The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 12: Liuyun Escort

   This time not only the two elder brothers and two elders were killed, but also their biological sons, Liu Qing’s five nephews Liu Shu, Liu Chen, Liu Yu, Liu Lei, and Liu Xing.

   Fortunately, his eldest nephew Liu Shu is married and has a baby. The second nephew Liu Chen has no children but one daughter, and the third nephew Liu Yu, whose wife is already pregnant, is now eight months old, which is also considered a daughter. Liu Lei and Liu Xing did not marry when they were young.

   Nowadays, Liu’s males are rare, and Liu Qing’s next generation is only his own child, Liu Yu, who left home at a very young age and has not seen each other for more than ten years.

   This enmity Liu Qing must be reported, but according to the escaped escort, the enemy family is too strong. Although Liu Qing is also a top-notch master, he is called the "white-faced tiger" in the arena. But the enemy is already an innate master, and Liu Qing admits that he is not an opponent.

   These days, Liu Qing has thought about revenge, and after thinking about it, she can only send someone to Huangsheng Mountain to ask her own child Liu Yu to come down for help.

   Although Liu Qing didn't know Liu Yu's cultivation level, his old father Liu Li specially recruited Liu Qing before he decided to judge himself.

   If there is an overwhelming difficulty at home, he sends someone to Huang Shengshan to ask Liu Yu for help. And told his grandson Liu Yu's cultivation base is already above him.

   Thinking of this, Liu Qing made up his mind, and after a while, he went to Huang Shengshan by himself. Thinking of his father, Liu Qing's eyes burst into tears. He still doesn't know why his father suddenly decided himself.

   In the scorching summer, there are few pedestrians on the official road. In a tea shop on the side of the road, there are seven or eight travelers resting here.

   Among them was a young man sitting alone at a table, dressed in a black costume, full of black hair tied in a ponytail shape by a white jade belt at the back of his head, with a heroic posture. He looks like a quack, but he doesn't carry weapons. In addition, the man has a fair face and a calm expression, unlike the people in the rivers and lakes who do not get close to strangers.

   This person is Liu Yu. He left Huangsheng Mountain half a month ago and rode a fast horse towards Jiuzheng County. He passed the tea shop and got off his horse when he was thirsty. He ordered a good pot of Longjing spring tea and took a rest.

"The store heard that a group of gangsters appeared in Mahu Mountain in front, named Heihuzhai. Recently, several large caravans were robbed and many people were killed?" Sitting at a tea table by the official road Four peasants, an ox cart full of wild goods, stopped by their side, and the most burly man among the four asked the shopkeeper loudly.

   "Yes! It's not peaceful here recently. The officers and soldiers have come to fight a few times, but I heard that they didn't find the bandit, so I went back again." The shop is an old man in his fifties, smoking a dry cigarette and replied.

   The old man was also bothering about this matter. After the incident, the number of pedestrians on the official roads became less and less, and the business of the tea shop became more and more bleak.

   "Big Brother Wang, this, this, how should this be!" asked a short thin man among the four in a panic. All four of them came out of the same village, and they were elected by the villagers to go to the county town to sell the whole village's mountain products.

   "Hey! If we don't go back to the village first, we can't lose the wild products." The burly man cautiously suggested.

   "Just go back like this, how can I explain to the village."

   "If you run into a bandit, you will die." The four of them had different opinions and began to quarrel.

"Lady, you can cross the mountain with confidence. These bandits seem to only rob large goods recently, and rarely rob pedestrians. A few days ago, a big dart board escorted dozens of darts and goods, and they were just robbed when they crossed the mountain. There shouldn't be too much danger when the time passes by." The old shopkeeper started to persuade him when he saw a few disputes between the younger generations.

"The old store is telling the truth. In the next year, I traveled abroad all year round, often going back and forth to Mahu Mountain. In fact, this group of bandits has been entrenched in Mahu Mountain for a long time. In the past, they only robbed pedestrians or caravans with few guards. But they rarely Wounding, I don't know why I have become so fierce recently." A man dressed as a business man at another table said aloud.

