The Week I Turned Into Erin

Chapter 10 – Reconciliation

Author’s Note: This chapter is very much me experimenting with different writing techniques. I’m purposely jumping back and forth between Erin and Kathy’s first person point of view. Hopefully I’ve done the execution of this correctly, and you can follow along for what I hope is a fun insight of both characters at the same time.

Kathy had finally called me back. She was ready to talk. She even called me Erin.

“I’m glad you called.” I said.

“I’ve had these conflicting emotions about you.” she said. “I’m angry with you. But I still love you - or at least I still love Aaron.”

I took a deep breath. I was prepared for this. “Then let's take this slowly Kathy. I’ll never know exactly what you’re going through, but I can imagine it’s been difficult. You don’t have to go through this alone. I think we should meet and talk in person. We can meet at home or we can meet out in public if you want.”

“Thank you Erin.” she said. “It has been hard. I’m open to meeting out in public. How about that bar and grill we both like? We haven’t been there in a while.”

“Yes. I’m down for that.” I didn’t want to mention I went there Saturday with Emily.

“Good. Tonight at 6?”

“6 is great. See you then.”

We both hung up. I was excited. I turned to Ben and Darcy who were watching me. “I’m meeting Kathy tonight.”

“That’s awesome.” Ben said.

“Good luck, Erin.” Darcy chimed in and smiled. "You've got this, just remember to be yourself and have fun."

* * *

I hung up the phone with Erin. I took a deep breath.

I feel like this is a big step, to accepting Erin and saying goodbye to Aaron.

I hope I’m not rushing into this.

* * *

When I got home later that afternoon, I was excited. I was going out with Kathy. I hadn’t seen her in days. What’s important is that this is the first time I was going out with Kathy as Erin. I had to make a great first impression.

I browsed through my closet. I pulled out that skirt Emily bought me. I found a cream colored blouse that would look good with the black skirt. I pulled that out too.

Great first impression, I kept reminding myself. I pulled out the pantyhose I got Saturday too. I paired this with the new heels. I had better practice walking around in them.

I took a shower, washed my hair, shaved my legs, shaved my armpits, finished cleaning up and turned the water off. I dried off with my towel and wrapped it around me tying it at my chest.

I walked into the bedroom and opened my underwear drawer and pulled out a matching black lace bra and panty set. This was something else that Emily insisted I got. I put my panties and my bra on, I then put on my skirt and my blouse. I spent a good five minutes modeling in front of the mirror before I decided to do my hair and makeup.

After I did my hair and makeup I sprayed on perfume I also got during the shopping trip with Emily. Again, It was Emily’s idea. Maybe she realized that I was going to go on a date with Kathy in the near future.

I sat on the Ottoman at the foot of the bed, grabbed my heels. "I've never had a chance to walk in these but as they say there's a first time for everything." I said to myself. I pulled up the pantyhose trying not to stretch or rip them.

I slipped my heels on and stood up a little wobbly at first and took a deep breath "I can do this." I practiced walking in my heels and after a few tries I got the hang of it.

* * *

I was nervous. I’m going to meet Erin. My... boyfriend? What do I call her? She sounded so different over the phone. It wasn’t just her voice. She was way more confident than Aaron ever was. Is this really Aaron? Is this still the man I love?

I looked through my dresser and pulled out a matching bra and panty set, socks, leggings. I walked over to the closet and found the blouse Aaron bought me for my birthday last year.

"How'd this get in here?" I said to myself. It must’ve been in the clothes I packed in haste earlier in the week. Now I’m glad it was here.

* * *

I fed Speckles dinner and left the house. I got to the restaurant and asked for an outdoor table for two.

I sat at the high top table. I let my legs dangle to the side. For the first time as a woman I crossed my legs. It felt so natural in this body. I was enthralled with the way they looked in these pantyhose.

I took a deep breath. I’m nervous. I’m glad I’m meeting up with Kathy. What if she doesn’t accept the new me?

* * *

I walked up to the restaurant and immediately saw her at a table. Erin. God she looked just like Emily. She saw me, took her mask off and smiled.

