The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 20: Aftermath [2]

I pretended to be asleep as gazes full of curiosity bore through me. 

Fortunately it was history class about the origins of the labyrinth and an old woman was the one conducting the lecture.

Professor Malya is a very soft spoken individual and is very lenient about her students so I had no worries about being called out.

Not that it would matter anyway since most of the students were busy gossiping about the events that had taken place yesterday.

First of all, Emily and her party plus me had to be brought to the infirmary for immediate healing since the saint had no mana left at the time.

Right after, the class got a hold of what had happened and speculation and rumors started to circulate.

Most were geared towards our unlucky streak of encountering such monsters but majority were mostly amazed at how we were able to survive in the end.

Although none of them knew about all the details.

'But the most annoying part is how fast they knew I got LP points the day after' I mused feeling the stares significantly more aimed towards me rather than Jun, Emily, Alice and Lily.

I then heard the ringing of the bell as Professor Malya quietly left the classroom.

I quickly stood up, intending to leave unnoticed but-

"Ray! Hey where you going?" Alice shouted as she grabbed my shoulders.

"..Damn it..can't you see I'm trying to leave here"

"Hey cmon, I just wanted to talk"

"...That's what you always do though"

"Yup and I just wanted to tell you something I forgot to say yesterday" she said as she hid her hands behind her back.

"...What is it?" I asked a bit confused.

"...Thank you for helping us, specially for saving my friends" she said in a slightly serious tone.

"...It was just a coincidence that I ran into them.." I said turning my head away.

"Sure you did~ and Oh! I was right about you gaining an achievement, now you're famous" she said in a cheeky way as she grinned.

'Here I was taking her seriously..' I sighed inwardly.

"It was just a fluke, I swear"

"Fufufu, I bet you did~, well most of us don't think that way"

Alice then gestured towards Brian, Amana and Sophia. 

The way that they were listening in on us was really uncomfortable.

She then passed by me as she skipped towards Lily and Emily who was also listening on intently at us for a while now, Alice then turned to me one more time.

"You're a lousy liar Ray~" she giggled.


'Am I?' I mused.

I then proceeded to leave although now, everyone has their full attention to me.

I couldn't care less but I did notice that Jun was still mulling over by himself in his seat, seemingly having a life crisis.

A feeling of guilt came over me but the greed inside won me over.

'I really wanted to avoid being noticed today since I need to appraise these things'


Most appraisers were blacksmith or class that are in the production types. Some also have skills that could analyze an item but those were extremely rare to find.

I couldn't go to Delan's shop since he still hadn't awakened yet and I knew he has no appraisal skill.

Luckily this academy had the production department that accomodated students that specialize in production and research due to their class.

The production department was on the second floor on the right wing of the building and as I got nearer, sounds of metal being hammered were resounding throughout the place.

There were rows of rooms that had different labels for production ranging from alchemy, magic research, and blacksmithing.

I stopped at a plain room and at the top of the entrance had the label [Appraisal].

'Here it is, I just hope these things aren't trash'

I opened the door and found a niche collection of random items on display. Two male students were tinkering with items when they turned their attention to me.

"Ah..hello there"

"Oh How may we help you?" said the guy with glasses.

"I wanted some items to be appraised"

He then looked at me from head to tow, noticing that I was a freshman.

"Hmmm that's rare. Well let me see"

I then took out the rainbow colored leaf and the green colored orb.

The appraiser then turned serious as he waved his hand over the items on the table. A magic circle appeared on his palms as I waited for him to finish.

After a few minutes, he was done appraising the items as he handed it over to me.

"The results are here"

He then put up a screen with his vrace which contained the details of the items.


Eternal Seasonal Leaf

-A leaf from a tree that never wilts and can adapt to any condition.

-May be used as a recipe for a high-grade status resistance potion

Gale Orb

-An orb that contains pure wind elemental mana. Once broken, it can create a small hurricane in an area.

-May be also used for crafting and enhancement.


After I had read the description of the two item, I inwardly fistpumped having landed a jackpot.

This gives me a lot of options. I could either sell these things or use it for myself, specially that orb.

As for the leaf, I still haven't figured out what to do with it yet.

I looked towards the appraiser and asked how much was the appraissal.

He then thought for a while and then charged me a small sum of 1,500 Del.

I quickly paid up then returned to the boy's dorm.


After eating dinner I looked through my inventory once again.


Wiseman's Monocle

-A magical apparatus that quickly reads mana flow and signature

Eclipse Earings

-Boosts one's rate of mana recovery when under a crescent moon.


The former was given to Sophia by Emily in the novel since she was a sorcerer. This item literally made her 10 times more efficient in spellcasting.

The latter was given to Amana by Jun as a gift for her birthday. Coincidently, it amplified her spirit arts during the night.

The scale ring that I used on the first layer is going to be used by Lily. Close combatants benefit more from the item than I do.

"All of these items are essential in their arsenal but it would be hard to sell these things to them directly. With Lily, I could sell it to her through Alice or Emily but the other two is going to be hard.."

I thought for a while and decided that I will take that on hold before taking any action.

Now that I had given Gratis to Jun, his path to becoming overpowered is going to start which also means that I now have some leeway in focusing on myself.

"Even Donovan would have a hard time beating Jun at this point in time however he would still get his ass kicked by Brian in a flash"

I could help him through my knowledge of the story but that wouldn't be a great idea.

I shouldn't interfere with his growth too much,  in my opinion as long as it doesn't threaten his life, some adversity and losses would actually benefit him.

Although I should also account that the changes and actual events that could happen will likely be drastically different than the original with my every move.

Just like how Jun and the rest could have died at the first layer, luckliy they came out optimistic about it but-

'That's not always going to be the case. This world is already going to a different path than what I originally know and the only thing I could do is to own up to that and advance forward'

To be able to do that I need to become much stronger than now.

First of all, I need some upgrades myself.

With Sixth right now being a mediocre magic gun, it wouldn't be too long before I run into a corner once again.

"Well, I have that orb with me so I might as well let Delan have a go with it. Although it wouldn't be enough for it to level up to an item series since it's still missing an important piece"

As for the leaf, I have someone in mind that could effectively convert it to a potion but that person is one with the least and most compatibility with Ray in the story.

Even worst, he was in the same class with the eldest Irisville in the academy.

'...I think I'll let that be for a while..' I thought.

I then went to my makeshift training room even though it's just an empty room with just a matt on the floor on it.

I then went into a meditative pose, exhaling and inhaling large breaths to condition myself.

'Looking back on how I fought, I'm clearly lacking on the close quarter's potential of my class. Most of the time, I relied on my eyes to land critical hits on mid range but I can't react fast enough on close range'

I clenched my fist as I closed my eyes.

'I think it's time to start integrating the original holder's style since I can relax for a while, now then..'

"[Reload Belt]"

A revolving belt of mana bullet appeared on my wrist just as usual but this time there was another separate belt with just one bullet that was revolving in my other hand.

It then instantly burts after a few seconds.

Beads of sweat flowed down my face as I returned to my stance.

"This is going to take a while huh. [Reload Belt]"

And thus the night continued to pass.

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