The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 61

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Stewart Baird.

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Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patron Spider man, Prince Acheampong, Scott Robertson, Evil_Bob, Seto Soujiro, Pato Senalima, GentleKnife and Will Turner. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 61- Mortifying Immortal.

What the... What?

My brain fuzzles out at the sight I find inside the toilet cubicle in the girl's second-floor bathroom. I had heard weird sounds coming from it, and the atmosphere was dark and gloomy so I had been cautious. Still, when I had pushed open the door just slightly, enough to get a look inside, I didn't expect... I didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. Whatever this is.

Inside the toilet cubicle, a girls' school uniform is thrown all over the floor and crumpled on the ground. And, knowing the girl that is supposed to be in here, that is very out of character. Hermione is supposed to be in here, having transformed into a cat girl. She was supposed to have have taken a hair from Milicent Bulstrode but had mistaken a cat hair for it, and in doing so became a cat girl. While Ron and Harry go and infiltrate the Slytherin common room, she is supposed to be hiding in here, waiting for the transformation to end. But... I guess she isn't just waiting.

I spot Hermione sitting on the toilet seat with the lid down. She is completely naked, not wearing any clothes at all. Not that it matters, as nothing is revealed anyway. Her entire body is covered in black, silky, cat-like hair. Fur. She has striking green cat eyes and two cat ears on the top of her head, poking out of the furry mess that is her hair. You can tell she is feminine. The Polyjuice potion seems to have also given her some of a cat's ability, as her body is lithe and agile. And flexible, given the way her own leg is up and behind her own head.

Some context, maybe. Hermione is sitting completely naked on the toilet, her leg above her own head, and she is... licking. She is licking herself, like a cat. I can't quite tell whether she is doing so in the cleaning yourself way or the pleasuring yourself way because her head is in the way, but her head is between her legs, and she is... moaning. There is also a lot of licking going on, given the wet sounds as she laps at herself. This is weird.

I suppose she had an hour to wait until the Polujuice potion wore off, and instead of sitting there and crying about it, she decided to experiment. She always was a curious girl. Maybe a little too much. Hermione is a little freak, huh? If she was just cleaning herself, then she would be done with that area by now, but she is refusing to leave it. "P-Professor Lockhart!" I hear her mewl out, and that gives me the shock to my system that reminds me of the situation and what the hell is going on.

I quickly back away, closing the door and leaving the thirteen-year-old girl to continue busying herself with... herself. And with that, I turned around and promptly moved to leave the bathroom. I should just leave and forget this ever happened, block it from my memory. Let's just blame this on the Polyjuice potion. The cat overpowered her, and the basic animalistic nature overpowered Hermione, which resulted in her doing this. A mistake. One I should not have witnessed. So let's leave.

Exiting the bathroom, I close the door with my back and then just lean against it, taking a moment to breathe. Feeling kind of claustrophobic and breathless, I wave my wand and dispel my stealth spells as if that would make me breathe easier. I know intellectually it won't, but I feel my breaths come easier without the spells. The reason I find myself so panicked is because, hearing my name, I was close to going in and revealing myself. In my mind, I am still a sixteen-year-old, I am still young, and it doesn't seem wrong in my mind—just a three year age gap.

That's why I ran out. I have to remember that while I am young in heart and mind, physically, I am an adult man. No, sixteen years old is the minimum. That's my line in the stand. I can't let my hedonist lifestyle and power-hungry ways pervert me into something sick and wrong. It's fine to enjoy myself and do some bad things, but some bad things are bad and should not be done. I am fine with some murder and crimes, but not these kinds. I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts and then let out a sigh of relief while looking down at the ground in front of me.

"I know, right? That girl is a little nympho, isn't she." An ethereal glowing blue head pops out of my stomach, and a girl wearing glasses with pigtails on her head is staring up at me with a gossiping smile on her face. "You..." I end up muttering out, not knowing what else to say. Moaning Myrtle had just popped out of my belly and was looking up at me. Given what she was saying, she had also witnessed Hermione's little secret.

"I was actually thinking of cheering her up, but she stopped crying after a few minutes. Then she took off all her clothes to look at herself, and it wasn't long after that that she started with the touching." She starts to talk, floating up and of me and hovering in the air in front of me as she brings a hand up to her mouth and starts gossiping conspiratorily. "It was all very innocent at first. But then, she put the first finger in, and she made a noise like a cat screeching and then-" I slap my hand at her, but it just goes through her, but it does serve to stop her talking.