As I approached I saw that she was wearing a cream colored blouse with a black skirt and nylons. Wow. I swallowed hard. She was smoking hot. Did she dress up for me? Wow. Her legs are so nice. I’m scared at the attraction I feel towards her.

* * *

I saw Kathy. She was wearing the blouse I bought her for her birthday. We made eye contact. She looked surprised. She also looked hesitant.

She sat down. “Hi.” she said, taking her mask off.

“Good evening.” I said. “It's good to see you.”

“It’s um. Good to meet you.” she said.

I haven’t seen Kathy this shy since when we originally started dating 3 years ago.

“Oh. I’m sorry, where are my manners? I’m Erin.” I held out my hand.

Kathy smiled, took my hand and shook it. “Hi Erin. I’m Kathy. It’s good to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” she laughed.

“I hope it was all good!”

“It was. Your friend.. um.. Sierra vouched for you.”

“You talked to Sierra?”

“Yeah. I kinda accused her of stealing my boyfriend.”

“What?” I laughed.

“She was super understanding though.”

The waiter came “Can I get you ladies something to drink?”

“Yes.” I said, “I will have a Virgin Piña Colada and she will have a Strawberry Margarita." I didn’t feel like drinking right now. I wanted to remain sober and focused on Kathy tonight.

“Ordering for me? Trying to be a gentleman?” Kathy inquired.

“I know no other way.”

“So tell me about your week, Erin?”

* * *

As Erin told me about her week. I gazed into her eyes. They were still Aaron’s eyes. I still loved those eyes. But there was an extra sparkle in there. Maybe it was the makeup around them. But I couldn’t take my own eyes off them.

Except when I saw her lips. She had nice looking pouty lips. I wonder if she was wearing lip gloss. What would they taste like?

I tried my hardest to get those thoughts out of my head.

I’m so nervous. It’s like I’m on a date with someone else. Someone new and exciting. But she’s got all of Aaron’s memories. She knows me so well. That means it wouldn’t take much for her to woo me like Aaron used to do. That scared me. This woman Erin, holds so much power over me and she doesn’t even realize it.

When she was done telling me about her outing with Emily and Sierra she then asked, “How was your week?” Erin asked.

“Nothing near as exciting as your week. I went to work. I stayed home with my parents. The good news is that I got some of my hours back.”

“That’s great!”

“So, have you heard anything about a cure?”

Erin sighed. “No. The place burned down.”

“What? You’re shitting me.”

“Nope. I’m stuck like this. I’ve accepted it. I have a list of things to do this week to legally change my identity to Erin.”

“How are you taking all of this?”

“At first it was rough. But Sierra has helped. Emily came over and spent the night Saturday.”

I suddenly felt guilty. I should’ve been there for her. Her hands were folded on the table. I reached out and grabbed one and held it. “I should’ve been there for you.”

* * *

Kathy grabbed my hand. I let our fingers intertwine.

“I understand why you couldn’t be.” I answered.

The waiter came by and brought us our drinks.

* * *

I watched as Erin put the straw to her lips and puckered it to drink her Piña Colada. My thoughts drifted to the possibility of kissing those lips tonight. I wonder how they compare to Aaron’s lips.

She continued talking. “I have to be honest. There are some moments each day that I forget I’m Erin and I’m Aaron again. Then the sight of my reflection or the feel of my hair or me looking down at my hands will bring me back to reality.”

“Well you were Aaron for 36 years. Without a cure, are you going to transition back?”

Erin took a deep breath. “I’ve thought about it. But despite me being a man trapped in a woman’s body - I don’t hate it. This has been fun. I think my body is awesome. I’ve gotten to do things that aren't culturally acceptable for me to even think about.” She took another sip. “My worry - is what happens when the novelty wears off?”

She frowned and took another sip. “So on to happier topics. I managed to get a promotion.”

“Already?” I asked

“It was part luck, part me being a cool guy - I mean gal. I’ll be a cashier now. It comes with more pay”

“That’s awesome.” I said, smiling.

Our thumbs were rubbing together. We continued our date holding each other's hand and making casual conversation and sharing memories.

* * *

When Kathy and I had finished our drinks, I decided to see where this night would go.

