The Walking Dead: Warlord

S2E41 – Superhuman

Opening the door is Hershel. He sees Amy leaned over on me and asks,

“Is it alright if I come in?’

I nod my head and say,

“Yeah, it’s no problem.”

Amy nods her head as well and climbs off the bed. She says to me,

“I’m gonna go get breakfast. Do you want anything?”

I nod my head,

“Yeah, but I’ll join you after this.”

She nods her head. After she leaves the room, Hershel speaks to me in a solemn tone,

“Do you want the good news or the bad news?”

I think for a second and say,

“Let’s go ahead with the good news.”

Hershel nods his head,

“Good news is that the bullet went straight through. The bullet didn’t break off inside you, so we don’t have to worry about surgery or anything like that.”

He then sighs and says,

“Bad news, the bullet went through your liver. Now there’s another bit of good news, the liver is one of the fastest healing organs in the body, so it shouldn’t keep you down for too long. But it’ll still be a couple days before you’re up and about.”

He gets me to sit up and looks at my bandages, finding them to be pretty clean. He nods his head,

“Good. Looks like my stitches held. You lost a lot of blood, miss Penny. If it weren’t for your group doing transfusions, you’d’ve probably died. Miss Amy and Mister Rick gave you quite a bit of blood.”

I smile as I hear this. I’m glad that they were willing to do that for me. Hershel speaks to me again after letting that information sit for a bit,

“Alright. I’m gonna need to check your wounds for a second to see how they’re doing.”

I nod my head and lean back down on the bed, grunting slightly as my wounded back muscles slowly lower me down. Hershel puts on a pair of sanitary gloves and peels off the bandage. I still squint a little in pain as the bandage pulls the small hairs on my stomach up. As the bandage comes up, what’s revealed is a small wound with some bruising around it. It looks pretty bad, honestly, but luckily not infected. One look at Hershel’s face is all I need to know that my new skill is doing work. Hershel stares in confusion for a few seconds before I ask,

“So? How’s it doing?”

His brows furrow as he says,

“Honestly… You’ve already almost fully recovered. At least to the point of moving around. It’s as if you’ve healed for two weeks instead of two days…”

I joke around with him,

“Maybe I’m developing an immunity to bullets? I mean, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been shot, I’d have three nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened three times.”

Hershel shakes his head and continues talking, ignoring my joke,

“I seriously have no explanation for how fast you’re healing.”

I say to him,

“Maybe this whole thing that’s going on has given humanity superpowers? I mean, I’ve definitely had some moments that seem weird at the least, and superhuman at the most.”

Hershel chuckles slightly and says,

“Well, here’s hopin’ I’m able to leap over buildings in a single bound and fly faster than a speeding bullet.”

After joking around a bit, Hershel finishes up with his check up and says that I should be good to move around, but to keep my exertion to the minimum just in case. Don’t want my wounds to open up again after all. I end up getting out of bed with a bit of struggle due to my back.

I manage to stand with a bit of help from him and can feel the weakness in my legs. It’s not so bad that I’d be unable to walk, but running is definitely out of the question. And I’ll probably have to take breaks every now and then.

As I walk out of the room, I’m immediately met with the sight of Clem running towards me with tears in her eyes,


She runs over to me and wraps her arms around me in a big hug. I smile at her and run my fingers through her hair,

“I’m alright Clem. Just got a bit of a boo boo.”

I notice an open spot on the couch as I feel my legs already starting to tire out. I tell Clem,

“You mind letting me sit first, sunshine?”

She looks up at me and nods her head, letting me sit down on the couch by Beth before she sits down on my lap and digs her face into my shoulder, crying into it. I lightly pat her back with my hand as she cries. Shane, who was standing by the fireplace, speaks to me,

“Uh… Are you sure you should be walking around already? From what we could tell, you were hit pretty bad.”

I nod my head,

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks to Rick and Amy I healed up a lot quicker. Though without Hershel, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here right now. You guys would’ve probably had to put a bullet in me.”

I chuckle the last part, earning a few looks of confusion. Oh shit… Jenner never told Rick… I give the group a look of confusion in return,


Rick asks,

“Why would we have to put a bullet in you? Were you bit?”

I give them a faux look of confusion,

“What do you mean? No? I would’ve just died… Why would I be bit?”

Rick shakes his head a little and asks,

“That still doesn’t explain it…”

I fake an expression like I’ve just had a revelation and say,

“You guys haven’t seen someone die from something other than a bite, have you?”

The whole group shakes their heads no. I lean back in my seat and close my eyes,

“Well. You guys may wanna grab a seat for this…”

I rub Clem’s back as I open my eyes and look towards the group,

“We’re all infected.”


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