Drazhan stood from his spot on the sofa and went upstairs, I couldn't believe the words that stumbled out of my mouth. It couldn't have been the wine because I barely had two sips of it.

Moments later he returned with an ornate black box that had a white bow wrapped around it, a present. He was always fond of that, he'd get me a flower, or buy mw sweets whenever he could, and I always appreciated him for it.

He handed me the box and I hesitated before I took it from him "Calm yourself darling, it's not a snake"

I chuckled as I loosened the bow "Believe me Drazhan, even if it was, it would not faze me" my words were answered with a curious look, and I realized that he too has missed a lot, and I was not the same person as I was all those years ago. I opened the box, and the sight of the gift overwhelmed me.

It was the most beautiful dagger I'd set my eyes on, the pommel was shaped like a heart, a black heart. The scabbard was black as well, with green stripes that looked like veins on the black surface. It's magnificent.

"It was forged by the poison smiths in the tempest mountains of the kingdom of Pritheen, they use some sort of magic or incantation to weave the deadliest of poisons into their blades, and keep it eternal, ever flowing. If struck, the victim does not die only by the wound, but by the poison contained in the blade," he had an amused smirk about him now "and there is no antidote, no cure, just painful, slow death"

I stared at the dagger in amusement, such power contained in a blade, and even the slightest cut would mean certain death. "This is a marvelous gift," I breathed "Thank you"

"It's called heartstopper" he said.

I smirked at him now "Is this a ploy to get me into your bed Drazhan?"

"Perhaps, is it working?" he purred.

I took heartstopper from the box and examined it, it had the perfect balance. I unsheathed it from its scabbard, and the metal gleamed a subtle shade of green in the sunlight, no doubt thanks to the enchantment wrapped around it. It must have cost a fortune.

"You know I have a weakness for weapons" I replied.

Drazhan's stare lowered to my chest, savoring the look of my breasts, his fingers brushed against mine and sparks danced across my skin.

His eyes locked onto mine, the air thickening with unspoken desire. Without a word, Drazhan's lips claimed mine, the kiss a slow-burning fire that spread through my veins.

My heart pounded in my chest as I felt the familiar contours of his body, the lean muscles and rough skin.

In that moment, the world narrowed to the space between us, the only sound the soft gasps and whispers of our ragged breathing.

I don't know how long I had slept, all I knew was my body ached, three years and I still forgot how big Drazhan was.

I removed his arm from my waist and came down from the bed and picked my discarded clothes and moved to find a bathing room. It was quickly found upstairs, and I delighted in the fact that this place at least had some hot water to help with my aching body. I changed into my clothes and descended the steps to find him awake. The bedsheet covered his lower body, but I could see his length poking through the covers. "Leaving so soon?" he asked, I turned to the nearest window to find that the sun is almost setting.

"It's getting late Draz, I have to go" he tied the sheets around his waist and stood up, "Or you could stay the night?" he asked, his voice so sensual it could have wooed any other woman. I rolled my eyes at him, and took heartstopper and strapped it to my side "Not interested Drazhan"

Drazhan moved closer to me, blocking my path "Oh, come on, we just had the best time, don't tell me you don't want to have a repeat" he smirked, circling his finger on my stomach. I smacked the hand away and dusted where it was as though something filthy just touched me.

"As much as I enjoyed the sex Drazhan, I'm not interested in staying over"

He pouted "Give me one good reason why you can't stay over, and I'll let you leave"

I tipped my head and laughed "First of all, I can get past you if I wanted to, but fine, I'll give you a reason. If I stay, thirty minutes in, and you'll ask me to marry you, and I don't want to tell you no for the millionth time"

The first few months after Draz and I began sleeping together, he asked for my hand at least twice in the same year, and my answer always remained the same 'NO' I can't just bring myself to marry him. It's either that or I'm just not interested in marriage. My skin shuddered at the thought.

He chuckled, not seeming to be offended by the comment "Fair point, I can't say I'll stop trying though"

"And I'll keep telling you no. The sex is good though"

He smirked devilishly "I know"

Asshole I thought as I exited the cottage and trekked to where I tied tyrant, Drazhan followed from behind "Should we have a repeat of this again?"

I smirked at him as I mounted tyrant and made myself comfortable in the saddle "Perhaps," I responded "As long as you stop with the marriage talks"

"I can't make any promises, perhaps one day you'll say yes" he said.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I kicked tyrant's side "One thing about yourself is that you've always been delusional" I didn't wait for a response as tyrant began galloping toward the castle.

I arrived at the castle after sunset, my body still ached from the sex with Drazhan, but it was a welcome feeling, I would not do it for some time though, lest he brings up the topic of marriage once more.

Amenadiel and Alice arrived an hour later, I assume it was because they enjoyed their day off so much. Alice came into the room wearing a beautiful pink gown that matched the color of her skin perfectly, while Amenadiel wore a velvet jacket with brown pants. He simply nodded at me, but I could see the gratitude in his eyes, so I returned the nod.

I adjusted myself in my seat as I took a good look at Alice "You're practically smiling from ear to ear, I take it your date went well?" I asked, as I tapped the empty space beside me for her to sit.

When she didn't speak, I pushed "So, how was it?" it took her a second, but she finally replied "It was wonderful your highness, who would have guessed that behind that cold demeanor and all that armor, Amenadiel is actually a huge romantic" I stared at her in confusion, all while stifling a laugh "The same Amenadiel that we know? A romantic?" she nodded again.

"Are we hoping for a wedding soon?" I said sweetly, it made her cheeks flush red "My lady I think it's too soon to say"

Smiling at her, I asked "Is there going to be a second date?" she blushed and nodded in confirmation.

I almost forgot about dinner as she told me all the details of her date, something I knew Amenadiel would not do.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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