“So, No pressure.” I said. “But did you want to come back to our place for coffee?
Maybe say hi to Speckles? And if you don’t want to stay you can-”

“Yes.” she said cutting me off. “I’d love to.”

I paid our tab and we went back to our cars. "I'll see you at home." I said to Kathy.

* * *

We both got out of our separate cars. Erin came over to me and held my hand. We walked to the front door together holding hands like it was our first date.

Erin let go of my hand to get her keys out of her purse and opened the door. She held the door open for me and Speckles greeted me immediately.

“Hey girl, did you miss me?”

I followed Erin into our house. She turned the lights on and walked into the kitchen to start making us coffee. I sat down on the couch waiting for her. Despite being at my own house, it was weird. I was nervous being around Erin. This felt like a first date.

Erin came into the living room holding two mugs of coffee. She handed me one and sat down beside me. She kicked her heels off. “Wow, those hurt.”

I laughed at the absurdity of my boyfriend complaining that heels were hurting his feet. I took my shoes off too.

She put her feet up on the coffee table and took a sip of her coffee. Damn she was sexy. I leaned back and did the same.

"That was fun tonight. I'm glad we did it since it's been a while since we've been on a date together." Erin said to me. "I drove up to Cades Cove yesterday with Speckles before the sunset and it was beautiful, Kathy. I have a picture of it on my phone." She pulled up a sunset picture on her phone and showed it to me. “I wish you were there.”

“I wish I was there too.”

I looked down at our feet. Erin’s feet in nylons and mine in socks. Our feet were touching. My foot started rubbing hers. Her’s started rubbing back.

Before I knew it, I placed my hand on her nylon clad knee.

* * *

I was aware of Kathy flirting with me for the last few minutes. Playing footsies with each other made me giddy like a high schooler.

Then she put her hand on my knee. The sight of her hand on my feminine legs was hot. I actually started to get wet so I squirmed a little.

She was wearing leggings, but I nonchalantly placed my hand on her thigh.

I looked into her eyes and she was already looking at me. I was surprised to see a hunger in her eyes. I haven’t seen her like that in a long time.

She glanced down at my lips and back up to my eyes.

I decided then to make my move. Here goes nothing! I leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

* * *

When Erin kissed me, she took my breath away. The moment our lips touched, it felt electric. I immediately kissed back.

I was kissing another woman. Part of me wanted to stop. Part of me wanted to keep going.

Cherry. She had on cherry flavored lipstick.

I let my hand move further up her legs. The part of me finding her irresistible is winning out.

* * *

I knew how Kathy liked it, so I pulled away from the kiss and started gently kissing her neck. Slowly I let my hand caress her thighs.

* * *

Erin started kissing my neck. Damn you Aaron, you always knew how to make me melt.

I immediately started to moan. I got a scent of her perfume. Did Erin wear perfume for me? I recognized the scent, but it wasn’t mine. I found it enticingly erotic though.

I was already wet. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed her.

I pushed her back against the couch.

She had a look of shock on her face.

I brought my leg over and straddled her.

* * *

Kathy had taken control and sat on my lap. She didn’t do it often in the past, but I loved every moment when she did. I never told her that I occasionally liked it when she would be aggressive.

She started kissing my own neck and I could feel her fingers unbuttoning my blouse.

I let my hands caress and explore her thighs.

She pulled my arms out of the blouse and tossed it on the floor.

I was about to unbutton her blouse, when she grabbed my hands and pinned them to the back of the couch. Oh God, this is hot.

She was slowly kissing my neck and collar bone when I felt her let go of one of my wrists and reach behind me and unclasp my bra. With one hand she pulled it right off me.

* * *

Erin’s perfume was so intoxicating. I quickly removed her bra. Subconsciously I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since I first saw Aaron’s budding breasts last week.

They were considerably bigger now then they were before. They were pretty, pert, perfect and they were all mine.

I leaned in and ran my tongue over one of her areolas.

* * *

The moment Kathy started to suckle on my breast I let out a gasp. This was much better than me playing with them myself.

I was so turned on. I wanted more.

She moved to my other breast, and I saw the nipple that she just left very erect.

