The Walls of Anamoor

22: Monster Goop

The first order of business in our new public relations strategy was to make sure each member of the slate snakes was easily recognisable. Pins and brooches were floated as ideas, but when I used Bassi to show off what a side cape might look like, everyone jumped on it.

We ended up going with a side cape and hood combo in dark grey with green accents. On the front part where the cloak draped over the shoulder was a stylised snake rearing up in an S shape and ready to strike. I’d surprised literally everyone in the house when I’d revealed I could draw, and far better than the locals could. Artistic techniques had come a long way since we were living like this back on earth.

Although, drawing with this new body was slightly different, and it took me a few attempts to get something usable. I’d learned so much of the craft with my old body, and much of my muscle memory appeared to be geared for that old one, rather than the new one.

Still, it looked good when we had the cloaks made, and almost immediately Bassi and I took them out for a spin. We simply went down to a local tavern to get some good, and maybe we just happened to pay for everyone’s meal and booze while we were there. We did make sure to go to a place that pathfinders didn’t frequent, didn’t want to have to stab anyone after all.

I actually had a great time there, hanging out with Bassi, eating the local food and getting a little drunk. What was really interesting to me, and something I wasted no time in pointing out, was how quickly the atmosphere in the place changed. When we entered, it was that of the end of a hard day’s work, tired and quiet. When we left, there were smiles everywhere and a funny little party was going.

Then there was the smile on Bassi’s face, her rosy cheeks and the glow of happiness in her eyes. I think it had been a while since she’d just gone out to enjoy herself. Seeing that, I made a mental reminder to get her out like this again sometime. Perhaps with more of the guild.

With that night being a success, others went out with information Ward gathered, finding people in need and providing them with the funds they needed.

A month later, and I was in the tavern making the case for some sorely needed spending around the guild house.

“I’m serious Bassi, this place needs… it needs some flair, some elegance to it,” I explained, gesturing around us as our guildies looked on in amusement. “It’s just boring old rickety wooden stuff. The store rooms are full of gold and jewels and whatever else we can use to buy. Can’t we at least have a couch or two? Shit, I’d like one for my room too, while we’re at it.”

“A… couch?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and trying to hold back a smile of amusement.

“Goddess give me strength,” I murmured, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. To Bassi, I said, “It’s a long chair.”

“I am aware,” she said, losing her battle with the smile. In a display of surprisingly forward affection, she reached forward and brushed my cheeks with her thumbs. “I’m just messing with you Mist. Sure, we can get some couches in here.”

“At least five,” I grumbled, dropping myself into an uncomfortable wooden chair. “And one for my room.”

She just snorted, rolling her eyes at me with that pesky eyebrow of hers doing its thing. Damn pesky, sexy eyebrow.

“If you two are done flirting, I have some amusing news,” Lark remarked dryly, giving us both a look.

“Go on,” Bassi motioned, ignoring his flirting comment, even if her cheeks betrayed that she’d heard him.

“It seems that some of our compatriots have taken a few pages out of our new playbook,” he explained, flicking at the edge of his cloak for a moment. “The Temple Stalkers are using cloaks like ours as well.”

“It’s not just them,” Ward said excitedly, cutting in over Lark. “Feather’s lot are using them too, as are the Nearless and the Fardancers.”

“We’ve started a trend!” Jitters exclaimed happily. “Reckon the tailors in the spiral market will hire us now?”

“After that time you broke into Ferdinalia’s and stole a bunch of expensive dresses? Doubt it!” Singer giggled, then gave the expert lock teaser a wink. “Me on the other hand, I appreciated the dress you gave me.”

“I’ll always have you,” Jitters replied, hand over her heart as she reached out to touch the other woman’s hand.

“Uh,” Dancer rumbled, pretending to be worried.

“Hush dear, I’m bonding with Jitters,” Singer admonished him playfully.

The laughter and banter continued, until Bassi cleared her throat, prompting everyone to turn and wait for her to speak.

“Sorry to bring the mood down, but have you heard anything from the Docksgord gang, Ward?” she asked, a slight frown wrinkling her brow.

“Not a peep, although I did hear something strange when I was down at the docks,” Ward told the room, leaning forward and pausing as though to heighten the suspense. “They’re saying a fishing ship got taken by a karycilla, from inside the safe sea.”