"Okay, stop it. I don't want to hear any more of that, and how did you even know I was here?" I say, trying to stop her from talking about what was currently happening in the room behind my back and also because I am curious. How did she know I was here? "Come on, that place is basically my home. I know everything that goes on in it, like those kids cooking their potion. Also, doors don't just open on their own." Oh, right. Just because I am invisible doesn't mean that the doors I open, and the surroundings won't clue people in. I am a bit too drunk to be stealthy right now.

"Anyway, back to the sex-starved pussy drilling her-" I swipe at her again, stopping the words from coming out. I don't want to hear any more about Hermione and the going ons of that bathroom anymore. Also, why is this ghost not letting it go? "Christ, can you shut up about that? What is up with you? Seriously, why are you continuing to talk about that?" I ask. I am a teacher here; wait, no, that doesn't count. I will sleep with legal students. I am an adult; she is a ghost that's been dead for fifty years. Why is she talking about this?

"Uh, I mean... I never really got to do that sort of stuff. I see it all the time, though, everywhere. I've even seen you with that Astronomy Professor going at it like rabbits; it's the best part of my night." I baulk at that, not having realised that I have had a voyeur purveying my rendezvous with the bitchy Aurora Sinistra. "You've been watching us? When? How?" I seriously question it. I put spells and stuff up to hide us, which should work on everything, including ghosts. So how did she see us?

"Well, you are a very handsome man. So I like to follow you around sometimes and watch you. So even if you go all sneaky, I am already there, and if you are going somewhere, I just follow the opening doors." She explains with a smile on her face, creeping me out. "You... But I would notice you if you followed me. You glow blue, for Merlin's sake. Sure, you could avoid me for a while, but I would have noticed eventually if you kept following me." Seriously, she is blue and ethereal; how could I possibly miss her?

"Oh, that little thing. Well, when you've been around as long as I have, and you realise everyone hates you and no one wants to see you, you find a way to disappear." And with that, she suddenly blinks out of existence. Literally, she was there one moment, glowing a pale blue, and then she was gone. She had gone invisible. And then she suddenly pops back into existence. "Tada. I've been able to do this for years. That way, I won't hear people screaming about ugly Moaning Myrtle coming down the hall and how they should all run away from me." Her mood suddenly changes, and she gets all downcast and mopey, a far cry from how cheerful she was just a second ago.

"And you use this ability of yours to spy on people when they are intimate and be a voyeur?" I question dryly, looking at her blankly. She was capable of going entirely invisible, and combined with her intangibility and undead status, she was the perfect spy. Unkillable. And yet here she was, just using it to spy on me and my sexual acts, which I hoped to have more of in the future. I need to nip this in the bud for my own sanity of mind so I can plow safely with peace of mind in the future.

"Well, excuse me, but there's nothing else to do. I died a virgin without even having my first kiss. Nobody wanted to kiss ugly little Myrtle. So now I go around and watch everybody in the broom closets as they fuck. I am a dirty little freak, aren't I? Even worse than the repressed bookworm in the toilet. I'm so ugly and pathetic and-" I swipe my hand at her again, disrupting her little self-deprecating speech. Not only because it was getting to be a little too much but because I was afraid Hermione would hear it and come investigate. Also, I was worried Ron and Harry would be back soon.

"You need to stop. Okay. Because, first of all, you aren't even ugly. Seriously. The only reason you got called and picked on as you did is because you are annoying and have a tendency to winge. You have a nice face, but it is covered up with big framed glasses, and the pigtails, while maybe cute, just seem annoying when you open your mouth." I start, and she seems stupified, which at last means she isn't talking anymore.

"You are skinny, and my experienced eye tells me you have some tits with a bit of heft and a nice arse. Your problem is with your clothing and your general behaviour and attitude. The robes cover it all up, and your hairstyle and glasses aren't doing you any favours. Also, being so whiny and crying all the time doesn't make you attractive. Change those up, add a little makeup and maybe even keep those pigtails, and I'm sure you wouldn't find it hard to find some to hold onto those pigtails and ram you up the arse." I finished, giving my honest opinion. She isn't a bad-looking girl; nobody with magic is ugly; it's just her personality and behaviour that are letting her down.

"I can't do anything about that now, though, can I?" Myrtle mutters, unable to keep the melancholy from her face. She is no doubt happy with all that I've said, even if the main thing was that she is annoying, but she liked hearing she wasn't ugly. However, she is dead, and she died looking like that. She can't change that now, just like Nearly Headless Nick can't become Headless Nick. His head is attached by just a sliver of skin, and it will forever be that way.