Since she was now focused on my breasts, she had let go of my hands so I attempted to take off her blouse again, and this time she offered no resistance.

I pulled her blouse off and tossed it on the floor next to mine. I reached around and managed to unclasp her bra and tossed it into the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

* * *

After suckling on Erin’s breasts for several minutes I was ready to move south. I got up from the couch, still leaning over her. I gently caressed my hands over her bare stomach and slipped around her waist. I found her skirt's zipper.

She knew what I was after. Despite her being a woman for only a few days, she arched her butt off the couch so I could access her zipper and pull her skirt off.

I helped her roll down her pantyhose as she tossed them aside.

There she was. On our couch in just her panties. Her body was amazing. Perfect breasts, perfect hourglass figure. Her Legs, finally freed from the pantyhose, were perfect as well. Her thighs were nice and plump and the smooth skin continued all of the way down to her feminine feet.

Part of me was jealous of that perfect body. Part of me wanted to ravage it.

* * *

I was at a loss for words. Here I was in front of Kathy in just my panties. She still had on her leggings, but so far she’s been doing all of the work.

I went to reach up to her breasts, but she swatted my hand away. “Wait your turn” she said smiling at me.

Wait my turn? Who is this woman? I was so turned on. I started playing with my pussy over my panties.

* * *

Erin, with her legs wide open, started playing with herself. Was she dropping me hints?

I looked down at her panties with a growing wet spot. In the back of my mind I had always wondered what it would be like to go down on another woman.

I moved her hand away and started kissing her panties. Erin flinched and I heard a feminine moan come from her. I knew where her clit would be and slowly kissed it, letting my lips massage it gently.

I looked up into Erin’s eyes. She looked like she was in a state of euphoria.

I guess she wouldn’t mind if I slide these panties right off. I stuck my hands under her waistband. She arched her back and I slid them off.

* * *

As I just sat there watching Kathy do all of the work I whispered. “I’m not sure what I should be doing.”

“Same here.” she said. “Let’s learn together.” She grabbed my hand and led it down to my clit. She had me hold back the hood for her.

* * *

I had never seen another woman’s vagina this close before. I knew what I liked. I figured it was time to repay Aaron for all of the times he pleasured me. Let’s blow Erin’s mind!

I stuck my finger into her pussy, and started licking her clit.

* * *

Kathy’s finger in my pussy was nice, but I did not expect her tongue on my clit to feel that good. I let out a very loud moan. That only encouraged her.

She was massaging my clit with her tongue as she was slowly caressing the inside of me with her finger. She was eager, and I felt like I was melting into the couch.

* * *

I was doing it. I was going down on another woman. The texture of her folds against my tongue was interesting. She tasted sweet. She was moaning, this was making me hotter and so I started working my finger and tongue faster.

I took a free hand and instinctively started rubbing my own pussy through my leggings. Her moans were hot. I shoved my hand inside my leggings and panties and stuck my finger inside myself.

* * *

This felt so much better than when I was doing this alone. I could feel the pressure build up in me. I couldn’t stop moaning. I bit my bottom lip.

“I’m cumming.” I said.

* * *

Erin started squirming as I felt her inner muscles pulse on my fingers. She let out a cute scream. Her scream put me over the edge.

Oh shit. I’m cumming with her. I let out a moan with her.

I stopped to take a breath and looked up at her. I did it. I made her cum. I moved up and kissed her, and she kissed me back.

It’s time I was honest with myself and Erin. I need to tell her.

“Babe” I told Erin. “I think I’m bisexual.”

Erin laughed. “Ya think?”

* * *

A huge relief filled me. I grabbed Kathy’s hands and intertwined our fingers. “I mean - I’m happy. I’m so relieved. I was worried that you were only straight and you were going to leave me for a guy.”

Kathy smiled. That smile. I could never resist it. Now I don’t have to.

* * *

I looked in Erin’s eyes. She had a look of relief and release on her face. I saw a smirk form on her face and a look that I recognized on Aaron. It’s her turn.

I backed up and she slid off the couch and onto her knees. Erin was on her knees for me. Just this position of submission was erotic.

She pulled my leggings off one leg at a time and I helped her by lifting each leg.

