The Witch’s Ichor

Amateur Chef Zoe [19]

This chapter made me hungry.
This chapter was released 1 day early on my patreon :3

Just letting you all know I have added the "Mature" category because well... let's just say things heat up on chapter 22?
The story will also be getting updated daily at 1:15 PM central timezone from now on!


Crickets chirp softly throughout the neighborhood at this time of day. The sun is nearly set, and the stars are out. Chilly winds blow through, yet Zoe's coat keeps her warm. She rereads the group chat with a bashful smile on her face.

Zoe: Tracy did my makeup! Thoughts?
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Derek: Holy fuck you look hot


Derek: Bro fucking look at the picture

Jamison: You look stunning, Zoe. <3

Theo: Zoe do I have your permission to print this picture out

Zoe: Uh what??

Derek: Bro that's so creepy wtf

Theo: I won't do anything weird with it I swear

Theo: It's for my conspiracy board

Jamison: ???

Derek: ???

Zoe: Oh sure yeah!

Zoe: Also thanks guys, love ya <3

For some reason nobody said anything after Zoe sent that last message, but that's not her problem. She hums a little song to herself as she steps up to her home. She opens the front door, and calls out to her family.

"I'm home!"

Strangely enough nobody answers. Zoe turns to peek outside and realizes her parents are both out. Zoe pouts after realizing she's alone.

I guess this is as good a time as any to work on my new hobby.
Time to cook!

Zoe didn't feel any aversion to cooking when she was a boy, but she also didn't really feel like doing anything as a boy. Hopefully cooking delicious food can be both entertaining and relaxing. Plus she can give yummy treats to her friends!

The spacious kitchen provides Zoe with ample space to work. She scrolls through her phone for the notes, and chooses to make 'baked macaroni and cheese'. The finished product is a rich breadcrumb infused casserole comprised of macaroni noodles, cheese, and butter.

This sounds delicious... I must have it!

Zoe pulls up her sleeves and gets to work. She pulls out a rectangular baking pan and gives it a good coating of olive oil spray. She checks the instructions before diving into the next step.

One big pot full of water goes on the stovetop. Zoe shifts her focus to the cheese as the water heats up. According to the recipe the most delicious option is to take a block of cheese and shred it yourself.

Zoe rifles through the drawers like a curious mouse. It takes her a good minute, but she finds a cheese grater. She fetches a block of sharp cheddar from the fridge. The water still isn't boiling.

This is already kind of fun!

Using a bowl to catch the shredded cheese, Zoe pushes the cheese block across the top of the cheese grater. She repeats this process until the pot of water starts to boil.

Zoe puts her cheese on hold, and grabs the macaroni noodles. She pours the whole box into the pot. The macaroni needs to cook for several minutes. Zoe resumes the cheese grating.

With a bowl full of cheese Zoe can finally work on the cheese sauce. She puts a small saucepan on the stove. Butter, salt, pepper, and a hefty helping of freshly shredded cheese get dumped into the saucepan. Zoe stirs the sauce with a whisk.


Zoe turns back to the stove and removes the cooked pasta. She quickly drains the water into the sink. Now that the pasta is ready she can start working on filling the baking pan. One layer of macaroni goes into the pan, and then some grated cheese. Zoe finishes up the cheese sauce in time to pour plenty into this layer.

This process is repeated until there are three layers of macaroni and cheese all stacked into the pan. Zoe pops the lid off the dried breadcrumbs, and sprinkles a generous portion over the top.

Now to bake it...

Zoe slides the baking pan stuffed full of delicious cheesy goodness into the oven. She sets the heat and timer. Now all that's left is to wait nearly twenty minutes for it to bake. Zoe sits at the dining table...



Zoe quickly goes over to the oven to retrieve her masterpiece. She uses an oven mitt to open the door. The heat blasts her in the face, but she presses on. The oven mitt makes it easy to pull out the tray of mac and cheese. Zoe sets it on the counter.

The smell alone is making her mouth water. Zoe quickly snaps a picture of the intact dish, and serves herself a plate. She sits down at the dining table with a happy sigh, and pulls out her phone.

Zoe: Guess what I just made!

Derek: Three tents

Jamison: Derek shut the fuck up

Zoe: ???

Jamison: What'd you make?

Zoe: Baked macaroni and cheese! :D
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Jamison: Wow! Awesome job!

Derek: Damn that looks good, you gonna bring some to school?

Zoe: I sure will! It tastes pretty good. :P

Theo: Told you it would work

Jamison: Theo that was still super sexist of u

Zoe: What're u guys talking about?

Derek: Just Theodore being himself, lol

Zoe leans back in her chair with a yawn. The delicious food is making her sleepy, but she presses on. She can't just leave the yummy food on the counter.

Zoe divides and bags the remaining food whilst humming to herself. There's enough portions for Zoe's mother, Zoe's father, Tracy, Derek, Jamison, and Theo to have one! Plus an extra for Zoe's lunch tomorrow.

