The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E5 – Braving Atlanta

I’d have liked to have a longer weapon before going into Atlanta, but it seems fate is forcing my hands. After a few good hours of searching houses, I’ve only managed to find a handful of food and about three bottles of water.

[Chips x2]

[Jerky x1]

[Cereal x4]

[Bottled Water x3]

I’m surprised at how empty the suburbs are. I guess the herds sensed that most of the meat moved on or something. Walking through the streets, I do see some evidence of them. Ripped apart corpses, dead walkers, trails of blood. Of course, some of that is probably done by dogs. As I walk down the hill the suburb was built on, I look out into the city. It’s strange, not hearing any signs of life coming from it. Really hits home that I’m not in my world anymore. As I reach an intersection, I look left and right, trying to see if there’s any walkers or people around. To my left I see ten walkers, all hobbling the opposite direction, and to my right, I see four that are standing still or occasionally shuffling about.


I whisper under my breath. I see a gun store off to the left just past the small horde, but with the speed they’re walking it’ll be an hour before they pass. To the right, I see a sign.


A smile comes to my face as I read that. An army surplus could have literally anything, and they’re not the type of store people would think to check. At least not most people. That gun store is probably all but picked clean. Even if it isn’t, it’s most likely got the shutters down, and a locked back door. So, I decide to head to the right.

This small gathering of walkers is relatively spaced out, but there’s no way to fully get the drop on them. They’ve all facing different directions. If I’m lucky, I can maybe take out one before it can react. The other three will either see me do it, or react to the walker that does. Even so, I gotta try.


[Unknown POV:]

“Dude, those biters ain’t goin’ nowhere man. We need to just go out and kill ‘em, already.”

A man on the fatter side speaks in a hushed tone, crouching behind an opaque sticker plastered to the front of the cafe him and his buddy are huddled in.

A skinner, but still rather large man replies,

“Yeah, I know Dicky, I know. We still needa’ give it another hour. Let that horde from earlier get a lil further down the road. We fire now, or get into a scuffle, we basically ringin’ the dinnuh bell!”

As the two peek out, one of the walkers outside suddenly becomes disturbed. It reaches out one of its arms and growls. Out of the corner of his eye, Dicky notices something,

“Holy shit, Paul. That chick just took out a biter wit one shank!”

Paul, the skinnier one speaks up,

“I know, Dicky, I saw it!”

They watch as the girl walks up to the second walker, shanking it in the side of the neck as it tries to grab onto her. Dicky licks his lips,

“Y’know man, we ain’t had a woman in a month. I’m sure the rest o’ the guys in camp would have their spirits lifted gettin’ it on with such a hottie.”

Paul smirks, revealing busted out teeth and gingivitis. He chuckles and says,

“Dicky, that may just be your first good idea. We countin on at least a couple more before you croak. Heheheh.”

They watch as the girl struggles against the two walkers that were closer together. She trips the first one by leading it over to the corpse of one of the fallen ones and then shoving it with her foot. As the other one reaches her, she stabs it up into the brain stem through the front of the neck. While the other one tries to stand back up, the girl runs over and kicks it in the head before curb stomping it till it stops moving.

Dicky gulps and says,

“Maybe we should ambush her. Assuming she can use dat gun on her hip as well as she uses dat knife.”

Paul nods and says,

“Make that numbuh’ two.”


[Penny POV]

I kneel down to catch my breath after killing those walkers. Holy shit, I’m getting good at that real quick.

[Rotted Walker x3 - 30p]

[Fresh Walker - 20p]


[STR +1]

[Knife Fighting 2 unlocked]

Holy mother of upgrades, thank you very much goddess Sera! I feel a weird sensation as my muscles move underneath my skin, feeling a little like bugs crawling over me. Of course this freaks me out as I feel a shiver go down my spine. I also get a minor headache for a second as new information on using my knife enters my mind. Just more of the basics, but the basics are some of the most important parts!

Recollecting myself, I head over to the army surplus. I take a quick peek inside but see nothing, so I push open the door.


A little bell hangs from the door, ringing as I open it. I instinctively grab the bell, silencing it. I hear moans coming from the store as three walkers slowly stand up. Two stand in the aisles and one stands behind the counter.

I ready myself, standing in the doorway. The closer of the two shoppers gets to the door, earning him a door frame to the face. This knocks it over long enough for my to kneel down and shank it in the neck. The other one arrives right as I stand up. He grabs onto my left arm, bringing it closer to its mouth. Instead of fighting against it, I swing my arm forward and up, hitting it in the forehead. I then take my knife and stab it through the front of the neck and up into the brain stem.

The last walker is extremely easy to deal with, and it tried to crawl over the counter and landed on its chest. So, one quick stab to the back of the neck is all it takes.

[Rotted Walker x3 - 30p]


[Quest Completed!]


AN: The first 20 chapters are up on the Patreon. You can join for as little as $1 a month.

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