treasured jewels. Jamison steps over toward Theo, wincing at Derek's condition.

"Didn't know you had it in you." Jamison comments.

Theo looks like he's on top of the world, grinning wide. Jamison can't help but smile at the sight of Derek getting his just desserts at the hands of Theo. The absence of Ryker's usual comments brings Jamison's attention to Ryker. It looks like he's just staring down at his feet.

Is he okay? He looks out of it.

Jamison steps toward the dazed looking Ryker with a gentleness in his dark eyes. He gently grabs his buddy by the shoulder.

"Hey man, you alright?" Jamison asks.

Ryker blinks as Jamison's question brings him back to the present. Ryker clears his throat, glancing around.

"Ah... I'm fine." Ryker replies unconvincingly.

"Alright... just remember we're here if you need to talk." Jamison assures.

Jamison's words calm Ryker somewhat, albeit that calm is quickly shattered when Derek and Theo approach. Derek chuckles, pointing at Ryker's chest. Ryker's own gaze moves to his chest. His shirt is thin enough that his currently stiffened nipples show.

"Bro are you cold or something?" Derek laughs.

Ryker's face grows hot as he uses one hand to pinch the fabric of his shirt, shaking it and hunching his back slightly so as to hide his developing breasts.

"Shut up..." Ryker grumbles.

Derek raises his hands in mock surrender. Their conversation is interrupted by the ringing of the bell. Students start filing out of the gym while Ryker and his friends grab their bags. The four of them join the flow of students leaving the school.

"You guys wanna hang out at my place on Saturday?" Jamison offers.

Theo nods slightly while Ryker glances at his own chest hesitantly. Derek claps Jamison on the back with an exuberant grin.

"Hell yeah!" Derek replies.

Jamison's gaze moves to Ryker, giving him a worried once over. Nothing looks out of the ordinary to Jamison, but he knows when a friend is struggling.

"Hey Ryker, you in?" Jamison asks.

Ryker's eyes move from his own body to Jamison's face. Ryker looks like a deer in headlights.

"Oh- Oh yeah of course." Ryker replies with faux enthusiasm.

Jamison can't help but worry over his friend's recent behavior, but he doesn't want to push him for details too soon. The four of them move the conversation to a different topic as they leave campus.

He'll tell me when he's ready.


The door swings open as Ryker steps inside with a huff. The smell of a pizza fresh out the oven wafts into his nostrils, and his stomach grumbles at the scent. He pulls the front door shut with a little more force than necessary.

Leaving his shoes by the door, Ryker carries his backpack to the dining table. His father can be seen cutting a cheese pizza on the kitchen counter. The older man turns and gives his son a cursory glance.

"Welcome home, bud." Ryker's father says.

His father carries the pizza into the dining area with one large hand. He places it on the table along with a pair of plates and some napkins. Ryker grabs a few slices and starts eating whilst his father takes a bite out of his own slice of pizza. The relative quiet comes to an end when Ryker's father clears his throat.

"You're getting a little shaggy there, kid." He says.

Ryker's confusion shows on his face as he uses a clean hand to touch his brown hair, feeling how it nearly touches his ears. He groans in annoyance and throws his hands up in exasperation. Ryker's father gives him the fatherly gaze with an eyebrow raised.

"Did something happen today?" Ryker's father asks.

The irritation in Ryker's demeanor melts away as he locks eyes with his much larger and older father. His old man has the look of a grizzly bear, and the temperament of a teddy bear. Ryker lets out a soft sigh.

"Sorry, Dad. I um... Just teenager stuff." Ryker half lies.

Ryker's father doesn't comment again. The two of them enjoy a rather quiet dinner while Ryker's thoughts wander to the small changes he's experienced.

Did that weird potion actually do something?

The sound of his father's plate being put into the kitchen sink brings Ryker back to the present. His father makes his way into the living room with a can of pepsi, and takes a seat on his armchair.

Ryker puts his own plate into the sink before walking through the living room toward the stairs. He glances at the television to see some sort of nature documentary playing.

"Thanks for the pizza, Dad. I'm gonna head up to my room and do some homework." Ryker explains.

"No problem, bud." He replies.

Ryker makes his way upstairs, the stairs creaking in his wake. He tosses his backpack into his room before heading into the bathroom. The clean rectangular room is a adorned with various duck themed decorations. Ryker shuts and locks the door before heading to the toilet. Relief washes over Ryker as he does his business, but something he hadn't noticed stops him in his tracks.

Wait... is my dick smaller?

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