The sound of the front door opening catches Zoe's interest. She turns to see her mother and father enter. Zoe's mother is wearing a black form fitting dress, and her father a button up with slacks.

"How was the date?" Zoe asks.

"It was wonderful." Zoe's mother replies.

The smell of the baked mac and cheese catches Zoe's father's attention. He leans over the table to get a look at it. He's salivating. Zoe pushes a portion toward her father with a smug smile.

"I portioned some for both of you. Try it!" Zoe offers.

Zoe's mother and father take their seats at the dining table. The food smells amazing, so they dig in without hesitation. Zoe's father clears his plate in just a couple minutes.

"Haha... Guess you liked it?" Zoe laughs shyly.

"It was scrumptious... Miranda, do you think Zoe could cook dinner from time to time..?" Zoe's father exclaims.

Zoe blinks in surprise at her father's enthusiasm. Zoe's mother finishes her own portion before answering her husband.

"That is up to Zoe. I wouldn't mind the help, but it's ultimately up to her." Zoe's mother replies.

"C-Can I really?!" Zoe asks excitedly.

"Yes, of course. Your father would help too if he wasn't only good at cooking burgers and making sandwiches." Zoe's mother replies.

Zoe giggles at her mother's comment, and her father pouts. Seeing her parents enjoy her cooking fills Zoe with an unfamiliar sense of pride and fulfillment she's unused to.

I should have tried this earlier!


Zoe takes a deep breath as she approaches her usual lunch table with her tray in hand. Her baked mac and cheese is stuffed into a lunchbox in her backpack, and she's nervous about giving it to her friends.

I really hope they like it.

The boys are in their usual seats, and Tracy is sitting across from them with her phone in hand. Everyone perks up when Zoe takes her seat at the table.

"Did you bring it..?" Jamison asks curiously.

"Of course! I uh... hope you all like it." Zoe replies nervously.

She pulls out the lunchbox and gives a portion to everyone at the table. Tracy looks pleasantly surprised, and takes a bite.

"Oh, wow! This is really good!" Tracy gushes.

Zoe blushes slightly.

"I'm glad you like it!" Zoe replies with a giggle.

The sound of a burp catches everyone off guard. Derek is covering his mouth with his hand. His plate is completely empty; Not even a crumb remains.

"S-sorry, uh, excuse me." Derek mumbles an apology.

"It's fine, I'm glad you liked it!" Zoe replies with a smile.

Derek looks at Zoe's smile as his cheeks redden. He moves his gaze back to his lunch tray once he realizes he's staring. The sound of a fork hitting a plate announces Jamison's success. Jamison is leaning back in his chair after finishing his portion. He's smiling.

"Guys I think Theo should be the leader. This idea of his turned out amazing." Jamison sighs.

Theo finishes his food immediately after Jamison. He turns to Zoe with a mixture of shame and gratitude in his expression.

"Thanks for doing this Zoe... It honestly tasted wonderful." Theo thanks her guiltily.

Zoe can hardly contain herself as she's showered with praise. Her cheeks are starting to hurt from all the smiling. Tracy taps her fork against her plate to get everyone's attention. They turn to her with mixed expressions.

"I was just wondering what you meant by 'Theo's' idea?" Tracy asks pointedly.

The three boys grow nervous, but they have no time to explain themselves. Zoe opens her mouth and excitedly shares the events which led to her trying out cooking.

"Well the other day at lunch Theo suggested I try cooking!" Zoe exclaims.

"Oh, did he?" Tracy urges her to continue.

"Yup! He even gave me this list-" Zoe continues.

Zoe pulls out the slightly crumpled paper which Theo gave her at lunch. The bullet point list of dishes Theo enjoys eating gives Tracy ammunition. She turns to Theo with an innocent smile.

"Wow, so you were really eager for Zoe to agree, huh?" Tracy asks sweetly.

Theo pushes up his glasses as if preparing to give a grand retort.

"...Yeah, I was." Theo replies plainly.

Tracy's eyes narrow. Theo continues before she can interrupt him.

"Who doesn't want to taste food made by the girl he likes?" Theo continues boldly.

Jamison and Derek nearly lunge at Theo for his words. Theo flinches, but doesn't back down. Meanwhile, Zoe's face is heating up rapidly. She's struggling to battle the swarm of butterflies bouncing around inside her tummy. Tracy scoffs.

"Well I think she's too good for you boys. Having an adorable girl cook delicious meals for you, free of charge? It's more than you deserve." Tracy says venomously.

Zoe smacks her small hand onto the table like a judge's gavel. Tracy looks at her in surprise.

"You take that back!" Zoe snaps.

Tracy tilts her head at Zoe's anger.

"I was just saying they don't really-" Tracy tries to argue.

"They're my best friends. They mean the world to me, and of course they deserve whatever I give them. It's not for you to decide." Zoe cuts her off.

Tracy's eyes widen in shock. Her eyes flit from Zoe's angry expression to the shocked looks on the boys' faces. She stands up, and walks off without another word. Zoe's anger turns to sadness as she watches Tracy leave.

Was I too harsh..?

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