To be honest, I didn't think of all that when I was buttering her up. I just thought she would shut up and be less annoying and find other things to occupy herself with than following me around. Of course, I've gone this far, so let's go a little further. Give her something to work on, at least until I have finished the year and can leave. "Well, you can turn invisible. Technically, that is changing your appearance. I don't see why you can't change what you look like. You don't have a body after all. Why can't you change the shape of yourself and your hair?" I say, and my line of thinking makes sense. Hopefully, this will take all her attention.

"Yeah, but... I'm still dead. Even if I do start to look all sexy and everything, I'm still dead. I can't touch anyone. I can't kiss anyone, and I can't have sex. Even if I look better, I'll still be annoying little virgin Myrtle." She starts to whine again, crying even though there are no tears leaving her eyes, and she is just being annoying. She is even rubbing her eyes. This girl is bloody annoying, and I have had enough; I need to get out of here.

"Shut the fuck up! You are so annoying! My god! Just stop whining and crying all the time!" She shuts up at that and just looks at me silently. I actually feel a little bad since she has been stuck here for around fifty years with no friends and all on her own. Maybe I was a little harsh. "Look, alright. You managed to turn invisible; why don't you go see if you can possess people as well? Go and get yourself fucked good and proper. Get all that annoyingness shagged out of you." And with that, I walk right through her and off, not with any particular direction in mind. I just want to get away from this bathroom, and the two troublesome girls assosiacted with it.

I walked for a while before I finally stopped and looked back. No sign of Myrtle, though that doesn't mean anything. She could be watching me right now, and I would have no idea. Damn, that is stressful to think about. I need to destress. I also need to sober up because I have made some stupid choices and thought some silly stuff today. Hmm, Madam Hooch did invite me to join her for some midnight flying on the Quidditch pitch to sober up. I should join her. 

But first, I need to lose a potential tail. Putting some stealth charms on again and making sure to be doubly secure, I start to walk. As she said before, she can follow me by following the trail I leave behind, for example, using doors, passages, and other stuff, which is why I wander around the halls of the castle for a while, taking random routes without opening and touching anything. After a while, I felt confident I was not being spied on, so I headed towards the Quidditch pitch.

It isn't long before my shoes are touching grass as I walk to the middle of the Quidditch Pitch, my eyes on the sky looking for any brooms being ridden by fetching athletic women, but no such look. She did say she would be flying around here, but I can't spot her at all as I look around. And then, I see it. High up above in what I previously thought to just be the dark night sky alone, a dot appears. And then, it becomes a blot.

It becomes bigger and bigger, and before long, its shape starts to form as it comes closer and closer to the ground, and I can tell what it is. Madam Hooch was flying so high up in the sky that I wasn't able to spot her at all. The was a literal small dot amongst the blackness of the sky. It is only now that the clouds have moved out of the way of the moon that I can see her easier, and also because she is now closer to me. She flies with expert grace and technique, and it's no wonder. She has been teaching lying for decades, no doubt having taught all the English Quidditch stars to grace the game in the last half-century.

"Oh, Gilderoy. Thanks for your help earlier; I'm glad to see you have kept me up on my offer." She lands before me with a gust of wind, sending my hair fluttering. Her hair is windblown, and she has her goggles down over her eyes, but it does nothing to diminish her beauty. Her face is red and flushed, clearly having enjoyed herself very much, and I believe her when she says it helps to sober up. "Go grab a broom from the shed and join me." She says, and I go to say yes before pausing, an idea in my head.

"Ah, yes. I want to join, but I am not as good a flier as I used to be. And I'm drunk as well, so I don't want to risk it. I really do want to fly and feel the air on my skin, though. A shame." I say, playing it up. I don't actually know how good of a flier I am. Gilderoy used to be good, but that was years ago. I have no idea if the skills are still there.

"Oh. Well, I suppose you can hop on behind me then. I'll take you for a ride." At that, I grin. Some time spent in close quarters alone in the sky? Sounds perfect.

It's Ramadan, and I'm still fasting. Good luck to everybody who is also fasting. Try not to break the fast.

Back to playing Hogwarts Legacy, and the series on YouTube has resumed.

Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is good, so far, but I can't wait for when Rick gets back to all the others. Though that probably won't happen in this series, I really do hope all these little series will converge back into a big series with all the characters.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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