   "The store, the money is collected." Liu Yu got enough rest, and got up to start off.

   "Guguan, a total of 80 copper coins." The old shopkeeper walked over and said with a smile.

   "No need to look for it." Liu Yu took out a tael of silver, threw it on the tea table, and walked to the tied horse.

   "My son, although it is noon, it is unlikely that you will encounter mountain bandits, but you have to be careful." The old shopkeeper kindly reminded this generous shot.

   Liu Yu got on his horse and ran forward, turning a deaf ear to the words of the old store. With a sneer in his heart, this group of bandits had better not bother themselves.

   The four characters "Liuyun Escort" came into view, and Liu Yu couldn't help whispering to himself: "Is that this?".

   After a few days of driving, I finally arrived at Jiuzheng County. Although Liu Yu was born here, he left at a very young age, so he did not know the way back to Yun Escort.

   After asking passers-by several times, I found this place. Next to the gate of Liuyun Escort, there are two large stone lions erected. The wooden gate is wrapped in thick iron, which looks very mighty.

   The entire dart board seems to occupy a large area, and it must be very spacious inside. Liu Yu vaguely remembered that when he was learning literacy in the inner courtyard when he was a child, there were bursts of dart masters practicing martial arts in the outer courtyard, which was very loud. At that time, Liu Yu always looked for opportunities to go to the outer courtyard to play, but his grandfather always refused.

After    got off the horse, Liu Yu hadn't stepped forward to call the door for a long time. He felt a little nervous and didn't know how to face it. When my free eyes glanced at the four-character "Liuyun Escort" plaque above, decorated with large flowers woven with white cloth, there was anxiety in my heart. Is the Escort holding a funeral?

   Released the horse rope, Liu Yu stepped forward, picked up the knocker, and buckled it heavily on the door.

   "My son, are you okay?" Not long after the door opened in a corner, an old servant in his fifties leaned out half of his body and asked. UU reading www.

   "Are the Liu Qing and his wife in the Fuzhong?" Liu Yu frowned and asked immediately.

   "What's the matter with the son looking for the third master, and who is the son? The old slave can report to him." Yang Fa has been a servant in Liuyun Escort for more than 30 years and has always been proud of it. But the **** has undergone earth-shattering changes these days, and it seems to be declining.

   Recently, Lao Yang felt very uncomfortable. When receiving guests, he was very cautious, for fear of causing trouble to Liuyun Escort.

   "Are you telling me that Liu Qing and his wife are in the house first?" Liu Yu asked again, his tone even more hasty.

   "The three masters and the madam are here! If you have anything, the old slave will report to you." Yang Fa looked at the handsome young man outside the door, and he did not look like a wicked person, so he truthfully replied.

   "Oh!" Liu Yu felt relieved when he heard that his parents were well.

   "Old man, you say "I'm Liu Yu" when you report. And hand in this jade pendant." Liu Yu thought for a while, took off the jade pendant from his neck and said.

   Jade pendant is not a treasure, it is very ordinary. It was only given by his mother when Liu Yu left, so that he would always be with him. Liu Yu has also been hanging around his neck, not taking it off easily.

   "What, you, you are the second son." Yang Fa was stunned when he heard the reply.

   The third elder has a son and a daughter. The eldest daughter is Liu Ying, who is now married. The second son's name was Liu Yu. He went to study far away in his early years. Yang Fa had been a servant at Liuyun Escort for many years, so he naturally knew about it. It turned out that Liu Yu went to Huang Shengzong to practice, but it was not made public. Externally, he said he would go to study far away to gain fame and fame.

   "Second Young Master, I'll report it, you wait a moment." Although Yang Fa couldn't tell whether Liu Yu was true or not, the matter was of great importance, so I must ask the third master to personally confirm it. Holding the jade pendant, ran towards the mansion like flying.


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