“How the hell did a karycilla get inside the safe sea?” Swipe asked incredulously, the younger man looking baffled. About as baffled as I did, since I had no fucking idea what a karythingy was.

Tentatively, I raised my hand. “What is a karythingyumy?”

“Massive monster, it’s like a big snake but it’s in the water and it has three tails. It uses them to tear open strange portals, then uses the portal to devour people, sea creatures and even entire ships. No one knows what happens to things that it takes,” Ward explained, his voice taking on the tone of a storyteller. “The wall and the sea gates are meant to repel monsters large and small. It’s why this is such big news.”

I felt the blood drain from my face as I realised what this meant. The goddess had weakened to the point that strong monsters could make it through her wall. It meant that myself and my classmates had a time limit within which to work. Whether that was days, weeks, months or years, I had no idea.

I glanced around the room at the people here, my new family, far better than my birth one had ever been. They’d all die if that cliche fuckin’ evil god bastard and his minions got through and into Anamoor.

But what the hell could I even do? I didn’t have the foggiest idea of how to find my friends and what we’d even do once we were grouped together. The goddess hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with advice on how to deal with the problem.

The only idea I had was a personal one. I could train, unlock more of my fae abilities. Become the overpowered edgy anime protagonist that I was apparently destined to be. I needed to go down into the ruins again.

“That sounds bad,” I said out loud, definitely not talking about what was on my mind. I just… I trusted these people, but my secrets would be a lot to deal with. Explaining earth to these people, paradise by comparison… there was so much.

“It is,” Bassi murmured, her eyes boring into me when I glanced up at her. Oh dear, she was doing that jedi mind reading thing again.

With a dismissive gesture, Jitters spoke up, “There’s probably just a big hole in the ruins down there. Everyone knows they go under the safe sea and out beyond.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I nodded. It was a slim possibility, especially since a big snake could theoretically fit through the ruins.

Bassi didn’t hunt me down after that conversation in the tavern room, nor did she press me on it later. I guess she’d resigned herself to waiting, just as I had with her. Fair was fair, I guess.

I began to go down into the ruins by myself, murdering things left and right in an attempt to unlock more of my abilities. I never stayed the night down there though, that was too dangerous. I didn’t trust myself alone in any of the little nooks that Bassi had shown me.

Another week of that, and I was intercepted by Singer on my way towards the door.

“Hey Mist, going down into the ruins again?” she asked, giving me a hopeful look.

I slowed to a stop at the top of the stairs down to the entrance. “Yeah, how come?”

“Can you take this with you?” she asked, handing me a funny little device on a chain.

It reminded me of an almond seed in shape, but made of interlocking metal parts instead. It had been painted black to stop it from shining and giving me away as I snuck around, and the chain was muted with linen.

“What’s it for?” I asked, looking down at the thing. It fit comfortably in my palm and was about as heavy as I’d expected it to be.

“Twist the little cap at the bottom,” she said, leaning in to point at the component in question.

I did as she asked and found that the whole thing opened like a flower to reveal a chunk of clear crystal. “That doesn’t explain anything,” I chuckled, holding it up to look at it better. “Pretty though.”

“What I want you to do, is have it open when you’re fighting monsters,” she explained, making adorable little stabbing motions. “The more gory you are with it, the better. See, there’s magical energy in all those monsters, mostly in their guts. Now… you get more out of a monster by using the guts themselves to enchant things, but I figure if you’re going to be killing hundreds of the things, I can just distill it down.”

“You want me to slice up monsters and then collect their evil energy to use in your dark rituals?” I asked with a teasing smile.

“What, no I… oh, you’re a cheeky one you are,” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, and with those dark rituals I may just be able to make you some fancy tools. Sound like a good trade?”

“Hell yes that sounds like a good trade,” I agreed happily. This was my element! It was basically grinding for gear! I wonder if this world had legendary gear? Finally my isekai experience would be complete.

My reaction made her laugh all over again, and leaning a hand on her hip, she gave me a big smile and said, “You are such a character, you know that? Thanks for choosing to follow Whistle home that night. I’m genuinely glad to have you around, and not just because you make our dear leader happy.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said suddenly feeling shy at her honest praise. “Thanks though, I like being here.”

Singer just rolled her eyes. “Of course. Now go get us some monster energy. Those dark rituals won’t power themselves.”

“Aye, aye ma’am!” I giggled, giving her a silly salute. “One crystal full of monster goop coming right up!”

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