She grabbed my panties but first started kissing my pussy through the wet fabric.

“Yes.” I moaned. “Good girl.”

* * *

Hearing Kathy call me “good girl” made my clit twitch, and made me gasp while I was kissing her panties. I so wanted to finger myself but I resolved to pleasure her like she did for me.

Upon hearing Kathy’s moans I slid her very wet panties down. I took her hand and led her to the couch. She slouched down and spread her legs open for me.

I knelt in front of her as she lifted her hood up to expose her clit to me.

Despite having done this hundreds of times for her in the past, I now had new insights into how this felt.

I started slowly tracing her clit with my tongue. I looked up as she closed her eyes and sat there in bliss. I ran my tongue down her folds slowly tasting her juices. She’s never been this wet for me in the past.

I brought up my finger and started slowly fingering her.

* * *

It didn’t take much for me to cum from Erin going down on me. When I came I told her to sit. And she sat. I realized then that she enjoyed being submissive for me. I noticed how she reacted when I said “good girl.” This can be fun.

“Sit right there and close your eyes.”

She closed her eyes.

“Good girl” I said and I saw her mouth slightly open gasping.

I walked to our bedroom and opened my dresser drawer. At the back I found it. My dildo.

“Close your eyes Erin” I told her. I walked up to her and knelt down in front of her. “Keep them closed.”

I took the tip of the dildo and slightly tickled her clit.

She flinched. “That’s cold. What are you doing?”

“Keep them closed.”

I traced her slit and folds with the tip of the dildo.

She was flinching. Her eyes were still closed.

“How does that feel?”

“Cold. Different.”

I slowly pushed the dildo into her.

* * *

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Kathy sticking a bright pink dildo into me.

“No wait. Babe I’m not read-”

She pushed it further.

“Holy Shit!” I let out.

She pulled it back out and then pushed it slightly back in.

“Oh My God.” It was too large. I had never felt anything like this before.

She did it again, but this time she didn’t stop and kept going further and further in.

“No wait. Kathy - stop - oh God. Shit. ”

She stopped. “I can stop’

“No no. keep going! I had no idea it was this good.”

I was letting out sounds I didn’t know I could make.

“This isn’t working.” she said.

“What do you mean?” I said. “I think it’s working great.”

“I’m not getting deep enough. Hands and knees now.”

Whoa. I did exactly what she said.

“Raise that cute butt in the air.” she said.

I did what I was told.

The dildo slid easily in my pussy. This time much further.

“Oh my god!” I screamed.

“That’s better.” she said.

* * *

As I continued to thrust the dildo into Erin, her moans were getting to me as I started fingering myself again.

Yes! I like seeing her in this submissive position. I love to hear her needy moans.

I started to moan with her.

She yelled out. “I’m cumming!”

I didn’t stop. Her yells became screams of ecstasy. Her loudest scream brought me to climax.

When I stopped, she collapsed onto the couch.

* * *

I opened my eyes to see Kathy kneel down right next to my head. She brought up the dildo and started licking it.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. Her tongue. The dildo. My juices. I shifted over to get a better view.

When I did that she brought the dildo up to my mouth. My mouth opened a little. Me? Lick a dildo?

I found myself leaning forward. My tongue was sticking out of my open mouth. I licked it and tasted my own juices. She joined me and we both licked the dildo like a lollipop.

After a few minutes, she put down the dildo and laid with me on the couch. Our feminine body’s tangled up with each other.

I felt so relieved. I let out a large breath. “Does this mean we’re still together?” I said.

“Erin.” she said. “We’ve been on one date and you already want me to move in?”

I was taken aback and worried that I was indeed moving too fast.

Then she laughed. “Absolutely. I’d love to move back in with you Erin. You’re my... girlfriend.”

I smiled at her calling me her girlfriend. It was new. It was exciting. It was turning me on again.

She chuckled. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”

I giggled too now that we were together again. I turned my head and continued to kiss her. Our breast were rubbing up against each other

I reached down ready to start fingering myself when I realized I could finger her instead. So I did.

Then she started fingering me.

And so it went on for the next two hours of ecstasy.

Authors Note: So.. um... what did you think? Did my experiment work for you?

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