The Walking Dead: Warlord

S1E25 – This is getting easier

I hold Clem close to me as I go around the parking lot of the factory by the interstate. There’s not much, and most of the cars are locked for obvious reasons. I could break the glass of one of the cars, but I’d rather not have to deal with the alarm. Plus, I want to get a bigger car so I could offload some of the equipment out of my inventory. I’d rather not deal with that noise, honestly.

I decide to head closer to the factory, hoping to find a box truck or something similar. As I get closer to the factory, which is mostly obscured by the night, I see an open box truck that seemed to be in the middle of unloading when everything went down. There’s another one to the left as well that seems to be closed up.

As I get closer to the truck, I see a half eaten walker reaching its hand up to me. Half of its face is completely ripped off, revealing the skull. The door of the truck is open as well, and is splashed with blood. I guess the driver had a nibble taken out of ‘em before they could get in. I curb stomp the walker,

[Walkers: 25/50]



I climb up the cab of the truck and put the sleeping Clem in the passenger seat. As I go to leave her, she clings to my arm while still asleep. I smile at her and rub her head, slowly pulling my arm from her grasp. I take out one of the pillows and place it behind her head, and cover her up with one of the blankets. I smile as I see her adorable little sleeping face…

And I draw my gun, flipping around and aiming it at the set of eyes I felt laying on me. I take the keys out of the ignition of the truck and shut the door behind me, locking it. I speak in a serious tone,

“Come out. I know you’re there. If you have a gun out, I’ll drop you.”

Out from the corner of the building, I see a guy and a girl. The guy speaks to me with his hands up,

“I’m sorry about being all sneaky… We just-“

Before he has a chance to speak, I say,

“Get to the point. Or leave. I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

He takes a deep breath and says,

“We’ve been loading that truck up for multiple days now… And, we saw you lock it just now…”

I nod my head,

“Yeah… Considering the fact that the keys were in the ignition, and there was a walker on the ground still alive, I got a feeling you’re lying to me.”

My sixth sense picks up another person from behind me. I move to my left more, taking some cover from whoever that is moving from behind. The guy goes to speak again, but I hush him,

“Nah. No negotiating. You leave. Or you die.”

I see him mouth the word ‘fuck’ and then look to my right, towards the other person. Without a second of hesitation,


[Human killed - 100p]


I fire three rounds at the guy, one hitting his head. I see the woman reaching for something in her waistband and quickly turn on her,


[Human killed - 100p]


The bullet careens through the air and catches the woman in the left eye, dropping her as well.

[Pistol Shooting 1 level up!]

I sense the person from before looking at me and jump backwards, further to the side of the truck. I dive down under the truck and see a pair of boots at the front. I take aim,




I’m stunned for a second as the gunshot reverberates around the bottom of the truck. I see the man fall as the bullet rips through his ankle, and roll to my side, coming out the other side of the truck. I cautiously walk up the side of the truck, and come up behind the wounded man. I see him holding a pump action shotgun, and pop a round into the back of his skull.

[Human killed - 100p]


[Psychological Strength 3 level up!]

I quickly go over to the three bodies and store their bags and weapons before heading back to the truck, finding Clem huddled up in the blanket absolutely terrified. I put on my best smile and say,

“I’m sorry I woke you up, Clem. You’re safe, don’t worry. I just had to get rid of some bad people, okay?”

She nods her head and says,

“I understand…”

I sigh as I look at her, obviously uncomfortable around me. Understandable, really. I showed up out of nowhere right after she had to kill Lee. Even if I say that I babysat her when she was younger, she’s gotta be at least a little skeptical. I sit my backpack to my left and reach into it, pulling out a hershey bar.

“Here, have a little snack. We’ll be on the road for a bit, but I’ve got a group we can stay with. There’ll be some more kids for you to play with, too.”

FShe nods her head. I crank the box truck up, and am incredibly happy to find that it actually cranks! The gas tank is about half full, so I’ll be good for quite a while. I turn to Clem and rub her head,

“Alright, kid. Get some sleep, it’ll be a while before we get back to camp.”


AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Patreon.

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